Saturday, March 21, 2015

A "Shoot the Gays" initiative is about to be circulated in California. No seriously, in California!

Courtesy of SF Gate:  

A Southern California attorney’s “shoot the gays” initiative is not destined to become law — for one thing, it’s clearly unconstitutional. But Attorney General Kamala Harris is scheduled to clear it for circulation in May, and she may not have any choice. 

Matt McLaughlin, a lawyer from Huntington Beach in Orange County, paid his $200 filing fee Feb. 26 to submit the “Sodomite Suppression Act” to the voters. Declaring it is “better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God’s just wrath,” it would require that anyone who touches a person of the same gender for sexual gratification be put to death by “bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.” 

The measure would also make it a crime, punishable by 10 years in prison and permanent expulsion from the state, to advocate gay rights to an audience that includes minors. It specifies that its constitutionality can be judged only by a state Supreme Court that has been purged of LGBT justices and their advocates. And it authorizes private citizens to step in as executioners if the state fails to act within a year. Another provision would require that the text of the initiative be posted prominently in every public school classroom.

Gee isn't the Bible great?

Of course this initiative has absolutely NO chance of even coming up for a vote, but the very fact that there are people out there who think that killing gays is a reasonable method for avoiding God's  wrath is not a little frightening.

And you have to know that if one of these people is willing to go this far, that there are probably hundreds more who are secretly hoping the initiative passes.

Just imagine, open season on killing gays in California. It would be like declaring hunting season on inbred dipshits in Kentucky.


  1. Jim In Texas12:08 PM

    Gosh, Judge, I sure thought he was a homo. And my apologies to you and the kids, Mrs. Smith, but, you know, God's wrath and all, so I figured better safe than sorry!

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    CA has its own cult of the John Birch Society and the theocratic from Utah, AZ and NV pour through the undefended eastern border.

    Attorney General Kamala Harris needs to poke a stick in the eye of the current SCOTUS. Deny this ridiculous petition with every precedent citing the separation of church and state.

    Among all the historical freedoms available to the religious wrong, "open season" on citizens has never been legal. Meanwhile, Matt McLaughlin deserves a little #justice. Surely Dan Savage can do for him what he did for Santorum.

    1. Law Dawg12:21 PM

      There's a lot more going on than meets the eye. Lol...ask yourself why did the State of Alaska sell off 4 billion in stocks couple days ago? Sarah will be getting a notice from the courts soon...the Bristol Dakota 'marriage' is a charade for the crimes just committed...Betcha soldier boy doesn't know about that...Unless he participated in it...those are felonies ya'll did...and the Geneva courts are gonna be making some decisions this summer...

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Whatchya talkin' 'bout Willis?

    3. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Run, $ARAH, run.
      No coincidences, right?

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    That whackjob is from Orange County, which is a big pocket of conservatives. It's guns, God and surf boards down in that part of the state. If you go west, the beach cities are much more liberal. The farther inland, the more red it gets. The big cities in California tend more liberal, the smaller cities, and the inland more conservative. Orange County is somewhat wealthy, especially Newport Beach/Costa Mesa.

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    This is a combination of hate and ignorance that is beyond the pale, beyond the ruddy, and downright palinesque in asininity.

    Christians, this is why church attendance is dropping as fast as Bristol's thong in the boys locker room.

    Isn't this a hate crime? If not, it should be.

    What The Fuck?

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      "Isn't this a hate crime?"

      I know in Canada it would be.

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Oh, the gheys! As someone said a couple of days ago, "I have the vapors and need to lay down.' lmao

  6. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "But Attorney General Kamala Harris is scheduled to clear it for circulation in May, and she may not have any choice. "

    Sure there is a law against spreading a death threat for non-criminal behavior. I bet if there was an proposed initiative for shooting brown people, someone would find a way to quash it.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      The tough job is what to title it and the summary. Bet she has a big bottle of aspirin on her desk.

  7. Anonymous1:26 PM

    God will kill (non-gay) people because gay people exist... wow, this God character sure does personify love and kindness. (NOT

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I cannot believe it would be ok to MURDER a person for being gay!

    1. Leland1:55 PM

      Sorry, but you must be quite young. It used to be gays were openly beaten to death. Fortunately, it's now a hate crime and can be prosecuted successfully. (Yes, it still happens.) That wasn't always the case.

      Just like it used to be open season on blacks. A black male could be - and often was - hanged simply for walking with a white female instead of a step or two back in SC. (Can't speak about other states, though.)

      Hatred is a powerful emotion and when tied together with fanatical religious people, is capable of causing extensive harm.

      My personal feeling is that if these religious right fanatics get their way and get total control of this country, you will begin to see all sorts of heinous crimes committed. Like stoning and other forms of OT murder.

