Thursday, February 12, 2015

Apparently Sarah Palin gave a speech in Texas this morning. You know, same shit different longhorn.

I love how this Forbes article set up how they were going to share bits of the speech: 

It can be challenging to parse Palin’s core message from within her slap-dash stream of consciousness rhetorical style. There was no teleprompter today, so it helped that her presentation was moderated in the form of a Q&A, which sort of kept her on topic. Is that unkind? Well she’s used to it. “You can’t be afraid to stand up to the press,” she said today. “Look at the Brian Williams stuff. They lie.” Fittingly, within the cavernous hall at the Hilton Americas where she spoke, a handful of reporters was sequestered in a corner as far away from the stage as possible. No recording devices allowed, but I type pretty fast. 

In the interest of sharing with you what Palin was trying to say, I’ve sought here to distill and edit down her disjointed message into a more coherent whole. So here goes. Try hearing her voice as you read it.

With that the reporter, Chris Helman, offers up a number of snack size sound bites for our amusement:

“Energy is my baby. The thing that I miss most about my governing responsibilities is to be able to spur investment in exploration and development.”

Well it IS reminiscent of her relationship with Trig, in that she has no idea what it is, how it works, or what it needs to be successful

My husband Todd started off with BP on the North Slope of Alaska. “We raised our kids with that North Slope lifestyle. Thank you so much for paying my bills for many years.”

Considering how her children turned out that seems like more of an indictment against BP more than anything else.  

“The president is not for American energy independence.” If he were he wouldn’t be trying to lock up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. That’s “20 million more acres he wants to lock up from development.” 

Obama wants to balance that out by opening up some waters off the Eastern seaboard to oil exploration. But “that’s a bogus exchange.” 

“All we need to explore and develop ANWR is a 2,000 acre swath. Alaska is 400 million acres when you consider our water and land. A postage stamp in the middle of a football field. That’s all the land we need to develop.”

Okay that 2,000 acres only includes the area where the drilling will occur. There are still thousands of acres that will be impacted by moving in equipment and building pipelines. And that does not even take into consideration what will happen in the case of a spill.

And if we have learned nothing else from building the Alaska pipeline, it is that leaks and spills are unavoidable.

And simply put the LAST thing our environment needs is more oil being pulled out of the ground.

And what about the impact that the oil exploration might have on the wildlife?

Oh she has an answer for that I see.

“The administration is not understanding the inherent link between energy and security and energy and prosperity. He’s rewarding the environmentalists who are extreme in saying there would be environmental harm in developing ANWR.” They worry about the impact on the “moose and caribou.” Well we’ve had the Trans-Alaska Pipeline for decades, and that “pipeline has not been adverse at all.” 

On the contrary, “the animals like the warmth” that the pipeline gives off. “The animals mate under the pipeline. I haven’t actually seen it” but that’s what I’m told. If oil and gas development is risky to wildlife, “if it is to hurt one caribou, then that one caribou should take one for the team and allow the rest of the country to benefit.” 

"Take one for the team?" She does recognize that caribou do not exactly consider themselves to be part of our team doesn't she?

Concerning the presidential race in 2016: 

“I can’t wait for 2016. That election I can see from my house. I hope for a GOP candidate who understands energy and understands infrastructure.” 

“Hillary Clinton will be the Democrat candidate because she has the money.” After her, it’s a “shallow bench.” Is there any chance a dark horse could emerge to challenge her? “Not really, because of the money. Hillary Clinton will seize the opportunity to collect those funds. Hillary is it.”

Well we agree on that last part at least.

And of course the obligatory question that always has to be asked of this nitwit:

Is Sarah Palin considering a run?  

“I’m so sorry you asked that. It’s “just too early.” But “a lot can change.” 

She's sorry they asked her? She would literally curl up in a ball and die if people stopped asking her that question.

Palin then goes on to casually attack the President and then give her clearly prepared remarks on Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the Middle East.  (Remember she had the questions submitted before this appearance so that she would have prepared responses.)

