Friday, February 06, 2015

West Virginia Republican lawmaker argues that women who become pregnant due to rape should still be denied abortions because, though rape is "awful," babies that result from rape are "beautiful."

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

A Republican state lawmaker said Thursday that women who become pregnant from sexual assault should not be exempt from an anti-abortion measure, because childbirth resulting from rape is "beautiful." 

"Obviously rape is awful," West Virginia Del. Brian Kurcaba (R) said during a committee hearing on a new abortion restriction, according to David Gutman, a Charleston Gazette reporter. "What is beautiful is the child that could come from this." 

Kurcaba, a financial adviser, was elected to the House of Delegates in November. 

The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. State House Republicans revived the proposal after West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin (D) vetoed it in 2014. The House Health Committee voted down an exception for rape and incest victims on Thursday and approved the bill for a full vote in the House.

Hell I'm the first to point out that rape babies are especially beautiful. 

I think it's the haunted lost look many of them have in their eyes because their mothers cannot hold them without crying or due to the issues of bonding with the progeny of a man who defiled them.

And you know beautiful children like these, and their mothers, could really benefit from social services that would provide counseling to the mother or financial support to help her to pay her hospital bills or put food on the table to help her feed her rapist's child.

But Republicans don't really go for that kind of thing do they?

Nah once the baby's born, their work is done.

Update: Perhaps the great George Carlin said it best.


  1. Why do Republicans always telling women what to do? Why are Republicans always telling gay people what to do? Why are Republicans always telling people what to believe? Why are Republicans always telling people what is best for them?

    Talk about restricting freedom; a vote for a Republican is a vote for servitude.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Again - pay attention for whom you cast your vote. Research them - how they vote, etc.

      Get Republicans out of office wherever you can - especially the ones that tell women how to treat their bodies!

      Christians and creeps - every one of them!

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      But you have no problem forcing unwanted vaccinations on people. Hypocrites!

    3. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Abortions do not infect other people. Science, how does it werk?

    4. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Vaccination is a public health issue. Abortion is a woman's private decision.


    5. Leland1:29 PM

      1:06, YOU are an asshole! If you can't see the difference between NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH and women's rights, I sincerely hope you DON'T BREED!

    6. Anonymous2:48 PM

      You mean gays having unprotected sex and then spreading it around isn't a health issue?

    7. Anonymous3:11 PM


      Unprotected sex is a public health issue regardless of the sexual identification of the participants. Science how does it werk?

    8. Anonymous3:58 PM

      "Gay" doesn't "spread around, if you are having sex with a gay person it has not been spread to you, it just means you are gay.

    9. Anonymous6:01 PM

      The intelligence and reasoning ability of the anti-vaxxer never fails to underwhelm.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    How long does it take a woman to figure out she's been raped?

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Women and girls may not acknowledge rape for a while. It is an emotional hurdle. And saying you've been raped can have enormous social and legal consequences.

      I know of a 12 year old girl that was pregnant for a couple months before anyone noticed. Very sad.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Knowing your family will murder you for their "honor" because you were raped certainly does make it hard to blurt out the fact, doesn't it.

    3. Anonymous1:02 PM

      if they were drugged, no telling if they can remember the event.

      if due to child abuse after conditioning, child may not understand it is rape.

      there are many other types of examples

    4. Anonymous1:05 PM

      When you admit that the woman is the best person to decide on an abortion, you no longer have to ponder the assorted definitions of rape, because it does NOT matter.

      This legislator is pro-choice. He believes the choice is HIS, not some dumb female. He has a penis so, of course, his choice is perfection itself.

      (He's also a bastard.)

    5. Anonymous1:26 PM

      This was the question:
      How long does it take a woman to figure out she's been raped?
      But thank you for your non-answers.

    6. Anonymous1:30 PM


      Thank you for playing, but the "non-answers" are truth. The education you seek is probably beyond your mental grasp.

    7. Anonymous1:32 PM


      Well, in the case of the 12 year girl, it's not clear that the term rape is something she understood. So, in that case, your answer is probably years.

    8. Leland1:37 PM

      Are you so stupid, 1:26, as to not see answers when given them? One answer was about date rape drugs. If you are a victim, you DON'T remember!

      Then there was the statement about the psychological effects of rape.

      Then there was the statement about fear.

      GO AWAY. Nothing we can say will EVER answer your question because you refuse to see and accept the answers - viable ones - given.

    9. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Excuses are not answers.
      1. sounds like the women accusing Cosby. "I was drugged so I must have been raped, but I don't remember.

      2.There may well be psychological effects, but you were either raped or you weren't.

