Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bill O'Reilly blames bad reviews of his film "Killing Jesus" on a liberal bias and because it's "open season on Christians in America."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Bill O’Reilly complained that he was a victim of religious discrimination because the “Killing Jesus” television movie, based on his book by the same name, received bad reviews from publications that he considers liberal. 

“The truth is, it is open season on Christians in America, and faith is not held in high esteem in the halls of Manhattan media operations,” O’Reilly said. 

The Fox News host suggested Monday night on his “O’Reilly Factor” program that critics should weigh his intentions in writing the book above its artistic merits, adherence to historical fact, and skillful use of dramatic elements. 

“A movie like ‘Killing Jesus’ is a noble endeavor, even if you didn’t like it – even though some conservative folks didn’t like it, either,” O’Reilly said, promising to read negative comments from conservatives. “But to see what actually happened to a good man, Jesus, who preached loving your neighbor and loving God above all, to see how he was abused and murdered historically, right before your eyes, is a powerful use of the motion picture concept.”

As you can see from the clip O'Reilly claims that he was divinely inspired to write his book, and that God was using him as a vessel, much like Christians believe the authors of the Bible were used by God to put HIS words down on paper.

This of course makes O'Reilly believe that his book is above criticism, despite his claims that critics had a right to their opinions. You can fairly see him bristle as he reads each negative review, and then attacks each of them as stupid, or elite, or pushing an agenda.

From my perspective the first problem with this is that it presents the story of Jesus as "historic" when in fact there is little outside of the Bible to support that label.

The second problem is that while there are plenty of theologians who are qualified to write a book about the life of Jesus, Bill O'Reilly is certainly not numbered among them.

However personally it really does not matter to me.

I have already sworn off ALL movies and television specials based on the Bible.

I made that decision after learning that there is no evidence to suggest that Moses led his people into the dessert, or that the Egyptians ever even had Jewish slaves in the first place.

I, of course, had already dismissed almost all of the Biblical stores as hogwash long ago, but after learning that even the most fundamental stories of the old testament were a steaming pile of BS I decided that I would no longer support the retelling of them with my hard earned money or attention.

I quite literally have no problem spending an afternoon in a darkened theater watching a superhero movie, or a silly horror film, or a movie with the most unbelievable premise of all, the romantic comedy. But those movies simply want to entertain me, and do not have the subtext of wanting to sell me a product for which I have absolutely no use.

Besides of all of the poorly written and unbelievable content I have ever suffered through, nothing challenges the content from the Bible. And I do mean NOTHING.


  1. Like you Gryphen, I have absolutely no interest in watching any Bible-based movie. The Old testament is filled with stories too unbelievable to come anywhere near to being true (Methuselah centuries old? yeah, right). And after learning that the story of Jews as slaves in Egypt was historically untrue, I soon realized that the story was only to support the theory of Jews as the chosen people. Cecil B. deMille was apparently a lecherous film maker whose 10 Commandments film contained lots of semi-naked dancing women because he thought that "would sell". My parents took me to see the movie at age 10 and it truly gave me nightmares, even after my father told me those stories of the plagues and the snakes etc. were fictionalized.
    I became a non-theist, and I am SO thankful I had the good sense to become one.

  2. Helluva note, that a right wing pundit can devote part of an hour of his own hosted show as many times as he wants to, flogging his book sales. How many times has O'Reilly mentioned this book or any of his previous books on his hour show? Hundreds?

    Most other pundit hosts give 5 minutes or less, ONCE, to guests trying to sell their opinions and their books.

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Gee, Billo, maybe your movie got bad reviews because it (gasp) flat out stunk. And you know that your "good man " Jesus was a liberal, right? You didn't? Try reading the Sermon On The Mount. You're welcome.

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    What else can I say but...


  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    CBS is broadcasting The Dovekeepers, based on a book about what happened at Masada--an actual, documented historical event. Haven't decided if I'll watch it or not, although I did watch the 1981 miniseries. I'll have to see if Mark Burnett's name is anywhere near it.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Mark Burnett's name is ON it. As is his wife's.
      The only reason I would watch it (and I'm not sure if I will) is because Cote is in it. I really miss her (Ziva) on NCIS.

  6. ibwilliamsi12:39 PM

    Blessed are the Cheesemakers? Well, obviously it's not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.

