Saturday, March 07, 2015

Oklahoma State Senator claims that business should have the right to refuse to serve LGBT customers. But it's okay, "he has gay friends."

Courtesy of Salon:  

As the country marches toward nationwide marriage equality and polls show record levels of support for same-sex marriage, there’s a fierce anti-gay backlash underway that imperils some of the most basic rights of the country’s LGBT citizens: Under the guise of protecting religious liberty, conservative lawmakers across the country are proposing bills that would allow businesses and individuals not to serve gay people, provided that they discriminate based on their religious beliefs. Among the states to consider such license-to-discriminate legislation is Oklahoma, where the bill’s chief Republican sponsor flatly states that gay people “don’t have a right to be served in every single store.” 

State Sen. Joseph Silk made that statement in an interview with the New York Times, which examines the broader push for so-called religious freedom laws in a story published online Thursday. Silk told the Times that he while he knows real, breathing homosexuals and even considers some his friends, he nevertheless sees gay people as the top threat to religious liberty. “The L.G.B.T. movement is the main thing, the primary thing that’s going to be challenging religious liberties and the freedom to live out religious convictions,” Silk said. “And I say that sensitively, because I have homosexual friends.” 

“They don’t have a right to be served in every single store,” he added. “People need to have the ability to refuse service if its violates their religious convictions.”

Yeah why should businesses have to serve gay people?

Or black people?

Or women?

Or Republicans even?

I mean can't these people find somewhere else to shop, or get gas, or live?

Well it is certainly a good thing that this guy has gay friends, or I might think that he was a homophobic asshole.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I've never once heard one of my straight friends refer to me as "homosexual".

    1. james madison6:33 AM

      White what law, under the U.S Constutution could they carry out this discrimination?

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Shhh -- these places have been serving homosexuals for decades, hundreds of years.

      If Walt Whitman, just one example of thousands, walked off a Civil War battlefield and asked for a sweet tea, would he be kicked out the door?

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Sigh....those pesky black people, insisting on sitting at OUR good religious moral lunch counters. They started all this nonsense.

    But that's okay, I happen to like some of them (in their proper places, you know.)

    1. SallyinMI4:07 AM

      Yeah. Proper places..the kitchen, scrubbing the toilets, raising the little white kids, and the back of the bus...say, how did one sneak into the White House through the front doors???

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    None of these idiots have explained exactly how those scary gay people are going to be identified.

    Are they going to issue special ID cards?

    Is there going to be a new government agency that has to determine everyone's sexual orientation?

    And what exactly is the process for doing that?

    1. Jim in Texas8:02 AM

      I say force 'em to wear rainbow armbands! ;-)

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      label them, like the Nazis used to label them.

    3. CorningNY8:11 AM

      They'll have to wear a gold star sewn on their sleeves, per the next law passed by this guy.

    4. Anonymous10:06 AM

      So if Marcus Bachman walked in without Michele he'd not be served in OK, right?

    5. SallyinMI4:06 AM

      It's aimed at bakers not having to..well...bake if they are asked to provide a cake for a gay wedding and they object. But I'm sure if Duck Brain came in and asked for a cake when his son marries a 14 year old, that would be just fine.

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    It smells of palinism. What a profound statement. This retard should be dragging himself to get around. Since its obvious he is missing his backbone.
    Yep , he is also full of shit .

  5. Don't worry. Legislators like this painful idiot will make sure
    Oklahomans won't have to serve black people or women in a while along with LGBT. I'm sure some crazed bible thumper will pull out some crap out of the bible that tells them they don't have to serve people with dark skin or menstruating women.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Wow, who would want the job of greeting customers in THAT place of business if you have to check to see if a woman has her period?!?

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Or ask the redneck with a mullet if he's ever given anyone a blowjob.

      You had better have good dental insurance.

    3. SallyinMI4:04 AM

      Next thing down the pike IS checking to see not only if a woman is menstruating, but making sure she doesn't pass a fertilized voter. will come down to this,

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Politics is an unfortunate attracts people to the profession that love to hear themselves talk, but often say really silly things

    For a democrat, this makes them, at times, naive and idealistic, because their heart is in the right place.

    For a republican, this makes them sound bigoted, racist, hateful, condescending and uncaring, because that is where their heart usually lies.

  7. Okay. Just as soon as they can prove that their precious businesses do not use the roads, police departments, fire departments, government agencies, or any other support paid for by taxes paid by LGBT people, or women, or minorities, or whatever other people they want to discriminate against, then they can discriminate against them.

