Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bibi Netanyahu goes hard right and sabotages peace negotiations with Palestine in order to win reelection. So of course that makes him Sarah Palin's hero.

Courtesy of the poor man's Queen Esther's Facebook page:  

Congratulations, Prime Minister Netanyahu. Thank you to the good people of Israel for supporting a leader who will stand up and fight for all the free world while other leaders sit down. The Heartland of America will sleep better knowing Bibi remains the voice of reason and strength in the beautiful nation of Israel; for when Israel is safe, we are safe.

 - Sarah Palin

Yeah I think Palin has that backwards.

When America is safe Israel is safe.  I think if Israel were bombed out of existence tomorrow most Americans would not even notice.

And speaking of bombed out of existence, that is exactly what Netanyahu did to any peace talks with the Palestinians. This from The New York Times:  

Benjamin Netanyahu was poised to return to power. But there was a cloud over his apparent turnaround, the result of an increasingly shrill campaign that raised questions about his ability to heal Israel’s internal wounds or better its standing in the world. 

He said there would be no Palestinian state under his watch. 

He railed against Israeli Arabs — because they had gone out to vote. 

From the capitals of Europe, to Washington, to the West Bank, to the streets of Israel, even while his critics said Mr. Netanyahu had reaffirmed his reputation as a cynical, calculating politician, it appeared that his approach succeeded in drawing votes from other right-leaning parties. 

But along the way he angered the president of the United States with a speech to Congress and infuriated European leaders eager to see the peace process move ahead to create a Palestinian state.

In one fell swoop Netanyahu has undermined any possibility of a lasting peace between Israel and their Palestinian neighbors. 

Going hard right and fomenting the possibility of military conflict in order to win an election. No wonder he has the support of Sarah Palin and the Republicans. 


  1. "a leader who will stand up and fight for all the free world while other leaders just sit down"

    That's a cheesy comment from the Quitter who couldn't even finish one term as a state governor

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Isn't it though??
      She never thinks before she speaks.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      It's as if she has selective memory. She simply won't allow her own past political shenanigans enter into the conversation. If she never mentions it, it never happened. She's 'undefeated'! Remember?

    3. goon patrol1:03 PM

      You are right. Very cheesy Sarah.
      Sarah cannot shake that "not put together, matronly, consignment shop, class reunion picture-look."
      Not sure if the "pleather, cloven foot, zippered look with padded boobs and black lace adorned skirted spanx butt look" is better or worse.
      The ultimate accessories are the ever changing granny glasses. (Keep wearin' 'em ditz.) They make you look fabulously dismally bumpit cultish. And dumb.
      The bumpit ubder the animals on your head?
      (Oh! Honey. Don't ever change those statement hairdos unless you find a hot pink headband with a cabbage rose on it.)
      Cheesy is as cheesy does.

    4. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Spot on on the selective memory. She is so unreflective it hurts to watch her in action. I listened to the link on a post yesterday (the Thonghazi radio show) and am absolutely amazed she hasn’t figured out what a dolt she is! It is like watching the high school prom queen who became pregnant at 15 by her ex football captain boyfriend because she thought contraception was a communist plot! Sarah Palin is incredibly dense.

    5. Anonymous2:23 PM

      "a leader who will stand up and fight for all the free world while other leaders just sit down"
      She must be referring to the Obamas. Unknowingly, of course.


    6. Free world, yes. His own citizens, no.

      Or does the constitution of Israel say that any Israeli citizen that happens to be Arab has a lesser right to vote than one that is Jewish?

      What is the difference between denying Arabs the right to vote in Israel and denying the right to vote in this country to the poor, or women, or Mexicans or atheists or LGBT?

      A racist is a racist is a bigot.

      No surprise Netanyahu is the darling of the Republicans. He's a fascist just like them.

    7. Anonymous4:07 PM

      12:58 -

      She's like the conservatives who swear there was never a terrorist attack on the U.S. or any attacks on U.S. embassies anywhere in the world while Bush II was President.

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Bibi's a pretty horrible guy, no question. His disrespectful stunt-speech to (some of) Congress was inexcusable. This piece in The Atlantic doesn't excuse his agenda, policies or tactics but perhaps it adds some context to the situation.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I am sure Bibi, along with every other national and international leader who allowed themselves to be photographed with Sarah, lending her political credence, deeply regrets that decision. She has shown herself to be an unserious individual when it comes to matters of policy and substance. She has shown herself to have no real leadership interest or skills.