Palin ends her remarks by blowing kisses at the military.

“Freedom isn’t free. You have to fight for it.” That’s why I support the U.S. military. “They are America’s true heroes.” 

I still have trouble understanding how slaughtering people in a foreign land makes America free.

So there were no huge Iowa sized gaffes in this speech, which I am sure is why they insisted on getting the questions with enough time to prepare reasonably intelligent answers ahead of time.

It appears, at least initially that Palin stuck to the script and clicked the safety on the verbal salad shooter.

But really, how long can that last?


  1. AuntieRuth4:36 PM

    The most frustrating thing is that she is totally ignoring the economics of oil exploration. Oil prices are so LOW that it doesn't make any sense at all to expand domestic production. But lets not let free market economics get in the way of some juicy talking points.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      She is too dumb to understand any of it. She regurgitates taking points that are in vogue in the RW echo chamber. She is a parrot.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      And she can't even grasp that prices are currently so low because the USA is producing at a very high rate and we are using foreign produced oil at an all time low. Thanks President Obama.

    3. Also too - the use of oil is going down. US reserves today are way way above the average of the past 20 years and they are rising.

      Palin is truly a knowledge desert, her world view is the inside of a tiny brain - anyone who invites her to make a speech is thinking with the wrong part of their body

    4. Anonymous8:38 PM

      It makes no more sense to thank Obama for low gas prices than it does to blame him for rising gas prices. They aren't just low because of increased U.S. production, they're low because of the law of supply and demand worldwide. There is too much supply right now, in part because Chinese oil consumption is down while Saudi Arabia has not reduced oil production. To thank the United States president for this is as illogical as thanking God when your favorite team wins a game. There is just no connection between the events.

    5. We thank the president for a stabilized economy free of extreme perturbations.

    6. Jeanabella3:20 AM

      To anonymous 8:38 PM
      You're right!

    7. Anonymous11:25 AM

      8:38 PM:

      I don't care, I'm going to thank him anyway, since he always gets blamed for everything else.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Lots of speeches. Anything to keep from staying home with your young kids, right Sarah?

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Lol. Lots of speeches? She's rarely outside alaska and you think she has lots of speeches?

    2. Anonymous12:41 AM

      $carah certainly is not in the $100,000 price range for speeches anymore. No more private jets (at least not paid for by others) no first class accomodations, SUV's with tinted windows, bendy straws. Poor, poor $carah. Instead of Second Hand Rose, she is Second Hand $carah. Her wardrobe looks like it is from a thrift shop also, too.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      @8:59 PM,

      Lol. She "rarely" leaves Alaska now, because she's too embarrassed to show her greasy, botoxed face outside of Alaska.

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Plenty of drugs to keep her upright and on topic.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Sometimes her handlers get the med cocktail right. Never lasts for long though.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Gross nip-pic for an old has been.

    3. Ha! You saw it too!

  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Fuck you sarah palin.

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    FU(K her!

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Gee, i wonder why she uses 6 year old pictures of herself for her promos. Dorian Grey is alive and well and living inside the skelington of sarah heath. Rot in hades sp.

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    The Brits are going to roast her ass at Cambridge.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I don't think that Sarah has seen what happened to Walker, Jindal and Christie in England.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Hint for Sarah: When in Ireland never ever tell them to punt. The preferred phrase is wank off. Also too be sure praise Todd by calling him the biggest fecker in the house!

    3. Anonymous5:16 AM

      I predict she will cancel at the last moment

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "The animals mate under the pipeline"? Animals mate wherever they are, you moron. Just like you used to do.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM


      High school bleachers - Track
      While fishin - Bristol
      On a Meth run - Willow
      Joining the mile high club - Piper

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      So wait...we need the pipeline so the animals (they love to shoot) can mate?
      Oh FFS!!!
      What is scarah laid a turd/Screech and no one reported it?
      Did it happen?
      Oh and scarah wanted to make in a zamboni....hmmm who used to be on hockey ice? Levi "Can you show me how to use my gun"....
      Fuck you Sarah!!!!

