Sunday, February 22, 2015

So I guess the ceremonial start of the Iron Dog took place in Anchorage yesterday. Ho hum.

The Iron Doggystyle expert posted this on her Facebook page yesterday:

 In downtown Anchorage today for the ceremonial kick-off of the world's longest, toughest snowmachine race – the Iron Dog! Tomorrow is the official start where tough teams comprised of two racers on individual sleds that they've spent months wrenching on speed across Alaska through unbelievable conditions, upwards of 100 mph wide open to the elements! Racers brave blizzards in pitch blackness atop frozen rivers to do their barehanded repairs of shocks, tracks, engines or anything else that gets thrashed during this crazy-tough endurance competition; they skip open Arctic waters between Native villages; they dodge wild animals throughout the 2030-mile extreme adventure that ends next Sunday in Fairbanks. These athletes live life vibrantly – and girly men don't race the Iron Dog. We're pulling for Team 11 (this is Todd's 22nd Iron Dog!) but wishing every team a safe, unforgettable, rewarding week.

"Girly men don't race Iron Dog."

That I guess that is supposed to be an insult to women. However Snowdrift Snooki seems to forget that Susan Butcher won the Iditarod, a race infinitely more difficult than the Iron Dog, four times.

And as the Alaska Dispatch noted the crowd for this race was only a fraction of the size that shows up to cheer on the dogsleds at the start of the Iditarod.  (Otherwise known as The Last Great Race.)

Interestingly enough this is turning out to be one of the worst years for the Iron Dog on record.

This from the Iron Dog website:

The Iron Dog trail between Rohn and Nikolai will be challenging for pro class racers as they hit the trail Sunday, according to trail class riders who arrived in McGrath Saturday evening. “It’s 90 miles of just tussocks and zero snow,” said Charles Preston of trail class Team 80. “So you can go about a half a mile before you overheat, and stop, wait for a half-hour. It’s miserable,” he said.

Yeah that sounds exciting.

By the way none of the local news outlets that even bothered to cover the start of this race mentioned a word about Todd Palin.

Apparently the only place he is still considered a legend is over at the Sea O'Pee, SarahPAC, and in his own mind.


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I think if you will check the race roster, there are a couple of "females" in the Iron Dog race. I wonder if they are considered "girly" since they are "girls".

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      why is skanky skank posting photos from last year?
      me thinks she wasn't even there.............apologies for the breitbart link but at least it is a year old.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      10:26 AM
      Thanks for the link even though it was from Breitbart. If Sarah had any respect for her followers whether they're C4P fans or Facebook followers, she wouldn't pass off 2014 photos as 2015 photos. She's such an sloppy, slovenly idiot.

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Your link is for last year's race.

    4. Anonymous2:53 PM

      2014 with teeth.

      Without teeth.

  2. From the East Coast, where snow is snow9:14 AM

    Those SarahPAC pictures appear to be several years old.

    Yeah, "racing" a snowmobile over 90 miles of weeds doesn't sound much like any sport I've ever heard of.

    If they want snow, come on over to the great Northeast.
    We've got snow-aplenty -- four feet on the ground here in central Massachusetts, and we didn't get hit hard.

    We must caution, however, that the temps will be -14 degrees F. tonight, so even the most manly man in Alaska might find that a bit chilly. Better to bundle up with Caribou Barbie, or get a broken axle on the second day, and vibrantly limp back to your manly garage for the rest of the week.

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Actually, -14F in interior Alaska is nothing. Personally, I've seen that temp in mid-September and I have never seen an April that didn't get to at least -20F. At this time of year, -14F would be considered normal or even nice weather.

      SP is ridiculous with her macho posturing, but the Iron Dog and Iditarod racers, as well as anyone living in that part of the world expects to see temps much, much colder, like -50F (actual temp, not wind chill) every year. And sometimes those cold spells can last for weeks.

      I know people who say their favorite temperature, not too hot and not too cold, is in the -20F range. It's a great temp for running dogs because the dogs don't overheat and the snow is nice and slick. It's a good temp for chopping wood because the wood is brittle and splits easily (plus you don't overheat).

      MA might be having a cold snap, but it ain't the Subarctic. Not even close. :-)

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Fuck that! I'm loving that last decade of warm temps here in Wasilla! If I never have to see below -10 again it will be happy days! You guys in the interior can have that crap, we're going to go Pineapple Express from here on out....

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The older Trig gets, the more apparent it is going to be that he isn't Sarah's child.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      He clearly wants nothing to do with her. Smart kid.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Hahahaaaa. How is that anon source coming along?

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      It is coming along well. Thanks for asking, Clown!

    4. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Awwwe 11:01, could tell by your tone.... must not be going so well, huh? Poor thing. Didn't you all guarantee the big brawl was the end of the Palins? What happened? Thought that was it, the end all be all?

    5. Anonymous12:50 PM

      11:26, it did end them. They are a national punch line. Even the Gop refuses to humor them anymore.

    6. Anonymous2:32 PM

      The one nice thing I'll say about Todd Palin is, he really does seem to love that boy.
      Sure is good to know somebody does.

    7. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Hey 12:50 here is a hint for you, they have been a joke to everyone outside c4p and IM since 2008, it is only clowns like you that gave her any credence. The reality is... nothing has changed, and Palin is going to claw and scratch to hold on to whatever celebrity fame she has, and is going to continue to be mildly successful at it... and you guys can't stand that you're never going to take her down. It is hillarious. Anyways the question is, how's that anon source working out???

