Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Well it does contain more sex, violence, and deviant behavior.

It's also one of the fewer books harder to believe than a former Twilight fan fiction piece about a multimillionaire who ties young women up and beats them and is not immediately arrested by the police for sexual assault and rape. 


  1. Bill F3:33 AM

    Off topic: Rev Al has been raving about his encounter with the skank for the last two nights. Why does anyone on the left give her any attention? I do not understand.

    Her very existence indicates how low our national discoursr has become.

    1. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Why do you? This is off topic.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      She and "Reverend" Al are equally abhorrent.

  2. DonthHatetheGame4:25 AM

    Kind of scary to think that this book will probably be used in the near future in courtrooms across the country to malign actual rape victims.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      I've not read the book nor seen the movie. And I do not intend to do either. But I've heard a lot about, mainly on E!News where it gets almost as much air time as the Kardashians. Hmmm. I think there are some similarities there. . . .

    2. Donal6:41 AM

      O/T to Beaglemom...
      Did you see the Best of Show at the Westminster Dog Show?

  3. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Look at that photo Gryphen used. Look at the display. The book is together with the HolyBible, and next to Hello Kitty kids toys. What is up with that? What is going on these days??? Am I old-fashioned, or what? I find it all so confusing.

    1. Next up, a children's version: "Hello Bondage!"


    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Maybe this is the Girl's Section of the Store. All that little gals need to know, except for the Baby Dolls. Sex, religion, ephemera

  4. Anonymous5:44 AM

    DonthHatetheGame4:25 AM

    Kind of scary to think that this book will probably be used in the near future in courtrooms across the country to malign actual rape victims.
    Especially since Conservatives are the biggest buyers of these books.
    The Son's of Anarchy "Jax" couldn't even play the guy, it was so bad....LOL.

  5. And the book on the lower left is already being used to demean women - maybe that's why they're displayed together.

  6. hedgewytch7:39 AM

    This book, and now the movie, is a great illustration of the stupidity, hypocrisy and repression present in a large part of our population. And that part is the Bible Belt, where this badly written book and lurid movie are being sold out. A section of the country where ignorance, anti-science, fanaticism and abuse of woman run rampant. And where they scream at the top of their lungs about how exceptional they are and how immoral and depraved the rest of us are. Well, all I can say is, the Market doesn't lie.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Haha. Th bible belt has some of the biggest sexual experimenters. To stereotype them is wrong. Sex lives in the south are good

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Anonymous7:56 AM

      I think she was pointing out their Hypocrisy.

  7. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Ugghhhhh. People who make bdsm sound bad by portraying it inaccurately make me wanna punch them.

    I know the book and movie are different but they both Suck. No redeeming qualities. Lois and James could write better and they are awful writers and people too

    1. hedgewytch8:42 AM

      Exactly! Real BSM is about power being given up freely. That is what makes it sexy. Case in point - Ann Rice wrote a number of BSM books back in the 80's-90's under the pseudonym Anne Roclaire. One in particular- Exit to Eden was really well done.
      The main character is a very powerful man who puts himself at the mercy of a delicate woman. Incredibly erotic.

      Admittedly I did not read Shades of Grey, the reviews and summary I read was enough for me to realize the bad writing and that the story is not erotic, it is glorifying abusive power in the form of rape and brutality.

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      OMFG, thank you! BDSM is NOT about "I'm such a dark, brooding, traumatized asshole who likes so much to beat the shit out of women who look like my mother that I actually become sexually excited."
      I am a physically strong, competitive, and opinionated woman. Surrendering to my Dom is rewarding and oftentimes like being in a trance. I enjoy the pain. My Dom and I agreed that we'd see the movie while getting drunk and ripping apart its every inaccuracy for our amusement.


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