    Grifting interest and skills? Yes. Leadership interest or skills? No.

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Facebook page "Stop The Works, The Teabaggers Want Off" had some fun:

  5. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Wow. Exactly how old is this picture, Becky? Darn it. If Sarah had only managed to control her base instincts and not quit the governorship to take the easy $ and fame route, than you'd potentially have more recent photos to highlight on the FB page, not clips from years and years ago - back when Sarah was treated as a serious political contender. You think Bibi and Sara his wife would deign to have Sarah and Todd cross their threshold these days? Sorry, Becky. The gig is up. Obviously not for the low information rubes on Sarah's FB page, but for every other person who pays any real attention to the goings-on in the world around them. How very sad for you, Becky. How very, very sad.

  6. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The heartland of America will sleep better? This dolt has no idea what's going on in the world, does she?
    Her comments on current events sound as if she gets her information straight out of gossipy beauty parlors.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Yep, that is Sarah Palin. She and her hairdresser think they’ve fixed the world’s problems between the wash and the hair extensions with good old “common sense". The reality is the common sense meme is code for white, male, presbyterian values.

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Like Shirley McClain's character in Steel Magnolias. LOL

  7. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I don't wish a war on Israel. I just want the US to cut off its allowance, stop providing weaponry to it, and start insisting on an independent Palestinian state. I'd give up chocolate to see that happen.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      I’d give up white sugar to see that happen. Palestine deserves better.

    2. Why are we subsidizing them any more? They are an independent country and have had decades to build an economy and support themselves. They aren't some fledging state that needs our money to survive. They want to be autonomous then they should support themselves.

      (Isn't that what the Republicans preach?)

    3. Exactly! Israel is capable of taking care of itself without the billions$$$ provided to them. What exactly do Americans get from this deal?

    4. Anonymous8:39 PM

      We support a 'perfect democracy' in the Middle East. Israel is a perfect democracy as is the absotively posolutely United States of America.



  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Meanwhile, as the First Lady of Slimy Skankdomness spews her filth, celebrates racism, war mongering, and extremism, our lovely, gracious First Lady of the United States of America is spreading goodness and love and education around the globe with her women and girl's education initiative.

    I feel so proud to know that this woman is representing the US in this way. She is brilliant and funny and deeply respectful of her role as First Lady and has set a whole new standard of excellence in the White House.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Me too! Michelle Obama and the president are the powerful lenses through which I see hope still.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM


    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Wait 'til Sarah figures out that Michelle Obama is traveling to the far east and on behalf of educating girls! Something that our Sarah does not believe in - obviously.

    4. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Sarah Palin has never earned the title 'First Lady' (meaning for Alaska, I'm assuming?). She should have the title "Quitter Lady" and really, she isn't even a 'lady'!

      She's a fraud, liar, unethical and an awful wife, mother and grandmother! She and Bibi are a perfect match! Both, being the worst scumfeeders of the planet!

    5. Anonymous3:53 PM


    6. I am so going to miss the Obamas representing our country. The come across as so classy, elegant, educated, caring. They will definitely be missed! Best First Family in my lifetime. The Kennedys
      were a close second, but there was a lot of background baggage there unfortunately.

    7. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Hands down, 1smart, hands DOWN!

  9. Anonymous1:12 PM

    And his foreign minister recently said that those Arab citizens of Israel who "do not support the state' [of Israel] should have "their heads cut off." Really great regime you've got there, Bibi.

  10. Anonymous1:18 PM

    It wouldn't surprise me if we find out that Sheldon Adelson bought the election in Israel, lock stock and barrel.

  11. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Bibi's right-wing party is just like the Nazi party of Germany.
    The Palestinians are the Jews of 1938 Germany. Shame on Israel for not seeing how horrid they have become.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Yep the Jews have become genocidal maniacs. Germany didn't finish it's job.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      "Germany didn't finish it's(sic) job."

      not cool, 158, not cool at all

    3. Our Lad2:58 PM

      At 1:58 - Hey motherfucker, you're in the wrong place.

  12. Anonymous1:22 PM

    She is an evil and cynical woman who will never learn. Unfortunately, for the rest of us we must keep watch and deflect her mental illness away from any type of political power. She doesn’t recognize she is what she calls the anti-christ.