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Maybe its just me but those pictures dont look current. Wouldnt surprise me if she tried to pass off earlier pics for current ones.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Old pictures, as usual. Sarah's life is full of deception.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      She could be curled up in her fetal position. It was busy there for awhile, she has to come down.

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Sarah is hiding behind Facebook.
      She could be anywhere.
      If she shows up for Iron Dog, there will be photos.

      The last instagram from Bristol and Tripp looked like the house in Arizona. When was the photo taken? If 2 days ago Tripp would be traveling and not in school.

      Bristol/Willow's friend from Penrose was to be back in Alaska. They may have posted an old photo. You would think they will be out supporting Todd.

      When does the race end?

    4. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Pimp Dad is hooking on to the Oscar movie via Chris Kyle. Oscar night will trend.

      Nancy is posting

      Also, too, some place that looks made for ice skating and cancer making machines. Front teeth are missing for Trig.

      Why did Track Palin bail on his family? Willow? Piper? The Heaths? Blanche? Jim? Faye? The cousins?

    5. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Bristol always looks at Trig with such love and longing. I think now she realizes that she wishes she would have kept him, and only now that she is older realizes that she gave up her baby and he will never know her as his mother. That has to be some sad shit.

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I'm not sure why Sarah Pac is noted on this "poster" since they are not a corp or personal sponsor for Todd. In Todd's bio he list as his personal sponsor, his wife and family.
    Also, the pic of Trigg is from 2012.
    Sarah states that Todd is racing in support of the Chris Kyle
    Frog Foundation. How clever to stay timely with the Oscars tonight.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Trig not TRIGG.(For Trisomy- G)
      Was TrI-G TRIGG before he was TriG?
      Or was TRIPP TRIGG Before he was TRIPP?

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Good catch. Why didn't she throw in a Sarah Palin Channel bone, so she could get credit for even "trying" to produce content for that paid channel she only gives 33% effort on.

  6. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Apparently the only place he is still considered a legend is over at the Sea O'Pee, SarahPAC, and in his own mind. -------------------------------------------------------------- And Alicia's mind too. She was defending him in the wee hours on my blog. Took the troll spray and wiped her out.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Alicia/loveliness/mandingo/mandi/justtine/just no/jessie/crazy on overdrive trolls here, Malia's blog, and SPHASH. Alicia is a sick bitch.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Legendary Dawg.

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Sooo , that is what Cpac does, sponsors deadbeats?
    I suppose twad is apolitical?
    Seriously, can anyone have a PAC where the dipsticks of the country just you $.No questions asked?

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM

    It would be good if the local media shows the truth. If they cover when it snows, they should cover when it rains. It is all Iron Dog.

    Sarah Palin is more famous than ever, she was just on SNL 40 years. It may be her last appearance with an audience over 10. Plus everyone wants to see what she is wearing.

    The Palins wouldn't miss Iron Dog no matter what. It is one of their favorite family bonding experiences and they do it every year. After all they've done to put Alaska and Iron Dog on the map, you would think the press would show appreciation and film and interview the whole family in their 2015 experience.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      @9:23 AM As Tri-g would say, "BULLSHIT"!

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Thanks for the laugh.

    3. Anonymous9:54 AM

      The clown has arrived!

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Why should the press waste their time on a non-story?

    5. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Sarah is more famous than ever? She hardly appears on Fox. She hasn't written a book for a while (or had someone ghost write a book for her). If she is famous, it is for being a national joke. That speech at Iowa was an example of how much Sarah's star has faded. Even conservatives gave up on her.

      As for the Iron Dog being their favorite family bonding experience, Sarah will be out of town to deliver some speeches for the Pole Erection People and at CPAC. I think that the last time the family did something together was when they fought with some of the Iron Dog people at The Brawl. Now that was some show of Family Spirit!

    6. Anonymous10:23 AM

      @9:23 AM:

      If the $arah Palin is "more famous than ever," then why hasn't the bitch been invited to the Academy Awards, the "Biggest Night in Hollywood?"

      Anyway, thanks for the laugh.

    7. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Good snark!

    8. Anonymous10:43 AM

      I believe the correct word is "infamous."

    9. Anonymous11:02 AM

      9:23 AM:
      You're not aware of this, but you're a very sick person.

    10. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Then where are the 2015 photos all knowledgeable one?

    11. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Chris Kelly
      Writer, Real Time with Bill Maher
      Posted: February 9, 2009 08:13 AM

      Sarah Palin's $159,050 Conflict of Interest

      While you read this, Alaska's First Dude, Todd Palin, is riding a snowmobile -- I'm sorry, snow machine -- 1971 miles from Big Lake to Fairbanks. In the course of performing this awesome feat, his Arctic Cat's powerful two-stroke engine will emit the same amount of hydrocarbons as an automobile driving from Chicago to San Francisco and back 150 times.

      A small price for the rest of us to pay to honor the indomitability of the human spirit and one man's ability to sit and hold on.

      It's not just a blaze of glory and aromatic hydrocarbon. A conventional two-stroke engine emits as much as a quarter of its fuel unburned, directly into the air. This week, as a participant in the Iron Dog™ snow machine race, Todd Palin will release as many cancer-causing and smog-forming pollutants as a Chevy Malibu driven around the Earth at its equator 28 times.