  7. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I've never understood religion. I admit it. I was skeptical as a young girl and have grown even more so over the years. what remains puzzling is that religion is taken as a given, but the person who questions it - that person is deemed 'different' or lacking in some moral value or something. No! I have good morals, I've never been in jail, never cheated on my husband or my taxes - although the latter has tempted me.
    I'm with Jesse Ventura on this one: religion is a crutch, used to keep
    the brainless and easily duped in line and it's a big business.
    and by the way, what's up O'Reilly ass? open season on Christians usually doesn't start til around Christmas...he's wagging the dog on this one, folks. "Quick, look over
    there, not at my growing trail of journalistic deceptions!"

    Blue girl Liz...

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      You took the words out of my mouth, Liz!

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Only the indoctrinated understand it. If you weren't spoonfed nonsense from a young age then you will never understand religion, any of 'em and all of 'em.

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Me too Liz!

  8. Right with you, Gryphen, although I did make an exception for the Last Temptation of Christ, which, among other artistic merits, has a fabulous soundtrack.

    1. Yeah I liked that movie as well.

      And just between you and I one of my favorite musicals of all time is "Jesus Christ Superstar." That will probably remain an exception to my rule.

    2. Hell yeah to Jesus Christ Superstar!

      Myths--when treated aesthetically, and not as dogma, can be both entertaining and inspiring.

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I'm Jewish and love Jesus Christ Superstar. It's just a great musical.

    4. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Yep. It's got some catchy tunes - and you can dance to it. The musical Godspell has some good music, too, though a differnet genre- Vic Garber is one heck of an actor!

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      JCSS is an opera, not a musical.

  9. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon1:01 PM

    I think that Bill O'Reilly is the perfect person to make a movie about Jesus because he's a modern-day saint who always tells the truth and washes with falafels. And, like Jesus, he was born a Catholic and lived in Levittown.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Bill O'Reilly is also the perfect person to decide whether criticism of his screed is unfair. Bill O'Reilly knows because, hey, God told him to write the book.

      Only Bill can tell us why God didn't mention Bill's lies about his glorious war correspondence. Also falafels.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      The Republican Jesus is your ticket to Hades Bill...

      I'd give anything to see the video of Bill O'Really trying to shout down and argue with Saint Peter at the gate after being told to head for Hades and take a swim in the lake...

      Right Wing Religious Fundamentalists have no place in my world...

      From what I've read of that Liberal Jesus fella they wouldn't have a place in his world either...

  10. Grrrr !1:15 PM

    I think O'Wryly's book would sell a whooole lot better if he'd STOP insisting he was at the foot of the cross with a camera crew.

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Best thing I ever read? Movie "Exodus, gods and kings banned in Egypt because of historical inaccuracies"

  12. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I would rather be beaten with a thousand wet falafels than watch any movie about religion, especially one based on a book written by that ass clown.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      LOL! I love your review!

  13. WA Skeptic1:35 PM

    I began questioning Xtianity when a sunday school teacher told me it was a sin to go to a Saturday afternoon matinee, and it was even a bigger question when one told me that a five-year-old child was a "sinner", but it was no longer a question when I read about how the King James Bible was translated from several ancient languages by a committee of elderly scholars who depended upon King James for their pay. Definitely a conflict of interest, there.

    Yeah, no history involved in any of it. Now to see the present war exploding per the vision of the "Rapture" warmongers is absolutely hair-raising.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      For a minute, I thought you were referring to the TOlkin movie, the Rapture

  14. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Forgive me, but COMPLETELY OT/Anyone else following the "john Norton" drama at c4p today? A 23 living with his family is struck and killed while crossing the street and he is already back to reminding people that sarahpac needs donations! Am I the only one who thinks this is odd?

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Don't know about that one. Odd. But I can imagine that Sarah troops are out in force to get donations up. Wouldn't surprise me t'all.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Do your mean that this guy "rose from the dead" on behalf of SarahPAC? Good grief.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Really? I don't know the back story on him. Man, do all of the cast have subplots? What a soap opera!

  15. Anonymous2:24 PM

    these weirdos have gotten way away from christianity. the gop/tea-pees have stolen pages from the operating guides to the most manipulative of cults. the Mormons.scientologists..ect. they've even brought out some *crusades type thinking to get the masses further worked up. theyve reworded the message of Jesus. we all know the story of the Good Samaritan. help your fellow man. reach out to those less fortunate. theyve tried to toss aside even the 10 Golden rules. and use it as a way to manipulate the voters. Beware the Charletons!

  16. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Be sure to rate this "movie" and the reviews as well on Internet Movie Database here:


  17. Anonymous2:44 PM

    So many people just don't understand that so many of us were not raised with "jesus" or the "bible" in our lives. (or allah or the talmud or buddhism or hinduism or wiccanism or ANY OF IT). We are REALISTS. We were educated regarding what these fables are but really have no interest in them as there are modern ways to live and modern ways to explain our genesis and the evolution of all living things on this planet. I feel so sorry for those that are stuck in the religious rut, whichever religion it is, because they never ever have been pushed to realize just how special life on earth is and how we should cherish our time here and not buy into this bullshit afterlife crap that can't be scientifically proven.