      3.Fear or not, you were either raped or you weren't. Fear is an emotion, rape is an action.

      This is as nonsensical as Brian Williams "misremembering' and 'conflating'. Bullshit!

    10. Anonymous2:16 PM


      Oh, my. I how that there are no females with you as their moral guide. You are embodiment of evil.

    11. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Geez, you're an ass 2:03 p.m. knowing they were raped... let's see there are still some idiot judges out there who think a married woman cannot be raped by her husband - so you tell me.

      There are misogynist assholes like you who STILL insist on telling a woman or girl that unless she was wearing the American equivalent of a burka and a chastity belt, she was "asking for it."

      And a lot of the more impressionable, indoctrinated and abused conservatives' kds buy into it. SO, I don't knwo, she knows when she gets away form the abusers - who are so often her parents or her husband.

    12. Anonymous2:24 PM

      1:21,1:26 Bend over mother fucker and I'll show you. Then you can figure out how long it takes YOU to know you've been raped.

    13. Anonymous2:33 PM

      "How long does it take a woman to figure out she's been raped?"

      This is the kind of question orlin of yeasty vagina fame likes to ask. Always in the sincere search for knowledge is poor little orlin.

    14. Anonymous3:14 PM

      WOW! That's what I call reading between the lines, even when there were none.

    15. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Well it took me about 7 days since with the skull fracture and brain swelling they put me in a medically induced coma. Is that a good enough answer for you Oilyin.

    16. Anonymous5:59 PM

      It doesn't matter how long it takes for a woman or girl to realize she's been raped.

      How long does it take for her to realize she's pregnant? How long does it take for her to admit she's pregnant to herself and/or her parents (if she's under age). How long until she gets over her trauma and is able to make a decision about what to do?

      How is it any of your business how long it takes that woman to come to terms with her situation and decide to have an abortion?

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The Republican mantra: Love the fetus, hate the child.
    (quote by Randi Rhodes)

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Shorter GOP: Gosh, darn it, your uterus belongs to the government.

    Meanwhile GOP women have safe, private abortions in Canada or Europe... because abortions are for the rich.

  5. Balzafiar12:34 PM

    "What IS beautiful is the child that COULD come from this."

    I believe that statement is self-cancelling. That shit-for-brains elected official is making an assumption about a being not yet born.

    Women have the absolute right to decide on their own -- not any federal or state law or self-righteous religious organization.

  6. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I'm pro-choice, but 20 weeks is a long time. A 5 month old fetus is not viable outside the womb, but it is pretty well developed and looks like a baby. I'm just saying...if you've been pregnant that long and there's no health issues can't you just go ahead and finish it up? You don't have to keep the baby.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Because if you don't want to you should not HAVE to. End of discussion. If you don't want an abortion at 20 weeks, don't have one but someone else might NEED one, GET IT? It's not your body, not your life, and NOT YOUR CHOICE.

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      "just go ahead and finish it up" ???? that is so gross i can't begin to explain.

      this is not like "finish your spinach and then you can have dessert"

      it is a complete transformation of your body - not to mention the dramatic effects during birth both mentally and physically.

      and in many states, the rapist has parental rights.


    3. Anonymous1:10 PM

      What part of safe, private abortion in Canada and Europe don't you understand? Abortion legislation in the United States applies only to women too poor to travel for an abortion.

      So you want to inflict an unwanted pregnancy on women in the lowest economic class? Why?

      And, take it from someone that was here before Roe vs Wade, you can NOT stop abortions. We can have safe, private, affordable abortions or we can rev up the back alley coat hanger operations again.

      Who in their right might would want a women 20 weeks pregnant to go to a back alley abortionist?

    4. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Amniocentesis tests can't be performed until 16-17 weeks, then waiting for the results. The considering what to do, then arranging for a termination, if that's the conclusion.
      Clearly, you've never been pregnant, 12:34.

    5. Anonymous1:19 PM

      "...20 weeks is a long time"

      Damn right it is. And, gosh, here's some science (not a problem for the idiot legislator) which is near and dear to the heart of all people with a brain.

      Just as an example Down Syndrome might take until 22 weeks to diagnose (see Mayo Clinic below). Not mention it may take a few days to reach a very difficult decision to abort.

      I have an idea. Why not let the woman with the fetus make the the decision, instead of you.

      From the Mayo Clinic web site

      Cordocentesis. In this test, also known as percutaneous umbilical blood sampling or PUBS, fetal blood is taken from a vein in the umbilical cord and examined for chromosomal defects. Doctors can perform this test between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. This test carries a significantly greater risk of miscarriage than does amniocentesis or CVS, so it's only offered when results of other tests are unclear and the desired information can't be obtained any other way.

