Monday, February 09, 2015

Michael Moore responds to Sarah Palin's "Fuc_ You Michael Moore" sign.

Moore posted this a link to an interview with VICE on his Facebook page Friday but I totally missed it.

Much of it is talking about the kerfuffle over the "American Sniper" film, but then VICE asks him about the above photo:

VICE: Obviously you saw the poster that Sarah Palin held up—Michael Moore with the crosshairs in the two O's. 

MM: The one that ended her political career on Saturday? 

VICE: Yeah. 

MM: Yeah, I tweeted those two Tweets on Sunday, and on Monday I figured I better do a Facebook post because I live in a nation where a lot of people can't comprehend, and plus 140 characters isn't a lot. So I did the Facebook [post] and then I decided I'm going to be silent now until Friday. And I didn't tweet anything about this, didn't talk about it, didn't do anything, just decided to play rope-a-dope with these crazies and let them scream all week and they won't see me fighting back, which will elevate their screaming and nuttiness and essentially let them punch themselves in the face. This is what I hoped would happen. Think about this—the vast majority of her base is made up of born-again Christians. Good Christian people. They were stunned to see her holding a sign that said "fuck you." 

VICE: This is someone who portrays herself as a real proper American mother. 

MM: Yeah, family values and apple pie, and she says things like golly gee wiz. She got so mad at me that she let her guard down to reveal who she is, and the Christian right saw that and were all kind of horrified. She got a lot of immediate blowback on social media, and then again on Saturday before she stood up to give her speech. My theory is she thought her own people turned against her in that time and it rattled her, and then I guess the prompter went out, right? She wasn't able to recover, and she was right in the middle. I should go back and have a look at this, I can't remember. I saw it on C-Span. But at the start she was on me, she's just come off this posting, she's getting a lot of blowback from her people so she starts off on me again, and then the prompter blows, so whatever. I'd like to think that a good union man or woman... 

VICE: Pulled the plug? 

MM: [Laughs] Pulled the plug. But be that as it may, she got discombobulated, and if you follow any of the news on her now, in the last four days, it's all saying that she's over. They're attacking her on Fox—Bill Kristol, who was her big supporter... all these people have abandoned her because of those two things that she said, holding a sign that used the word fuck and her discombobulatedness when she was going off on me and then lost the plot and couldn't speak. 

VICE: With the crosshairs and the O's, didn't she get into some trouble—didn't her website a few years ago have districts with crosshairs over them across America? 

MM: Yes, and she had to pull that off. And in the "fuck-you" sign she put crosshairs in the two O's of my name. And that also was part of the blowback—thanks for reminding me about that. So using the F-word and going back to putting crosshairs on a human being. 

VICE: For what it's worth, I'm looking at the picture now, and she's making this real kind of white-trashy hand sign—you know when you put your pinky out and your thumb is out... I don't even know what they call that. There's a word for it. 

MM: Yeah, I know what you mean. 

VICE: It's like a party-time kind of hand symbol. It's pretty funny. 

MM: [Laughs] This is more like, Let's kill this motherfucker and PARTY!

I have to disagree with Moore that this ended her political career as I think that ended on the day that she resigned as Governor. However I will agree that this photo, along with that Iowa speech ended even any serious talk about her ever running for office again.

And good for VICE to point out the crosshairs in the "O's." I think THAT really illustrates Palin's hateful nature and how slow she is to learn from past mistakes.

You might be interested in reading the entire article as it is pretty interesting, and covers much more than just Sarah Palin. 


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The Vice post is a good read. Genteel even christiany women do not pose with a tacky FU sign ever. The cross-hairs in Michael Moore's name on the sign simply evoked the Gabby Giffords attempted murder, the slaughter of a nine-year-girl (Piper's age at the time), and other innocents slain in the name of a hateful SP-like crazy.


    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      The girl who was murdered in Tucson was the exact same age as Piper Palin.
      I wonder if Sarah Palin ever looks at Piper, four years later, and wonders what little Rebecca Green would look like today. What she's missed in the last four years?
      And how Palin herself was indirectly responsible for the death of that child.
      Rebecca Green lies six feet under ground, still and silent. She'll never enjoy joining a basketball team, or going to a movie with friends, or praying to her god, or
      loving her family and being loved by them. Her life is over.
      Sarah Palin: when you look at Piper, think about the child in Tucson who was murdered by the crazy man who was inspired by your violent imagery and rhetoric. Never forget her.

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Wasn't her name Christiana?

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Yes, you're right. My apologies.

      I remember her, her face, and her age, but forgot her name. The sentiments are the same: a nine-year-old girl whose life was ended in an instant by a madman inspired by Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      $carah does not give a second thought to anyone but herself.

    5. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Her name was Christina, and no, I don't think Sarah Palin has even ONCE thought of what Christina Taylor Green would look like today, or even thinks about her at all.

      I don't think I have ever hated anyone as much as I hate Sarah Palin.

      R in NC

    6. Anonymous12:19 PM

      $carah only thinks of how much money she's getting as the "indirect" result of the blood of the innocent victims.
      Sarah is evil.