  9. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Why just gays? This should include all sins... murderers, adulterers, premarital sex, gluttony, the greedy, blasphemy, liars, love of money, incest, wearers of mixed fabric clothing, etc. Or you could love thy neighbor and not judge and let God (if you believe in that sort of thing) sort it out. Some people are idiots!

    1. Leland3:19 PM

      If the religious right gets the control they want, your punishment list would become a reality as it once was. Stoning anyone?

      As for the other part about loving thy neighbor and such? Ain't gonna happen with that bunch.

  10. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Anon 2:23PM:
    Your list would wipe out many, many Republican politicians!

  11. Balzafiar2:31 PM

    I consider to be amazed at people -- supposedly educated people -- who are so blatantly ignorant and seemingly proud of it. This man, a lawyer, obviously has some sort of higher education -- unless he got his law degree through mail order -- which I doubt. It is just mind-boggling.

    It is hard for me to say this because I don't believe in harming another living creature, but this guy needs to be put down.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Don't forget...Orly Taitz is a lawyer also.

      Doesn't say much for some law schools, now does it?

    2. Anonymous4:17 AM

      The Phelps family of Westboro Baptist Fame are a family of lawyers. Doesn't matter how much education you have when you're insane with hate, I guess.

  12. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Dont leave being a palin out.

  13. Randall3:25 PM

    But... the wife can still blow me, right?
    I mean... God kinda... lets that one slide now, right?

  14. Anonymous3:30 PM

    That is unspeakably disgusting.

  15. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Isn't it a crime to incite murder? This guy belongs behind bars.

  16. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Why would god, any god, hold malice and wrath punishable by death for people made in his image (according to the Bible)? I'm sure he probably has a plan for those wishing death on others for no logical reason.
    This "reasoning" is part of why I'm an atheist.

  17. A Superfan In Atlanta4:50 PM

    Wait, I thought that Xtians welcomed God's wrath (judgement day, end of times, rapture, play dates with Lucifer, etc.). Isn't that when God and baby Jesus swoosh down and beam all Xtians away to Afterall, if he's living life like Betty Bowers, he's covered no matter what right?

    So, riddle me this....

    1) If all the Christians will be taken somewhere else while the wrath is playing out, why would he afraid of it? Seems like he would welcome being taken to the land of milk and honey -- unless he's lactose intolerant and allergic to bee stings and he can't go. Bummer! That means he has to stay here on earth. Oh, hells no!!! Somebody's got to pay!!!

    2) Why is this man's fear of what MIGHT ONE DAY SOON HAPPEN BUT HASN'T YET IN OVER THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF YEARS projected onto other people that's already projected to have a lifetime supply of fire and brimstone when they die? Besides, you've got to already be looking at a miserable time should the Good Xtian Existence Reunion c/o 2015 happens this year. I mean, if you are going to be reunited with every good xtian that died before today, how are you going to explain to your dino-riding ancestors that you need to recharge your iphone?

    3) With all the wildfires that happen in California, you would think he'd be practicing on how not to look back while he's making his escape (lest he turn into a pillar of salt.) Besides, I'm most positive his rejection line SOUNDS extremely convincing (wink, wink) when he says, "No, you CANNOT get to know me biblically sir!"

    Dude, just focus on you! But then again, those who protest too much tend to have the most back-assward tendencies, don't they?

    Just sayin'

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Go to Just go.

    2. A Superfan In Atlanta7:18 AM

      HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was a hilarious find. In all my cheeky banter, I didn't know it was a "real place".

      Thanks for the laugh :)

  18. Anonymous7:04 PM

    And yet nobody gives this douchebag credit for specifically allowing any "convenient' methods of summary execution?

    Seems like he's trying to accommodate the more progressive anti-gun crowd by permitting the use of the garrote, the mace, the cudgel, the broadsword, the battleax, the crossbow, large stones, small stones, the rack, the guillotine, the disemboweling, the blood eagle, the death of a thousand cuts, the noose, plus the draw and quartering, also too.

    doG forbid an inconvenient method be used.

  19. Anonymous4:49 AM

    My fear is that some crazy bigot in the conservative states will take inspiration from this and try to pass it into their state's laws. Not saying that it would EVER get passed, but imagine all the yahoos who would turn out in support for it... Imagine a watered-down version of this that they would then try to get passed.

  20. I think my biggest problem with it isn't the blatant gay-hating, but the attempt to claim that if this measure were passed, it "specifies that its constitutionality can be judged only by a state Supreme Court that has been purged of LGBT justices and their advocates."

    No law can restrict evaluation of itself by the very body that determines its constitutionality. Any attempt to circumvent that is, on its own, unconstitutional.

    "And it authorizes private citizens to step in as executioners if the state fails to act within a year."

    So it condones murder, which apparently isn't a sin anymore.

  21. I am absolutely appalled with the homophobia going on. So many people are so filled with hate and ignorance.


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