      Seems like a lot of work, just to get away from Sarah Palin.

      But Todd's not just doing it because he hates his home life and likes things that make loud noises and emit benzene. He does it because it's there. And for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and gifts from corporations who do business with the Governor's office.

      For riding a snowmobile.

      Something you could train a bear to do.

      The Emperor Nero used to clean up at the Olympic games. It was eerie. He won everything. According to Suetonius, he once won a chariot race despite falling off and not finishing the course. That's how good he was. He also never wore the same clothes twice. So he would have fit right in with the Palins there also.

      I'm not insinuating anything. I'm just saying.

      The total purse value of this year's Iron Dog™ is $159,050. The sponsors include the petroleum giants Tesoro and Conoco-Phillips; State Farm, Wells Fargo, Frontier Airlines, Alaska Airlines and the Alaska First National Bank.

      The Iron Dog™ has fewer than 40 entrants a year, and one of them is always Todd.

      Does this smell? I'm probably the wrong person to ask. I hate the cold and I think motor sports is an oxymoron. But he is Alaska's First Lady, and Tesoro is an oil company.

      Let's say this was Louisiana in the '30s. If Texaco sponsored a pancake-eating contest, and Huey Long's wife kept winning it, there would have been talk.

      To be fair, Todd can't win the whole purse. There are lots of little door prizes just for rookies and women and steak dinners for Cutest Hat. Just like in Jack London days.

      And, to be fair, Todd doesn't always walk away from the camping trip with the hundred grand first prize. He's only won four times.

      Once after Sarah was elected to the Wasilla City Council, once after she was elected mayor, the year she was appointed to the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission, and the year she was elected governor.

    12. Anonymous1:14 PM

      "Put Alaska on the map?"

      Nobody knew about Alaska before Sarah Palin came along?

    13. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Todd Palin will release as many cancer-causing and smog-forming pollutants as a Chevy Malibu driven around the Earth at its equator 28 times.

      oh best friends!

      The Ugliest Family.

    14. Anonymous2:57 PM

      you would think the press would show appreciation and film and interview the whole family in their 2015 experience.
      Sarah hates the press, so why would she want them to show her appreciation?
      Oh I get it, the press is ok if it kisses her butt, otherwise it is the lying lamestream media.

      Moron troll!!

    15. Anonymous2:59 PM

      9:23 "it may be her last appearance with an audience over 10"? what? what? seek help.

    16. Anonymous3:54 PM

      A small price for the rest of us to pay to honor the indomitability of the human spirit and one man's ability to sit and hold on.


  9. Anonymous9:24 AM

    A couple of racers we all may recognize from the brawl...
    Cory Davis and Marc McKenna! Who knows could get
    fun out there in the next week.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Bristol has been partying for days already. I hope she can last to cheer on the winners ... lol

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Sooo , that is what Cpac does, sponsors deadbeats?
    I suppose twad is apolitical?
    Seriously, can anyone have a PAC where the dipsticks of the country just you $.No questions asked?

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      I thought that CPAC was supposed to sponsor political causes, not members of the PAC's family. Donate to Sarah's PAC so Todd will win. It's not an election, Sarah.

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Twat and Twlad?

  11. Anonymous9:27 AM

    She's better of in AK than down in Southern California at the Oscars. She'd be facing more ridicule and then the questions why she faked Trigs birth. The other good thing is the Oscars didn't have to add security to the swag tent again this year by not inviting her and her traveling locusts

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Where are my ten swag bags? Don't you know who I am? I starred in my own award-winning movie, Undefeated! They even made a movie about me, "Nailin Palin". It was very famous, just ask my virgin daughter, Brisket. You tell em, Beefy! We're stars!!!
      ~Mrs. Toad Palin

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      She wasn't invited to the Oscars or parties thereafter.

      After her last episode, no one down there would touch her with a 12' pole! They know she's pretty nasty as to hygiene, men, her words and lacking in class!

      Poor Alaska and Alaskans in having the Palin/Heath klans!

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      12:08 PM

      Clint Eastwood's chair said invite Sarah.

      Get her a California stylist and give her a sharp age appropriate hair style. Make sure she doesn't get near the tanning cream.

    4. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Her ghastly appearance on SNL and her horrific actions following made her a national punchline. As the media reports....."it's extremely pathetic to see the decline into mental illness."

      and it is.

  12. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Scarah kiss of death. No more going to iron plastic dog for us.

  13. Girly men? She is such an idiot. She can never make an entire post a positive.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Sarah hates girls and sees "girly" as an insult. She learned that from her father, which probably explains a lot about why she's so screwed up today.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      I think she reads this blog religiously and KNOWS we call Toad a "girly man". She thinks she is rebutting us. Alas, she just shows we own her ass!

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      She can never make an entire post a positive.
      I noticed that also, it is like the evil in her always wins over.

  14. PalinsHoax9:37 AM

    "Girly men don't race Iron Dog."

    Then why is girly-voiced, squeaky-pitched, Tawdry the Pimp registered in the race?

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      That was my question!

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Aren't they doing a lot of environmental damage running these machines over tussocks and snow-bare earth? I guess if some macho guy wants to prove that's he best at sitting on his butt for hours on end, then it's all worth it.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      They are vile and nasty for the environment. Glorified lawnmowers. That is why these are the same peeps that support climate denier politicians. Cory Davis does ads for Sullivan. Track Palin is useless. I doubt if he can be seen in public anytime soon.

