Saturday, March 14, 2015

7.5 million more Americans have broken free from the shackles of religion since 2012.

Courtesy of Religion News Service:  

A new survey shows in stark relief that what some are calling the Great Decline of religion in America continues: Since 2012, the U.S. has about 7.5 million more Americans who are no longer active in religion. 

Last week, the 2014 General Social Survey was released. The GSS is the gold standard for sociological surveys. Funded by the National Science Foundation, this multimillion-dollar study gives us the most accurate data on American society — including religion. 

When asked their religious preference, nearly 1 in 4 Americans now says “none.” Up until the 1990s, the percentage who were in this group known as “nones” hovered in the single digits. The 2014 GSS showed that nones are 23 percent of the population, up 3 points from 2012. 

How large is this group? There are nearly as many Americans who claim no religion as there are Catholics (24 percent). If this growth continues, in a few years the largest “religion” in the U.S. may be no religion at all.

First off let's remember that being nonreligious is not a religious category, anymore than being bald is a hair color.

The survey goes on to say that over a third of Americans never attend church, and 17% never pray, which is up from a previous 14%.

All in all this is incredibly good news in my opinion, and indicates an important move away from organized religion. and primitive thinking.


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    "multimillion-dollar study" National Science Foundation

    Just think how much Viagra that could buy for our military.

    It would be interesting to see how much of the survey was devoted to inquiring about the number/caliber of guns in the home. Or the number of people related to you that were killed with a gun.

    1. Leland1:12 PM

      Try Googling it. I did and within there minutes was even able to find the questionnaires!

  2. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Europe's ahead of us in lack of interest in religion of all colors.

    Sorry, American fundies -- there's no war on your, or oppression for your beliefs. You've made yourselves perfectly clear, and a shrinking number of citizens agree with you.
    You can stop evangelizing -- your message has been received; legislative pressure and moral outrage are not the way to win true believers to your side.

  3. Anonymous4:53 AM

    OT... I just read at the pond that Bristol and Dakota are now engaged.

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Lucky girl, PTSD, alcoholism, tried to commit suicide... how long have they even been dating... a whole month? This one is headed for disaster

    2. SallyinMI5:24 AM

      Yes, she is happily bringing a man with PTSD into the life of her young son. Good luck with that, Bristol. Of course, she's been engaged before to the 'love of her life,' and we all were forced to watch that roller coaster of magazine covers, lies, and money play out. And she has posted another shot of Trigg in his underwear, mouth full of Redi-Whip, with her posed with the can in HER mouth. Now who took THAT do you suppose? This young woman acts like her's all about her. And her fiancé is just as bad...this will be another bad idea of Brissy's, and will not end well for the child.
      But we know, she's a very kind, polite, private person and we should stop stalking her.

    3. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Batshit met Batshit and they called it "love."

  4. Randall4:56 AM

    Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.


    2. Leland1:16 PM

      Excuse me, Randall, but where in the above posting is the word atheism?

  5. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Hey don't give worship or meditation a bad rap. Religion is a man made word. A word that is used to enslave our fellow human and control them. Without worship we will have zombies unable to love, see beauty or rationalize. Various Religion's are not the problem. The man made interpretation of it is. Humans naturally love or worship something. They are not born to hate and fight. What we are seeing today is confused so called zombies unable to love worship or meditate because they feel no sense of love, morals, manners or respect for human life. We have extreme ignorance about worship, meditation or religion. Weak minds speaking on behalf of religion and hiding in the church or behind atheism and screaming an abundance of stupid on a soapbox with a microphone.

  6. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Try and see the world through the spirit and eyes of a child. A child that has not been abused. The beauty of the eyesight of a child. If you can see the beauty and trust In everything nature offers to you before the world of adults and society contaminate you , than you will be one step ahead of most.

  7. Anonymous6:26 AM

    5:25 I consider myself lucky. I was raised around two women with that eyesight. My Grandmas. One xtian, one not. I've had that eyesight since I was very young. I still have it and I always will.

  8. This is good news but I still see that glass as 3/4 empty. When it gets to 1/2 full I'll breathe a little easier.

  9. I left Christianity in’97 after moving to the Right-Wing planet of Idaho. This is the “Christian” State where Jesus Loves the Rich while calling the working poor lazy because full time work won’t pay a living wage. Where Political-Jesus demands the Law discriminate against LBGTV people even tho Jesus NEVER mentioned the issue. Final straw was in ’98 when former Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig called PresClinton “…evil…” for the Monica Mess. It was obvious from his gleeful sneer (even Then) that the Senator was speaking about himself, projecting his own vile behavior onto others by Rule-Of-Law/Impeachment. And we ALL remember how Holy Mr. Craig “tapped” out his political career while in the sewer…

  10. Anonymous8:12 AM

    "None" also includes those people who believe in a god but don't identify with any of the organized religions.

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I saw this coming quite awhile ago! The folks I know in my community do not practice a religion and do not attend a church. And, they are good people!

    America will not be dominated by the white race in a few years and will not be a majority Christian nation!

    Don't you feel sorry for the Republican party? Haha!

  12. Gryphen, I don't know exactly what your feelings are about organized religion, but I hope you and your blog buddies will consider supporting this worthy charity that really, really, really, really needs our help.

    remember, if we exceed the campaign's goal, the money left over will hopefully be used to buy Pastor Dollar an awesome lavender Lamborghini Aventador with custom fetal yak leather and 24kt gold-plated interior with his portrait on the hood.

    And a satellite phone.

    And a satellite.


  13. ibwilliamsi3:02 PM

    I'm ok with Jesus. He seemed like a nice guy with good intentions. Some of his fan clubs are a little rabid.

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Bye bye jeebus. Reality rules.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.