Monday, February 16, 2015

Sarah Palin actually tells hecklers to "get a job." I bet she rehearses that everyday at home with her own family.

I did not link to this earlier today because the video on the original TMZ post did not play for me.

But now that I have it on You Tube, well it is really too good not to share.

I like how she admits she's now in show business:

"Are you in show business? Then don't be jealous boy."

Gee I wonder if that was a black guy?

Crowd: "Put some clothes on Sarah."

Palin: "Hey dude I'm from Alaska."

And then a few seconds later.

Palin: "Hey when you get a job, you come talk to me okay?"

At which time the crowd starts shouting "What are you doing?"

Palin: "Hey, I'm here, and you're there."

In other words I'm more important than you.

So much for that whole "I'm just a regular small town American" bullshit.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Mother of all Brawlers!

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      If Track would have been there he'd have called out all those dudes and been all like, "yeah, I'm a pussy but not like gay but damn mouthin' off at my mama and shit and fuck all y'all I'm divin' into this shit and gonna kick ALL your asses"!

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM



      It would be more like:

      "What?" (Rips shirt off and kicks off shoes) "I'll funckin' fight ya! Talking shit to my Mom. You talk shit to my Mom, trying to pick her up and shit, I'll fuckin' kick your asses, you little bitches!"

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Bwahahahaha, Track is a joke. He can't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

    4. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Yep, Track would have been trying to beat up on Todd. Whether Todd was there or not. Track would think they were both in Eagle River.

    5. Anonymous1:30 PM

      12:29 vs 12:47

      i vote 12:29 for the win ! 8)

    6. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Did she make the paps show all pic of her fug mug?
      She is so gross and she eats that shit up, paps always say nice Bullshit so they can get a pic. Prob called her a old cunt when she walked away. Sarah doesn't get it. THEY ARE LAUGHING AT HER!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Hilarious! Here she is, in the middle of one of the worst winters, in a skimpy dress, yet in Alaska, when it is WARM, she wears double and tripple layers of coats.
    Gryphen: you should also post some of the getty pics of both of her orange hands! I guess she tried to put on some fake tan stuff by herself, and forgot that it should not be kept too long on your hands, or they will stain.
    BTW: how about YOU, Skank, getting a job?!

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Dlisted has a series of photos and the last one shows her waving with her orange hand, full palm shot, really orange, like she just gave Boehner a tug job or somethin'.

    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      How much did she spend to send Bristol to skin school? They should have anything to do with skin down to a fine art. She is like a kid doing finger paints and too frazzled to clean up. That is her problem often. Why there are all those she doesn't take bathes comments. It is true, she flunks hygiene and didn't get her money's worth with the skin school proposition. Failin' Palin.

    3. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Looks like she stuck her hand in Ted Nugent's underpants

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    This says it all....for all time:

    "Are you in show business? Then don't be jealous boy."

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM


      Well now, pee pond, there's you're answer to 2016.

      Picturing her singing, "there's NO business, like SHOW business," and falling flat on her @ss in her shoes.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      They'll keep sliding her their couch change regardless of whether she's a politician or a D-List celebrity. They're smitten by her ignorance, and that there is a hard habit to break.

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      I am curious. Did she say " Then don't be jealous boy." before or after she was interviewed with Al Sharpton?

      She was feeling randy when they were being so gracious to one another.

      Perhaps she had other feelings she didn't want revealed at that time.

      Sharpton later commented that he was glad she said he loved America because that was not how he was usually talked about in some circles.

      Sarah couldn't say the word 'Americana' enough, it stuck in her craw.

    4. DontHatetheGame6:01 PM

      She couldn't keep her hands off him! First she tries to pat him on his face and leaned away then it looked like she tried to kick him and he had to back up. This bitch is crazy!

  4. What in hell does she mean, get a job?

    What makes that peawitted harpy think these people don't have jobs?

    It's a Sunday evening.A lot of gainfully employed people are off from work at that time.

    What a bitter, nasty moron. Who apparently trowels on the hairspray like putty.

    But I can see she's achieved the goal of her vacuous life, posing for selfies on a red carpet. Mr. DeMIlle, she's ready for her closeup!

    1. ibwilliamsi12:12 PM

      I imagine she thinks that they don't have jobs because they're blah... Of course that's pure speculation on my part.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Based on your post, seems like you are the bitter nasty one. How many hours a day do you dedicate to thinking and posting about Palin? Palin, a person you have never met, who doesn't even know you, doesn't care about you, and never will.

    3. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Not nearly as much as you, 12:20.

    4. PalinsHoax12:53 PM

      "Palin, a person you have never met . ."
      - - -
      Funny, since I seriously doubt that she has met the person she is talking to on the street, and yet thinks she has the right to chastise them about getting a job ?!?!?

      Oh wait, maybe she's yelling "Get a Job!" to Tawdry, or Brissie, or Willow, or Trackie or Chuckie Jr. Either that or she's looking in a mirror and shouting that instruction to the Ol' Harridan whose wonkey-eyed reflection is staring back her.

      (Servant's heart, my a$$. She's got a Serpent's heart.)

    5. Anonymous12:58 PM

      12:20 PM Based on your post, seems that you are the Liar Troll who doesn't even know Palin and never will. And she doesn't even care to meet you, kid.

    6. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Ha, ha 12:20pm, you obvs get your talking points from her because you are constantly here posting that we need to "get a job" and "stop being jealous". What does she email you the "troll talking points of the day" and you just parrot them?

      You make me laugh.

    7. Anonymous1:12 PM

      12:20 PM If Sarah Palin has aspirations to run for Political office, how can you say that she does not know someone, doesn't care about them and never will? Are you her spokesperson? How would you know that about her? If that guy in the crowd was Glen Rice, Sarah Palin would have stripped down right there on the street. Sarah Palin is a low classed skank.