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was on this caribou story in Feb 2012

      It seems that Gohmert is also something of an expert on animal husbandry. Here’s his theory: The caribou very much enjoy the warmth the pipeline radiates. “So when they want to go on a date, they invite each other to head over to the pipeline,” he informed his colleagues. It’s apparently the equivalent of being wined and dined. And that has resulted in a tenfold caribou population boom, he concluded.

    4. Anonymous7:15 PM

      So, caribou will become extinct if we don't supply warm pipelines for them to mate under?

      What did they do before man came along? This sounds like something on Kids Say The Darnedest Things.


    5. Anonymous12:44 AM

      What happens to these animals when there is a leak in the pipeline? I suppose they lose their habitat, and stop mating? What a stupid comment. Screwy Louie and Stupid $carah, matched set of dumb asses for the T/P

  9. Anonymous4:57 PM

    It's funny that Sarah says it's "too early" to talk about running for president, when actually it's too late. All the potential candidates are lining up staff, and donors, and creating offices and networks in primary states. She really thinks we're all as clueless as she is, and that we'll buy anything she says.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Buuuuuut she already has a small group, doncha know. They're the same SarahPAC hanger ons that have no other future in politics so they milk off her PAC teet remembering the good old glory days six years ago.

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      wait until 2020

    3. Anonymous4:36 AM

      Sarah is still waiting for God to knock on her door and hand her the bags of money it will take to enter the fray. (I don't think that He is going to bother her this time or any time.)

  10. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I wonder if she actually said "Alaska National Wildlife Refuge" since it's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ... or did the reporter get it wrong?

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Coming from the East, I made that mistake here a few weeks ago, and was corrected by a poster who informed me that it's "Arctic" not "Alaska."
      Sarah thinks it has more impact if she makes it sound as though it belongs to Alaska.

  11. She continues to work on a mystery without any clues.

  12. Anonymous5:16 PM

    “if it is to hurt one caribou, then that one caribou should take one for the team and allow the rest of the country to benefit.”
    Take one for the team, Sarah, and go away. The country would benefit and thank you.

    She said this to oil executives? What an imbecile.


    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Mildred, these people will not stop until they destroy every last thing their God ever gave them for the love of money. It's in the Bible......just WOW. I fear for my grandchildren.

    2. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Mildred, I fear for our grandchildren too. Even ordinary Republicans are beginning to think that climate change is genuine. When will the people they vote for and put in office wake up? Probably never or at least not until the Koch money disappears.

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hillary has all the money?

    What about the $900 million+ that the Koch brothers will be contributing on the other side, not to mention all the other big money conservative contributors?

    4:57 is right, of course. Sarah Palin needed to make plans last year, raise a real amount of money, and have at least a skeleton staff of volunteer and paid workers in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and a couple of the other early primary states. She should have tea bag organizations in every one of the 50 states putting together plans for how they'll promote her candidacy.

    It's far, far too late for her to make that all happen now, especially since her managerial skills are minimal, and because the conservatives have written her off -- and won't be writing big checks for her candidacy.

    She can pretend all she wants to, but my next door neighbor, who's much smarter, better educated, and better looking than Sarah Pallin, would have a better chance of winning the nomination. In fact, she'd be a darned good President. I'll ask her tomorrow to set up an exploratory committee....

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I am still perplexed at you guys that go in to detail and surmise what she would need to do and by when etc... to run for president. You don't need to go into any of that. You are actually providing an air of legitimacy where there is none. Palin has never ever given running for the presidency any thought. It has never been her gameplan. She was done with any real work and politics the day she resigned as Governor. Celebrity. That is all she ever wanted and she kindof has it.

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Correct, 6:00 PM,and a lazy media that will not investigate nor report on her lies. She calls them lame? Her bank account is because of them.