    Sad saps, wasting their one chance at consciousness in a rather unique circumstance, at least in the part of the Universe that we are able to see.

    1. fromthediagonal4:09 PM

      Yes, I truly hope that those of us who are REALISTS will continue to gain in numbers and influence. When asked about my life philosophy, I always answer that while I am a Secular Humanist, I am first and foremost a Realist. Most questioners give me blank looks. Oh well, guess I have work to do and I shall do my best...

  18. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Billo's prolific output of books is scary to me. What a warped and incorrect view he takes - on everything. Frankly, I don't think any movies with Biblical subject matter are very good and I'm sure that Billo's is fraught with mistakes, crummy acting and equally bad directing.
    PS To Bill O'Reilly I don't think that God was your direct inspiration for either your book or movie. Your only inspiration is the sacred dollar bill!

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Three cheers for Beaglemom!!!

  19. I laughed out loud when O,Reilly took offense to the comment that the stories in the bible were metaphors, myths, and legends! He seemed stunned that anyone could think that.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Yes, it shows his utter lack of understanding and marginalizing of other cultures too! The arrogance is incredible.

    2. fromthediagonal4:11 PM

      Well, I think the man has the wrong name: it should be spelled "O'Really".

  20. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Ah come on, all you non believers, of course Billo's book and movie are all true.
    He was there and has video to prove it.

  21. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I wish someone could jot down a definitive list of media ownership, in and out of 'Manhattan'. I'd wager that the list would be heavy on the conservative right leaning, repub side. If so then Bellow should be required to read the list on air just before apologizing to progressives, liberals, Democrats and every other person he has defamed over the years with his nutty castigations.

    There is nothing wrong in believing Bible stories and there is nothing wrong with not believing Bible stories. The part that is wrong is either side blasting and blistering the other side or forcing their will on each other. People like O'Reilly in particular because he blasts to such a large audience of people who never question or research his commentaries.

    1. Anonymous3:48 AM

      its when they put their *personal spin on it that it gets away from the original message. that's when it turns into Religion. I don't care what you care to believe or not. I do think the basic Golden rules are good for us as we go thru life. its more about how we treat others and how we'd like to be treated and good common sense.

  22. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Me either. And to be dismissed as a person without ethics and morals and pejoratively liberal because I'm an atheist says more about the person marginalizing me than anything about my beliefs. This type of movie is a horror movie in my book. All the elements of high scary drama exist in most religions: persecution complexes, sin, redemption, etc. Actually isn’t that the usual narrative in drama generally?

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      be you a Christian or anything else its about marginalizing others in general.

  23. Anonymous3:24 PM

    good old Dollar Bill. he never met a dollar he didn't love.

  24. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Did Bill base his story on Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ"?

  25. Anonymous3:43 PM

    HeShould have cast Roma Downy as the mom,. We all know she had a british accent. Next time call me,I have a few suggestions for the leper, the wife of Lott, and Mary Magdalene.
    Or better yet, stick with what you know- the blank book section. ;

  26. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Perhaps Billbo should contact Kirk Cameron about the possibility of releasing his masterpiece "Kirk Cameron's Saving XMAS" as a double feature with his masterpiece, "Killing Jesus". Can you imagine the traffic backed up down the highway to see these films at the local Drive In?
    I'm certain I posted this podcast link to the most awesome movie review of "Saving XMAS". It begins at the 27:00 minute mark and continues for 20+ glorious minutes. Once I post this I'm doing another listen.


  27. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Lets face it: nobody suffers from persecution like rich, old, pretend christians.

    O the humanity.

  28. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sounds to me like BOR is trying to make money (can you believe it?) from the fable of Jesus Christ.

    Not so much different from many other so-called religious (mostly) men... may BOR be righteously scalded with words of disdain from authentic Christians everywhere, as well as from those who have freed themselves from the spell of any religion.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      bills out for the $$. in bills Own words! this is how it really happened! Sarah's had her grifters cup out. send me $10000 before midnite! and these are the people claiming to be *chosen and respected? Christian or whatever is your choice. this all comes down to one's conscience or serious lack of.

  29. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Or maybe they just don't want to see a movie made by an asshole?

  30. Well, maybe he shouldn't have used the same screen writers and director as Kirk Cameron.


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