    8. Anonymous1:16 PM

      @12:20 PM,

      $arah Palin is the bitter and nasty one, as she has dedicated years to bitching about, and posting about President Obama, even though he doesn't know $arah Palin, doesn't give a shit about $arah Palin, and by his own admission doesn't even THINK about $arah Palin, and never will!

      $arah Palin deserved to be heckled, because she's a bitter, nasty bitch!

    9. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Life is all about which side of the velvet rope you are on.

    10. Anonymous2:04 PM


      And the first time she actually shows up on the celebrity side of the velvet rope she makes a dog's breakfast of it!

    11. Anonymous2:43 PM

      1:16 PM
      "Life is all about which side of the velvet rope you are on."

      Did that come out of Sarah's fundamentalist bible? And Jesus saith "go ye and getteth on the right side of the velvet rope and ordereth spike heels from the Internet and raideth your daughter's closet so that you will be ready for the Red Carpet and maketh sure you paint your body with faketh tan so that you can proveth you are from Alaska. Be ready for me for when I cometh for I will only taketh those who are on the right side of the velvet rope. And if you are heckled, saith unto the hecklers, "are you in show business? If not, do noteth be jealous of me for I am Sarah and I am in show business".

    12. Anonymous4:14 PM

      1:12 get it thru your stupid thick head.

      Sarah Palin has no aspirations to run for political office ever again. Are you really that dull in the brain? Did you not get the memo?

    13. Anonymous4:18 PM

      12:20 you betcha skank doesn't care about anyone else -she only cares about herself and the twisted need she has for attention-all of it, any of it. she is so ill she will humiliate herself/her family/her hometown/her state and anything else she needs to humiliate just to get her fix of attention.

      1. if she is a "private person" an "average amerkun" "a middle classer" "mom" "christian" and all her other asinine descriptives of herself then tell us what she was doing on the red carpet being interviewed by the LAMESTREAM MEDIA quote/unquote? who the hell is she to call someone "boy" and who does she exactly think she is asking if he is in "show business" and pointing out she is on the roped off side of the carpet?

      she was out there eating it up amongst the "elites" and the "hollywood pack" she rails against.

      regarding her ahem.......attire-we are able to comment on her attire all we want-one of the feedums that our fighting men and women are protecting for us right? and she is an idiot and so are you.

      1. too big and old dress
      2. those boot heels on her short legs are ridiculous. just because they are loubitains does not mean wearing them give you class.
      3. the self tanner on her palms-really?
      4. the fur covered bag she carried like a weapon all night?
      5. the chunky/manly jewelry
      6. the shiny pantyhose
      7. the hundreds of hair pieces and extensions-take a look at her last speeches and the selfie in vegas with christopher cotty-her hair is not thick nor long

      the teenaged boy like behavior with alec baldwin.
      the staring at his wife's pregnant belly-what was that about?

      going along with a joke outing her grifting tease.
      she was seated next to the stairway railing.

      and again, she doesn't care about anyone except herself. you are at least honest about that.

    14. Anonymous5:13 PM

      LOL! 2:43, you nailed it. God does speak to and for her@sarah/grifter/.com

  5. a historical moment: sarah drew her sword and slowly marked a line in the red carpet . "I now want every man and women who is determined to stay here and act like me to come across this line because I am in show business ."
    so now we heard everything we needed to know. there is no business like show business. I have reached the mountain top

  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Did one of the hecklers say "You look old, Sarah" or "You look cold, Sarah" ???

    I'm sure she was seething when she got away from the crowd.

    Buffoon shows up in Bristol's potato sack thinking she can look like a teen. Just looking at her in that get up is so awkward. This is something you wear to a hip hop club not some gala event where everyone is wearing gowns and tuxedos.

    1. DontHatetheGame6:10 PM

      Sounds like he did say "you look old, Sarah, you look cold." Then someone, could have been same person, yelled "go put some clothes on." Twice.

      Can't get more embarassing then that on the red carpet!

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Even at a hip hop club, it's tasteless. The shoes are all out of proportion and style with the dress. It didn't suit her two years ago when she wore it to the Derby (totally inappropriate for a daytime outing) and inappropriate and outdated here. It doesn't suit ehr, never did.

  7. Anonymous12:16 PM

    And after "shows" like this, and like the sign with the rifle sights, her sycophants still think she's "running for president". Send a donation now, she's in SHOW BUSINESS!

  8. What job does she have exactly?

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      She has three. Bitch, liar, and grifter

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM


    3. Fleecing the rubes?

    4. Aunt Ethel1:00 PM

      "What job does she have exactly?"

      Separating fools from their money.

    5. Anonymous3:14 PM

      does she work for Todd.? If so, the stable must be really struggling.

  9. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Palin's SNL appearance really has been a windfall for the IM boards, eh Gryph?

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      @12:17 PM,

      Windfalls of laughter!

      And probably a windfall for the DNC too, eh troll?

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      (12:17) Sarah, yes, once again you are fodder for IM! You continue to live up to everything we’ve written about you.

  10. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Skanky bitch looking down her nose at real Americans. Fuck you sarah shithead.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      12:19 - don't you know who I am !

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Yes, those "little pockets of rill 'Muricans" who are on the right side of the Velvet Rope.

  11. Anonymous12:20 PM

    She is so pathetic. I doubt she even realized they were making fun of her political prick tease. Someone confident in themselves would walk right past the hecklers instead of engaging with them. She was eating up the paps loving on her....dolt!

  12. And there is Palin in a nutshell . . . . .
    "Get a job"? She thinks she is talking to her
    kids back at the grifted Wasilla house.


  13. laurensd112:24 PM

    "Get a job!" says the grifty freeloader.
    She has never worked for or delivered on even the basic rituals of life. Sister, student, athlete, mother, elected official, Christian, appointed official, grandmother, wife, hockey mom, carpool responsible person, friend, author, news commentator, volunteer, inspirational speaker, ....
    Oh, Christ!
    I don't have all day ...