    7. YIKES! Some nut bag gave Baldy a GUN! Look how retarded she looks holding it....

    8. Oh I forgot to add... Look at the stool next to Baldy...doesn't it have Trig's name on it? Gee, wonder why the little guy didn't use this stool to do the dishes instead standing on the pooch!

      RAM... Care to explain? LOL!

    9. Anonymous2:13 PM

      She looks like shit

    10. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Gina, who are you to talk about looks? Look in the mirror you dog-faced libtard.

    11. Anonymous2:16 PM

      >>Look at the stool next to Baldy...doesn't it have Trig's name on it?

    12. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Oops 2:14 PM
      Gina is using an image of one of Palin's paid main propagandists and a major squeeze as her avatar ... Rebecca Mansour. If you are not a troll you just stepped in it big time. Funny!

    13. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Anonymous at 2:14 pm--you must be new here if you don't realize that GinaM's avatar is not Gina M, but RAM.

      What were you saying about looking in the mirror?

      Archie Butt

    14. Cracklin Charlie3:41 PM

      Ha, ha!

      2:14 fell for it!

      Way to go, GinaM!

    15. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Gina's avatar is Rebecca Mansour. Palin's speech writer.

    16. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Oh-oh, 2:14, apparently you don't know who Gina's avatar is: allow me- that is RAM, Rebecca Mansour, one of Sarah's speechwriters, and the previous editor of C4P.

      You can google and find her in the pics with Sarah in Iowa, I believe at the fair, maybe 2 or 3 years ago.

      How rude of you to disrespect your queen by badmouthing her right hand man!!

      R in NC

    17. Anonymous4:03 PM

      *sigh* Looks like you got another one, Gina-->Anon 2:14.

      Maybe we should have a FAQ for the newbies?

    18. Anonymous4:18 PM

      This woman poses for more photos with guns, her pedophile "friends", and dead animals than with her special needs child. How sad.

    19. Anonymous4:20 PM

      @Anonymous2:14 PM -

      You do know that people can post all kinds of avatar photos that ARE NOT actually photos of their own selves, right?

    20. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Her name was Christina not Christiana

    21. 2:14pm....what's that smell? Oh that's YOU...that's one big time ole pile of dog shit you stepped in there troll...


      Thanks for the giggles dummy! LOL!

      Cracklin Charlie....I love "fishing" at IM's... I ALWAYS catch a good one!

      How interesting that when RAM first met Baldy she still looked like a forward to today and both RAM and Baldy could pass for "brothers"! LMAO!

    22. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Anon at 2:14pm
      LMAO! That's Sarah Palin';s pet dog Becca Mansour, or as I call her Sewer

    23. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Gina M ,
      I can always tell when Sarah buys a new set of trolls, they always want to slam looks of Sarah Palin's pet dog Mouser or is it Sewer. LMAO!!!!!

    24. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Always late to the party. I am laughing my ass right off. Go Gina! That didn't take long, did it? I will never get tired of that shit.

      And another one bites the dust.

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Michael Moore is being too polite about Sarah Palin! Many of us know that the Iowa speech was pure Sarah word salad. I'm glad that he did react though.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Mr Moore's polite reaction is perfect for this instance, it actually shows off Sarah's crazy more than if he had been more upset.
      BTW Michael Moore is worth more than Sarah can ever dream about, to him she is just an annoying fly.

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      An annoying fly that he took out, Obama-style!

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Intelligence and sanity always win over insane loony(appologies to loons, where both parents care for their chick) toons that self medicate on hate

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Sarah Palin and her family are vulgar, classless, nasty mean-spirited trashy people.
    And those who still support her are also vulgar, classless, trashy, nasty, mean-spirited people.

    Calling for someones death by putting them in cross-hairs is evil.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Medal winner, Dakota Meyer, and Quitter Commander in Chief, Sarah Palin, often collaborate.

      They are a team working on films and media for the Sport Channel of hunting and fishing.

      In the same article a picture of Sarah with decorated US Marine Corps war hero, Dakota Meyer, shows the area Governor Sarah Palin was talking about in 2008. Sarah Palin Information Blog shared this image From the editors who took this photo shot, with Russia photo-bombing in the background:

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      If she goes over to the other side of Alaska, she can see Canada, another foreign country! It's been wooing away American corporations so they can avoid paying U.S. taxes.
      That's economic warfare. Where is Sarah's militia on the Canadian border?

    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      The company that films the Sportsman show must not have very high expectations, hiring $carah. Is she the best they could do? I wonder how they feel about her now, with the tasteless behaviour she displays with that sign, and the screech ?

    4. Anonymous12:01 PM

      11:23 AM
      Sportschannel has the lowest quality people they can find. Ted Nugent and Dakota Meyer.

      Meyer is a vet and may be suffering from PTSD or other afflictions from war. Sad and all about him but he can get help and turn his life around.

      It was Dakota Meyer's sign as I understand. He designed and created it? He is happy to pose with the sign along with the scumbag Palin. That does not say much for the good about Meyer.

      Plus he was mixed up about what Moore said about 'sniper' and started that whole thing.

      Sarah can claim she is a victim of Meyer's zealot actions. Poor Sarah, again she is a victim.

    5. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Isn't Dakota Meyer also a proven liar? What is his story?

    6. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Maybe Dakota Meyer is just an asshole.