      The Palins want to marry off their daughters and it is the only pool where they can find suckers. Poor Bristol hasn't made the grade yet but the other one may have snared one.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I don't think these guys care at all about the environmental issues of snowmobiling.

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Hey 9:38, curious question for you.... do you realize the thousands and thousands and thousands of miles of paved and unpaved roadways driven everyday with emmision spewing cars like yours used to be just natural terrain also?

    4. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Wonder if they get "piles" and pilonidal cysts from sitting on their long haul truckers do?

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Do you comprehend the difference between using a vehicle for transportation and tearing up the enviroment for a stupid race?

    6. Anonymous11:44 AM

      I don't support the Iron Dog race - philosophically or as a spectator, but snow-go's are a lifeblood for village life. I have a problem with how they waste all this petrol on ego trips, rather than for villagers gathering firewood, checking traps, or get to a regional clinic when they can't fly.

    7. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Some photos. It's disgusting.

  16. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Come on, Sarah! Post 2015 photos, showing which members of your family showed up to wave off Team 11 at the starring gate.
    Will you be/ have you been there, Sarah? Trig? Bristol? Willow?
    Track? Piper? Who's showing the team spirit this year?
    We need to see contemporaneous pictures taken yesterday and today. Otherwise, it's a sham.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Sarah is a coward.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Ha ha, palin looks like a little old lady! Note the boobs in the face!

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Sarah, et al are shams....have always been! She is not a part of this race. Todd probably doesn't want her near his team! Appearing more and more that they are really divorced and the records of the legal case have been hidden - much like the kid's birth certificate!

  17. Caroll Thompson9:43 AM

    Trying to run a snow machine with no snow is just plain stupid. Just like Sarah.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      But there's even accessories for that!

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Caroll, as we all know, $arah and tribe do not give one tinker's damn about the environment. Who needs snow?

      In their feeble minds, God gave them the earth to use and abuse until they destroy it completely. Book of Genesis misinterpreted. No surprise there!

  18. Anonymous9:44 AM

    "Girly men don't race Iron Dog."
    -Sarah Palin

    So WTF is your Girly man with his Girly man voice doing in the Iron Dog?

    Will that girly son of a bitch run home to mommy's house when the going gets tough like he did last year?

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      keep it up Sarah and he will go Bruce Jenner on you!

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    What does "skipping open Arctic waters" even mean and why is that important to mention?"

    1. Perfect example of her addled brain just stringing words together like "the cat advanced on the banana." All English words, just don't try to make sense of them.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      They are going to have to run their machines across open water, which they call "skipping" because most of the race trail has thawed, including parts of the big rivers that they run on. It's been warm all the way up to Nome so their trip up is going to be wet with open water and no snow. Their return trip to Fairbanks may find a little more snow but the entire state has been in a snow drought situation for most of the winter and what little has fallen has melted or blown away.

    3. Anonymous10:36 AM

      speed and angle are key for "skipping"

      Here's a good description of the technique

    4. Well, I was wrong. However awkwardly written, "skipping" is apparently an actual technique. Okay, her comment does make sense. Thanks for the explanation, 10:22 and 10:36.

    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      They advertise as if it is all about family. Like Iron Dogs are wholesome. Everybody knows all the drugs and sex that goes on.

      Todd is old. He breathes in all those cancer fumes and sits on his butt. He needs help to keep up his stamina. Unless he can do like last year again.

  20. Anonymous9:50 AM

    There are a lot of stupid-looking goatees in that lineup.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Is that what Brissie see as a Lumbersexual?

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Bristol's ideal lumbersexual will always be Levi. Too bad she'll never have him.

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Levi traded UP. He married the beautiful, cosmetic surgery free, intelligent Sunny. That way half the guys in the state can not come up to him and tell him they already "had" his wife!!

    4. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Up for Tripp, too.


  21. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Are these images with Trig staged? I would like to believe that they are quite that evil?

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Yes. They are staged. I hope they aren't also giving him that whip cream deal to make him so smiley happy all the time.

  22. Anonymous9:57 AM

    "I think it is funny how much people dig into the dumbest stuff. My mom hates shopping, so why not use a dress we already had?"
    -Bristol Palin


    "But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family -- clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus."


    November 5, 2008

    NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain's top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family -- clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

  23. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Interesting...shows she reads this blog and the fact we are getting under her skin AGAIN! Her husband (if they are not divorced as has been reported!) is a girly man and has a voice like a girl!

    Plus, I doubt he's been in the number of races that she is saying - 22? Prove it! Know he backed out of the race last year pretty quickly due to machine problems. Thought he and his team were suppose to be terrific mechanics just to get the machines out on the road! Questionable, Todd Palin!

    Plus, aren't the guys that were in the Anchorage Brawl with the Palins also in this race? Their last names start with "K" - cannot remember the name! They've been winners too!

    Todd hasn't won a race since the early 2000's! I wouldn't bet on him this year unless he cheats, which also has been noted that he does!

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Plus, aren't the guys that were in the Anchorage Brawl with the Palins also in this race?


      Brawl was an Iron Dog party.

      The McKenna bros invited Todd and got the drunk family.
      McKennas fired their best employee because he was honest. McKennas are crooks and liars like Palins.

      Child abusers.