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    No wonder she's getting very little coverage at being there!!! She acted like her typical self which is a total bitch! She truly should have kept her mouth shut when heckled, but it's fun to see how horribly she handled them! She just can't let anything go that she deems to be negative about her!

    She's nothing more than a joke and assuredly doesn't fit in the political, entertainment or Alaska world! Fuck her!

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Nobody really cared that $arah Palin was there. If she hadn't shown up, nobody would have noticed. Her presence there has barely been mentioned in the media, yet she has the nerve to strut down the red carpet talking shit like she's "all that." $arah Palin is a joke which is the only reason why she was invited to 'SNL 40'.

      Thanks, Tina Fey! Lol.

  15. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Oh god that is embarrassing! That one dude was like "hey Sarah what about that job you had in Alaska, the one you QUIT!"

  16. Anonymous12:28 PM

    It was a case of mistaken identity. She thought for sure she saw Track, her son.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Or Todd, her ex-husband. Or Bristol, her daughter. Or Chuck Heath Jr., her brother. Or Willow, her chubby little daughter who likes drugs and alcohol.

  17. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Palin: "Hey when you get a job, you come talk to me okay?"

    Tell Caint Get Right get a job

  18. Anonymous12:30 PM

    She's probably already planning what to wear for the ceremony in hollywood when they give her the sidewalk star.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Anonymous12:33 PM

    My, how very presidential that made her look...NOT
    Also, too loved the almost snarling contempt she displayed for the 'little people' on the other side of the rope

  21. I wonder how many other attendees where heckled. My guess would be none. Such class, yelling insults back.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Are there photos of other publicity seekers, er, "stars" out in the night dressed like that?

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      That's your Idol, Don't Get Mad. Why aren't you defending her now?

    3. And if any others were heckled, were they so stupid as to heckle back?

    4. Some of you have real comprehension problems. I was making the point the she was probably the only one that was heckled and her yelling back at the hecklers was definitely low class. You are definitely confused. I call Gryphen out on his hypocrisy at times but I have never defended silly Sarah.

    5. Anonymous2:51 PM

      We don't have comprehension problems, DGM, we have her pegged. Her response shows how thin skinned she is, she never disappoints LOL, and we are certainly more than free to call on our rights to say so.

      I smell toast.! :)

    6. Anonymous5:04 PM

      DGM, Seems like our group is jumping the gun and going rabid more and more lately. It happened to me a while back. They owe you an apology for their failure to correctly read your comment.

  22. Anonymous12:40 PM

    She thinks she's rattling off zingers. They don't make sense, but she's proud of her little tricks.

    Empty-headed loon.

  23. Anonymous12:42 PM

    LOL @ how she was baited to engage the hecklers and fell for it.

    When is Sarah not inappropriately dressed? Never.

    Wearing costumes is the only way Sarah can stand out in a crowd. People always notice the clown.

    This brief exchange with hecklers laid bare Sarah's own view of herself.

    Going commando on overnight road trips with the high school girls BB team was nothing more than an insecure child screaming for attention.

    Sarah will, no doubt, fly back to Alaska in the economy section with everyone else on the "other side of the velvet rope."

    Such a sad, sad wannabe.

    Always has been and always will be.

    Bristol is the same.

    Poor things.

  24. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "Get a job, boy"! Was that meant for Track and Todd? What job is Sarah working at? Where does Willow work? Where does Bristol work? Where does Chucktard Jr. work? The Pot calling the kettle Black?

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Calling the heckler 'boy'! He should have decked her in her evil puss! She gets away with way too much ugliness and isn't called on it! Fuck her!

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      actually, where does Sarah work? She can't even handle the mom position.

  25. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Chevy Chase is grateful he is no longer the worst person associated with SNL.

  26. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Where's the FUC_ poster when you need it, eh Sarah?

  27. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Have you seen this video? The pee pond got upset with just a red carpet picture!!!;_ylt=A2KIo9aOYeJU.i8AQYD7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=sarah+palin+red+carpet+interview+snl+40th&vid=a3fc4fa2a3facdcce29a96e449d97c96&l=1%3A27&

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Woah nellie, that hair helmet does not move, on either of them! I can honestly say that I have equal parts of dislike for the both of them.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      “Extra’s” AJ Calloway had a run-in with Sarah Palin before "Saturday Night Live's" 40th Anniversary show, when she crashed our red carpet interview with Rev....

    3. Aunt Ethel1:35 PM

      Looking forward to seeing how her fans spin her being all chummy with Reverend Al!

    4. Anonymous1:50 PM

      She patted his cheek?! watch him condescending of her. ugh

    5. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Well, she had Ped Nugent's shit all over her hands...

    6. Anonymous2:01 PM


      It's probably like being touched by the skeletal hand of the Grim Reaper, except old Grimmy smells better.

    7. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Anon @12:59

      Thanks for the link. If I may be so bold to suggest Your 601 character URL when converted at =

    8. Anonymous3:18 PM

      "Americana" must have been her mother's Word of the Day. What the fuck does that even mean? She definitely butts into the interview and then slaps and kicks Al.
      At least she didn't call him "boy" and tell him to get a job.

    9. Anonymous4:40 PM

      She has no idea who that is. Love the moment when he backs away after she, ew, touches his face.

  28. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Being included in the SNL 40th anniversary show had to be one of the biggest nights of her life. One would think she would ignore a few hecklers like a real celebrity would.
    Not Sarah Palin:

    "Are you in show business? Then don't be jealous boy."

    "Hey when you get a job, you come talk to me okay?"

    "Hey, I'm here, and you're there."

    She's not a hockey mom - she's a hockey goalie and nothing, absolutely nothing, will be allowed to pass by her without being rejected or deflected. The inner rage and bitterness must be incredible.

