Saturday, March 07, 2015

Sarah Palin spends time with families whose loved ones were sent to their death by the Bush administration, while also celebrating the fact that another state has signed on to the Convention of the States.

Courtesy of the wannabe Constitutional Cougar's Facebook page: 

It was an honor to visit with Gold Star wives yesterday at our home. These beautiful, strong and courageous women traveled with TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) to grace Alaska during our Iditarod events. TAPS is an amazing group focusing on military wives who lost their husbands in war. 

Talk about inspiring graciousness – it exudes from every single one of these 43 beautiful wives from all over the U.S. Hearing their stories and seeing their heroes’ pictures worn on lapel buttons shamed me for sweating the small stuff. I was apologizing for muddy paw prints throughout the house when a wiser woman with right priorities whispered that they’d all been through much worse than gritty wood floors. It was impossible to articulate for them America's appreciation for their sacrifices and now their inspiring strength. Their husbands – their life partners, best friends, fathers of their children – gave all for America. So did they. 

Our grateful nation made a commitment to our military families. Thank God wonderful private sector groups like TAPS help make good on it. 


Meeting these military wives and supporting them will change your life. They remind us not to sweat the small stuff and to cherish every moment we have with loved ones. The face they put on those virtues is glorious. 

Thank you, heroines! God bless you every day. 

 - Sarah Palin('s ghostwriter.)

Though I think that it is kind to play hostess to these women who have lost so much, I wonder if it ever occurred to Palin to feel at all guilty to have supported an administration who started the illegal and unnecessary wars that led to their loss? Never mind, I already know the answer. 

Of course yesterday was a big day for Palin because Arkansas, who she and her daughter's ghostwriter kept pushing to sign on to the Convention of the States, did just that.

Not only that but the Teabagger who runs the Convention of States website gave the Palin gals a shout out: 

Many thought our resolution in the state House had been defeated, but with the help of patriots like Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, Mark Levin, and Sen. Tom Coburn, the citizens and legislators of Arkansas took a stand for liberty.

So now that Arkansas joins the doomed plot to propose an amendment to the Constitution, there are four states in total tilting at legislative windmills. Still so far from the two thirds needed to actually propose the amendment, and even farther from the three fourths required to pass the amendment.  

Does anybody else find it odd that on the one hand Palin is espousing the courage of the women whose loved ones went off, without question, to die in a war that we now know the Bush administration was able to start by lying to the American people, while also pushing for state governments to defy the Obama administration's desire to help more people get healthcare and live longer?

I mean where was the push for a Convention of the States when Bush implemented Homeland Security, or had the NSA start collecting all of our data, or kept sending our people to die in the sand of a foreign country?

No, none of that was deemed worthy of such a drastic move.

But pass a law to provide affordable health care, create over 4.5 million jobs, and attempt to end two wars that are draining our country dry and creating new terrorists around the world, THAT is considered over the line.


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Again Sarah turns the story to herself, she is too lazy to clean the house before hosting these women which is an insult but that is ok because it is only small stuff.

    What are the the teabaggers going to do after Obama is gone? Continue to destroy our country.

    1. hedgewytch10:09 AM

      Sarah clean? Ha, that's funny. No housework is for Todd or someone else. And they're all too dam lazy to clean the place up before having an event like this shows you just how "respectful" she is of her guests.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      I call BULLSHIT. She portrays herself as this non-assuming, regular run-of-the-mill God-fearing woman when, in actuality, she is a self-serving, calculating bitch.

      $arah's god is $arah, and plenty of video to prove it.

    3. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Remind me again, how much has this useless skank donated to military causes? Was Trick/Track there, in case one of the wives knew that her husband "served" with him? Where was Dakota, seems like THIS would be something he would love to get his photo taken being involved with, or did Bristles refuse to let him see REAL woman?

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      She didn't wipe up the paw prints to mean she hasn't killed the dog?
      She reads here and had to let our curious commenters know that an animals with paws is on the loose in her stolen hovel.

    5. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Dakota and Bristles were boinking in Kentucky.

    6. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Not sure why you guys believe that exchange really ever took place.