    7. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Meyer's mother never warned him about the company he keeps. The guy may or may not be worthy of the medal he was awarded. For sure he is now doing some low life unworthy things.

    8. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Take a look at the bottom left hand corner of Dakota Myers' poster. Looks to me like a handwritten "F-- U-- Michael Moore" followed by Sarah's signature.

  4. angela9:24 AM

    There will always be people who think that Palin is marvelous. They are also the people who give little Bobby's tuition to television preachers who need new jets and get the "atheists".

    Palin will always get someone who lets her babble and act like a tea-billy jackass. Everyone has a right to make fools of themselves and Sarah is the queen fool. She is the poster girl for grifting victimhood. Except Palin has made her money off of other people's fear and stupidity. They deserve her and I hope she keeps babbling idiocy to them and taking their money.

    But she will never be elected to ANYTHING because she is an idiot.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Not so sure about that. While she will always have some crazy followers I know ( according to my stylist) that she lost many after the drunken brawl, they were shocked! Also, many more have probably been turned off by the fuck you sign, and this is in Texas where you can't swing a dead cat and not hit at least one church.

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    That is my new favorite Palin Brand symbol of Sarah. FUC_ & cross-hairs are soooo Sarah.

    Also, too, she was drunk enough to show her lusty self. I hope that poor brainwashed vet made it out without contacting a STD. He looks like the cult got to him.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Her sideways glance at his crotch is the very definition of "lascivious."
      For a "married" mother of five, she was showing the true Sarah Palin -- who cares nothing for her family if a hot young man is around and she might snare him for the night.

      Sarah, please don't ever thump a Bible again. You're just a middle-aged woman, hot to trot, off in Las Vegas, too drunk or drugged to act your age, or to soberly represent the political position you were trying to promote.
      Instead, we can all read exactly what was in your mind when that picture was taken. Ewwww.

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I just noticed that the cardboard sign has some long hand writing. Also appears to contain a clear Signature by the name of
    Sarah.Who does that? Signature looks awful familiar?

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      She sure did sign off on this one.

      Since the media missed the big story it is not too late for them to revisit and do a better job of reporting.

      I hope the public will demand more of the journalists and media that cover Sarah Palin.

      Thank you Gryph for all you do! You are the man!

    2. Palin wrote "Yeah FU Michael Moore, Sarah Palin" on the sign because she is such a good Christian woman.

  7. PalinsHoax9:33 AM

    On that same poster, didn't she also write in the lower left corner: "F*** Y** Michale Moore" and sign her name to that?

    If so, what is her excuse for that juvenile behaviour?

  8. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sarah looks so pleased with herself in that photo. Can you imagine if someone made a poster with her name and crosshairs on it, but if she does it, it is just "having fun".

    I wish they would stop excusing her disaster speech by "blaming" it on the teleprompter, that was her usual self. Most people have not been following this nut since 2008 and have forgotten that the lamestream media, that Sarah loves to blame for all the self inflicted problems, translated most of her word salad into English.

    Still want to know the TRUTH on why she quit, hope someone spills the beans soon. That would finish her for good, since I don't believe all the truth about her fake pregnancy will ever come out.

    1. I thought that people reported that you could see the teleprompter glare in her glasses? I will have to re-watch the speech. *puts on hazmat suit and updates all inoculations*

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Oh, you can bet if anyone made a poster with her name under the crosshairs, the screeching cries of "VICTIMHOOD!" would be heard throughout the land.

  9. Anonymous9:37 AM

    A Former Marine’s Review of American Sniper

  10. I agree this picture really hit her base hard and had them trying to defend it without much wiggle room. She also autographed the sign in the lower left corner after she had written: "Yeah, FU Michael Moore". In the Iowa speech, she tried to distance her involvement in the sign by saying she called the young man up to the front while she was signing books and as she stood there, the journalists started to snap she just innocently standing behind it at the time. She is such a liar...probably didn't think we'd notice her autograph in the corner of the sign. And look at her hair/wig. Looks dirty and uncombed for days. What a phony as well as a shank.

  11. Anonymous9:37 AM

    If you're going to say, "fuck" then say "fuck". What's the fuck with dropping a couple letters? Grow some balls and say what you mean to say instead pussy footin' around it.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Probably couldn't figure out what the last letter was supposed to be.

  12. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I read somewhere that Palin tried to walk this back claiming she didn't know what was written on the poster when she posed behind it.

    If you look closely, she signed it on the lower left of the poster. Zoom in on it. It reads: Yeah f__k Michael Moore -Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      She knew and signed it because she's so proud of herself & the blood on her hands.
      Remember Sarah how you had those people killed when you put the crosshairs on Gabby Giffords?

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      That was at a Gun Show or some function with gunners. She was celebrating with like minds. Taya Kyle was there and Sarah and Bristol so proud. Nancy French was in on the Bristol posts of their pride and joy. They all think alike and get joy and giggles from how clever and wonderful they are all together.

      Sarah (along with space cadet look of Dakota) show the glory it was for all of them. This is a pivotal moment captured and tweeted, a moment that tells a monstrous and long story. The representation of Sarah Palin Tea Bag and Patriot as she defines herself as "political". I am not saying that she is, I say she is a fraud, but she sells herself, her brand as "political".

