Monday, February 09, 2015

Wisconsin lawmaker wants to do away with the 48 hour waiting period after purchasing a gun, used as cooling off period for those making emotional purchases. Cites inconvenience.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Sen. Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) is circulating a bill to eliminate the requirement enacted to allow for time to run background checks as well as for a “cooling off” period designed to help guard against acts of impulsive violence by purchasers. 

According Wanggaard, background checks are now almost instantaneous and the waiting period is a relic of the past. 

“Generally within the hour, they know whether or not someone can purchase the firearm, and by that time, you’re about finished up with your purchases in the store,” Wanggaard said. “This just doesn’t make any sense to keep this restriction on the books.” 

Wanggaard calls the 48-hours waiting period a “time tax.” 

“I can’t walk in a door and purchase one without having to come back again,” Wanggaard said. “There’s all the driving involved because that’s 45 minutes to where I purchase my firearms from where I live. So now it’s causing me more time and money to be able to do that.”

Yeah first there is all that waiting, and THEN the 45 minute drive back to the store. I mean who has that kind of time when there are people who need to be shot?

Domestic violence groups point out that the waiting period is not determined by the length of time a background check takes, but rather as a cooling off period to protect potential victims.  

“You have to ask yourself if someone wants a gun instantaneously or within an hour or two, why do they really need it that quickly?” said Tony Gibart, with End Domestic Violence Wisconsin. “It seems if someone needs it very quickly, chances are they are up to no good.”

Excellent point.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Yet there are women in Texas that have to drive 500 miles to get an one worries about their inconvenience.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      There are many places that it's farther than that.

    2. SallyinMI6:48 AM

      Brilliant! But you know, these rich white guys need their guns now, their sex even when their spouse is unconscious, and all the little heirs their sperm can conjure up. And the hell with the women!

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      If you got pregnant and now decide you want an abortion, YOU probably should have practiced using a 48 hour cooling off period before doing something as foolish as having an unwanted pregnancy.

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      If a rapist wants to rape you, tell him to wait for 48 hours to cool off, because you wouldn't want to get pregnant and then have to have an abortion.

    5. Anonymous9:06 AM

      What a jumbled mess of a sentence (not to mention thought process), 8:37.

      It's none of your business how or why an unwanted pregnancy occurs unless that unwanted pregnancy is yours.

      In the interest of public safety, the process by which people obtain deadly weapons is everyone's business.

    6. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Abortion is not stopping the beating heart of a future person? And the difference between a bullet stopping a beat heart is????

    7. Anonymous9:31 AM

      anon 9:05
      A gun to protect yourself is probably a better idea.

    8. Anonymous10:12 AM

      "future person?"

      Give me a break. Spoken like someone who just doesn't get it.

    9. Anonymous11:47 AM


      If there is one thing that the world currently has too many of it is people. Keeping one more hungry mouth from stressing our already meager resources
      is if anything, heroic.

    10. Anonymous8:51 PM

      11:47 just making sure I get this right for the morning headlines:

      "Liberals declare all abortions to be heroic act, read all about it on Immoral Minority".

      Be a hero, get pregnant and have an abortion? New motto maybe?

      Just want to make sure I got that right. Gotta say the definition of hero sure has changed since I was a kid.

  2. angela6:20 AM

    Wisconsin used to be such a sane state.

  3. Want to really get incredulous at this story? Wanggaard used to be a cop. Go check him out, he's a special kind of stupid.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      WOW, that's sad. My brother is a cop in a Western state, always votes Republican, belongs to the NRA, hunts, and keeps plenty of guns around the house. But he does actually advocate sane gun control.

      After Sandy Hook, he said, "The problem isn't that we need stricter gun control laws. If we actually enforced the laws we have, it would take care of most of the problems." He explained that (in his state, at least) anyone accused of domestic violence must legally have all firearms removed from their home while they await trial. He cited stats to show that this is a necessary law that has saved many lives. Yet no judge in his county will enforce it. The cops remove guns; the judges order them to return the guns. He lives in a sparsely populated county, so there isn't much competition for judgeships, and the cops don't dare speak out publicly because they're afraid that will prejudice the judges against them in future cases. So the public, who could vote these judges out of office, don't even realize there's an issue.

      Putting a gun directly into the hands of an enraged domestic abuser puts his victim at immediate, statistically-provable risk, and it also puts any responding cops--as well as neighbors, pets, children, and other innocent bystanders--in danger. One would think a former cop would understand that.

  4. Anonymous6:24 AM

    So women who need an abortion need to wait and wait, and return, sometimes many miles, to a doctor's office or clinic, because they can't be trusted to have made a decision for themselves without a "cooling off" period.

    Gun owners, however, should have instant access to a lethal weapon without having an inconvenient wait, when their desire to own yet another firearm might be reconsidered, for its extravagance, expense, and stupidity.

    1. SallyinMI6:47 AM

      GREAT comment!!!

    2. Anonymous9:08 AM

      That just shows how much human beings, once born, are valued. Or, more accurately, how much they are not valued.

  5. Olivia6:28 AM

    Well, you know, when you need a gun, you need it NOW!

  6. Anonymous6:29 AM

    6:19 & 6:24 - thank you both. I was going to post a similar comment.


  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I bet he has no problems with women being forced to make multiple trips and wait around in order to seek an abortion.

  8. Anonymous6:46 AM

    And he's a liar, there is no place anywhere near Racine Wisc, where you would have to drive 45 minutes to purchase a gun.

  9. SallyinMI6:47 AM

    Well, we KNOW the GOP is up to no good...always. Time to get these creeps out of our courthouses and chambers. Out of DC and out of the news cycles. They are insane, mean, and liars. And if Scott Walker is the best thing the GOP has against Hillary, please proceed!