      Don't forget poor Tripp was running around on the tarmac and also drinking beer. It isn't a stretch that Bristol would huff with him. It is a fun way to bond in her crowd.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      How much "wrenching" needs to be done....he drives a brand new machine every year!? Sheesh.

  24. AKinPA10:04 AM

    "Girly men don't race Iron Dog."

    Me thinks the "lady" doth protest too much.

  25. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Someone should warn Bristol to stay away from the aerosol huffing. It is serious. Sarah also has the symptoms.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      naw Sarah and company are inhaling weed, meth, coke, heroin and whatever they want to...shrug..

  26. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Maybe the "irondoggers" should be in northern Michigan this year. Roscommon, not far from where we live, had a low the other morning of -39 degrees F, just 5 degrees F warmer than the North Pole. And the Great Lakes are over 80% ice covered now. It's the second year in a row and that is a very unusual occurrence. Besides that many parts of northern Michigan, especially in the Upper Peninsula near Marquette there is lots of snow. So, just get over it, Sarah. We have winter in the rest of the country too. And lots of winter sports - also too.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      My friend's son just ran the Sault St. Marie i-500, it's a week long winter carnival with snow machine racing. They had to cancel some of the events, including the 500 only halfway in, due to dangerous weather, wind and cold. They call it "Nascar on Ice" and it's not my thing but he seems to enjoy it, but it does worry his mother to death!

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Also, too Northern Wisconsin has lots of races and winter sports. Who needs Akaska?

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Yes, Beaglemom. I smile when Sarah brags about all the cold, snow and winter she has toughed it no one else has done the same. Lot's of us have done that and never even gave it a thought. I'm a Yooper--it was just what we were used to.

    4. Anonymous12:51 PM

      I grew up in Hibbing MN, way up north. Then I lived in Alaska for 25 years. Apples and oranges. The upper midwest is very nice country and there is definitely a winter there, but seriously, people, it is nothing compared to AK. -39F is nothing. People just take it in stride where it happens every year.

      In general, Alaskans don't brag, don't complain, and don't quit. Sarah Palin makes all of us look bad, but she is right Alaska's winters are in a whole separate category from even the coldest parts of the lower 48.

    5. Another Yooper here; I also am not impressed by her yapping as though no one else in the country lives in a challenging climate.

    6. Anonymous2:27 PM

      She is so full of shit. When was the last time anyone saw her in Alaska?

      She sneaks to her warm place. Who is watching Trig?

    7. Anonymous3:08 PM

      She could even come "south" to metro Detroit and find more snow and colder temps than AK.

    8. Anonymous3:18 PM


      You must have lived in Fairbanks, because we haven't seen anything colder than -20 in South-central for at least 10 years. It just doesn't happen any more. However, Fbks did have some -40 last month, but South-central (Anchorage/the Valley) don't really get cold any longer, at least for the last 10 years.

  27. Anonymous10:10 AM


    Off topic but Billo the A$$Clown is melting...

    "After the Bill O’Reilly war reporting controversy has grown a new set of legs thanks to an ex-CBS colleague’s comments, the Factor himself phoned into Fox’s MediaBuzz on Sunday. And, man, was he unhappy."

    Hit the link to find out just how unhappy. And they weren't buying what Billo was trying to sell.

    Billo was also poked in the eye!

    "Kurtz responded, with a chuckle, that Corn is a respected Washington reporter with a long history of successful stories"

    They had that one already for Billo to step in, and he did.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      but..but..but… he was front and center in the war on Christmas!

  28. Anonymous10:11 AM

    . “It’s 90 miles of just tussocks and zero snow,” said Charles Preston of trail class Team 80. “So you can go about a half a mile before you overheat, and stop, wait for a half-hour. It’s miserable,” he said.

    Wait a second ... Sarah Palin said:

    "Racers brave blizzards in pitch blackness atop frozen rivers"

    Oh yeah, that's Sarah Palin being a drama queen again. Sarah said that racers brave blizzards in pitch blackness but an actual racer says that they are overheating in zero snow.


    1. Asinine snowmobilers race up and down the Portage waterway here. Their stupid noisy blaring smelly engines can be heard all night long as the sound ricochets between the hills on each side of the canal.

      "Racers brave blizzards in pitch blackness atop frozen rivers" = Obnoxious jerks ruining the pristine winter night environment for everyone else.

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      There are snowmobilers who die every year in Colorado and other states because they don't understand snow or avalanche dangers.

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      That idiot that Todd got for Bristol to have a trial boy daddy, the one that worked on a film and got tax credits. That one.

      He crashed right into a wall. He lived but it was hell. Now he is going into his girly stage.

    4. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Snow machine folks have died in Alaska too due to accidents and/or avalanches. Happens every year!

  29. Anonymous10:11 AM

    So is Levi running the Iron Dog race this year? I seem to remember a story about that?

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Sad about Track Palin, he can't seem to do anything. When did he last have employment?

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM


  30. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Isn't there a team of two women racing?

  31. Anonymous10:12 AM

    How long before Todd gets "mechanical problems" and drops out?

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Maybe Track will share some of his free military Viagra and help Todd out with his "mechanical" problem.

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Half-mile? 100 yards? Arrested for prostitution at starting line? No telling with girly-man Todd.

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Yeah, I heard Track was on a run.

    4. Anonymous3:41 PM

      may be his dick will jump out of his pants and we will have three tone nickname instead of two tone? shrug...

  32. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I think that those photos are from last year. Nothing with Sarah is original.