      Where was Todd Palin? Her other half? What was he selling? Iron Dog hero worship? Which corporation is he representing this year?

      And Track Palin? He represents the military, the Army, the National Guard, veterans. Which is in the mix with Iron Dog and Sarah the "political".

      When are these propagandists going to be fully exposed?

  13. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Oh dear, how is Queen Bee-Yotchay going to spin this? Big bad Michael Moore being mean to her by not apologizing for hurting her fee-fees by existing? How dare he!

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Her fee-fees.....lmao

  14. You may have already seen this... LOL!

  15. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I was reading at Wonkette about how Ted Nugent was "hocking" Sarah's book, which made me laugh. I think they meant "hawking", as in selling, not "hocking" as in regurgitating a ball to spit, or pawning your wedding ring.
    So then, I come here to find that Mr. Moore has reacted to her drunken, TRITE attempt to stay relevant, and I have to laugh some more. She is such an idiot. 2015 is her year of living dangerously, it would appear.
    Let's all hock Sarah's book.......bllllaaaaaarrrrrchhhh! (wipes spit from chin) and drink to her irrelevance! Huzzah!

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Who do these people not insult with their ignorance and cheap celebrity tricks?

      Ted Nugent: ‘My Hero’ Sarah Palin Is The ‘Perfect’ American Dreamed Of By Founding Fathers (VIDEO)

      Dakota Meyer was honored with a medal of honor and now look what a tool he is for all the wrong reasons. Reasons based on lies and with liars. Chris Kyle a proven liar.

      What has happened to their brains?

  16. Anonymous9:48 AM

    She is such an evil person. So full of venom.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Strange how how God talks to this evil woman. So she thinks this is ok with God?

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      @anon at 10:10am
      Sarah may hear voices, but that's mental illness, not any God.

      And FYI
      If any imaginary peeps start talking to me I want it to be Santa or Thor

    3. Anonymous12:45 PM

      The mentally ill will often try to hide the fact they hear voices.

      I believe that Sarah's voices are due to her drug problems. This 'God' she hears and also writes as 'God', her children have claimed she is this 'God'.

      The Sarah 'God' is part of her chronic and long time drug problem and addiction. She may be past the point of no return and in that way it turned into mental illness. She did it to herself when she didn't realize how grim her addiction is and that she must take the steps for healing and redemption.

      Sarah Palin is a cautionary tale. That is why it matters that public people and their public families come out with the truth about what is happening. Just the facts, you know?

  17. I do wish that the media outlets reporting on this made it more clear that she didn't just agree with the sign that someone else wrote while holding it up. She herself actively and deliberately wrote "Yeah, FU MIchael Moore, (signed) Sarah Palin."

  18. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I disagree with Michael Moore about one thing. Those people who support Palin are NOT good Christian people, they are just as mean-spirited and evil as she is. But they hide behind religion. They carry guns, and mouth out mean-spirited hateful comments about anyone who is not a right-winger like they are. They are intolerant of anyone who is different from them.
    Good Christian people follow the example of Christ.
    These people do not follow the example of Christ, they follow the example of Satan.
    Jesus Christ is not evil, and mean-spirited, intolerant, and hateful.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      "These people do not follow the example of Christ, they follow the example of Satan."

      I was thinking about this last night. The people hurt most by these charlatans are true Christians . . . just as the people hurt most by Islamic terrorists are true Muslims. So, hmmm, who is it that would benefit most from their outrageous behavior? Satan? These people are his soldiers.


    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Thank you. I will forever remember the night I visited the pee pond and told them they could use a heapin' helpin' of The Sermon On The Mount. It did not go over well.

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      The people hurt most by these charlatans are true Christians . . . just as the people hurt most by Islamic terrorists are true Muslims.

      Why is it that 'true Christians' and 'true Muslims' have no voice in America?

    4. Anonymous5:32 PM

      They choose not to use it, after getting shouted down by the extremists?

    5. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Anonymous11:36 AM

      '''So, hmmm, who is it that would benefit most from their outrageous behavior? Satan? These people are his soldiers.'''


  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    The woman has blood on her hands and she's obviously proud of it. I wonder if she's keeping count of the ones she "took out."

  20. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Dang! I thought that was Sally Sandusky and her kids.

  21. Anonymous10:11 AM

    There was no teleprompter fail--when Hannity asked her about it she avoided answering. She knew if she said yes that the tech people there would have defended themselves and it would, once again, be another Palin lie. If it were true, she certainly would have blamed it for her mess. Then again, she attacked Obama for using a teleprompter (but consistency isn't her strong suit). I guess writing on your hand is better.

    She just went off script and lost her way. Standard issue stuff for her.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      teleprompter fail--

      It sounds better than "I was drunk." Or stupid and a poor entertainer performance.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      And keep in mind, also too, that Sarah Palin is far too good a speaker to use a teleprompter. She's used the teleprompter thing in almost all of her anti-Obama speeches.

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      I never did believe it was a teleprompter fail. One reporter mentioned it as a fact, and the rest just followed right along.