    7. Anonymous1:44 PM

      11:48 AM

      Which exchange are you talking about?

    8. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Whose idea was it to take them to her place anyway?
      TAPS is not a political organization and they actually do good work. Did she find out they were coming and say, hey, come on down to my house. (I can probably use these pictures for fund raising later) That's what I want to know. They came up for the Iditarod but who got her involved?

    9. So it's ok to have a dirty, stinking muddy dogs and strangers in her house than her immediate family and friends during the holidays.

      Also sarahy they are Military WIVES (not mothers' so stop trying to make it about you and your lazy son) who lost their loved one.

    10. Anonymous5:35 PM

      It is so telling that not a word of this Palin photo opp is mentioned in any Alaska media or in the L48. As a matter of fact the only AK media where $creech's mug has appeared in months was at the iron dog at Squarebanks. ALASKANS CANT STAND THE PALINS. FACT.

    11. @ 4:12pm one of the nuts at Crazies4Palin said that John McCornteeth is on the Board of that TAPS group. She probably sent him a SNAPCHAT of the blackmail video...since he probably won't take her calls anymore and ignores her text messages!!

      Amirite RAM or amirite!

    12. Anonymous6:32 PM

      ... too lazy to clean the house before hosting these women ...


    13. Anonymous9:35 PM

      The house? I thought $carah did her entertaining in the garage? (THanksgiving?)

    14. Anonymous4:47 AM

      8:47 I thought that as well. Pay a cleaning service to clean up the hockey rink house for dog's sake!!

    15. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Dirty Palin! Go figure why Sarah Palin used such a poor quality photo of the Gold Star Wives. Shealah Craighead was busy?
      What about the aspiring photographer, Chuck Heath Jr.? He has quality camera equipment.

      Sarah couldn't bother to clean her floor and she short changed these women on this photo op.

      Palin publicity promoter Ron Devito couldn't bother with Gold Star Wives. "Flashback Friday: Young Sarah Heath wins Miss Congeniality in an Alaska beauty contest. The proceeds of her winnings went to pay her college tuition."
      Iditarod Banquet 2015 – Sarah Palin in the House

      Gold Star Wives

      "Only a service spouse understands the sorrow and problems of another service spouse.”

      Currently, Gold Star Wives work for improved benefits for all surviving spouses and their children, such as: increased Dependency and Indemnity Compensation for all recipients, improved health and pharmacy benefits, retention of DIC benefits after age 55 if remarried, and elimination of the DIC offset which now decreases the amount they should receive through the Survivors Benefit Program.

      Friends of Gold Star Wives

    16. Anonymous10:36 AM

      yes Sarah be afraid be very afraid...

    17. Anonymous1:40 PM

      ...retention of DIC benefits after age 55 if remarried, and elimination of the DIC offset which now decreases the amount they should receive through the Survivors Benefit Program....

      Gold Star Wives are anti-marriage? What if they marry a poor old vet with little benefits? It is not Christian to live in sin.

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The bill passed in the Arkansas House but still needs to get through the Arkansas Senate.

  3. Right on, Gryphen.
    The Republicans can't let us have peace, education, housing, jobs, medical care . . . .
    Or love.
    Or justice.

    1. Anonymous12:06 AM

      stop giving your power away...

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Didn't she just say last week that the Red, White, and Blue is what's needed to stand between ISIS and us? She has no problem sending men to their death except when it's her precious drug addict son.

    FUCK YOU, $arah.

  5. laurensd19:07 AM

    I've said it once and I'll say it again.
    "All things Palin are shit."
    I feel better.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM


    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      oh you just wait - what goes around comes around...and it sounds like she is 'image cleaning' but we all know what you did last summer Sarah...

    3. Anonymous12:06 AM

      1037 lol...yeah no shit eh? I guess she will do it until the courts tell her she can't...well what happens when the people she went after go to court? oopsy daisy!

  6. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Both her parents underwent surgery, paid for my gubbmint Medicare, despite their advanced ages.

    Under Sarah's Death Panels, as she described them, she never did describe what age or condition a patient would have to be in before being subjected to an evil "death panel."

