Monday, March 23, 2015

Gun control group opens up fake store to educate people about gun violence. People who make their living from gun violence very unhappy.

This from News Corpse: 

The shock displayed by many of the patrons (video below) speaks to the powerful impact that this information has when people learn about the common tragedies that result from the proliferation of deadly weapons. While most Americans believe that having a gun in the home is effective protection, statistics show that it actually increases the likelihood of a homicide, suicide, or fatal accident. And massacres like Sandy Hook would not be possible without easy access to weapons designed for mass killing of people. 

Predictably, the National Rifle Association was outraged at what they called “a tasteless PR stunt designed to further an anti-gun agenda.” Other gun advocacy groups charged that the store violated New York state laws for possession of handguns. There were even accusations that the store was an unlicensed firearms dealer. At Fox News they portrayed the campaign as an attempt to “sell gun control, guilt potential buyers.” 

Do you know how to tell when a PR stunt is really working? When the target of your campaign comes out this aggressively against you.

I think this did precisely the job it set out to accomplish.

No wonder the NRA is pissed off.


  1. Amazing.

    I still say they should run the names of the dead that day by gunfire every night on the twenty-four hour news channels.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      I wonder if stupid Sarah will tell the story to the NRA (She is a lifelong member, doncha know!) how in 2009 she had just finished her NRA screech, she was actually still "GINO" then, and precisely at the end of her speech in Alaska time a Toddler found a gun on a TV stand in Anchorage and blew his brains out....I don't think she ever consoled the family (AS IF????) or mentioned it....but gosh darn it she gave her screech to all those gun retards! We know she reads here, maybe she will watch the youtube and bring that story up at her upcoming NRA screech!
      Hey Sarah, Double dare you! And she did NOT EVEN offer condolences to the family either....this WAS in 09 before Children/Toddler gun deaths became a DAILY occurrence.
      I bet this has the National retard ASS steamed, also,too! No one bought a gun!!!

    2. It makes a lot more sense than car crashes.

      With very few exceptions car accidents are not news. They may have been newsworthy in the 30s, 40s and even 50s when cars weren't that universally common, but there is nothing unusual about an accident today.

      If I ran a news show I would replace the car crashes with daily statistics on gun violence and especially on gun non-violence; the accidental shootings by children and adults of innocent bystanders. The ones the result of no gun safe, no trigger lock, stupid thought it wasn't loaded, or just plain stupid. A story each night in lieu of the car crashes and a roll at the bottom of the screen with the days statistics.

      Friday would have the weekly wrap up of statistics and a recap of the most egregious gun death.

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I agree 2:52PM

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Taking Tripp? Newly-Engaged Bristol Palin Threatens To Move Across The Country With Son & Fiancé — Levi Johnston Fights Back

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      I hope he gets full custody. He is in danger living with untreated ex military pawn.

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      And the revolving door of men is taking its toll on her son, claims the source.

      “Bristol has brought so many different boyfriends around Tripp. And going guy to guy — it’s not healthy for a young boy,” said the source.

      “He’s six years old now so he’s able to speak about his feelings,” continued the source. “He doesn’t like it. Sometimes he’ll say there’s a bad guy at the house or he hates this person. But no one knows who at the time she’s seeing.”
      Oh boy, I bet Bristol is fuming, the truth is out and this is going to ruin her time in the limelight. More time spent on damage control,

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Angela--that's what helped to end the Vietnam War. It is not an accident that the coffins of the returning dead from Iraq/Afghanistan were NOT allowed to be seen on the evening news.

  5. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Wow, Alaska Courts would allow a parent to take a child out of State without the consent of the non custodial parent? Many (if not most) state if the parent leaves the state where the child has been residing making it difficult for the child to maintain a relationship with the non custodial parent (unless the non custodial parent agrees to the move) the child now goes to live with the parent who is continuing to reside in the state where the child has been residing. Bristol should lose primary custody over this. This is her choice. Why take him away from everyone and everything he has known his entire life to live with someone Bristol is just beginning to get to know? Who is to say that this relationship will work out? Bristol is not able to provide a stable home for Tripp. Levi and Sunny have a more stable relationship and should be granted custody. Bristol's move is by choice.

  6. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The National Rifle Association was outraged at what they called “a tasteless PR stunt designed to further an anti-gun agenda.
    Ah yes, the NRA masters of the tasteless PR stunts !!

    1. Well, if anyone could identify a tasteless PR stunt, it would be the NRA.

      PETA a close second.

  7. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Two near tragic incidents involving guns in my family:

    1. My daughter's ex-roommate broke up with her boy friend; got drunk; then decided it would be cool to fire the pistol her father had given her for "safety" through the bedroom wall.

    2. I grew up around guns on our family farm but have never wanted to own one. But I wanted my young 5-6 year old son to know about guns so I asked my stupid (you'll get the stupid part just wait for it) brother to teach him about guns and how to be safe with them. So my stupid brother hands a LOADED pistol to my son and then yells at him for putting his finger around the trigger in firing position.


  8. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I too was very impressed by the video. We need more such creative, hard impact messages.

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Sheer Brilliance!

    A must watch for anyone thinking they need to buy a gun for their safety.

  10. Anonymous2:19 PM

    It must be so difficult for Republicans to disparage the Informative Gun Store when they insist that pregnant women visit the Pregnancy Misinformation Facilities so they won't choose an abortion.


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