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    The problem with American Sniper, explained in 3 minutes

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      The film failed in the most vital ways. The meme about it being a character study was a major cop out (flaw). It is certainly not educational since the history is a major problem. A good character study about someone who helped to write a book (Authors: Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen, Jim DeFelice) about their life would be more effective in an honest setting. The book was proof that the writers wrote lies.

      "These inaccuracies aren't peripheral problems; they do a disservice to Iraqis and American veterans alike. See how in the video above."

      I agree. It couldn't be more disrespectful of American veterans and families. All Americans for that matter. Although the movie may have tried to focus on the family and coming home it is a huge slap in the face to the very people they claim they are caring about.

      As a fantasy movie it has good scenes for those that like war and violence.

  23. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I bet she thinks that posing with that sign gives her some street credit with the Ted Nugent types. She is really full of herself in the picture. You can see it on her face.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Yeah, you can see her bad ass pride (before the fall). It is written all over her and she can never walk this one back.

      This photo is the most symbolic of who Sarah Palin is out of all the other photos.

      This is "IT", this is Sarah Palin.

  24. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Isn't that hand gesture the Hawai'ian "hang loose" gesture or is she just miming a phone/call-me? What's the gang tie-in to that exactly?

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      No, it's a gang sign. Look it it up yourself Orlin.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      She is reminiscing about her phone call from the Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. She can't get over the fact he called her! ( Sarah's World )

  25. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I have seen her use that hand-shape before, in situations where she is pretending to show honest emotion or gratitude in public. The ASL hand-shape for "I Love You" would involve that formation, plus the raising of the index finger. Not surprising that she'd fuck that up as well.

  26. Anonymous10:43 AM

    O/T President Obama Is Days Away From Dropping The Veto Hammer On Keystone XL

    ....Obama’s veto — just the third of his presidency and the first since 2010...

    I will feel better when he actually vetoes it, boy there goes the BIG Republican jobs bill- all 35 of them !!! See that Obama guy doesn't want to create jobs like the Rethugs do.

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      I would also like to point out that ALL republican Senators from steel producing states voted against using American produced steel in the project even if it does go forward.

      And I know at least one loyal reader on this blog is from Ohio. Better tell that to your neighbors.

  27. Remember, she puts family, God and country first. Well, since she used that as an excuse not to run in 2012, she has rarely been at home with the family, flying all around making speeches, pushing her books, channel and reality show. Then she poses in front of this sign after autographing it (wonder what God thinks of that?). And all the while, she polarizes this country with her attacks on those in power. A good leader inspires the people and brings them together. She does neither for this country. I am an Atheist so I can say this without being a hypocrite: Fuck you Sarah Palin.

  28. Anonymous10:51 AM

    While the interviewer from Vice or Moore might not know what the "hand-sign" Quitter Pants is always waving around, anyone from Hawaii or in the Surfer world, knows the sign simply means, "HANG LOOSE"

    Remember, Quitter Pants spent one (or two) semesters of college in Hawaii so that's where she learned it, yet she thinks she's so cool every time she makes use of it.
    But it just makes her look like a more foolish idiot then what she already is.

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      No, it's a gang sign.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Quitler fled Hawaii because she was terrified of the non-white people living there.

    3. "Anonymous12:27 PM
      No, it's a gang sign."
      It may be a gang sign. It is definitely identical to a shaka also.

      No reason it can't have multiple meanings,

    4. Anonymous3:35 PM

      IMO it is to be cool for Track, Bristol and Willow and their peer group, as in hood rat, thug life.

      thug life

      cool hoodrat

      cool cool cool

      Before cool awesome

      Impressive cool Tv star

  29. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I'm so glad that VICE brought up the gun sites.

  30. Well, God has no use for Palin. I know this because I follow Him on twitter:

    God @TheTweetOfGod · Jan 24
    Sarah Palin is "seriously interested" in running for President. I don't have a joke. That is the joke.

  31. Saul Alinsky11:10 AM

    It is fitting that Michael ended Sarahs career : )

  32. PalinsHoax11:14 AM

    Anonymous 10:51 AM
    ". . . the "hand-sign" Quitter Pants is always waving around, simply means, "HANG LOOSE"
    - - -

    Oh that's so appropriate! That's the Ol' Flabby One alright:
    * her beefy, manly arms now hang and flap loosely
    * her unappetizing cottage cheese thighs now hang and flap loosely
    * her unsightly turkey neck now hangs and flaps loosely.

    Can't say that her boobies hang loose, since she doesn't have any and has to stuff her bra with falsies.

    But yep, Ol' Wasted One, you sure do hang loose.

    Better scurry yourself over to your plastic surgeon and get yourself all tightenen up again. (Emphasis on "plastic" as that is what your facial features now look like - exactly like a plastic MANnequin.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Yep, "hang loose" to the devil spawns.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Palin has a pre-teen or teenager mentality.

      Hence, she shows the world that is who she is. How many Republican presidential potentials do you see giving signs like she does?

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I've seen President Obama use the Hawaiian hand sign during his first Inauguration, when the Hawaiian Delegation Marched in front of the First Family. $sarah tries to copy the Obamas and fail every time, FLOTUS comes out with "Lets Move" palin claims to be writing a fitness book, President Obama goes to Israel and get treated like like Royalty, palin pulls out tire looking pics when she went to Israel, no comparison, she is so sad that she doesn't realize she's not worthy of carrying President Obama's piss bucket, Michael Moore played his hand perfectly by remaining silent and let her implode on her own, anytime she has to take down a pic on her fb page she messed up big crime

  33. $arah I told you that picture ended you.