    Instead, the ACA simply gave patients, in good health or bad, young or old, the opportunity to talk with their physician about what kind of "end' they'd desire -- all measures taken, all measures taken for a certain amount of time, die in dignity.
    That would take effect if a young man was hit with his motorcycle, or a young woman had a brain aneurism, or if a 50-year-old fell off a ladder and broke his neck.
    That's all it was. And that's all it ever will be. And American physicians supported such a discussion, while the patient was healthy, so they'd be able to follow the patient's wishes.

    Sarah was a liar then and a liar now.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      She wasn't even THERE for her own parents' surgeries. $arah is ALL about $arah.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Maybe she stopped their payroll checks when they were unable to work for her.

    3. Anonymous11:21 AM

      She uses her family to pawn off her bratty kids on, just like she uses the rubes to line her pockets.

    4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:53 PM

      And..."death panels" wasn't even Ms. Thing's "cause"; the misconception was put forth first by former NY Lieutenant Governor Betsy McCaughey in summer 2009, and repeated by Michelle Bachmann. Then Sarah's PR handler$ simplified it to the bumper sticker phrase "Death Panels' and shoved it in her pie hole, along with the requisite $$media blitz$$, to scare Granny, Gramps and the chillun. Only proving that money talks, and NOTHING Winky does is original (as if we didn't know). It's so easy to lead the sheep around by the nose when you've done your marketing research!

    5. Anonymous10:39 AM

      1253 one could say the same with legal whatcha gonna do when yall find out she kills folks and terrorized those she feared the's the quite ones you need to worry about..

  7. A Superfan In Atlanta9:19 AM

    I agree that someone else with a kind and gentle pen wrote that piece and attached her name to it. Thank the universe that she went for the short-term strategy (hatred, fear, deceit, anger, and no real intent to deliver anything) instead of the long-game (investing, studying, learning, serving, and building). Imagine how dangerous she would have been had she had THAT persona messaging for her over these past six years.

  8. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Meanwhile, has nose-dived to rank 254,851 in the U.S..

    1. Martha again11:08 AM

      Is it the poll's fault for not being clear? Or has everyone who's watching the channel had at least some college education? That's hard to believe.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Men, with some college, browsing from home. That's her demographic.

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Did these women happen to see Track and his homeless buddies at the Palin compound or were they sent to the movies for the day?

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      I was led to believe track is in rehab.

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Willow is going to set Trick/Track up with an instagram account when he comes back. Or so she claims, he isn't back yet.

      It is hard to believe Trick/Track would miss Dakota. When he and Dakota were doing the promotion in April for Sarah's TV show on the Sportsman Channel, she went over board to show they were best buddies. She thought it was a smart trick at that time. Dakota may have been bonding by teaching Trick/Track about how to act like a combat vet. That is not as far fetched as it sounds,

      Now it is post-Anchorage Brawl tapes where Trick/Track revealed more about himself than Sarah would clean up. Sarah could manage to reinvent Bristol, so she threw Trick under the bus and Bristol is more golden than ever.

    3. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Where is the troll to deny that Track is in rehab? Oh, that's right, Sarah would not post that on Facebook.
      Track has been an embarrassment to Sarah Palin's political ambitions. Bristol and Willow are paid to keep quiet about all of the secret Palin scandals.

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Did Todd die at combat?

    Did we miss his deployment?

    I'm asking these questions because I'm confused.

    Is Sarah Palin a Gold Star Wife?


    Then what the hell is Sarah Palin doing in the Gold Star Wives group picture?

    On top of that, why is Sarah Palin front and center of the Gold Star Wives picture? Not just front and center. Sarah Palin is in her own line! Sarah Palin is not in line with the other women.

    So I'm confused, is this event about Sarah Palin?

    It is true about the Palin family motto: "What's In It For Us?"

    What's in it for Sarah Palin? A photo op for Sarah Palin.

    My guess is this wasn't just a photo op for Sarah Palin, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a video crew there to give Sarah Palin’s Amazing America internet show some "look at me Sarah Palin" footage?