    1. ""Hey, I'm here, and you're there.""
      That is the nastiest comment, I think. She is too mean and stupid to realize that not everyone shares her empty dreams. Normal people can enjoy seeing popular celebrities while being perfectly happy and content with their own lives.

      She was basically saying that she was on the red carpet anyone not on or seeking the same thing was a loser.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      "Don't you know who I am" ?

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Nefer, she's not exactly known for her high self esteem, so whenever she can get something over on someone else she takes the opportunity.

      Regardless of her high level of hubris she really is still a chubby little teen with short stumpy legs and unruly hair that was never the popular girl at school and whose only claim to fame was wearing an ill-fitting girl's basketball uniform and some hand-me-down leather high-top basketball shoes that previously belonged to her taller and more sporty sister, and having made just than one shot, during that one game that got her name into the newspaper.

  29. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Sarah you are so stupid . Do you even have any skills? I would be happy with one example.(a party crasher?)
    I can't even pity you. Just about all reasonable folks have your number. You are one pathetic person.Nobody likes you.
    Go away ,please.

  30. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Her fashion crime did not go unnoticed...

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Ouch!! That burns!!

  31. Celebrity Apprentice: You're Fired1:08 PM

    A bunch of celebrity watchers spent their Sunday night in frigid temperatures outside 30 Rock, waiting at midnight to catch a glimpse of Bill Murray or Eddie Murphy or Paul Simon or Paul McCartney or Kristen Wiig or ....

    Odds are, they were either students or were going to go without a lot of sleep that night in order to get to their Monday morning jobs. They were as intent on seeing some glamour as Sarah Palin was when she raced to Anchorage to cast her eyes on Ivana Trump (lol).

    Instead of waving at them, wishing them well, telling them to keep warm, or just ignoring them, Palin couldn't walk away from a few anonymous young hecklers -- even while reporters and cameras were catching her every word.

    Did she think she was clever? Was she delivering the mot juste? With "jealous," "boy," "dude," "You're there and I'm here?" (na na na na na).

    I'm sure that's what any/all of the other celebrities did if they got a less-than-enthusiastic reception from the crowd -- demeaned the hecklers, gloried in their superiority to the hoi polloi while giving the peons valuable career advice as the anointed ones walked to an invitation-only party.

    But, heck, Sarah, it was 7 degrees last night in New York, with more snow on the way, while Anchorage is basking in temps. in the 30s and rain. What, exactly, does being from Alaska mean to you? To us, who have heard your frontier refrain now for a long, long time, it means nothing at all. Other than that you'll be as far away from the Lower 48 as you can be very quickly, and, for that, we thank Alaska.

    Sarah, this was your chance to show the country that you were a true professional, a grown-up, stand-up person. Sarah, you failed. Sarah, you're fired.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      You can't fire her because she QUITS!

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Thank you!

    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      she was just trying to get attention wherever she could get it because she was not invited to the afterparty..parties. none. If anyone coulda' said ' get outta' here bitch' and gotten' away with it, they would have. Nobody wanted to be seen with her.

  32. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Isn't that an old dress of Bristol's?

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      They must have paid a fortune for it and they want to get maximum use out of it. It's not in style, and it's not even flattering. But, it does sparkle.

  33. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Oops, the zoo must have gotten a little out of hand last night because this is the message from the Open Thread at Pond Scum Central today:
    Moderators Note (iizthatiiz)
    Several comments from regular posters had to be deleted last night. Insulting visitors to the site is a violation of C4P’s terms of service.
    If people can’t mind their manners, they may find themselves banned.

  34. Anonymous1:19 PM

    What job does she think she has? She quit college after college and never got a degree. A city manager was hired to manage Wasilla after Sarah demonstrated she wasn't up to it and wasn't doing what was was required of the job. She quit the Oil and Gas Commission after she discovered it required knowledge and intelligence and work. She quit the governorship (she was in over her head and hiding out in her Wasilla house - 'Where's Sarah?' buttons were worn by Alaskan legislators) to lie, yap, and grift her way into money.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      And now she's pretty much quit her "tv channel."

      Whatever she promised her paying customers it appears she's pretty much giving away for free on the SarahPAC site.

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Right on 1:19! Sarah Palin is a major 'flunkee' and has been all of her life. It's documented in Alaska and McCain would have found all the information had he truly vetted her!

    3. Anonymous3:26 PM

      It was going to be her impeachment lessons. Remember? Did she even do one impeachment lesson?

  35. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Hey, Sarah, didn't your and your family learn anything from that brawl? If someone insults you, you can either wade into the fight, shout some insults back and pray that rope line protects you from someone wanting to knock you silly. A mature person does not respond, period. Oh, they called me names. You were sitting next to Taylor Swift, She would have told you to shake it off. Grow up, Sarah. We know that you will never run for president. You are so far down the list of celebrity wannabes that I can't decide what letter you'd be-- S for Shitty.

  36. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Look, we get it. Sometimes you want to feel young, so you scrounge around in your 20-something daughter’s closet for something cute to wear.

    But, when the Sarah Palin stumbled upon the white, shoulder-less, sparkly minidress her daughter Bristol wore during her Dancing days, she should have hung it back up and then slowly backed away from the closet.

    But, of course Sarah didn’t. Oh no.

    She proudly wore the tragic frock for her appearance at the SNL anniversary celebration last night, and then had the nerve to brag about it to Us Weekly:

    "I’m wearing all Bristol! Everything I have, I borrowed from Bristol. Her (bag), her dress. It’s something left over from Dancing With the Stars, but her shoes, she made me give her a deposit before I wore her shoes!"

    Say what?

    She was like, “Mom, these are like red soles and you don’t mess with them unless you’re on the red carpet, otherwise you pay for them!”