    Now we see you flailing about, trying to make as much $$$ as possible before the door is nailed shut. No pride or self worth in you, only anger and vindictiveness. Your grasp is slipping and you are falling into the hole of oblivion.

    As Grumpy Cat says "good".

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      What Grumpy cat also has to say to Sarah

  34. Anonymous11:44 AM

    MM: Yeah, family values and apple pie, and she says things like golly gee wiz. She got so mad at me that she let her guard down to reveal who she is, and the Christian right saw that and were all kind of horrified.

    Where do you suppose the good Christian followers believe that the Palin's children learned their language skills?

    The Palin Brawl Police Tapes - Annotated Edition

    6 must-reads from Palin family brawl police report

    Audio. Listen, and enjoy.
    Then there is Track, who during his interview with cops spells his last name wrong at one point.
    Using the military alphabet he tells officers is is spelled, 'Papa, Alfa, Lima, India, Mike, Oscar.'
    'Palimo?' asks the officer.

  35. Anonymous12:05 PM

    That hand sign she is making is actually the Hawaiian 'Hang loose' or 'Shaka' sign, but I bet she took it as meaning 'hang him'!

  36. Anonymous12:06 PM

    How Presidential you look in that photo.

  37. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Surprised she wasn't using the "shocker" hand sign. Two in the pink, one in the stink.

  38. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Is it alright for Dakota Meyer to pose with that sign? Why is he any better to Christians? He has no career to end? You can't take back a medal?

    Because he is a man? Went to war? He has a medal?

    Why would that picture end Sarah Palin's career yet have no effect (in Christian eyes) for Dakota Meyer?

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Dakota Meyer b. 1988 is 26. There's pics of Mitt Romney being less than presidential around that age. Sarah Palin b.1964 is over 50. If Mitt Romney at his current age posed with a FUC_ poster that he SIGNED, I think he would be severely criticized. It would show a lack of gravitas.

      But, it's hard for me to imagine that Romney's handlers would let such a thing happen. That's what makes this FUC_ incident with Palin so peculiar. Normally a candidate (which she is inside her mentally ill mind) would be steered away from this sort of indiscretion.

      Shorter answer, no, I don't think the problem is that she is a woman. I think the problem is that she has a history of peculiar behaviors, chief among them being that she resigned a governorship. The FUC_ poster just underlined Palin's obvious unsuitable-ness for high office.

      Joni Ernst was elected for talking about pig testicles. Women today have a pretty wide range of expressions available to them.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      What office is Dakota Meyer running for? You can be really, really offensive as a private citizen not vying (or teasing that you are vying) for public office. THat is freedom of speech.

      $carah wants to claim leadership. THat is why she's held to a different level of accountabiliyt.

  39. Anonymous12:13 PM

    So this happened:

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Be The Change:gay rights

  40. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I'll probably get flamed for this, but I think MM might be displaying a tad of narcissism himself, thinking the sign was one of two things that ended his career. The end has been a long time in the making, in no small part due to watchdog blogs including IM. Some of us predicted that the GOP would throw Palin under the bus once and for all once they were past the mid-term elections & looking towards '16. The nutcase fringe was a key demographic in 2014; they and their nutcase queen will be a massive liability in 2016. I was expecting a series of discreet leaks of information; it looks like that won't be necessary, since Palin has done such a fine job of sinking her own ship, starting with The Brawl, continuing with the Dog Fiasco, The Speech and, yes, The Sign. I almost wonder if the sign wasn't a plant, cooked up by someone who knew exactly what effect it would have. I mean, think about it: someone sure did a good job of getting that picture, with its crass, signed inscription plainly visible. If it was a set-up, it was darn well played.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      I've thought it was a set-up myself.

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM


      I think you missed Michael Moore's humor.

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      I don't think he is wrong at all. That Fuck you opened the eyes of many southerners that thought she was who she said she was, this showed them she isn't.
      BTW No one, IM, Mr Moore, or any other person or blog brought Sarah down except Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Sarah's career ended for many of us when she was pregnant with SpongeBob SquarePants.

      For others it may have been any number of other Palin revealing moments.

      For those tricked by some religious charlatans, the time Sarah's career ended may well have been when she signed and posed with Dakota's sign and the cross-airs and Fuc_ You Michael Moore.

      Bringing back the memory of the beautiful child that was shot for collateral damage after Sarah's other cross-hairs is dumb beyond belief. (Sarah never offered a proper condolence or apology for being part of those deaths).

      I don't care if Sarah was on the second night of another drunken spree, she is too far gone, too brain damaged if she is repeating the targeting with cross-hairs.

    5. Anonymous2:34 PM

      12:30 PM Thank you. I've said the same again and again and again.

  41. Anonymous12:24 PM

    MM: The one that ended her political career on Saturday?

    Moore is not being literal. He knows her goose has been cooked for a long time. It is a clever appropriate line. Her so-called political career can end a million more times because it is just a joke. This one is a significant and lasting nail in her coffin.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Moore is a master of understated irony.