  33. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I see Palin left his 2014 DNF, off his bio

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      How about his BS ("barely started")?

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      That was the year he cheated. I doubt the only year he cheated, but a year that was obvious that he cheats.

  34. When does the Metal Mutt end? Snowmobiling is very popular up here, but it is a noisy smelly sport with no redeeming features that I can think of. A popular version is just riding from bar to bar.

    Is skipping out on the Cambridge event (3/2) a win-win for Palin in her wee brain? She doesn't risk being embarrassed on a grand scale, and maybe she figures she can scamper around Washington and maybe even Capitol Hill with her good buddy Bibi (3/3)?

  35. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Sarah's PAC logo was slapped on the September 11 iconic picture and a photo of Martin Luther King's I have a Dream Speech. At least they were political events. But the PAC logo on Todd racing looks like Sarah's PAC is donating to her own husband.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      She's not! She put it up on Facebook ONLY as to publicity for HER! She's not sponsoring Todd's race in Alaska!

  36. Anonymous10:25 AM

    She's throwing out the "girly men" phrase because it's from an SNL skit and she will never let anyone forget her SNL creds.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Ha! I hadn't even thought about that.

      It's also an almost 30-year-old sketch. What next? Will Sarah ask the President "Where's the Beef?"

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      From what, six fucking years ago?!? Fuck is she a child.

    3. Anonymous11:44 AM

      I do love also that this came out of the mouth of a "manly-girl".


  37. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Above photos are not current! The first one WITH Sarah, the kid is way, way too young! She's trying to include herself this year even though she's not a part!

    Alaska Dispatch News (main Anchorage newspaper) had coverage this morning on the front page that was captioned "Iron Dog roars out of Anchorage!" It occurred yesterday as a ceremonial start due to lack of snow in Anchorage. They actually had to bring in snow and put it down on 4th Avenue for the 'ceremonial' start!

    The official race (to Nome) began today from Big Lake which is located north of Anchorage.

    The turnout for the Iron Dog does not begin to compare to the start of the huge annual events called The Iditarod (dog sled race) or Fur Rendezvous (winter festival).

    Todd Palin was not even mentioned in the article (or quoted) and there were zero photos of him or Sarah Palin in the article!

    People in Alaska are so finished with them and it's a pleasure to see!

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I wonder if the family brawl had something to do with the fact that Todd and his violent family weren't mentioned.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      I don't like any of it, Iron Dog, Iditarod, and especially Fur Rondy. Why should we have a winter carnival that still hosts fur auctions and celebrates trapping, the most inhumane treatment of animals there is.

      We here in Alaska need to grow up and grow out of the worship of all things Frontier. We no longer need furs and there is no good reason for people to have these huge kennels of sled dogs who remain on short chains for most of their lives. It's 2015 not 1915.

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Think you are right, 10:50 AM. The Anchorage Brawl was actually proven by the Anchorage Police Department with voice tapes released concerning it.

      The voices of Todd, Sarah, Track and Bristol (who were drunk and using the "f" word constantly) could be heard when the policemen were interviewing them!

      That was one huge event the Palins could not get out of it as it was proven factual.

    4. Anonymous1:18 PM

      As a matter of record, they bring in snow to cover 4th Avenue in downtown Anchorage for all the events that require snow, like the ceremonial Iditarod start and the Fur Rondy Races.

      No matter how much snow falls or does not fall, they streets of downtown Anchorage are cleared of snow. To run a dog sled or snowmachine on the street, they have to truck in snow.

  38. Anonymous10:33 AM

    At this point, Todd's only doing the race for the swag (new equipment, new gear) and the excuse to be away from Sarah for long stretches of time during "training" and "working out in the garage."

  39. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Why is this a SarahPAC poster?

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      frienemy - enemies in public - friends in private...shrug..

  40. Anonymous10:36 AM

    There are 4 women in the race ... 2 in Pro Class.

    Hope the girly girls kick Todd's wimp ass.

  41. Anonymous10:37 AM

    O/T but more on Mr. O'Lielly:

    Ex-CBS reporter shreds Bill O’Reilly on CNN: ‘He’s not a real reporter and he was not in a combat zone’

    ...On Sunday, former CBS News correspondent Eric Jon Engberg told CNN that he was in Argentina with O’Reilly, and that the Fox News pundit had tried to inflate the story “to a more frightening situation than it was.”

    “It wasn’t a combat situation by any sense of the wording that I know,” Engberg said. “There were no people killed. He said that he saw troops fire into the crowd. I never saw that, and I don’t know anybody who did. And I was there on the scene.”

    “What’s interesting is, not only did I not hear any shots, I didn’t see any ambulances. I didn’t see any tanks. I didn’t see any armored cars, all of the things that you would have expected to see had people been shot.”

    O’Reilly has claimed that Engberg and other CBS staffers were “hiding in the hotel” and ordering room service. But Engberg said that was “a fabrication, a lie.”

    He also said that there was no proof that O’Reilly was telling the truth when he said that a soldier pointed an “M-16 at my head.”

    “I have this personal dispute with him,” Engberg remarked. “He’s not a real reporter. And he was not in a combat zone that night. This was not a combat zone. Not even close.”

    Bill O’Reilly Bombshell: 6 Former Colleagues Say O’Reilly Lied About War Coverage

    ...There are now a half a dozen journalists and personnel from CBS who were working O’Reilly on the ground in Buenos Aires who dispute his claims.