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      As 8:47 AM said, it's all about her, always has been.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      It's always about Sarah. Sarah injects herself into any cause that might give her a chance to make a buck. Sarah is an opportunistic whore. Those poor women are clueless as to what a viper they are visiting. You girls are being exploited by the most vile grifting family in the US. What a insult to your loss hanging around Sarah the ambulance chaser.

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Palin is a parasite, pure and simple. Feeding off disease, fear, and misfortune of others. The whole bunch has no shame.

    4. Anonymous10:57 AM


    5. Anonymous11:19 AM

      She was a pawnbroker or a funeral director in a former life. You know those who profit from others' misfortune.

    6. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Grifter's gotta grift. Plain and simple.

    7. CorningNY4:59 PM

      Anonymous at 11:19, that's an insult to funeral directors, who provide a legitimate service and work hard for their money, unlike Sarah.

    8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    9. Anonymous8:19 AM

      My guess is this wasn't just a photo op for Sarah Palin

      What a shame these ladies would participate with a person like Palin. Their purpose is to help wives and children receive benefits. That includes the Federal Government. Why would they pose with a crazy babbling phony prop user like Palin?

      It puts the Gold Star Wives closer to the level of a con like Palin who is all about using other peoples money for whatever. Not saying they do that, but what a bad picture to associate with those that are infamous for such disgusting acts.

      Palin is promoting non-profits and using the wives of men that died in service to their country. The government is going to give them benefits regarldless of who they pose with but it makes them look bad since their role is to solicit for their cause for widows of dead service members. It is creepy with Sarah needing dead people for her perspma; 'cause' and to give her some of the sympathy that goes with helping a widow.

      What has Palin done after quitting a job in government?

      She has been nothing more than a flack and propagandist queen. Energy expert LOL. The more accurate description is War Monger.

    10. Anonymous10:43 AM

      she must be very scared of the Kid...and so she should be...

      After all - 50 years of crucifying ADDS up Sarah!

      Boom Boom out go the lights...

      Oh and sending Dan back up here does nothing...


      Infact I hear there is a group larger than yours that wants a piece of him...

      Gee looks like 'some people' do not like RAPISTS!

      But you do sweetie's God's Will... Rethugican rhetorics...

      Hey that song "Amen Nice Shot' grin...bigger grin..

  11. Anonymous9:53 AM

    They all seem to be genuinely happy to be in the picture.

    When are they going to Hillary's house for a cookout?

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Did Todd interview them for his stable? Was Track hidden during their visit? Were Bristol's babies kept out of sight?

    2. laurensd112:12 PM

      Whenever they get all liquored and methed up, grab the little kids, crawl into the limo and show up!
      They don't need no stinkin' invite....

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      953 - How do you know they aren't having fun like Tripp with the 'laughing gas"?

  12. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Were these women worthy of the china and crystal or did she send them out into the garage to dine like animals?

    1. hedgewytch10:11 AM

      She'd use the good Chinet plastic plates and cutlery.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      She probably clomped out to the trough in the backyard and threw in buckets of slop and commenced to hollering "sooey". She truly is the hostess with the mostest.

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      The women seem happy to be there and taking a picture. Is this your version of liberal patriatism? Knock down war widows?

    4. Anonymous3:00 PM

      @1:55 PM Maybe it would be acceptable to you to post bullseyes on the picture like Sarah Palin does.

    5. Anonymous3:06 PM


      My heart goes out to widows. But not all widows are the same.

      These women were lied to and believed the liars. It is time they deal with the truth about what happened. Not to blame the men and women who fought because they were good and loyal service members. They are not to blame.

      If I lost some one that was deceived and I later learned they lost their life or limbs due to an illegal war, I would not want to be seen participating in a cover up social event to prolong the propaganda mill. That is ignorant and sick.

      Don't forget Pat Tillman. Like they claimed for Track Palin, Tillman was eager to go to help his country after 911. He woke up while he was in Afghanistan. He was going to complete his commitment, although he knew things were not what he had been lead to believe.