  42. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Sarah has no idea what that sign means. to her its some tuff gang sign kids hold up. she's intellectually stunted. still stuck in 9th grade. send her back to Hell where she came from. Christian? my Ass!

  43. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The wingnut world has seen her in her true discombobulated state and doesn't want to know her any more, the character that she portrayed at the RNC in 2008 is dead and buried. She had a good funeral and the wingnut world was sorry to see her go but she has gone to a better place.

    If Sarah thought it was tough being locked out of the 2012 RNC she hasn't seen anything yet. In 2012 the GOP was embarrassed by her. In 2015 they're disgusted by her.

  44. Anonymous12:48 PM

    RIP Kristina Taylor Green

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Christina Green was a beautiful child. Her family must continue to hurt so much from this willful shooting. An accumulation of events put in motion by Sarah Palin and her team.

      Sarah Palin and Dakota Meyer were not thinking of the Green's in the thrill and gaiety of their Las Vegas Shooting Trade (SHOT) Show. They had more anger and revenge to inflict. Where better to have their show and freedom to protest (albeit mistaken) of what Michael Moore said.

  45. Anonymous1:03 PM

    My country elects- ELECTS- elects by voting for people who will help us move us all forward. This woman has repigs are without facts, she's a loser, can I get in on that money?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      That is why the Republicans tamper with the votes and the voters. Voter Fraud. Include Sarah's Babygate... ; )

  46. Anonymous1:22 PM

    This article had her pegged a long time ago. Her problem is the older she get's and the more her looks fade when she acts like a teenager it just isn't so cutesy anymore, thus her true idiocy shows because she thinks sh is above everyone else and she will never learn, ever, she will just get worse.

  47. Anonymous1:25 PM

    What is Todd Palin doing during all this time that Sarah has been sinking her own ship?

    I know he did not go with her for the speech in Iowa where she went into a free fall down into to darkside. She had her cohort Bristol along for that spin. The team was a big fail together. Bristol's Blog and social media documented some of the lowest moments.

    Where is Todd? Downtown Anchorage?


    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Didn't Sarah say they were a twosome? Like Bill and Hillary.

  48. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Does she think that 'bit-lip' look is sexy? Besides the resemblance to a demented jack(ass) rabbit, it just looks stoooooooopid and makes her crepey, creepy neck look even worse than it is.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      She has an STD. Some of the mouth problems she has come from that. She tries to bite off her boo boo. Also other drug related issues around the mouth.

  49. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I am reading all comments with great enthusiasm!
    I know that it's not over quite yet for palin. However , she should be squealing like the pig she is about now.
    Karma is a bitch.

  50. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Michael Moore did exactly the correct thing by staying silent and letting Sarah Palin slit her own throat. That's what PETA should have done after the Trig Standing on the Dog Facebook post. Instead, her awful post morphed into a discussion about PETA and how she was a victim.

    Sarah always has to have the last word and blame the other party to shift the topic to them instead of her bad behavior, so by staying silent Michael Moore did not give Sarah anything to fight back to. This is also the tactic President Obama uses with her, and it is the most effective response to her constant taunting. It drives her crazy.

    Well played, Mr. Moore, well played.

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Peta had to respond because they were getting a lot of complaints, like the time Peta complain about President Obama killing a fly during an interview, I suspect they got a lot of calls for looking silly, then they backtracked and said he should have put it in a proper container, I lost all respect for Peta after that.

  51. Anonymous1:57 PM

    12:22 PM & --mathgeek
    --- a plant, cooked up by someone who knew exactly what effect it would have.

    Who would set that up? Dakota was on a rip about Moore talking about snipers. Who is the other character in the picture?

    You might like to consider the whole chain of events and the gala time the Palin girls were having when the pictures of targeting, crosshairs, Fuc_ Moore were taken.

    It was not a board meeting. Palin was coming out of her Iowa speech mess.

    The night before the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show on Friday in Las Vegas, NV —

    "Good Christian Sarah Palin Poses With 'Fuc_ You Michael Moore"
    "Palin: F*** you Michael Moore |"
    "‘Fuc_ You Michael Moore': Sarah Palin and Medal of Honor Recipient Dakota Meyer Found a Poster They Really Like" girls just wanna have guns

    Slain SEAL’s Mom Destroys Michael Moore’s Bullsh*t in 30 Seconds Flat
    Marc Alan Lee’s mother, Debbie Lee, alongside Chris Kyle’s widow Taya, spoke for a moment at the SHOT Show during an fundraising event. Ms. Lee challenged “Malignant” Moore to undergo just one day of sniper training. Although, I think the real challenge would be to the snipers that would have the task of having his unworthy self in their presence for a grueling 24 hours. They would likely need to slow their own intense pace and intensity in order to match the speed of the wheelbarrow in which Moore would undoubtedly need to be carted around in after the first 5 minutes.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      fuck off war monger

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Well, if you're PROUD of that Debbie Lee, I have nothing to say to you except shaking my head.

    3. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Debbie Lee, Taya Kyle and the like are the crowd that Sarah and Dakota were partying with that night when they did the sign to target the Moore family. It is the company she keeps. What Palin thinks about is a social event and something that makes her feel at home and happy. The picture she is so proud of with Dakota Meyers is perfect for Sarah Palin and what she is about. That's the "our Sarah" that the two Chuckie's are talking about, except they lied in the book the grifter is desperate to sell.