    The evidence suggests that Bill O’Reilly is lying. Brian Williams got suspended for six months without pay for doing the same thing that O’Reilly. Both men exaggerated events to make them appear to be more dangerous. The difference is that NBC News is interested in journalism. Fox News isn’t.

  42. Anonymous10:39 AM

    SarahPac is NOT sponsoring Todd's team! She put the fraudulent thing together - it's no where to be seen in Alaska. Promoting HERSELF as usual! Plus, the photos she used are not current. She's not shown herself at the ceremonial or real start of the race. Liar, liar pants on fire, sista Sarah!

    And, we know her feelings are being hurt that Todd has been referred to as a 'girly girl', which comes right off this blog. Proves she is reading it! Yea, IM!

    It's fun being able to prove her a liar and fraud! Alaskans know her/them better than any others! They are so damned easy to prove wrong, lying or cheating!

  43. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Where is Bristol? If Sarah isn't by Todd's side, Bristol would stand in.

    Surgery and eating disorders.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      She was MUCH prettier before her surgery. She also looks like she had something done to her lips.

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      With each photo, Bristol is trying harder and harder to look like Kim Kardashian. Sorry, Bristol, but the job has already been take, and she has way more shoes with red soles and expensive purse.

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Bristol needs to have some fat injections in that flat ass if she wants to go "the full Kardashian".

  44. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Todd's face looked kind of bloated in Las Vegas last week. I hope he's up for the race.

  45. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Why are the Palins posting an old photo of Tawd and Tri-G? So transparent. And why is this poor unfortunate child so cross-eyed?

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      They had his eyes fixed last fall, that's how we know this is an old photo.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      They had his eyes fixed last fall
      Well we really don't know if that is true do we, since it was Sarah that posted it. We haven't seen a photo of Trig since where you could see his eyes.

  46. How little a man does Todd have to be that he allows himself to be used as a "Posing Horse" for the Slut of the North.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Tawd gotta get paid!

  47. FrostyAK10:51 AM

    Since it is raining (not snowing), I'm wondering where they got the snow to lay down on 4th ave. Did they drive it in from Fairbanks?

    With all the ice and bare ground on the trail, both they and the Iditarod mushers can expect some serious accidents. I've had my driveway sanded more this year than I've had it plowed.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      They hauled snow from the local snow dumps, old snow that had been cleaned from the roads.

  48. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Racing snowmobiles is just pathetic. A total rape of the environment by grown little boys who need big noisy machine help to get it up. But dog sled racing is even worse, since it has cost many dogs their lives.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Ya got any factual information to back up your claim that dog sled racing costs "MANY" dogs their lives? Or is that just your opinion?

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Im not the original poster but way back in 1991 I was on acation in Alaska and went on a sled dog excursion in WASSILLA waaay before I ever heard of A PALIN. The excursion owner had a dog that had been on the third place Iditarod team. He explained how they train the dogs to eat quickly: they dont put out enough food , so the dogs learn to gulp food aggressively and ultimately the lesser agressive dogs go hungry. I thought that was inhumane. Mean. The iditarod originally had a purpose, right ? Getting vaccines delivered? Desperate times and measures that dont exist anymore. Why continue?

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM


      I agree, there are snow machines now to move around the bush, there is no reason for people to have these dogs, and really, if you've seen some of the kennels, as I have, and have helped rescue dogs from them, you'd agree that there is absolutely no reason for this race, or this practice of having huge sled dog kennels to continue. There is a lot of gross stuff that happens here in AK, child abuse, rape, native dysfunction and incest and more child abuse, plus a whole shitload of animal abuse. I can't believe for a second that we deserved to be called one of the "happiest" states in the union because this place is full of terribleness.

  49. Anonymous10:57 AM

    After the Academy Awards. CNN

    American Sniper, the perfect hero for our time


    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Did Clint invite Sarah to the Academy Awards? After party?

  50. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Hey look who won the best worst movie, Gryphen!

    Kirk Cameron's 'Saving Christmas' Tops 2015 Razzie Awards

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Well, at least he won something. I don't think the movies made about Sarah Lou even took a razz.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      I don't think she even won the Razzie for her The Undefeated movie, but she was a contender, which really, is all she's ever been.

  51. Anonymous11:06 AM

    That is the worst written piece of crap ever. No way in hell Sarah even PASSED any journalism or communications classes anywhere let alone HAS A DEGREE.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      It reads exactly the way she speaks, in long run-together sentences, each thought slamming into the next, wandering and skipping across Arctic lakes and past the Native villages, over the meadow and through the woods, mental diarrhea. It's not writing. It's a mess, just like Palin.

    2. laurensd111:54 AM

      It is virtually impossible to obtain ANY degree with five colleges in six years; in some instances only a semester here and there.
      Credits will not transfer. Period.
      Sarah thinks that people do not know or care.
      She has nothing to back up that lie.
      She just vomits words.

    3. Anonymous12:58 PM

      It used to be called word salad. I think that word vomit is a better description.

    4. Most schools require anywhere from at least a semester to as much as two years worth of credits to be from that school before they will award a degree.

      In addition, a minimum number of the credits required for the specific major usually are required to be from that school. In other words, even if you meet the requirement for a semester (or two, etc.), if they are all general ed credits, and none of them are the courses required for that specific major, it is not likely that you will meet the requirements for a degree.