      You know, there's one thing about being a celebrity and admired, and the celebutard who is covered for the absolutely stupidity she continually shows herself to be.

    3. Anonymous4:32 AM

      It's all a ploy for Sarah to make more money for her PAC. Then she and her family can live life "vibrantly" without having to work - at a day job. I'm just amazed that Todd stopped working, Track apparently doesn't have a job, Bristol has a job that seems more like a "volunteer" one where you work whenever you please, and Willow may or may not have a regular job. Even her brother has joined the we-don't-need-to-work-we're-the-Palins-trainwreck.

  14. Anonymous5:31 PM

    a waste of skin

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM


      A waste of breath too

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Was that Iowa where she shows her nipples? Sad old lady. She must not realize there are 2 or 3 young kids that see her and she is not looking good. It works for the old and near death crown only.

  15. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "It can be challenging to parse Palin’s core message from within her slap-dash stream of consciousness rhetorical style."
    And he should have stopped there. Poor guy.

  16. Anonymous5:35 PM

    If Forbes Magazine has taken off the kid gloves, this will be quite a show from here on out.
    Forbes -- mainstream media, baby. But they used to love you. Now they don't. Cry you a river.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      It wasn't that critical

  17. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I am bewildered that any group today is actually too damn lazy to YouTube any previous Palin speech and chooses to purchase a live load of her verbal diarrhea.

  18. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Apparently ol' Sarah is out of touch, USA oil production is at an all time high thanks to President Obama and we are all reaping the benefits of low cost gas and diesel.

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      It has not a damn thing to do with Obama. Unless you also want to credit him with rising gas prices, when they start going back up.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      8:45 PM Fuck off.

    3. Anonymous3:11 AM

      Do you understand how oil prices work, 9:28 PM?

    4. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Yeah, fuck off 8:45 PM. What do you care? Something tells me if people were here blaming President Obama for high gas prices, you would give a shit if people knew how gas prices worked!

      3:11 AM, I don't give a shit about how gas prices work. Most Americans don't care, either. Fuck off.

  19. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The photo of Sarah illustrating this post is not what Sarah looked like in Texas today:

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      zippers and mall bangs. Hi, 1975 how are you?!?!

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Thanks for the links Anonymous 5:47! I am totally surprised that Sarah ditched her dirty black pants for a black (naturally) skirt. That zippered top looks vaguely familiar. Fuggly surprise there. Ginormous chest on her....grotesque actually.

    3. Trashy zippers and giant balloon boobies.

      No surprise.

    4. Anonymous8:29 PM

      She must be back on the Crunch Wraps. Those legs look kind of chunky.

    5. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Are those camo shoes?

    6. Anonymous1:54 AM

      Why yes they are. You should see the close up. Whee doggies! Militia man dream girl.

  20. Anonymous5:51 PM

    “The animals mate under the pipeline."
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah not all animals mate under the pipeline.
    We know Bristol mates in a canvas tent with her classmates outside.

    We heard Todd mates on a massage table in Anchorage and he takes his used condoms with him rolled up in the family’s facecloths.

    Then there's the sportscaster who did the Womb Shifter. We heard she likes to leave her wet spots on a real bed in her sister's dorm room.

    Now as far as the rest of those drunk fighting animals goes, don't know where they do the nasty.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Stupid comment.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      She cannot keep one speech or comment non-sexual. That's who "I" want leading my country...

      Hey, toots, we know you're divorced and MINO for money. Menopause is a bitch, isn't it? You show all the signs, every last one of them.

    3. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Im sorry you're judging and hating Levi when you dont know him.

    4. Anonymous2:08 AM

      I'm sorry you're still retarded. Hypocrite says what?

      Pointy, at least try to get a grip. You've been stalking, judging, and hating Levi and his family for years. And guess what? You don't know them!

      Your folks had a jackass didn't they? Kicked you right square in the forehead didn't he? My question is, how many times?

