Friday, February 20, 2015

The states with the highest and lowest church attendance. Where is your state?

Courtesy of Gallup: Slightly more than half of Utah residents say they attend religious services every week, more than any other state in the union. Residents in the four Southern states of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas are the next most likely to be frequent church attendees, with 45% to 47% reporting weekly attendance. At the other end of the spectrum is Vermont, where 17% of residents say they attend religious services every week.

Here is a list of the states with highest church attendance.

 And here is the list of states with the lowest.

As you can see Alaska is on the list of the states with the lowest attendance. 

And trust me that is not for lack of opportunity, The only thing that outnumber churches in Alaska are liquor stores and bars.

I know that Sarah Palin's radical religious rhetoric has people confused about Alaskans, But trust me the vast majority of us avoid church like the plague.

Now if they had an open bar.......


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM


    The states with the highest church attendance are mostly in the South.

    Highest in teen unwanted pregnancies in the nation are in the South.

    Highest by far in receiving welfare,food stamps, and other subsidies from the Gummint? Mostly Southern states

    4 Southern states are among the top 10 in violent crime, S. Carolina, Lousiana, Tennessese, and Florida

    5 Southern states are among the highest in infant mortality, but of course they are also the ones trying to make abortions illegal.
    Mississippi stands out as the State with the WORST record on infant mortality in the country.

    Yea, because we care ALL about that baby when it's in utero, but once it pops it's little head out the door, then it's a libtard Democrat welfare taker!

    Yep, goin' ta church sure has its benefits dontcha know

    1. Anonymous6:14 AM

      They're poor, poorly educated, hungry, and jobless... what else they got to do but fornicate and praise the Lord!

  2. Anonymous4:44 AM

    I live in Arkansas and I don't for a minute believe that 45% go to church once a week. If that number were true, we'd have a lot bigger churches than we do. It's just that the culture condemns you if you don't publicly pronounce your (evangelical) Christianity, so people lie to save face.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      In which part of Arkansas? I live in Bentonville, and there are quite a few creepy megachurches and large churches in the area. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention is the pastor of the creepiest one, CrossChurch AKA Six Flags Over Jesus. It seems like everyone we know around here goes to church regularly. Although I think you may be right about a lot of folks lying to save face.

  3. Olivia4:46 AM

    This is a poll of people who SAY they attend church regularly. I am pretty sure if they looked at actual church attendance, the numbers would be much much less. Some time ago, I recall reading that self reporting of church attendance falls in line with other lies and hypocrisy that permeates the lives of many "Christians". I would bet the Palin family say they attend church regularly too.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      @Olivia 4:46 am: I was just going to write the same thing. I wish I could find the study, but essentially the researchers asked people about their church attendance and then physically monitored the attendance. It turns out that the more religious you claim you are, the more likely you are to lie about church attendance.

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I think this poll just shows the areas that answered honestly

  5. Religiosity and poverty sure seem to overlap...

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Oh Colorado. I'm so proud of you for this.

  7. Donal7:56 AM

    I find it really revealing that $arah and her remora are never seen even remotely close to a church, let alone attending religiously (intended) every week. Despite her proclamations claiming to be a devout Christian, that God directs her life, she even claims she speaks for God, you never see pictures of her or her litter attending any services. A hypocritical twat she is what she is.

  8. Anonymous8:18 AM

    It is kind of interesting to see that WA is the fifth lowest. Especially in light of the fact that I live in the 'burbs, and there are 9 (count them: NINE!) 'official' churches in just one square mile area in my neighborhood!

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      It's because you live in the burbs.

  9. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Hmmm, it seems church going coincides with high teen pregnancy rates. What are they teaching in all those cults? Are they sex churches or cults?

  10. FrostyAK12:25 PM

    Interesting that nearly all of the New England states fall in the lowest 10 (RI is an anomaly, however you slice it). Seems the Puritans weren't real good at long term proselytizing. Mandatory church attendance must have fallen out of favor quickly.

  11. We weren't escaping religious persecution in New England just religion. It just took us awhile to figure it out.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    So you are alcoholics, not religious?


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