Monday, February 16, 2015

Tennessee lawmaker thinks his state needs a little more religion in its constitution.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A Republican lawmaking in Tennessee has introduced legislation that would add references to God and “our Savior” to the state’s constitution. 

House Joint Resolution 71, proposed by state Rep. James VanHuss (R-Jonesborough), would add the language, “We recognize that our liberties do not come from governments, but from Almighty God, our Creator and Savior” to Article I of the Constitution of Tennessee. 

The new language could clash with Article I, Section 3 of the Tennessee constitution, which declares “no preference shall ever be given, by law, to any religious establishment or mode of worship.”

You know I'm guessing that somebody has a really hard time understanding that whole "separation of church and state" thing.

I cannot get over how these people all seem convinced that our laws and political system are based on the Bible, when in fact they are almost completely borrowed from the early Greeks.

Who by the way, were NOT Christians.


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The South. Life would be so much less amusing without them. Glad we kicked their asses way back when so they could make the rest of our country look intelligent.

    1. Balzafiar6:43 PM

      You do realize, don't you, that the South will rise again? Because shit floats.

    2. Anonymous11:33 PM

      Judging the Southern populace on VanHuss is like judging all Alaskans on $arah Palin.

      Yes. Some Southerners are bloomin' idiots, but some just have bad eyes.

    3. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Because nothing says you've got the moral high ground over the south like stereotyping an entire region's people. I've lived both north and south and seen as much if not more racism, etcetera, up north as down here.

    4. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Please give us names, dates, and places, 6:02.

    5. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Sure thing. Tamir Rice, Ohio, 2014. Eric Garner, NY, 2014. Mike Brown, St.Louis, 2014. Want some more? I'll keep going when you tell me how much time you've spent in a southern state.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    But don't most courthouses have the 10 Commandments posted?

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM


    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Let me re-phrase that: Most courthouses post the 10 Commandments.

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM



    4. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Most Southern courthouses do, thumbing their noses at Washington.

    5. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Right. And under God is not in the Pledge of Allegiance, in God we trust is not on the money in your pocket.
      If you ever go to the Supreme Court, close your eyes so you don't see the commandment prominently displayed in three separate areas.

    6. Anonymous8:13 PM

      What areas would those be, 7:46?

    7. Anonymous9:10 PM

      The 10 commandments has zip to do with trying to say "Almighty God, our Creator and Savior" in the constitution of the state of Tennessee. The silly commandments could be plastered wall to wall in every government building in the United States, but it would not, could not make an imaginary friend of deluded simpletons the creator or savior of me.

      But thanks for your "concern". "Most courthouses" is too inaccurate to debate. Do your research and come back with a percent instead of embarrassing yourself with faux controversy.

    8. Leland4:37 PM


      I am sorry to say I have lived in SC for MANY years. The number of court houses I have been in that have the commandments displayed are minimal. I could count them on one hand.

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    This guy just wants a slogan to get money for his next campaign. He knows the legislation will never be enacted.

    The only god he worships is cash.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      And laziness. So much easier to pretneend to be a legislator than get an actual job.

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    i just e-mailed this domestic taliban tea_tard a message along with a little reading material;
    "Ever hear of a little thing called "the separation between church and state" ?
    Here, I sent along a little reading material to further your education;

    When I read about bills/laws you and your kind try and implement it rings along the same lines relative to being the equivalent of domestic taliban."

    wonder if i'll get a response ?

    here's the nimrods contact info/e-mail

  5. Anonymous3:50 PM

    There is a lot goosing up the Religious Right these days. This article at The Atlantic is kicking up a lot of buzz. Legitimately in term of our foreign policy, I think, but boy are the Christianists taking it apocalyptically. Calling for nukes, etc.

  6. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Maybe he finally got the message that rape is a no-go zone for repub legislators, so he pivoted to a sure fund raiser.

    BTW, I don't have a "Savior" and will not allow one to be foisted upon me.

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Another mislead idiotic,conniving POS using religion to further his political career.
    Where in the world do these numbskulls crawl out of.
    I believe in your right to worship. Quit being a busybody you twerp.Get a job!!!! Right Sarah?

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    If this jerk thinks his freedom comes from god and not from government, he knows nothing about the history of Christian governments. There wasn't enough vodka to get the KGB to believe they could ever be as successfully repressive as the Christian church had been throughout it's history. You just can't beat getting the populace to repress/torture/kill each other while the tyrants had only to pay off those at the top of the church hierarchy.

  9. Anonymous5:47 PM

    James, why don't you ask Queen Esther for a coffee date.
    You both have a lot in common!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.