  21. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Sarah don't worry about Hillary 's money. We got your back. As soon as you announce your candidacy you can bet money will be flowing into your pockets as fast as jism flows into Barstool.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      “My American dream glows so vibrantly, I might squirt through the phone and stain the entire listening audience. God bless America!”

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Anonymous6:24 PM
      “My American dream glows so vibrantly, I might squirt through the phone and stain the entire listening audience. God bless America!”
      That was a Nugentism, right? Jeez, and they complain about who Obama pals around with!



  22. Anonymous6:02 PM

    “The president is not for American energy independence.” If he were he wouldn’t be trying to lock up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. That’s “20 million more acres he wants to lock up from development.”

    Yeah, because it's wildlife. You're not the only one that owns the planet, bitch. Tell me again how that Trans-Canada thing worked out?

  23. Anonymous6:18 PM


    Thinking of starting a Go Fund Me account offering $100,000 for every Palin kid that has both Todd and Sarah's DNA.

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      What does this mean? Where does the 400000 go to

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      9:01 PM Maybe 2 are both Sarah's and Todd's, but Track and Piper are not. FACT. Tri-g is only a prop for Sarah.

    3. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Lol . Piper might be interested so she can buy her own cool stuff. Make sure a neutral party or three is in charge of the testing.

  24. Anonymous6:52 PM

    In the interest of sharing with you what Palin was trying to say, I’ve sought here to distill and edit down her disjointed message into a more coherent whole
    Here we go again, the media translates her craziness into English making her message sound sane instead of the nut case she really is. They need to stop protecting her and let American see who for what she really is a mentally ill and vulgar person.

    As for her comments on the animals like the pipeline, I am speechless; I have never read such an ignorant statement.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Ah, Rep. Gohmert was on this caribou mating story in 2012. See my comment above at 7:07PM

  25. Anonymous6:59 PM

    She disgusts me.

  26. PalinsHoax7:02 PM

    Is Sarah Palin considering a run?

    “I’m so sorry you asked that. It’s “just too early.”
    - - -

    She's absolutely right - it is way too early. She should wait and announce her running on November 9, 2016.

  27. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Totally off topic here but it's celebration time up here in Canada....our version of Fox News is going off the air...haha

    1. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Congrats!! Now if we can only get rid of faux noos

    2. Anonymous12:53 AM

      Congratulations!! We should be so lucky. I never watch, but too many others do, and actually believe all the lies.

    3. abbafan4:25 AM

      Good! Another fox wannabee bites the dust! I still respect the CRTC's decision for denying fox network rights here a few years ago! Most Canadians can see through the neocon rhetoric, and called them out on it!

  28. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I heard on Jimmy Kimmel Live that Rosie O'Donnel is leaving the View again.
    That is why Sarah won't declare for 2016, she is waiting for that phone call from Barbara WaWa with an offer.

    1. Anonymous3:07 AM

      She'll be waiting forever.

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Good for Rosie. She is probably sick of Nicole sticking up for Palin. Rosie knows the truth.

  29. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Sarah is talking about the caribou should take one for the team.

    Sarah why don't you tell Bristol to stop taking it from the team.

    Tell Bristol its okay to say "Not tonight, I'm sore".

  30. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Just wait until the federal judge throws Joke Arpiehole in jail for contempt and teabagging! She will loose her chit and blame the blah man.

  31. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Freedom isn't free...Freedom costs a buck-o-five.

    1. Anonymous2:12 AM

      "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

    2. In a better world, "Team America" would play simultaneously at every Palin speech.

  32. The bigger question is why Forbes magazine bothered reporting on this washed up, incompetent idiot, yapping the same tired, stupid, ignorant, talking points when their own reporter clearly wasn't taking her seriously.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Im sorry you're a failure Nefer. So hateful inside. I can get you help

    2. Anonymous9:57 PM

      9:32, you can't even help yourself. Silly cow.

    3. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Get yourself help first. You are very sick and unstable.