      No! Sarah Palin has no thought about collateral damages when snipers or lunatics go off on a shooting spree. She has no thought of the Greene family and their suffering.

      Uncle Greg

      Christina Greene's funeral

      The callous black hearted Palin is happy to have a Glock 17 to honor her.

    4. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Who would have set it up? Oh please. All it would have taken is one friend of a friend whose loyalties were divided, or (more like it) bought and paid for. One "friend" to say, hey, let's stick it to this MM guy, and get Sarah Palin to sign on. One "friend" to a picture, or nudge someone else to take a picture, that was careful to capture Palin's inscription and signature. No paper trail, no way to ever find out. Quite a brilliant little ploy -- and that alone makes me wonder. Not that it matters, but again, if someone out there did set the whole thing up:my compliments very well played.

    5. Anonymous9:09 PM

      I read somewhere online that the Medal of Honor (dishonor?) winner set it up in hopes that it would go viral and help sell his books.

      He wanted to create a "wave of interest" and make his book a best seller using Sarah's "pull" with the media and Social Media.

      Yea, he got a lot of publicity alright, BAD publicity. And also too makes a person such as myself make a comment about his "dishonor" which is so obvious now that we've seen what he'll do to make a buck.

  52. Anonymous2:26 PM

    What an asinine FOOL she is.
    Run, $arah, pretty please run! :)

  53. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Sarah Palin has to be a retard.

    Sarah doesn’t remember what happened in Tucson when Sarah used her terrorist gun crosshairs and now history repeats itself . Let's pray no one gets hurt again.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      And that's it, 2:49 PM, she encourages it and there's someone out there crazy enough that will take her up on it. It's called "the power of suggestion" and she never has to take the blame.

  54. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Palin and Kid Rock "COOL" Bristol and Track.

  55. Anonymous3:16 PM

    That picture of Sarah Palin threatening people again is why Sarah Palin will always be a sideshow act.

    Sarah has seen her last days as a politician
    Sarah has seen her last days as America's energy expert


  56. Anonymous3:16 PM

    You're nobody until you are a customized Glock

    Sarah Palin checking out her new custom G17 by TMT Tactical at the Shot Show. — at SHOT Show.

    Sarah Palin on Fox5 Las Vegas!!

    Delivering Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent their TMT Tactical custom Glocks at the Las Vegas Shot Show

    By Toby Nugent


    Custom Handgun for Sarah Palin
    SARAH" Gods, Gun and the Constitution

  57. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Hey guys,
    Here's your chance to tell the John Ben Shepperd Public Leadership Institute (the Odessa, Tx speech this Thursday)
    what you think of $arah.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Ask her how she feels about having her new custom made Glock 17. That is a question she will answer. Anything else and it will be the old shuck and jive road trip.

  58. Anonymous3:39 PM



    Sarah Palin uses phony story about Bible-hating teacher to warn against Christian persecution

    Sarah Palin passed along a debunked claim about a Missouri boy who was allegedly forbidden by his teacher from reading the Bible to himself at school.

    The reality TV show star and former vice presidential candidate posted a video on about the boy’s claims, which briefly went viral but fell apart under examination, and asked viewers to quench their outrage by buying her latest book.
    Read more at:

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      I hope they do a raw story about Sarah's Trig video, where she said words to the effect that she neglected him and he couldn't eat a cheerio and he will need to have his diapers changed. I doubt he can do that for himself yet.

      Her cult gave her a pass because she did such a cute adorable distraction by setting up Trig standing on an alleged service dog, given to her by some criminals from Florida or Iowa.

      It was all so cute and proved to the low IQ how smart he is.

      What, Trig needs therapy? I thought he had a loving devoted mother.

      Raw Story, do an article about Trig.

  59. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Did you hear that, Sarah? Michael Moore is LAUGHING at you! Nobody laughs at you and gets away with it! You need to respond ASAP.

    Sarah, why not re-post the original picture on your Facebook page, but also post a new picture below the original. This time you hold up a poster that says "Michael Moore is a Motherfuc_er" (Use the crosshairs again, also too.) Your followers will love it! They will throw money at you, I promise.

    Bristol can help you make the poster and take the picture. (SarahPAC money can be used for this).

    Hurry can do it together! And then Michael Moore will have to respond to you! You can win this one, Sarah! Everyone will be talking about you! Don't let him get the last word. You will be noticed, for sure. You are a maverick! Do it!!

  60. Anonymous4:29 PM

    After loving and living in Hawaii.....I believe the so called handy white trashy hand thingy might be thee old finger in ear and shakin off the sand and dirt. A classic Hawaiian gesture.

  61. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Dakota Meyer with that obscene poster just ruined his chances for a future run for office, be it the mayor of Wassilla or anything else. Secondly, he has literally defaced his MOH and everything that the award stands for with such a silly stunt. He can disagree with Michael Moore's opinions but putting "targets" on the poster in that way opens the floodgates to some silly 2nd Amendment gun nuts out there. This former Marine has made the complete fool of himself by getting involved with the Palin family.


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