Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ted Cruz is almost certain he would like to face national ridicule by running for President in 2016.

Courtesy of the Washington Examiner: 

Sen. Ted Cruz said Sunday that he is exploring a presidential bid in 2016, confirming speculation that the Texas Republican is gauging whether he has a chance to take what figures to be a crowded GOP field. 

"It's something I'm looking at very seriously," Cruz said on CNN's "State of the Union." 

The Tea Party favorite said support for his candidacy has been "extraordinary" and "encouraging."

Oh I'll bet his support is "extraordinary" and "encouraging."

It is also batshit crazy and likely more than a little unhinged.  

I have to say that if we can't have Sarah Palin as part of the Republican clown car in 2016, my next favorite choice would be Rafael "Ted" Cruz.

The guy is that rare combination of smarmy used car salesman and a babbling saliva specked mental patient.


  1. PlainsHoax4:29 AM

    Show me your birth certificate first, Raphael - the long form !

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      I am pretty sure that is only required if you are black.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      yeah hes a liar and traitor...might want to stop him before he steps out to speak...tell him he forgot his book on the plane...you know Green Eggs and Ham...
      sounds like another educated idiot to me...

  2. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Maybe his Daddy will run as his VP? He is as nuts as PayMe. Religious fanatic. I think the majority of these nut cases are running to pad their bank accounts, knowing they have no chance of being elected President.

    1. angela5:59 AM

      I've noticed lately Ted's old man has been quiet.
      Maybe Ted is shutting the crazy down for a little while
      to make it seem like he wasn't raised by a lunatic--which he was.

  3. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Wait a minute; isn't he the Canadian-born son of a Canadian citizen (who himself is Cuban born)?!??! If a Hawaiian-born man born of a Kansas-born mother is ineligible in the Teatards' eyes, how can this schmuck possibly be a contender?

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      The obvious answer here is that Senator Poutine is not a blah man... And why is it that every time ai see that man I have an overwhelming desire to take a Silkwood shower?

    2. Anonymous5:20 AM

      He's sort of white, pro-guns, and talks about God a lot. So he must be 'one of us.'

    3. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Much to my dismay, I've found a number of childhood friends I've reconnected with have turned out to be rabid Teabaggers & Libertarians. Rather than unfriend them, I've taken the opportunity to lurk on the rant posts so I can get an idea of their supposed rationale.

      Surprisingly, virtually ALL of them like Cruz & his ideas while bemoaning the fact that he's NOT eligible to run. So at least my little collection of 'baggers, they're being consistent.

    4. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Only vote for communists, they are the only truly worthy ones. Long live socialism!

    5. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Having a family member highly involved in the tea party/Palin cult, I find that these are the boomers who got lost along the journey. Either they have grifted their way through what they thought was an entitled life, live in the junky trailer and weigh 300lbs, but blame the guberment for all their bad choices, or they are the quasi-christians who spew scripture, but never behave like Christians and see all liberal /Democratic social programs as evil, socialist-NOT Jesus-y. Or some combination of the three. Throw in a lot of hypocrisy and underlying racism and you have most of them pegged.

    6. Anonymous8:17 AM

      What is the difference between 'natural born citizen' and 'citizen'?

    7. Anon@8.17a - A "citizen" is someone who was either born here "natural born citizen" or someone who emigrated here and obtained citizenship. Only "natural born citizens" (who also can be born out of the country to an American citizen) can be president/vice president.

    8. Anonymous9:26 AM

      PISA, what your saying is that an 'anchor baby' is a 'natural born citizen' and can be president even though his/her parents are Mexican, Iraqi, Russian or any other nationality.

    9. Anon@9.26a - Yes, if the baby was born in the US, he is a natural born citizen. Not the parents, the baby.

    10. Anonymous5:24 PM

      PISA, please don't take this personally, but that is not right, it is so not right it isn't even wrong, it is wronger than wrong.

    11. Leland1:42 AM


      WHAT is wrong, please? The fact that a child born here is a Natural Born Citizen or that the child born here COULD be a citizen or what?

    12. Anonymous9:43 AM

      An 'anchor baby' born here with foreign parents is not a 'natural born citizen'. It would never be eligible for the presidency.