    4. Anonymous1:48 AM

      9:32 PM You can't find help for yourself. Try using punctuation in your comments, crazy stalker.

    5. Anonymous3:46 AM

      9:32 secure your own mask first , honey.

    6. Anonymous4:24 AM

      I'm glad that Forbes did the article because, otherwise, we might not know what nonsense Sarah Palin babbled in Texas yesterday. It's also good to know that a GOP-friendly business outlet is finally realizing what an idiot she is.
      PS Anon at 9:32 pm. Just go away.

    7. abbafan4:27 AM

      9:32 - go suck $arah's goat-tits! Nefer's comments are precise and respected here!

    8. Anonymous6:30 AM

      9:32- eff off, you blithering idiot.

  33. Anonymous8:13 PM

    It’s been said that Saudi Arabia has recently been trying to “seek back bigger market share. To penalize the shale players. And that the U.S. is going along with it to extract penalties against Putin and Iran.”

    But a side effect is that the U.S. is becoming more of the global oil swing player. “The Saudis are basically allowing America to take over the decide on production levels and the market.”

    With so much of the world oil supply dominated by OPEC and Saudi Arabia, “it’s just such a shame that we are so enormously under the influence of foreign countries.”
    What a moron, she is contracting herself as usual, America is dependent, America is global player and ends with America is dependent. Does the audience even process this garbage?

    As for fracking-let them frack in your backyard Sarah, you already live on a dead lake. However I want to live in a neighbor without the drilling and trucks. Also I would like the water in the Great Lakes to remain there, not filling a hole in the earth, which from the looks of Texas increases the number of earthquakes.

    How is Keystone going to make American exceptional? By letting Trans-Canada take away land from Americans to enrich a foreign company. Trans-Canada doesn’t even have to pay for the clean up when the pipeline leaks, which it will. I am being to think Sarah is really Canadian, because she wants to enrich a foreign company at the expense of real Americans.

    Too bad the “lamestream” media doesn’t point out all these facts to Ms. Palin.

    1. Anonymous4:21 AM

      Well, the "lamestream" media can't point anything out to Sarah Palin, especially when she got to choose the questions. I'm sure there were no "follow ups" allowed.

      Sarah Palin knows as much about energy policy as she does about foreign policy or fiscal policy or parenting. Absolutely nothing.

  34. Anonymous8:42 PM


    The newspaper in Odessa, TX has pictures from the speech Sarah Palin gave there tonight. The first picture is very unflattering.

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      it's called in motion. I notice you don't obsess over similar pics of the obamas. hmmm

    2. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Lol. What bony hands. What a washed up wastrel of a past political brand of a moment in 2008. She doesn't have it in her anymore. Going up against the Dems. Ha! She's going to run. Ha!

    3. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Also in that first photo, three fingers pointing back at her!

      She sure has a lot of glasses for someone who doesn't need them.

    4. AKinPA1:31 AM

      9:31: The problem with that pic is not because it was taken "in motion." Compare that pic with any taken in 2008. Put them side by side. You'll see all the ridiculous work she has had done on face. (Her plastic surgeon must be getting a kick back from the "GOP establishment.") Couple the botched plastic surgery with spewing 6 years of hateful vitriol (not to mention the glasses that made Rick Perry look so smart) and you get the creature in that first pic. It has nothing to do with it being "in motion." Also too, we appreciate President for his brains, his diplomacy and his character. All Palin had were her looks and they're long gone.

    5. Anonymous1:45 AM

      @9:31 You obsess over all photos of the Palins. What do the Obamas have to do with this thread?
      Why are you so jealous of the Obamas? Sarah Palin is not fit to shine their shoes. You are not fit to even comment on them. The Obamas have accomplished far more than the Palins. What have you accomplished, unemployed, living off Mama, troll?

    6. Anonymous2:31 AM

      9:31 I notice that you stalk and obsess over pics of many people that you don't know, haven't known, will never know. Do you have a point? Other than the one on your head?