    Otherwise, if someone is paying to support your business, you will damn well serve them.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Absolutely right, Nefer.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      No wonder the trolls hate you, Nefer.
      You're too damn smart!

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM


      One of the best comebacks I've heard (or read, to be more accurate!).

    4. SallyinMI4:03 AM

      Great response, Nefer!! Perfect.

  8. Anonymous7:35 AM


  9. Balzafiar7:39 AM

    "...because I have homosexual friends.”

    Mr. Silk: Not anymore, not at all. You're too much of a tight-ass prig.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Because people are always anxious to become friends with those who consider them sub-human.

  10. Jim in Texas8:01 AM

    The good news about this flurry of outrageous political behavior is that the crazier they get, the less likely they are to succeed past the next few years.

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      And all of the Crazy is well documented in print, video, and social media.

      Makes it much harder to deny it down the road (although they sure seem to try it anyway!).

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I'm not so sure anymore, it seems like this is the new norm.

  11. ..."conservative lawmakers across the country are proposing bills that would allow businesses and individuals not to serve gay people, provided that they discriminate based on their religious beliefs."

    Why is it these religious fundamentalists always get their brand of logic bass ackwards?

    If they want their religion to run their lives, they shouldn't be in business, they should open a church. That way they aren't imposing their beliefs on other people.

    Well, not always. Proselytization is big business, too. Just ask Mike Huckabee and Billy/Franklin Graham.

    1. SallyinMI4:02 AM

      I think "conservative lawmakers" should be replace by "ALEC" because I am certain that is the source and author of all these bills (which means, KOCH BROTHERS.)

  12. This kind of thing was both funny and pathetic only a few years ago when the occasional wing-nut would propose garbage like this and it would make Odd News. Now, its the norm. This is only getting worse.

  13. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Why only gays? Don't other religious beliefs violate their beliefs? Isn't it against their beliefs to be an adulterer? To view porn? To violate the 10 commandmants? Thou shalt not bear false witness -- Sorry BillO, you may not shop here. They should create an app with questions you answer before you are allowed to enter:

    1. Are you gay? Y N (If yes, please exit the store.)
    2. Are you atheist? Y N (If yes, please exit the store.)
    3. Are you Christian? Y N (If yes, proceed to question 3. If no, please exit the store.)
    4. Are you a real, honest-to-God, born again Christian? Y N (If yes, proceed to the counter for additional evaluation (make sure you have your Bible). If no, please exit the store.)
    5. Do you covet your neighbor's wife? Y N (Because the only people still answering this question are born-again Christians, if you are keeping it a secret from your spouse or otherwise or believe what you're doing is justified, mark N. If you marked Y, please change it to No. Enjoy your shopping experience!)
    6. Do you bear false witness? Y N (Because the only people still answering this question are born-again Christians, if you believe what you're doing is justified, mark N. If you marked Y, please change it to No.) Enjoy your shopping experience! And a special welcome to BillO and other Fox News hosts!.
    20. Do you hate President Obama and believe he is a Kenyan usurping Muslim-loving, America-hating commie? Y N (Please proceed to the counter for your bonus gift!)

    1. This! There are also many others "sins" that they should check for. I'd be surprised if anyone would be able to shop.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM

      #20. If yes, please proceed to the counter for your free AK-47 and ammo.

  14. Just sent this to the prick this am via email:
    "You know something, I used to write people of your ilk and try and present reasoning as an attempt to understand your views.
    No more, asshole. As a 100% disabled Marine Corps vet, I gave up part of my body and soul in the belief that all people in these United States were created equal. You are one of the exceptions. Such a piece of work.
    How about you just go fuck yourself. You insensitive POS."

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "People need to have the ability to refuse service if its violates their religious convictions.”
    Wait until someone refuses to serve these Christians because of religious convictions, then they will be all up in arms, crying discrimination !!

    "Silk told the Times that he while he knows real, breathing homosexuals and even considers some his friends"
    As opposed to those fake, non-breathing homosexuals?

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      So it sounds like I, as an Atheist, could refuse to serve religious people, based on my own beliefs (or lack there of). Hey, that sounds kinda nice :-)

  16. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I'll bet he knows some homosexuals in real life. Knows, in the biblical sense that is. Give it time. I'll bet a few "rent boys" could tell some stories.....


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