Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bill Maher slams the Republicans for their double standard when it comes to government handouts.

This is from Friday's show that I did not get to post because we were all too busy screaming for Dakota Meyer to run away before it's too late.

Here is more from Raw Story: 

“Someone has to explain to me why Republicans believe that not working and getting free money — you know, like the ‘takers’ — is the worst most corrupting thing that could ever happen to a person, except if you’re rich,” said Maher. 

“The very first thing our new Republican Congress tried to do was get rid of any tax on inherited wealth, which they call the death tax, although really, what better time is there to pay a tax than when you’re dead?” he went on. 

“Yeah, we used to understand that and the estate tax used to be pretty high, but then President George W. Bush came along and worked tirelessly to make sure that rich, idle trust fund brats got every penny that was coming to them,” Maher said. 

“I wonder where he got the idea to reward dumb asses who leach off their dad’s success,” he quipped.

He has a point. The Republicans are not against giving tax breaks and handouts to people, so long as they are not people who actually NEED them. 


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I just loved it, especially Sean Penn's reaction! I wonder what Bill's take on the upcoming nupitals will be. LOL!

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Love Bill Maher and it was especially fun watching Sean Penn's reactions to Bill's statements!

      I wonder if he'll even bother with the Bristol Palin engagement. Will be interesting to see. Since Sarah has faded from the spotlight, he's not bringing her up anymore.

      So love the silence from Palin and that no one is giving her coverage anymore. Far, far more important things to chat about!

  2. Balzafiar7:26 AM

    When I saw the picture I hoped your article would be about the self-absorbed entitled turd on the right rather than estate taxes. He's the ultimate asshole. I wish there had been an air marshal on that plane to put him in handcuffs.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      The Hilton guy should have been arrested. That smoking sign in the plane is serious business.

  3. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Breaking news!.

    According to TMZ Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer are registered at both Bass Pro and Cabelas. Get your camo on!

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      She just "liked" the following meme thing:

      "let us show up for church with a heart eager to learn more about you God, let us worship you like never before, make us a soul on fire"

      Yeah that' spretty much her

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Oh good grief. As if the grifter daughter needs anything..she's got two mansions, plenty of guns, and a camo thing dress. AND a brand new pontoon boat too. And they are asking people to send them stuff? Hey, Bristol, why don't you pledge to not accept unneeded sports crap, and ask people to donate to oh, let's see, kids with DS, say? Ya know, like your patriotic Christian mother pledged to do back in the days when she thought she could lie her way into the WH?
      Me, me , me. Always.

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Never too early to register for your wedding presents!
      Sometimes even before the actual event has been announced through anything but Facebook or instagram.

      Do they have a website devoted to them? That's the normal course of events, nowadays.

    4. Anonymous9:33 AM

      See, 8:13 AM?
      It starts. Selling something they do NOT do.
      When are people going to wake up to their deceit?

    5. Anonymous11:47 AM

      So...not only do they arrange a sham engagement to further Sarah's pleas for they register to get lots of free shit from Cabela's and Bass Pro.....guess they learned that from Chuckie Jr.....did he ever get his free upscale camera gear he was grifting for?

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    They can wear Dolce and Gabana too since they are hating on gays now.

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Just a fact: my mother is 89, her mother came over from Finland @ 18. Both worked & invested all just to make a better life for me. Both paid taxes. Inheritance is often earned by good, sound money management. It is called the American way..

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Back in the day, when rich people were taxed a significant percentage after death, their children still inherited plenty of money because 1) the taxes did not obliterate the wealth and 2) most rich people found lots of ways to shield their money from the taxes (like trust funds, etc.). And the inheritance tax did not kick in until your wealth reached a certain plateau. At that point, the rich certainly owe a share to the rest of the people.

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      If somebody just gave me, say, $50,000 in one tax year, I'd have to declare it as a gift and pay taxes on it.

      Why shouldn't I have to pay taxes on that? Why is an inheritance any different?

      Marvin M

  6. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Sorry to say I could find nothing under their names at Bass Pro.

    1. Check the shotgun department.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Nefer got the gold star!!!! Who waits six years for a shotgun wedding and ends up marrying not the kids bio dad? Who registers at sporting goods and camo stores?

  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Or at Cabela's.

    I guess you have to sign in and have an account with them, which I won't do just to see what is available and where I can send it.
    I guess they're not really set up for wedding registries.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      It's a joke, humor, sarcasm..

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I have an adult relative who was born with multiple severe disabilities. Today, at the age of 30, she has a mental age of about 9 months, and a bunch of physical limitations. She's on Medicaid, which pays some of the outrageous, ongoing medical expenses that her condition racks up. Periodically, this relative gets mail from the Republicans talking about the self-esteem she'd get if only she pulled herself up by her own bootstraps and went off to work. To summarize; this woman is not mentally capable of being toilet trained (and doesn't always recognize her own name), nor can she physically sit at a desk--what job does the Republicans envision her landing? They don't care--they just see her as a "taker"--unlike, say, any of the Kardashians or Hiltons?


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