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM


  13. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I have felt so uncomfortable in recent years as the U.S. provided cover in the UN for the actions of the Israelis. The incredible disrespect Netanyahu showed President Obama by scheming with Boehner to speak to Congress was enough to make me think twice about continuing our unquestioning support of Israel, but his finally admitting that he did not want a two-state solution is truly the last straw. What an odious man they have chosen to represent them. Let them feel the world's disapproval of their actions without our shielding or supporting them any further.

  14. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The Heartland? why the heartland of America...what the hell is this woman talking about.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Someone needs to explain to Sarah that Alaska is about as far as one can get from the "heartland" of this country. She simply knows nothing about world history, international relations or geography! Sheesh! What an idiot, as many people have said about her.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      She thinks she's Queen Esther so she can speak for all of us. Freaking psycho!

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      All those red states in the middle of the country are the "REAL America" according to Sarah, because that's where most of the morons who send her money live. She's made it plain she has no use for the "big city elitists" on the coasts. Unless they want to have her on TV so she can insult them and whine about them on the air.

    4. Anonymous4:10 PM

      I doubt that most of the Amerikans in the Heartland even know where Israel is. They only care because some preacher told them it affects their salvation... ugh

    5. Anonymous4:13 PM

      She would have been ALL about it, 3:48 PM, had they not seen her tribe's and her lack of talent. She's all about attention.

      She can say "elitists" all she wants to. She was chosen to be in the inner circle and proved herself too stupid and psycho to stay there. The fault is all hers and she's been lashing out ever since at the rejection. Narcissism at its finest....."no one puts baby in a corner."

    6. Anonymous2:25 PM

      307 that is because 'royalty' resides in Alaska folks!
      I wish I was kidding...been a long time secret...
      When Palin got to office she abused her power...
      and recently 'conspired to commit murder' and now they are all running in opposite directions... could be why Bro Charles is in USA...head tilt..

  15. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I see she's continuing to grift with that old photo.

  16. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Evil ass bitch making money off other people's stolen land...She doesn't know simple history..ANY history..

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      no but since the Birthright Owner of the Middle East resides in Alaska...since you can funnel money overseas and it's just dandy...nevermind that they made the life of this person a complete hell...half a century later the poor little richest kid in the world lives on the edge of poverty...head tilt...hey Sarah...
      so when that DNA confirms this 'dark secret' stashed in Alaska comes home to 'roost' then what?
      Will it be the END TIMES Sarah???lol...oh boy...
      how to be an evil bitch is a correct analogy of Sarah!
      Good thing the Birthright Owner is the opposite...
      Thank you God...too bad for you Sinister Sarah...

  17. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Personally I couldn't give two shits if Israel is bombed off the face of the earth (although I do feel badly for the Palestinians whose land we and Britain stole to make the Israeli state).

    However, should the whole thing be bombed into a pile of glass tomorrow we can save 6 billion bucks a year to improve American lives instead of these weird middle eastern foreigners. Hello, how about we fix America first and let the rest of the world take care of itself? I know, right?

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Good question 1:56. Stop the money flow to that hellhole.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      And, make sure Bibi is there when it is bombed! What a horrible man!

  18. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The silly child attaches herself to various current events in a pathetic attempt to appear to be a 'player' on the world stage. What a clown.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Kind of the way liberal bloggers make stories unrelated to Sarah about her to mess with their readers' minds?

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Like you just below?

  19. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Only thing that matters. The people who KNOW Bristol and know her REAL story are happy for her. Why else would ignorant mean people matter? They never had and never will affect her happiness.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Wrong thread. We aren't taking The Chin here.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      2:07 will you puhleeese shut the fuck up, just for a little while? Tell you what, go out to dinner, on me. You must be getting tired of Stouffers by now. And then take a long hot shower, i can smell you from here. Also too think about switching to Decafe. XOXO

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      They copy and paste to just about any thread. lol

    4. Geez and here I was all ready to comment on the countdown to the attempted thread highjacking by the I'm So Hot For Bristol troll.

    5. Anonymous3:50 PM

      That's the most important thing in you world, huh? You are one sick piece of shit if you think anyone gives a fuck.

    6. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Correction - YOUR world. My bad. You still suck.

    7. Anonymous5:29 PM


      Head meet mack truck steering wheel.

  20. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Palin wouldn't be saying those things if a Republican was President. You betcha!

  21. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I hate this vile woman. She should just go gobble Bibi's junk already.