    1. Will Kathy Griffin et al on Fashion Police talk about Sarah and her lovely choice of dress? LOL Can't wait

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      The otter purse was a gift to Governor Sarah Palin from a native Alaska person. It's not Bristol's purse. Sarah must have thought that she was carrying one of Bristol's many Louis Vuitton bags.

      So let's count. Bristol has at least 3 Louis Vuitton bags, 2 pairs of Louboutin shoes, and she showed them all off on her Instagram in the last week. Wow, what a windfall for Bristol. And, it looks as if she was the only kid to go to Vegas. How about Track? Doesn't he want stuff? Doesn't he want to get out of the house? Doesn't Willow want nice things? How about Piper? Why Bristol? (Why, indeed! Wonder what Bristol gave Sarah for which she keeps getting paid and paid and paid. Beats working).

    3. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Perhaps Bristol "carried" the biggest secret for her mom and is being rewarded? Couldn't be hush money.

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      The fact that it is so important to her to point out the brand of shoes she is wearing speaks volumes.

      She will always be a white trash,hillbilly from Wasilla no matter how much money she scams from her fans.

    5. DontHatetheGame6:35 PM

      I'm starting to think she wants to be Bristol. When you go to the usa today article 1:22 posted the pictures of her and Bristol are scary with her imitating the hair, dress and pose.

  37. Anonymous1:24 PM

    "Are you in show business? Then don't be jealous boy."

    BOY? Jealous? Hence the racism and trolling here. You're done, $arah, and you did it all to yourself, D-List. Hey, pee pond, do you NOW understand she's not running for anything?

  38. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Did she say "get a job" or "quit your job". I'm confused.

  39. Anonymous1:51 PM

    MSNBC just covered Republican possibilities as to candidates for POTUS in 2016. Palin was mentioned and then they talked about the 'jokes' the Republicans are currently favoring. Palin is one of them! Perfect fit, Sarah, you retarded idiot! You ain't going anywhere girl!

  40. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Amazed that C4P has left this message chain up for at least three hours:

    Jordan Smith • 3 hours ago

    "Are you in show business? Than don't be jealous boy." So..she admits she is in show business now? Wow..C4P..when will you ppl wake up? This woman has no desire to be a serious political leader. With her saying, "I'm here and your're there" and "Are you in show business, don't be jealous." I cannot believe this is the same woman who gave such a rousing, serious speech in 2008. From her attire, to her comments, to her reality tv could she let herself fall so far so fast?? C4P this woman will never be elected dogcatcher again. But, there will be Season 22 of Sarah and Bristol or "Keeping up with the Palins" or whatever other reality show she will be peddling.

    T Bo Jordan Smith • an hour ago
    Did you say the same thing about President Obama when he went on
    The View and said he was "eye candy"????? Or when he took selfies at Mandela's funeral? Just wondering. . .

    Joe Jordan Smith • an hour ago
    I agree. I want the Sarah Palin that captivated the nation with her convention speech back.

    JanuarysRose8 Joe • 24 minutes ago
    Pay attention--Sarah never left.

    Joe JanuarysRose8 • 11 minutes ago
    Seems like the people of her home state disagree with you.

    Everyone here likes to reference her > 80% approval ratings that she once deservedly had. But unfortunately, those days are long gone. More unfortunately, no one here seems to realize that.

    JanuarysRose8 Joe • 3 minutes ago
    Sarah can do both, Joe. Lighten up.

    But, thanks for your "concern."

  41. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Gryph, Please add the orange hand photo to this post! She hates it when she gets caught red handed. lol

  42. And she wants people to support, and vote, her into the POTUS? Yah, right! She isn't running. I agree with all of the IM crowd

  43. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Ha! the palm of her hand is darker than her face!.hahhahahahhahahahahhaaa

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Her left leg is also too darker than the right leg. She didn't even have sense enough to tuck the strap on her bag into the bag. It's hanging down. What a maroon.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I think she wore the high topped bootie heels to hide the bad tan crème line around her ankles. And same with the wide cuff bracelets on her wrists... she's hiding the line of demarcation.

  44. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Sarah Palin's ego is huge. She's invited by SNL, is highly paid, and what does she do? She then insults tax-paying citizens, insulting State citizens who have the right to be there, and have the right to shout things to her.

    Yes, she's the famous one, the one being whisked into a limo, but, when the lights die out and the crowd disperses, Sarah is alone, waiting for the next attention fix.

    She should try standing in some gang turf, and see where that gets her when she tells em' to 'get a job'. She is so brave with bodyguards around her.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      She actually got whisked into a plain yellow cab, not a limo.

  45. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Sarah is so fake...She still keeps that shit-eating grin plastered on her face for the cameras, yet you know she is quaking and seething inside because there are hecklers shouting at her instead of adoring her! Hahaha!

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      The shit eating grin is very appropriate because you can't toss a little salad without getting some shit in your teeth.

  46. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I like how Sarah had no comeback for that last comment: "Have fun in Iowa, nobody will vote for you!" Dead silence. And it was the most audible of all the comments and she totally heard it and so did everybody else. Dimwitted Bitch!

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      After her last dismal performance in Iowa a few weeks ago, I doubt she'll ever show her face in that flyover state again :-)

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Because when it actually comes to running for something, Sarah will run away (with the money).

  47. Anonymous2:31 PM

    HuffingtonPost has an item up on the SNL show with a slideshow of the folks arriving on the Red Carpet. When you get to the one for Palin, it comes up blank! I just checked as I posted this. She is mentioned on slide 41. All the other slides are fine.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      she's patented her image....wink wink yuk yuk

  48. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Seems like she had a pretty good time, bad acting performance, heckling, and all. The heckling just means she is somebody. She got her name out there, and hobnobbed with all the big shots at a big NYC and national TV event. As much as you all schoolgirl chastise her and make fun of her outfits and hair etc.., it seems like Palin's long game of transitioning into a celebrity is actually working out for her. I actually have to give her a little credit for her shtick and tenacity.