  10. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Gryphen, I can't do it because well I am apparently just not good at it but I can't do a screen grab, but you can go on Yellow pages dotcom and type in Racine Wisconsin and I just typed in a search for rifles, 27 sites came up the map and list. It would make a great screen grab to go with this article.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

  11. Anonymous6:55 AM

    And we have assholes like him to thank for this sort of result:

    Gun Violence, Each Day

  12. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Holder says lack of new gun laws is his 'single failure'

    The inability to enact new gun safety laws after the Sandy Hook school shooting ranks as "the single failure" of his tenure, Attorney General Eric Holder said in a televised interview.

    "The gun lobby simply won, you know?" Holder said in the interview shown Sunday on MSNBC, conducted to mark the end of his time as attorney general.

    Read more here:

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      His job isn't to make new laws.

      His biggest failure seems to be that he doesn't understand what his job is.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      I think, Anon at 7:38 am, that Eric Holder has done a fine job as attorney general. His biggest problem has been the rampant racism among GOP legislators.

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      738, If the reality of his job were what you would like it to be I guess he would fail every time! It's a good thing for the rest of us that holder absolutely knows what his job is supposed to be.

    4. Anonymous10:37 AM

      He's actually never said it was his job to make new laws, but thanks for playing, 7:38.

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    So this guy pretty much is what The Simpsons used to spoof a decade ago or so in "The Cartridge Family"? It took some time but the US are really turning into a real life satire of itself.

  14. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Good job Sen. Van Wanggaard.

    Pushing back against the anti gun nuts.

    Hopefully it receives enough support to pass.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      anti gun, how about anti-DEAD and no, we are not nuts.
      so shut up sara and tawd, and stay in alaaaaaska

    2. No, the gun humpers with the toddler-like demand that they want their new gun RIGHT NOW WAAH are the nuts. People like you and Van Wanggaard have no regard for human life or the constitution, particularly the second amendment.

  15. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I had to wait over an hour to renew my license plates, while they are coming up with stupid ideas, why don't we do away with licenses plates since this is another "time tax"

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      And I hate stopping at red lights! Don'tcha know I've got places to be?

      If eliminating the cooling off Time were such a good idea, he would not need to reframe it as a time tax. That just shows you that people need to be fooled in order to agree with him.

  16. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Oh my lord, I still have to say I am from Wi and these frekkin' nuts are taking over what used to be a pretty sane place. Racine, crime capital of Wisconisn, plenty of gun stores there. maybe HE can't figure where to shop closer, out but all the crazies will. we are so screwed...........

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Hey neighbor to the NE. I feel the same way about our state. It used to be a great place. Used to be. Before the nuts took over.

      We shouldn't be surprised. We were warned for years that the fanatics were going to do this. Lie their way into every office from school board to Pres. How long has it taken? 40? 50? years. When the Kock bros buy their brainless, obedient, robo Pres, in 2016 it will be about complete.

      Can it be stopped? What happens if it isn't? How did WE all allow this to happen? Do enough people even care? Has too much damage been done already? Does anybody have any suggestions? Solutions? besides, let's just kill everybody who doesn't agree with us? What is it going to take? How do you fight billions?

      I have watched Americans lose respect for themselves and others, any manners they may have been taught, civility towards anyone, dignity, humility, common sense, empathy.

      Look where a country full of pissy attitudes, name calling, and finger pointing has gotten us so far.

      You are correct 7:46, we are so screwed........

  17. I WANT MY GUN AND I WANT IT NOW!! Wah, wah, wah, cut me a break, use one of the other 10 guns you own, moron

  18. Anonymous8:20 AM


    Will Sarah and Chuck Jr. take this as a major victory?

    With Brian Williams Out, NBC Turns to Lester Holt to Shoulder Nightly News

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Of course it had NOTHING to do with them. NBC and Brian Williams have not thought of her in "ions." Her opinions are like the squeak of a rabid bat, on this and every other subject.

  19. Anonymous8:56 AM

    NBC, the network that altered Zimmerman's 911 tape to make him sound like a racist.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      8:56, are you so full of Derp™ that you can't even post your lazy hit-and-run replies under the correct thread?

  20. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Let's go back to snail mail if you don't want to expedite licensing, registering, and other mundane requirements.

  21. Anonymous3:40 PM

    The best thing we can do is get rid of the NRA and other gun lobbists

  22. Anonymous3:41 PM

    This Australian Comic’s Take on America’s Absurd Gun Laws is Brilliant (Video)

    “In Australia, we had the biggest massacre on earth, the Australian government went, ‘That’s it! No more guns!’ And we all went, ‘Yeah, alright then. That seems fair enough.’ Now in America, you have the Sandy Hook Massacre where little, tiny children died, and your government went, ‘Maybe – we’ll get rid of the BIG guns?’”

  23. Anonymous3:46 PM

    National Trends Show Gun Deaths Equal or Outnumber Traffic Fatalities; Ammosexuals Proven Wrong Again

    One of the favorite arguments of opponents of gun control has always been, “cars kill more people than guns,” but that argument may soon lose any validity.

    In Missouri, the argument is already a moot point. In 2013, the state recorded fewer traffic fatalities than gun deaths by a considerable margin, 880 to 781, and the trend is not confined to one state. In several other states, the number of gun deaths are nearly equal and in some they are higher as in Missouri.

    The trend nationally has been for the numbers to grow closer; in 2010, the rate of gun deaths was 10 per 100,000 population, while the rate of traffic deaths was 12 per 100,000.


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