Friday, March 20, 2015

Army platoon based in Alaska hosts a "Racial Thursday" where every racial slur is not only allowed but encouraged. Seriously?

Courtesy of the Army Times:  

The Army is investigating allegations that a platoon of soldiers was given a free pass to use racial slurs against each other during what was known as "Racial Thursdays." 

The soldiers belong to 2nd Platoon, C Company, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, according to a member of the unit who spoke to Army Times. 

The battalion belongs to the 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. 

"When I first got to my unit, someone said we should do 'Racial Thursdays' because it's been a tradition," said the soldier, who asked to remain anonymous. "It's something they made up where you can say any racist remark you want without any consequences. The platoon sergeant said no, but the shit is still going on." 

The soldier, a staff sergeant, added: "It's degrading to the soldiers. We've had soldiers almost fight over the crap that's going on here." 

The NCO, who is black, said no one has directed any racial slurs towards him because he made it clear he would not participate or put up with the practice. 

But he also said he felt compelled to bring the issue to the media because the unit "has a bad habit of sweeping things under the rug."

I think the first thing I would like to say is that the majority of soldiers stationed in Alaska are not themselves originally from Alaska.  In fact the military stationed up here comes from all over the country.

Having said that I should also admit that Alaskans are not inoculated from racism however, and we have had our fair share of racist hate, much of it directed at our native population.

I am not sure exactly how an idea such as "racial Thursday" came to be, but I can pretty much assume that it was the brainchild of some white guy who was itching to use the "N" word and not get busted for it.

It kind of makes you wonder if there was not a "gay bashing Saturday" and a "misogynistic Monday" to go along with "Racial Thursday?"

We certainly know there was a "Whore mongering Wednesday" because a soldier was arrested for it just last year.

I know that we are all supposed to worship at the feet of the military, but I think it better serves us to remember that a lot of these folks are actually just kids who come from some of the poorest rural areas in the country, and that they come to various parts of the world encumbered with the superstitions, stereotypes, and prejudices provided to them by their parents and communities.

And what is even more troubling, is that many will serve out their enlistments with all of those superstitions, stereotypes, and prejudices firmly intact. And some made even worse.


  1. Otto Katz7:06 AM

    I have Never worshiped the military. I respect them for the hard work they do, as I respect the plumber who knows how to fix the pipes in my house, and the electrician who would get zapped if he didn't know what wire to handle.

    I come from the town Wuturich came from. Remember him? And I had boy scouts in my troop who couldn't wait to sign up to kill "ragheads".

    I don't worship the troops.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      As you shouldn't. GWB created the atmosphere of troop worship while he was sending soldiers to be killed.

      But, I will say overall, unless base commanders let this crap go on, that the military itself has probably been instrumental to ending racism. When you have soldiers working in a team side by side no matter what color or creed, it has taught those sheltered in biased homes to have more of an open mind.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I do not 'admire' many in our military or cop forces throughout the country in our world of today!

      It should not be 'automatic' that they are referred to as 'heroes'! That designation needs to be 'earned'! The 'hero' term is so easily flung around by many politicians today.

      Those in the military are serving their country as they took the oath to do. Same goes for the cops in communities and cities across the nation!

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      I agree with you, Otto Katz.

  2. hedgewytch7:26 AM

    It used to be that a young man went into the military to learn how to be a man. Not just how to build big muscles toting 200lb packs around shooting at things. No, young soldiers were taught respect, honor, ethics and were expected to be the moral example for the rest of our country.

    Since the Iraq war and the changes to the military in recruitment requirements, allowing those with less than stellar backgrounds in, we've lost something golden in the Service.

    Now many of our military are young, ill educated and steeped in prejudices that instead of being corrected, are being ignored or encouraged.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      My son is currently in the military and says a great deal of the military is made up of the poor or misfits.