    5. Anonymous1:56 PM

      It's a window into how her brain works. Scary stuff, that.

  52. By the way, what does "wrenching on speed across Alaska through unbelievable conditions, upwards of 100 " mean?

    "Wrenching" might be a word but I can't possibly figure out what she's nattering on about by using it here.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Reading what Sarah writes is hear-wrenching. I hate to see her murder the English language. It s pure torture.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      The guys who race modify their machines. They bore out the cylinders and do things to the engine to make them faster. They call that "wrenching". Basically a bunch of gear heads doing post production crap to their snow machines.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      "wrenching on speed" ...that may explain why Toad's machine blew up last year.

  53. Anonymous11:21 AM

    It hurts to see Trig's uncorrected eyes...

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      They did fix Trig's eyes last fall, but really, the least of that boy's problems is his crossed eyes. He's going to be eating baby food and shitting in diapers for the rest of his sad.

  54. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Why is she so obsessed with the term "live life vibrantly"? Every time the woman opens her mouth she says this. She must have heard it at church during one of the few times she attended.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Dog whistle word for rwcnj s. 7 mountains shit

  55. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Hey $arah, what are the chances of my getting SarahPAC to endure the shit I took this morning? Seems to me that your donors would get a helluva lot more bang for your buck!

  56. Anonymous11:45 AM

    OT - Senator Stoltze Introduces Bill to Repeal Film Tax Credits

    JUNEAU-Senator Bill Stoltze (R-MatSu/Chugiak) has introduced legislation, Senate Bill 39, to repeal the State’s film production tax credit program. Created in 2008, the original film tax credit program authorized $100 million in credits, and was reauthorized in 2013 for $200 million, totaling $300 million. Currently, over $170 million in film tax credits remain authorized.

  57. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Todd is racing in support of Chris Kyle's Frog Foundation. They want to offer support for veterans and first responders by providing a weekend retreat and some other programs:

    As funding becomes available, the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation will add additional programs to further its desire to create a country of connected and thriving service member families.

    Our long-term vision for the Foundation is to purchase a facility to host retreats and training sessions in a ranch-type environment with the goal of providing peace, serenity, community, and a space away from day-to-day stress and obligations.

    Camp Facilities and Services for Children
    The Chris Kyle Frog Foundation Retreat Facility Gratitude Packages
    Family Focused Ranch Retreats
    Concealed Handgun License Training for Service Member and First Responder Spouses
    Online Business Start-up Support to Supplement Family Income
    Family Sponsorship Programs
    Support of Medical Treatments that could enable wounded service members and first responders to reduce the new stresses associated with their return to civilian life

    Concealed Handgun License Training for Service Member and First Responder Spouses
    Remind me again, how did Chris Kyle and his friend die?

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Wingnut indoctrination camp.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Oh good. A family veterans camp with guns. Did his widow not get the memo about how he died?

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Widow might have a job in name only as Head Frog. You know, do nothing, get paid. May do the occasional BS speech as the martyred widow.

  58. Anonymous11:56 AM

    No one can be more "girly" than Libby Riddles, first woman to win the Iditarod, and doing so by braving a blizzard on the sea ice that no guy dared to go out on. SO much harder to mush and care for a team of dogs out there than ride around on a machine.

  59. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I'd rather watch a bicycle race. Much more exciting to see what the human body can accomplish than a snow mobile.

  60. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I am a " combat" veteran I get along just fine. I don't hang around do gooders,helpful groups ,good Christians ,mean people,busy bodies. I hang with thoughtful people of all walks of life and colors and age and sex.

  61. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Aren't those pictures from, oh, two or three years ago? Were you even there Sarah? Was Trigg? Did he let you hold his hand, or did he run away after "Go Daddy" started his race?
    Have fun Todd. It's at least a day or two away from crazy Sarah and the lazy kids before your machine dies and you quit. Family trait?

  62. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Here's some photos of the race conditions. What kind of inbred hillbilly morons would even schedule a race when there is no snow? The Iditarod organizers changed their race route this year, but the Metal Mutters? Couldn't figure out that they need snow for their SNOWmachines, apparently.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      They would be better off in NJ.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      It's not going to be much better for the Iditarod, even with the northern starting point.

  63. Anonymous3:34 PM

    This is last year's show.
    "Todd’s involvement lasted less than 24 hours, as he had a 'rarely seen crank shaft bearing failure' shortly after the race began."

    Todd Palin May Be a Dog, But He Never Intended to Compete in the Iron Dog

  64. Anonymous3:35 PM

    they dodge wild animals

    I doubt the girly men have to dodge wild animals; the noise alone would scare them off!!

    The fact they run this idiotic race even when there is no snow leads me to believe their is money to be made by other means, like all the hookers that “show up” the week of the Detroit Auto Show.

  65. Anonymous3:35 PM

    It's Willow's kid, the TriG knockoff. that is true love.

  66. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Will Sarah Palin be attending the Oscars tonight for Amazing America With Sarah Palin? Julianne Moore is being interviewed right now and her long white gown has nothing on Sarah Palin’s, I mean Bristol's Palin's mini white bedazzled potato sack.

  67. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The new pictures barstool posted on her blog are interesting. Have you ever noticed that Trigg is rarely held by scaryah? The few pics I've seen of her holding him, he is always screaming and trying to get out of her arms. Also, we know Willow is in Arizona. Where's trackmarks?


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