    6. Anonymous1:36 PM

      The parental rights for rapists are a mish-mash. But I'd certainly would not like my rapist to have me jailed for not tending the fetus to his satisfaction. I wouldn't want to hand a baby over to the rapist if "You don't have to keep the baby".

      It all boils down to you are entitled to your opinion which may or may not fit the facts for every single raped woman, but why is your opinion better than the woman's that has the fetus?

    7. cckids2:03 PM

      Perhaps this guy needs to see the in-depth studies done in Europe & Africa with the women who were raped as part of the wars there about how "beautiful" that childbearing experience was. The most common request for help was "Tell me how to love this child. I know I should, but when I hold him/her, all I can think of is the rape".

      And, for 12:34 above, "20 weeks is a long time", yes, it is. Thanks to the anti-choice crowd, some people have to wait because the procedure has become so much more expensive and difficult to get. And, many very serious, non-treatable conditions with the fetus aren't discovered until after an ultrasound, typically around 15-16 weeks.
      And, if the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy is a "long time", believe me, the second 20 weeks is even longer, harder & more dangerous for the woman.

      And, to add insult to injury, there are at least 20 states in which a rapist can sue & win at least visitation rights to any child. Live with that, you asshat.

      Finally, abortion is a needed, legal medical procedure. Women shouldn't have to jump through these hoops to prove their pregnancy meets these arbitrary rules that (mostly) male legislatures are imposing. Would they like some outside panel to be able to judge if they get to have a vasectomy?

      As I read elsewhere, Republicans want to draw a line for women who "qualify" for their idea of a legitimate abortion. And their line is always drawn at "you slut".

    8. Anonymous2:20 PM

      12:34 that is forced gestation, aka slavery. Since there is no federal money for abortion, soem woemn have to fidn the cash, not easy if you are young and poor. And the draconian waiting games that the TeaTHUGS have enacte make it worse.

    9. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Then don't have an abortion after 20 weeks, even if it means your life, die instead. The only abortions done after 20 weeks are those for medical reasons/to save the pregnant woman's life.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Maybe one day he will have a daughter who is raped and then demand she carry the resulting child. Such a loving dad.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      I think it's 1 in 4 women in the United States are raped sometime during their life - and that's reported rapes.

      If I were this jerk's daughter, he would be the last person on earth I would tell that I was raped.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      So true, 1:39. One has to wonder how the children of these emotionally bereft people manage.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    In many states the rapist can sue for parental rights so the woman will have to deal with the fucking pig who raped her for 18 years or more.

  9. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I'm a senior - incest is my background - I would immediately have had an abortion if pregnancy had occurred. Would not have been a difficult decision to come to at all.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      but getting the money together and the support to help get that abortion is what takes time.

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Thses articles are from 2013. At that time 30 states recognized the parental rights of rapists.
    Can you imagine having to deal with your rapist for the rest of your life? How would you tell your child, ' This is the man who held a knife to my throat and raped me. He is going to take you to the water park. Have a good time" No woman should ever, ever vote for a Republican, ever!

    1. Awful isn't it?

      Sometimes it takes a crime so heinous that the state immediately removes these insane laws.

      After the three women were rescued from Arial Castro after years as kidnap victims here in Ohio, the legislature immediately got rid of the rapist with parental rights law.

      It is pretty red here and I find Republicans tend to be reactionary rather than forward thinking. It makes me ill for all the other women in this state who live in fear over their rapists knocking at their door wanting access to "their" child.

  11. Anonymous1:28 PM

    One has to ask, how loving and nurturing would he be toward a child that his wife delivered as a result of rape? There are enough unwanted and abused children already, why deliberately add any more? Bottom line, no woman should ever be forced to be pregnant, whether it is the result of incest, rape or planned and something goes horribly wrong.

  12. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Would that politician feel the same way if his wife, sister, or daughter were raped?

    1. Balzafiar1:49 PM

      Of course not, because she would be on the next flight to somewhere an abortion could safely be performed.

    2. Leland2:14 PM

      I think Shakespeare said it best for an answer: "Aye! There's the rub!"

  13. Gee! What if the rapist is Muslim? Hhhmmmm.... denying women self-determination brings along a conundrum for Christian lawmakers. Regardless, praze Jeebus those hard decisions are made for us simpleminded women.

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    What an asshat!

  15. Anonymous1:47 PM

    If you subscribe to a religion rooted in a non-consensual pregnancy and sadism, it's really not much of a leap to believe that your god also dispatches other rapists to bestow his blessings on the lives of women. Take that leap a tiny bit further, and it becomes "the women lucky enough to be chosen."