    2. Anonymous9:57 AM

      The majority of the military is made up of the poor who see that has their only way out of poverty. I was one, my husband was one.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I played in a good R&B band in SF in the late 70's. We got a gig at the NCO club at the Presidio. It was appalling how many crackers would come up and tell us in no uncertain terms to quit playing, "Spearchucker music" (or worse). We eventually got fired for it, as we were starting to draw African American soldiers to their little Rock n' Roll Klan meeting, who heard there was a good R&B band at the NCO Club on Tuesday nights.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Both black and white people need to stop using terms like, "cracker and spearchucker". I refuse to use or ignore the use of ugly, racist words. We have to learn to talk to each other without fear or hatred. How sad.

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      When I was a kid growing up outside Cleveland, my nerdy sister was jumped and beated up by a group of black kids, who she did not know. The only time my house was robbed was by my black neighbors, who we helped unload their furniture when they moved into the neighborhood. Neither of those incidents define the many good black friends and neighbors I have had over the years. I hope you don't allow ugly episodes to define a race of human beings.

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    If there is a racial (or more appropriately, racist) Thursday, there is inevitably a mysoginist Monday, and a gay bashing Wednesday, and probably an atheist hating Sunday. When are the self righteous Bigots going to remember the contributions made to this country by the groups they love to hate?

  5. It seems to me that this would be a great opportunity to hold some discussion groups and provide a teacher to explain the origins and reasons for racism in this country, from the proposed extinction of the Native Americans and the history of slavery and how it is imperative to feel superior to some other person if your own self esteem is lacking. Mandatory attendance.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      It seems this would be a good time to fire a few people, like the base commander and hold everyone else up to the regulations they are supposed to be following.
      But your idea of classes? These are grown ass adults, not first graders. Anyone that was involved needs to have the full weight of their punishments slam down on them.
      Classes?! Fucking classes?!! Are you kidding me?

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Big heads are gonna roll, big heads. Using the excuse "you didn't know' doesn't work in the military. If it's your base or your unit you better damned know what's going on.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Alaska and our country are a 'place of hate and racism' throughout. It makes me sick to my stomach!

    Why can't people reach out to each other and be kind? It's so easy to do and I'm pleased to state I have a 'variety' of friends that I cherish dearly!

    We are all the same underneath our skin color and want many of the same things.

    So many whites think they are superior! (i.e. Republican party and many in leadership in the U.S. Congress!) They are going to be outnumbered and will become the 'minority' within America! They know that change is coming and they are fighting it every step of the way! (And, I'm white and a senior citizen!)

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      The battalion belongs to the 25th Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Fort Wainwright, Alaska.

      Across the pond, hillbilly news updates.
      dailymail (GUN NUTTERY)

      In an Instagram photo posted to his account, former Marine Dakota Meyer can be seen playing with an infant as a gun sits next to them
      When someone pointed this out on his post, he joked 'that's just how we roll, haha'
      Meyer, one of the youngest Medal of Honor recipients in American history, has a large number of posts showing him with guns on social media
      One shows a sign he was gifted by friends that reads 'I Don't Call 911' with two pistols on either side
      In Kentucky, where Meyer is from, no permit is needed to buy a handgun and the weapons can be carried anywhere as long as they aren't concealed
      The same is true in Alaska, where Meyer's new fiance Bristol Palin lives with her son Tripp

      .... Saw it first on IM.

      September 11, 2008. Palin's son, Pvt 1st Class Track Palin, is a member of the 4,000 soldier brigade

      H/T honestyingov for progressing this

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      When and where was this photo of Track Palin with Gov Sean Parnell taken?

      I think this photo is from Alicia. lol

  8. Anonymous12:15 PM

    This Secret CIA Video Showed Ronald Reagan How the Soviets Viewed America
    Featuring Michael Jackson, Rambo, and a brainwashed "oligarchy controlled by big capitalists."

  9. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Hey Gryphen:

    This got lost in all the Trump and Palin noise yesterday.

    Hint- She lied about what Emmett Till had done.

    "In a new book, The Blood of Emmett Till (Simon & Schuster), Timothy Tyson, a Duke University senior research scholar, reveals that Carolyn—in 2007, at age 72—confessed that she had fabricated the most sensational part of her testimony. “That part’s not true,” she told Tyson, about her claim that Till had made verbal and physical advances on her. "


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