      What do they call your cult? Oh yea, The Ignorati.

    7. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Notice the skin on her right arm between the bracelet and the cuff of her shirt....totally wrinkled mess. Her body is disintegrating. This is what happens when you hit menopause and you spent your younger years in a tanning bed.
      It couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

    8. Her hands look like those of an 80 year old women.

    9. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Wow, she wears WAY too much makeup!!

      Her nastiness shines in those photos.

    10. Anonymous6:34 AM

      9:31- Oh my, grandma, what a manly face you have.

  35. Anonymous8:45 PM

    "The President is not for American energy independence". Explain this, bitch (if you can read a chart):

  36. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "I'm sorry you asked that." You pre-approved the questions, you bitch. The only question you're really sorry about is "What do you read?"

  37. Anonymous9:02 PM

    iM. Same Internet lies. Different day. Do you ever tire of slandering, g?

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      9:02 Bitch go to c4peepee with your LIES. You have a thing for Gryphen, but he would not lower his standards for a a crazy skank like you. Do you ever tire of Trolling? Grow up, juvenile Bitch.

    2. Anonymous9:57 PM

      lol I'm juvenile yet you, a trash talking insulter, is not? You're at the right place alright. Slumville of blogosphere.

    3. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Name one lie or slander in this post. I dare ya.

    4. Anonymous1:40 AM

      Yet you,9:57 PM, just love posting here all day and all night. Right, juvenile troll? You have no life and everyone can see that.

    5. Anonymous2:44 AM

      9:57 And ta da, here YOU are! Hypocrite! You can slide around the net slinging your stinky shit but nobody else can. How nice for you.

      So Pointy, what ARE you doing here in Slumville? Why are you here everyday, trash talking, insulting, stalking, judging and hating a bunch of people you don't know? Poor baby. Do you need the attention that bad?

    6. Anonymous3:55 AM

      "yet not"
      We got a Palin here, folks!
      Hi, Bristol!

  38. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Some moose are over seven feet tall. Elevated pipelines generally aren't THAT high off the ground, and they rest on regularly spaced support pillars. Not at all conducive for mating under. Also, I don't know how warm pipelines get, but I do know that moose would not be attracted to them for the warmth. Just the opposite. Moose are so adapted to cold that they overheat easily and prefer cold, forested areas, whereas pipelines are out in the open. One last thing, Sarah - if you really want to know how moose like to get it on, look up "moose wallow."

    1. Anonymous1:36 AM

      Or Legs Spread Moose Bristol.

  39. Anonymous9:31 PM

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      I don't know what this troll just downloaded to my laptop. Don't go to this link.

  40. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Wow - she actually thinks that an off-center zipper is attractive???

    I am still wondering, why people are not getting more savvy around her and invest in one of this 'spy-pens', which write but at the same time serve as a voice recording tool.

    1. Anonymous3:05 AM

      You should see the shoes she had on. lmao

    2. Anonymous3:49 AM

      Lol i had a spy pen and glasses when i qent to a screech. However not needed as the hosts let us cellphone away as it was not Sarahs show lolol.

  41. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Well I know who I would choose! That bloke in the middle.

    Lots of insanity here:

  42. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Why don't you just go ahead and admit you're an irresponsible blogger? What kind of person slanders a mother and her youngest son? A mean one. I would say bad but I don't believe ANYONE is bad.

    1. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Have you graduated the 7th grade yet? Just wondering.

    2. Anonymous1:34 AM

      9:56 PM You are crazy bad, Troll.

    3. Anonymous2:54 AM

      9:56 When will you admit that you are a stalker, a liar, a trash talker, and an irresponsible bloggerette?

      Get out of Slumville. What kind of person slanders a mother and her daughter, like YOU did to Sunny? Hypocrite. What is your motto? Nah, nah, nah, I can do it, but you can't? Jesus christ Pointy, grow the fuck up.