    The longer these fundie assholes talk and the more they reveal about the crap that fills their twisted heads, the more repugnant they become.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      There's a lot of rapin' in the Old Testament, so I can see where they get their ideas.

    2. Anonymous2:37 PM

      TO TEaTHUGS, "A Handmaid's Tale" isn't a dystopian horror story, but a play book.

  16. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Subject a girl's body to the stress of bring a fetus to term and birthing it isn't beautiful.

  17. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Another flipping looney toons Christian. Ah hell they're all GD crazy!

  18. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Just like the rapist and deadbeat parents:

  19. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Man, he is so creepy looking. Does anyone else think he may have had sex with his unconscious wife? These guys who try to redefine rape must all have guilty consciouses. If they turn their dirty deeds into laws, then they can get away with anything.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Did you mean guilty consciences?

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I always found Cabbage Patch faces creepy, and this guy appears to come from the same gene pool.

  20. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Says the man that can't get pregnant.
    I am a rape survivor, unfortunately I had been trying to get pregnant and was not on the pill during the time period I was raped.
    I consider myself a strong woman, I served 3 yrs in the US Army in Viet Nam as a nurse. But after my rape the thought, just the thought of being pregnant because of the rape made me suicidal. I actually spent 2 weeks in a psych ward, I would have killed myself if an abortion had not been available. I was not pregnant, but it was a ling 2 weeks back then to wait and I even was given a pregnancy test at 3 weeks, 4 weeks, and 5 weeks.
    I would have killed myself if I had been pregnant and someone forced me to carry my rapists child, that I know. But Mr DoesnthaveaUterus thinks that's okay.

  21. Anonymous3:49 PM

    As a pro choice person, this opinion is the only one I can respect from a pro lifer. I believe all of those pro lifers who say there should be an exception in cases of rape and incest are hypocrites. The baby is the same no matter how it was conceived, and if you believe you can't kill life then you must take this guys position or you are nothing but a fraud.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      There are no pro-lifers. There are only pro-choicers. Some think the choice is the woman's, some think the choice is the government's. But everyone is pro-choice.

      This legislator's position is a total a fraud. Unless he wants women to pee on a test stick at the airports and border crossings, then all the this pious piece of sh__ is the ridiculous person, an exporter of abortions. With this legislation he can only deny women that are too poor to leave the US for an abortion. And, as pre-RoeVsWade women know, the abortions still happen in the back alleys with coat hangers. Something this legislator calmly pretends is not an issue.

      This legislator's position is epitome of poor logic wrapped in a self- sanctifying glow of moronic churchy-ness.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      You respect someone taking away my choices about my body? I could be rude and hope you get raped and knocked up, but I won't

    3. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Whatever, that baby is a parasite in my body that can't live without me until it is at least 7 months along. Until then I DECIDE what happens to it. Prenatal testing can show so many abnormalities now and some of them aren't recognizable until 16 weeks so thank you very much I'll decide whether that photo-human lives or dies.

    4. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I completely agree with you. The only true "pro life" person is the one who accepts NO exceptions. It doesn't matter if it was rape or incest, if the baby will be born in agonizing pain only to live for a few seconds, if the pregnant female is 11 years old, or if the mother will likely die during childbirth. No abortion EVER! Everyone else is just a hypocrite.

      (I don't respect anyone who is "anti-choice," but they should at least be honest about it).

  22. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Maybe if he got raped,he might gain some perspective. Ya think?

  23. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Here's the thing: it's trauma. And trauma means a fundamental shift to the time space dimension. You live in a different place and can only return to normal time in small bits. Could it take a couple months? Of course. Or longer. Then you realize you're pregnant and the trauma starts all over again.

    How about instead of demanding women keep the result of the very worst day of their lives, instead, spend your energy on prevention.

    No rape.
    No pregnancy.

  24. He sounds like a rapist.Reading what he said made my skin crawl.

  25. physicsmom6:24 PM

    Wasn't there a congresscritter who said this in 2012? It was right after Todd Akins "legitimate rape" comment was made. I don't remember who the other guy was, but I sort of think he was from Illinois, of all places. I hope this clown is subject to the same ridicule that his earlier Tea-friends did.

  26. Anonymous3:02 AM

    republican pos's really suck.

  27. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I always wonder if these men that make these incredibly stupid statements have wives. I can assure that if this asshat was my husband and he said what he said, his ass would be up between his shoulder blades.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      You forget, the rich political wives, well rich wives and daughters in general always got abortions with no fear of prosecution.

  28. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I wonder if he'd feel the same way if his wife or daughters were raped and impregnated??? probably not...


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