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK Isreal and the BIBI, they are thieves and liars ALL.

  23. So, not only violations of the Logan Act but also influencing the elections of another country.

    When can we indict the 47 buffoons?

  24. Anonymous3:09 PM

    We need to STOP sending money to Israel. They can take care of themselves. The same amount of money would do wonders in helping our own citizens! Fuck, the Palins, the 47 Republicans that signed the letter and Bibi! All they want is war!

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      The amount of disclosed aid to Israel happens to be the same as what their socialized health care system costs them to operate. We could cut off that aid and, not only have money for infrastructure projects, but we could save them from the evils of socialized medicine at the same time. I'm sure they'd rather have an Exceptionalized, profitized clusterfuck of a system like ours anyway. I mean, come on, who wouldn't?

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Any other countries on this list you'd like to cut off?

      Over the years the money given to Israel has been in the form of military support. You do know there was a time when it was very critical for the U.S. to have a Democratic nation on our side among the volatile Arab countries.

      Since Netanyahu, the notorious war mongering hawk, arrived our relations have become more and more strained. What you see in Israeli under his four terms is about what we might have experienced had the McCain ticket won the day. The political system in Israel is very complicated and before the anvil chorus writes off an entire nation instead of its 'leader', it would do well do a little research on the numerous political parties in play in Israel. We see what chaos a 3-party system could play in our own elections, imagine if there were a dozen or more parties vying for the top spot.

      I'm just asking people to understand that the election of a destroyer like Bibi doesn't necessarily reflect the entire will of the people there anymore than it would should someone like a McCain, Cruz, Romney, Paul or gfb another Bush be elected president.

    3. Anonymous10:16 PM

      @5:15 PM: Good point, thank you for making it.


  25. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Sarah Palin doesn't know the meaning of Failed State, does she? Israel is a failed construct, a bad idea from a bunch of people that didn't give a damn about Jews. The Zionists should have kept doing what they were doing: legitimately buying up the land like they began doing in the 19th Century. Instead they demanded special treatment, being given someone else's land and now they've taken over a whole country that they're not entitled to.

    I supported Israel for decades until 2014 but now I can't ignore who the Israelis really are. Fuck them and fuck Netanyahu and everyone like him.

  26. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Since when did this hateful bitch give a shit about America being safe? All she's done since she came on the scene is try to harm us. She seems to want the majority of us either dead from countless wars or dying in the streets from starvation, lack of medical care or any basic safety net whatsoever. It makes me sick to watch hear her slobber all over this little piece of shit Netanyahu (leader of a nation with universal healthcare and all the other shit she claims is so evil that Americans shouldn't be allowed to have it) while she spews hate for our President and America at every opportunity. She should be made to answer for this! We should deport her stupid ass to Israel since she loves it so much. Fuck her, her traitor "husband" AND her idiot daughter.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      AIP, baby, that's how she rolls. Just like her new military prop....oops, I mean soon to be, I "did" mean prop, with his gun on the nightstand.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      If he is stupid enough to marry into that family, he deserves all the grief and shame he gets, and he'll get plenty of both.

  27. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Wonkette Funtimes Activity Page: What’s Wrong With This Picture Of Bristol Palin’s Beau?

    Wonkette is on the “Me and Rowan” ( Meyer with baby and gun )

    After Yr Wonkette offered our sincerest congratulations to Bristol Palin and her brand new fiancé Dakota Meyers, some smart social-media-follower found this lovely photo of Sgt. Meyer on the Instagram, simply titled “Me and Rowan.” Mar 18 3:30 pm 2015

  28. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Let's just leave this bonehead to his own devices.......he deserves no less.

  29. Anonymous5:02 PM

    The woman is a traitor who will run to any foreign despot. Remember how she kissed up to putin, how she went to chia to put down her own country...much more.

  30. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Well, this should raise her BP a few points.

    And in other news, Donald Trump is researching to see if he can get a committee together and run for president BWAAAAAAHHHHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!

  31. hauksdottir5:32 PM

    Did she sit on Kissinger's lap?

    This was while she was attempting to gain experience in foreign affairs.

  32. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Bibi and the Bozo.

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Bibi and Babbles.

  33. Anonymous10:31 PM

    The entire rightwing is all gaga for this Yahoo dude...I bet 99% of them don't realize he hates Christians and is laughing at them, for their "support."

  34. Anonymous11:49 PM

    This will come back to haunt her.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.