    If you all haven't figured it out yet, she is never getting taken down. I predict she actually manages to actually increase her celebrity presence as time goes on.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Whatever, Kim Kardashian is a celebrity, and she began her career by being pissed on during a sex tape, thus I must agree with you in that the Palin Klan is much more appropriately wired to be in that same celebrity realm as a pissed on sex tape whore than being involved in our political process.

      Please proceed Palins, more sex tapes and hoochie mama escapades and less pretending to be involved in politics. A grateful nation thanks you.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Increase her celebrity presence? I highly doubt it. If anything she's become more of a laughingstock and fodder for comedians.
      One thing I noticed is how thrilled she was to be hob-nobbing with Hollywood elites. I thought she hated them...guess not.

    3. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Sarah's transitioning? I thought she already had. Her jaw would suggest it.

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Of course she doesn't hate them 3:20. Everything she does is pretend, like most politicians and/or celebrities. It is all a big act. She is certainly not the first one to do the big act, she just gives sub-par performances. Which is all the more intriguing to me as to how she gets all of you so riled up, with her bad act.

      Time will tell, but my guess is she does not fade away, and will become a bigger celebrity as the years go by.

    5. Anonymous4:35 PM

      2:33 awkward embarrassment for her is not the same as celebrity. lorne michaels had her on the show to "OUT HER POLITICAL TEASE' before she tries to carry it further along. alec baldwin drew the short straw and had to make sure she got down the red carpet without embarrassing everyone. they sat her next to the stairway and put taylor swift between her and steven spielberg. in one photo you can see kate capshaw looking at scarah with a face of contempt -which is how most people look at scarah.

      her celebrity huh? oj simpson is celebrated for being a murderer who got away with murder. scarah is celebrated for being the world's biggest idiot and the most ungracious person in a public postion..

      she is endured not admired nor wanted. she is endured.

    6. Anonymous5:09 PM

      4:11 PM
      I not a celebrity follower but off-hand I can't think of a single celebrity who started their celebrity career at the age of 50. Sarah will never become a big celebrity, she doesn't have the talent to be in show business. Reality TV isn't being in show business, IMO, it's a fad that won't last because there's just so much stupid that the public will stay interested in.

      Sarah is stupid. She has a nasty disposition. She's vulgar. She's jealous of everyone. Everyone! She clearly has substance abuse problems. The clock is ticking on her and seems to be accelerating since the Birthday Brawl. Each appearance she's made has been a disaster, maybe each one somewhat different but still a disaster. The SNL shindig was just the latest in an increasingly frequent line. If she wasn't so desperate for attention, she would have declined the invitation. She blew the bit with Alec Baldwin, she appeared snarky, the hip check was embarrassing and was the action of a barfly. Crashing the Al Sharpton interview and desperately trying to have a conversation with him was more than embarrassing -- for her, not for him. Then came the hecklers who got what they wanted ... which was to see her make a fool of herself. It's what hecklers do but Sarah is so inexperienced and stupid (there's that word again) that she played right into their hands. Prancing around in a little dress in 7 deg. NY weather and saying "I'm from Alaaaaska" is so Sarah Palin. Thing is, who gives a shit if she's from Alaska? That doesn't make dressing inappropriately in single digit temperatures logical. In fact, makes her look dumber because people from Alaska should know how to dress when it's rilly, rilly cold.

      The woman is an idiot but I agree with you on one point: Sarah won't fade away, she'll go down in flames a la Breitbart or in a public drunken/drugged up scene that will leave no question in anyone's mind about her mental state. "Bigger celebrity"? Ha. Fat chance.

    7. Anonymous5:48 PM

      2:33 if 2016 race is between a clinton and a bush you better believe she will be taken down. mama bush already said scarah needs to stay in alaska. why do you think everyone was turning on her the same week jeb started a prez pac? they are not going to let the likes of her do to their boy jeb what she tried to do to romney.

      she has been playing with amateurs but the clintons and bushes are no amateurs. she better watch her step or they will out everything about her and her tawdry life.

      funny thing about blackmail-it can work both ways now can't it? she will not be allowed to mess with the big fish. she is a mudsucker.

    8. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Yah, as time goes on her popularity will only increase the more she ages and the uglier she gets. Cause her looks were never the reason she got as far as she did. Eyeroll.

    9. Anonymous6:44 PM

      5:48, if the race is between a Clinton and a Bush, neither side will pay any attention to what Sister Sarah has to say as it would only demean their campains. Seriously you morons give her way to much credit as having any real influence or power.

      4:15 look how much you wrote, how obsessed you are.... and how much your still dont get that it is all an 'act'. You are so dumb you buy that bad act. And yes there are plenty of people who became famous, or celebrities in their 50's. But your analogy doesn't apply to Palin anyways, she became famous in her 40's. First when she became 1st female gov of alaska (some fame), and then becoming the 1st female GOP VP candidate. There is a certain amount of fame that goes along with that for the rest of her life. Sarah is only capitalizing on that for personal gain. How good of a job she is doing at that is certainly debatable. But she is not going anywhere, and all these outlandish stories, and her going down in flames or drugs- it isn't going to happen.

      6:31 have you seen her sideshow slow down at all? If anything it seems to be picking up. Yeah I would bet that she will continue to rise in her own weird special way.

  49. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Continuing to slander her family doesn't make you a good person

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Ha! You so funny! We don't need to do a damn thing but regurgitate their own words and actions to create comedy! Slander, hell, you should just blame THEM for slandering themselves and their reputations with their own idiocy and bad behavior, not to mention their questionable sartorial choices.

      Hey you, how about you "get a job" and stop being "jealous"....oh wait, who said that again???

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Get the fuck off this blog

    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      "libel is written and slander is spoken" is a very simple thing to remember. Why are you stuck using "slander"? Can't you learn?

    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      When is that poor troll going to learn that slander is spoken and libel is written? They are legal terms. Does she really think that slander=criticism?