      Your little girl crush on Gryph is making you bat shit crazier than you already are. Face it kid, he's just not into you.

    4. Anonymous3:04 AM

      Excuse me?! Gryph has done no such thing.

    5. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Everything you post is so boring.
      Go away.

    6. Bill F4:16 AM

      What has been said about the skank and her skanky family that is not true?

    7. Anonymous4:23 AM

      Oh lord, another Palin worshiper trying to justify their last SarahPAC payment.

    8. Anonymous6:39 AM

      But Sarah Palin only has one son, by Curt Menard Jr.

  43. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Palin wants "Drill Baby Drill" to be right but it is so, so wrong. Nobody's making much money with oil since prices went down, layoffs are occurring , etc. I can't believe she made that stupid speech to people in Texas, some of whom are losing their shirt--or half of it.

    I am in Texas and in the oil business and the decline in my income since June absolutely keeps me awake at night. It's bad here.

    1. LisaB25954:52 AM

      I'm in Houston too. It is always sketchy when oil prices drop. My husband's company has avoided layoffs so far, but they're pulling back investment big time.

  44. Anonymous10:18 PM

    "clicked the safety on the verbal salad shooter."
    Wait.................nope, can't stop laughing at that line.

  45. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Dumb bitch and ugly. She looks fat. Same crap.

  46. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Wtf, moose. Just plain stupid sp.

  47. @conga12:03 AM

    Jesse, have followed your blog since 2008. Don't know if you do this,but I had to ask. There's a lady (a total stranger to me) from North Carolina who's a patient at UPMC in Pittsburgh. She's got insurance, is cleared for surgery, but needs an estimated 40K for after transplant expenses. KDKA TV had a plea from her husband last night. Here's the link--

    1. @conga17:36 PM

      Thank you, Jesse. And thanks to anyone donating or offering prayers or good thoughts for this lady and her family.

  48. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Obviously no one asked her a complicated question. It seems as if she did nothing but babble on about drilling for oil in Alaska. This woman who loves oil drilling so much -- didn't she quit being member of an energy commission up there in Alaska? You know, before she became governor and quit?

  49. Anonymous4:49 AM

    The woman is a mess. too bad we cannot put her in the cheese box along with a few others here living and loving greed.

  50. PalinsHoax5:05 AM

    Anonymous9:56 PM
    What kind of person slanders a mother and her youngest son?
    - - -

    It's better you should be asking:

    1. What kind of woman stuffs a pillow under her shirt and pretends that she is pregnant?

    2. No wait, what kind of woman straps on a faux pregnancy belly and claims that she is pregnant.

    3. No wait again. What kind of woman states that her water has broken, ignores going to a hospital and instead hops on two separate air flights, then travels almost an hour by car, WITHOUT her security detail, in order to "give birth" at a hospital not equipped to handle her high-risk pregnancy.

    Which ever question you choose to respond to, the answer is the same. An INSANE woman.

  51. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Here's the fool last night at another gig in Texas

  52. TNBlueDot5:35 AM

    Clicked thru to Forbes to read the comments - seems the comments on Palin's appearances always bring out the best?? Read this comment - hilarious!!

    Posted by Stonecolder 14 hours ago:
    "On Valentine’s, a lover’s date,
    forget the lies, forget the hate.
    With Sarah Palin celebrate
    the wondrous joy of living straight.
    In Sarah we may contemplate
    the perfect woman, perfect mate."

    Gag!!! Amiright? Those poor single-brain-cell folks need too much help.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Blue Dot, Whew! The crazy in this 'cetional Murica is getting a bit overwhelming.

  53. Anonymous6:25 AM

    "Remains of remarkable ugliness" haha Dorian Grey.

  54. PalinsHoax12:27 PM

    Yeowzerrrrs!! Looks like the Ol' Saggy One's belly button has been hoisted up so high it now appears on her over-inflated booby.

    Her curiously disproportionate and anatomically repulsive body parts are certainly amazing!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.