    13. Leland5:24 PM


      I know huge number of lawyers (and courts) who would vehemently disagree with you.

  4. Caroll Thompson5:01 AM

    He is a Canadian. He is ineligible.

    1. That only matters if you have dark skin.

      And are a Democrat.

    2. Leland5:44 AM

      Sorry. Try again. The last I heard, his mother is a US born citizen. Also, he dropped his Canadian citizenship.

      I just wish you were right.

    3. Caroll Thompson5:59 AM

      I would want to see his mother's birth certificate Leland. He claims his mother is an American, but she was living in Canada when she met Ted's cuban born father.

    4. Anonymous6:40 AM

      It seems only fair that people should examine his parentage as closely as the 'baggers did with Obama's. Did Mrs. Cruz ever become a Canadian citizen? How long was she out of the states at time of birth? If I recall, there was a claim that Obama's mother was no longer a citizen because she had lived out of the US for too long before he was born or some such... fair is fair, right? We should hold everyone to the same level of scrutiny

    5. Anonymous6:59 AM

      President Obama's mother never lost her citizenship.
      And certainly not before he was born, when she was just 19 years old.
      Americans can go all over the world and live their whole lives overseas (which she didn't) and still be Americans.
      The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, was born in New York City and holds joint U.S. and British citizenship. The IRS just made him pay taxes on some income, after he protested for years. Nonetheless, as a U.S. citizen, he was liable for the taxes.
      That's how it works. An American is an American forever, unless he or she actively renounces citizenship. Shirley Ann Dunham certainly didn't, and, much to his dismay, neither has Boris Johnson.

    6. Anon@6.59 - Excellent post, except Obama's mom was named "Stanley Ann", not "Shirley Ann". She was named after her father (also named "Stanley", not "Shirley"!) but was - mercifully called "Ann".

    7. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Hey! Another New Mexican! We need to go tp a house in Rio Rancho...

    8. Anon@8.02a - what did this person in Rio Rancho do to you? And I can think of a few persons here in SF who could use a good tp-ing!

    9. Anonymous10:02 AM

      RR lady is the creator of the earthquake group and the Superpac and Iowa billboards that Gryphen covered. One of her top co-horts lives in Estancia, so we could kill two birds!

    10. Anonymous12:09 PM

      He isn't going to win any nominations anyways.

    11. Leland1:59 PM

      Carroll, I would love to see him go through the same trouble POTUS did! It would be SO-O-O-O-O wonderfully turnabout! Unfortunately, what the baggers failed to realize and a lot of those people simply could not accept, is that it is not the responsibility of the candidate to prove his citizenship and thus his or her eligibility. It is the responsibility of the Federal Elections Committee. All of the arguments about President O'bama's citizenship could have been slapped silly had they simply said that themselves. The FEC and the STATE of birth must verify, not the candidate.

      Please, don't get me wrong. I would LOVE to see that fool slapped around like POTUS was. I would love to see how that fatuous pig Trump would react! Not to mention that loud mouth SP! HER BOY not eligible? Hell no!

      I woud laugh all the way to anywhere I could see her face. (Not really. I have enough trouble keeping myself from barfing just seeing a picture!

  5. Bill F5:05 AM

    I wish Cruz would explain how such a hateful person as himself could become POTUS.

    1. Leland2:01 PM

      Unfortunately, Bill, being a hateful person is not a disqualifier. Be nice if it was, through. Most of the idiots on the repubes side would be disqualified - assuming we could get them to agree on what the definition of hateful person was.

  6. Anonymous5:09 AM

    He looks like someone who practices posing in front of his mirror.

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    It may be shallow of me, but just looking at him gives me the creeps.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Tell me about it. He could be my rapist ex-husband's twin brother.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      He creeps me out, too! Weird cross between evil and effeminate.

    3. Anonymous10:40 AM

      @8:04, Thank You!!

      I've been trying to put my finger on it, and you've pegged it exactly. Evil and effeminate.

      His skin reminds me of the 50's women with pale skin, dark hair, and red lipstick. I always picture those women as being named "Betty."

      He is creepy, that's for sure.

      R in NC

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Betty Cruz...I can see that! I picture the old nasty movie/sitcom ladies.