    5. Anonymous3:27 PM

      3:12 -- This slander troll is also quickly identifiable because he/she/it doesn't put any punctuation at the end of his/her/its sentences.
      Hilarious, actually.

    6. Anonymous4:36 PM

      2:34 continuing to repeat the same words over and over again does not make you a smart person.

    7. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Continuing to Stalk her family of idiots doesn't make you a good person. Trolling doesn't make you a good person, Kid.

  50. Too bad her slack-jawed knuckle-dragging family wasn't out there on that there carpet also too so that they could have started a big old brawl with the hecklers. Class, Palin style.

  51. Anonymous2:40 PM



    Look at 1:43 and 2:28. You can see Sarah Palin wearing Bristol's white dress on DWTS. ALL STARS WEEK 4

    Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas - Rock N Roll - DWTS All Stars Week 4:

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      She also wore it to the Kentucky Derby.

  52. Anonymous2:42 PM

    She's in show business, lol. That's right Palin supporters, she threw yall under the bus. She's never gonna really run for any political office, ever. She will take your cash, though.

  53. When we meet at Mildred's for our monthly potluck, can we set up our prayer chains for Sarah Palin's utter, total, complete and irredeemable collapse?

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Yes. How do I get to Mildred's?

    2. We'll circulate a map and a sign up sheet for food. I'll bring the death by chocolate brownies.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Gee, Mildred, you are becoming our go to gal! And it all started with our bible study/subversives meetings! Someday we may have to make it happen!

  54. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Saree inspires me to be bold and break out in song....

    Hey Dude...Ur an ass clown....


    And seriously. Did she just out herself as the IM 'dude' troll?

  55. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Rev. Al just showed a clip with the two of them, he and Sarah and seriously she just sounded so drunk. She even lightly slapped Al Sharpton on the cheek a couple of times......THAT was weird.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      She is still 'bizzaro', a polite way to say loaded.
      She is compelled to invade others space. I wouldn't call it friendly but she tries to pull it off as if she is playful.

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      She kept touching him and he kept backing away from her! She has zero class and knows nothing about boundaries! What an idiot!

  56. Anonymous3:11 PM

    what. a. bitch.

    It was sub-zero in the Northeast last night. NYC is no different. Wearing that glorified potato sack was not only inappropriate, but just plan stupid. Welp, stupid is as stupid does.

    what. a. bitch.

  57. Anonymous3:19 PM

    The Ants have gone crazy over Sarah's comment that she wore Bristol's dress. Sarah also wore it to the Kentucky Derby and she wore it when Bristol danced with the stars. Bristol wore it to the White House Correspondents Dinner. The dress is a shapeless bag of beads. Look at the video of Sarah posted on this thread, no bust, shapeless, no waist. It's just a short white beaded dress with literally no sleeves.

    And they are thrilled that Sarah could fit into Bristol's dress. When Bristol wore that dress, she was a fatty. Bristol was just beginning to get lipo and plastic surgery. Sarah has been at it for a while. Wearing your kid's clothes when you are 51 years old means that you haven't grown up yet. And, we can tell that Sarah hasn't grown up because she yells at the crowd. Just pose for the photos and smile, Sarah. That's supposed to be the best revenge. Didn't you learn anything from the Brawl?

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Sarah Palin is a Bethenny Frankel wannabe.. Next she'll be wearing Piper's diaper.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      3:19 i have no problem with a woman wearing her daughter's clothes and shoes if they fit well and are appropriate for the occasion.

      this dress was ill fitting-the hem was so worn out it couldn't hang straight. the shoes are so not appropriate for scarah's short legs and the bag is best left for going out to a sport's bar or camping/hiking.

      and didn't we all learn eons ago-do not wear hose/stockings with open toe shoes? either brave the cold with no coat/hose or wear a coat and leave the hose in the drugstore.

  58. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Damn, she comes across as a total bitch in that clip!

    Get a Job! she screams to someone waiting outside in the freezing cold on a Sunday night after an awards show with the cameras rolling? What an idiot she is.

    And the worst is her chastising the crowd for being on the wrong side of the velvet rope. What a clueless idiot, who does she think she is? I have never heard a celebrity say such a thing to a crowd. Such a stupid woman. She needs to go away with her family of beggars. Disgraceful person. And a family of losers.

    We dodged a bullet in 2008, America.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Fuc_ yeah we dodged bullet.

  59. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:49 PM

    Four, count 'em only FOUR Palin comments from last night's SNL40 Live Chat at --

    "Tina! (oh wait, it's Sarah Palin...)"

    "The only Palin I want to see is Amy's rap!"

    "No, no, NO MORE FUCKING SARAH PALIN. I blame Tina Fey. Sorry, but there it is!"

    "Was Sarah Palin wearing 2 hotel bath mats tied together?" you see folks, it ain't just us'n who love and adore her so much ;) ...

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Sorry! l&kfromb

  60. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "Are you in show business? Then don't be jealous boy."
    Talk about delusions of grandeur, since when is reading a script in front of a green screen for a failed D-rated reality TV program considered show business.

    "Hey dude I'm from Alaska."
    What is with this “dude” bit, what 50-year-old talks like that? Other than the troll that frequents this blog (must be Sarah), I haven’t heard anyone use that term since maybe the 70’s.

    Gotta say, Sarah sure proved some laughs of the day, especially her hand me down evening ensemble.

  61. Anonymous3:55 PM

    It's too damn bad one of the hecklers didn't bring up her faked birth and flash her 18 day gestation picture

  62. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Where are those Canadian disc jockeys who like to make prank phone calls? Wouldn't it be fun to pretend that Bradly Cooper is interested in Sarah Palin? Maybe he wants her to be in a movie with him? If she got excited over the French President calling her, imagine how she would respond to Bradley Cooper.

