Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Daniel Tosh invites the Satanist energy drink lady on for a "web redemption." Doesn't take.

Well she starts off being a good sport, but damn you cannot argue with crazy.

I had actually forgotten about that grabbing the microphone from the Muslims bit. Damn!

(P.S. For those who are wondering about where you may have seen this woman before, we did a write up on her back in November of last year.)


  1. Olivia4:49 AM

    Surely someone can find an appropriate acronym for her name. What a steaming pile of shit she is.

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    She was a good sport, at first, then the crazy came out. The condescension and sense of righteousness of this whack-job is astounding.

    Speaking of white Christian privilege, did you know Alabama Justice Moore's kid is a druggie, but born again each time so his record is clean?

    He blames the media and Alabama police (yeah, they are sure pro-gay marriage) for busting him to ruin his dad's career and family.

  3. What a rim job this bitch is!!!!
    She typifies then Evangelical movement,
    which is similar to a bowel movement.

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    As an Atheist I can't wait for the rapture to come so all of these nutjobs will be gone.... too bad it isn't real folks :(

    1. Olivia6:20 AM

      I'm not exactly an atheist but I have been saying that for years. I know I won't be one of those sucked up into the sky so I wish it would happen already so the rest of us can get on with life.

    2. Olivia11:41 AM

      There is hope after all:

  5. Randall6:12 AM

    That lady is a perfect example of how belief in nonsense rots one's brain.

  6. She must be the Pride of Texas.

  7. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Daniel Tosh is absolutely one of my favorite comedians! He was up here last year for a show in Anchorage. I love how he pushes people's buttons. That's what makes comedy great.

  8. Did you notice, Gryphen, the Monster drink logo on Dakota Meyer's shirt in the picture a couple of posts down?

    Wonkette did.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      A quote from your top link " just love the fact there is a pistol laying on the table...". How is that something to love, leaving a weapon laying around with little kids in the house. Idiots, it isn't a toy.

  9. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Proof that you CAN scramble an egg without breaking it's shell.

  10. Crazy ass lady - she could be a pretty good friend on a night out if she wasn't such a wack job! Really - aside from her manic crazy side - she seems almost normal.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.