    5. Anonymous11:50 AM

      He reminds me of a guy in the neighborhood when I was a kid. He was creepy and had that same "I know something you don't know" smirk.

    6. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Mom told me to keep my distance from that neighbor.

  8. Leland5:47 AM

    That thing, which for some reason, calls itself human has ALWAYS reminded me of Uriah Heep!

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      "This is the thing we've never known before, it's called 'easy living'.

      Love UH.

  9. Anonymous5:58 AM

    eeeeew..dude makes my skin crawl.

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      You said it!!!!
      Icky, icky man.
      M from MD

  10. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Cruz is the male version of Palin/Bachmann.

    He always looks constipated. In this pic he looks like he ingested a box of ex-lax.

  11. Anonymous6:56 AM

    slimey is as slimey does.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      He looks smarmy, like a used car salesman with sweaty palms. You know the kind.
      He gives me the creeps.

  12. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I wonder how Cruz will do in this experimental poll of Bristols.
    Can't wait to see the results and some of the comments are pretty funny too.

  13. fromthediagonal7:40 AM

    Creepy Cruz = Nineteen Fifties CommunistCatcher McCarthy. I am beginning to wonder if there is such a thing as reincarnation! I shudder at the thought.

  14. Actually, I think he looks just like that other Commie-hating Senator - Joseph McCarthy. Gives me the creeps, he does...

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Neither of them have/had any sense of decency.

  15. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Whatever Happened to Ted Cruz, Maestro of the Senate?

    The conservative hero who led Congress into a 2013 government shutdown is falling flat.

    Ted Cruz is in the penalty box.

    The conservative hero who led Congress into a 2013 government shutdown over Obamacare is falling flat with his latest demonstration over President Barack Obama's immigration orders.

    Just as the field of Republican presidential aspirants grows, the Texas senator is trying to burnish his conservative credentials. In his most high-profile push, Cruz is trying to goad his Senate colleagues into blocking the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as attorney general and other nominees to force the president to reverse his immigration executive orders.

    Here's the problem: no one seems to be paying much attention.


  16. Aunt Ethel8:07 AM

    Ted and $arah should both run. Remember how nasty the Republican hopefuls were to each other in 2012? Watching these two (and their respective leghumpers) try to destroy each other would make the Palin brawl look like two preschoolers squabbling in a sandbox.

    Just imagine the skeletons that would finally see the light of day.

    Two birds, one stone...

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Problem with that, according to the Palin fancult, is the Sarah will never be second fiddle on a ticket again! She is the star, the headliner, NOT the sidekick or second banana.

    2. Aunt Ethel8:36 AM

      I meant they should both run for president and attack one another mercilessly during primary season.

      I agree with you. I can't see $arah or Ted agreeing to be another candidate's VP choice

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Yay! Aunt Ethel is here! Haven't seen you lately?

    4. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Ted Cruz is a slimy, pompous bastard who couldn't hold back his disdain even if he wanted to.

  17. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Global warming has hit the pee pond. Things are heating up and it isn't pretty. Colint and GeraldGoff are butting heads with the christian-in-name-only , tk and her partner in jeebus pbp, who was told to"FU"! This can't end well.

  18. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I am hoping that she, her hateful hubby, the gent and a host of others (jr8 and the senator, come quickly to mind) all face an "Obama care death panel" and are deemed to have too much poison and bile in their old veins to continue to exist.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      I do not wish death on anyone, but am merely biding my time until they discover $arah is not running AGAIN. T'will be a thing of beauty watching the meltdown.

  19. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Cruz expects his debate expertise and god's blessing to land him the GOP nomination and the presidency. Important to remember that champion high school/college debaters are skilled in supporting both sides of an issue. They can win their debate by talking fast to make a lot of points, including making stuff up, that their opponent doesn't have time to counter.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      So did $arah. We saw how that turned out!

  20. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Every time I see that awful man's mug,my gut response is UGH!
    What a smarmy-faced tool he is.

    M from MD

  21. Anonymous9:25 AM

    When he tips his head down and looks up past that big nose thru his eyebrows he reminds me of the neighbor mom told us to stay away from. yuk.


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