  63. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Sarah confirms what we already knew. also and two! she will never mature emotionally or intellectually. no class. toxic and clueless. guess trig got the brains in the family. Gitta job???!? why don't You get a job! its a family of Bums.

  64. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Effing fools scarah and her daughter, fools, her god is just trying to reveal her lying ways, yet another lie wrinkly old hag and effing forever words daughter. Can just she her daughter cussing away. Fools..

  65. Anonymous4:11 PM

    3:58 Bradley Cooper was making out with Betty White, Sarah probably wishes it was her

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I dont think Betty would like kissing Miss Showbiz

  66. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Was Sarah's purse made from Moose testicles?

  67. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I noticed a lot of people had their spouses/guests, no such special treatment for Miss Showbiz plus no limo.
    Also, how could she be out in freezing weather and show no signs of being cold ?

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Whaat? Bristol wasn't also too on stage? Or did mommy dearest steal her dress and she had nothing else to wear?

  68. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Contemptible bitch.

    Nothing new.

    Second verse, same as the first.

  69. physicsmom4:27 PM

    Not much left to say. She's a washed up harpy..However, those shoes !!! I don't think I've ever seen such ugly footwear on a person, Doc Martens not excepted. You see such things in the store, but no one ever buys them.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Sarah should never -- NEVER - wear open-toe shoes. Her feet are incredibly ugly with her misshapen toes.

      Buzzard toes, an earlier commenter opined.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      @4:58 I suspect that she buys her shoes on-line, so she has to get open toe shoes for her toes to stick out in case the shoes don't quite fit. The other possibility is that she has deformed hammer toes, and open toe is more comfortable. Last choice, maybe Sarah thinks that they are sexy and men love that peek toe look. The problem is that her toes are ugly.

  70. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I searched the internet for pictures of princess dumbass with celebrities and couldn't find any, except for the pic with Rev Al and Alec Baldwin. All of the other celebs took pictures of themselves with their colleagues and not dumbass. Can't blame them. Who wants to be seen with a drunk washed up political hack.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      That's why Sarah had to go outside and find some people who wanted to take pictures with her.

  71. Anonymous4:41 PM

    People need to lighten up about Rev Sharpton standing next to Sarah Palin. The last time Sarah was that close to a black man she had her head between his legs giving a BJ.

  72. Anonymous4:50 PM

    The High Priestess of Cuntlandia has spoken...

  73. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Maybe this opened her eyes a little bit. This is the only place she has been that SHE has not been the speaker and the star at a right wing nut show, here she was a nobody and she found out that when goes outside her comfort zone she gets heckled and hears some things from "Real Americans" that she doesn't like. Sarah you weren't in Texas this time! gee there is a life beyond your fawning pee bot fan club.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Those people should have submitted their 'heckles' beforehand, so Sarah could have a prepared answer ready.

  74. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Sarah has a following because there will always people with questionable morals and low self esteem. she attracts those who blame their own issues on others. big brotther. Gov'mint.and issues with race. those that hide behind the Christian label but really are anything but Christian. the shame on yous But don't question my doings. Sarah lost and i thank God for that! Sarah has tried to make a career out of taunting our president. shes a Proud racist. Sarah goes the extra mile to confirm what we already knew. she has no skills to manage even a mayors job. she obviously didn't do well in school. shes gone from a zit on Americas ass to a Carbuncle. many heads/barstool wallow p. i. g. and what's his name in the garage. you say you're stalked. we say you stalk the American public. each time you show us the ugliness of your soul and the news depths youll go to. these people didn't laugh at your for your talent. they people laughed at you for the fool you are and continue to be. get a fucking job already.

  75. Miss Demeanor5:15 PM

    The class just oozes out and slithers down the legs of that pathetic half-term ex governor.
    She will burn in her own hell through infinity.

  76. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Was Sarah Palin even there at SNL? NBC news showed people who were there but didn't show Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Sarah appeared on SNL one night, during the 2008 campaign. She tried the same lame joke on Alex Baldwin then, about liking his conservative brother, Steven, more than him. The highlight of the evening was a rap song which 9 month pregnant Amy Poehler had to deliver because they claimed that Palin backed out at the last minute.

  77. aaqooauk5:27 PM

    saw a pic of her in 09,today her McDonald eye brows will never move again,her daughter can blow her nose and ass at the same time.cant wait for day when a mob gently dis robe her and show the world what a putz her and her pimp todd cannot sell themselves.

  78. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "Are you in show business? Then don't be jealous boy."

    "Are you a pimp? Then don't be jealous of my husband."

  79. Anonymous5:41 PM

    What do you mean Alaskans hate Sarah Palin? Read the comments from the people who knows her best.

    Alaska Dispatch News

    Joe Scott
    Sara Palin is like a bad case of fungus that just will not go away no matter what you do..............
    5 hours ago

    Raz Lemmons
    If you haven't seen it yet find it, google it, Sarah Palin all hugged up with Al Sharpton, With all of the awful things she has said about this Reverend ( read that man of God ) she should be ashamed, But then again she has no shame : /
    5 hours ago

    Desa Erica Leslie Jacobsson
    All Bristol? Yeah, complete with thong?
    5 hours ago

    Rob Sanderson Jr.
    I would not put her in charge of an outhouse. Might screw that up.
    2 hours ago

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      You people are extremely jealous of our beloved Sarah Palin.
      Louis Sarah

  80. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Sarah Palin had to bring Bristol to New York to do her makeup. If you looked as fucked up like Sarah without her makeup on would you take a chance of anybody taking a picture of you without your makeup on?

  81. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I would not put it past Sarah to wear Bristol's thongs. Hope Sarah at least wash Bristol's a$$ dental floss before putting them on? -Brad

  82. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Is that you, Brad Hanson? Are you and Todd Palin still enemies?

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      It surely wasn’t worth losing my snowmachine business.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Why would Brad and Todd be enemies?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.