      Like others (possibly Dakota Meyer) he was a propaganda tool and all set up to be a great hero. He decided to live with the truth. It takes more strength than most have. His case was handled in such a way the whole truth will not be officially revealed. Odds are he was murdered by our military.

      These women could honor their love ones by standing up for the truth. As a group they would have more significance. Participating with the like of a Sarah Palin is tragic and insulting to the honor of those that did die. What kind of man would want his widow to defile his memory and legacy like that? Liars are not strong and do not make our country great. Believing in lies does not make on patriotic. It make one idiotic to believe in lies and liars.

    6. Anonymous4:44 PM

      1:55 besides being horrible at spelling and grammar-your reading comprehension is appalling! not one person has denigrated the gold star wives. your comment speaks volumes about you however, so you may want to do some soul searching yourself. try to find out why you have negative feelings about "war widows" and then get back to us okay?

    7. Anonymous4:54 AM

      3:06 Beautifully articulated comment.
      I agree completely. Thee women would have power if they were not so indoctrinated and fought for the truth.

    8. "Anonymous1:55 PM The women seem happy to be there and taking a picture. Is this your version of liberal patriatism? Knock down war widows?"
      Get some reading skills. No one is insulting war widows. Just as when people criticize Palin for how she neglects and exploits Trig, it is incorrect to say people are saying unkind things about Trig.

    9. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Nope, this is embarrassing how you jealous gossipy little liberal IMers have gone out of your way to chastise these women, who apparently have no problem spending some time at Palin's house as guests. Looks like they were treated very kindly by the Palins. What is so wrong with this that your feeble minds can't let go? Especially you nefer. After a while, don't you realize that you might be a little sick in the head?

    10. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Looks like, 6:08. How do we know? Their junket was likely hijacked by the Grifter in Chief. TAPS is run by an Alaskan Military pilot's widow and they do good, non-partisan work. I've donated to them personally. You?

  13. "Our grateful nation made a commitment to our military families. Thank God wonderful private sector groups like TAPS help make good on it."
    Yes, what a good thing "private sector" groups are there to help because God knows, the disgusting Palin and her anti-American republican buddies vote down each and every bill intended to help the vets that they use and then throw away.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      A grateful nation did not make a commitment to lie and have people killed. Palin and others need to deal with first things first, including facts.

      Everyone supports widows and families of those killed in service. No blame to soldiers or families that were tricked. They still need to wake up and continue while dealing with the truth.

      It is time to stop ignoring the propaganda that continues the worst of the military complex as it destroys citizens, soldiers and the real patriotic persons.

      Sarah Palin is vile. It is her worst to use these widows. Too bad the media ignores what is going on here.

  14. Anonymous10:12 AM


    What was the scheduling conflict on March 2nd that forced Palin to cancel on her obligation to visit Cambridge? I'm not seeing that she was doing something more important. She posted pics of the iron dog finish on the 2nd but the race finished a couple days earlier. Chicken shit. She had no intention of attending that event...she simply wanted the publicity of being invited.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      They would not accept her insistence on pre-screened questions. AND they don't do hatred speak. They would have made mincemeat of her, she knows it, and so do her handlers.


    2. I agree with 10:36 am. I think she was also hoping her buddy Bibi was going to invite her to be his special guest in Washington. For her, that would be a win-win. Avoid the meanies at Cambridge with their gotcha questions, and pretend to be somebody in Washington.

    3. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I'm sure it was something pressing like she had to take Jill Haduskamakana, or whatever the poor dogs name is, to the doggie salon.

    4. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Well boo fucking hoo bibi and his opportunistic wife could careless about the inbred hillbilly from wasilly. FFS sarah, get over yourself, no one other than your trained vermin at c4p give a rat's ass what you think.

    5. Anonymous12:32 PM

      The Student Union of the UK does not give a platform for hate speech. When they heard Sarah's Iowa speech, the students realized that they could not promote that kind of speaker. It's been done before.

      Sarah had no scheduling conflict. It was a polite way of saying that she would not be appearing. Anyone who can read could tell that there was no scheduling conflict. Palin did nothing of great importance on March 2 when she could have been in Cambridge. (Iron Dog finshed with enough time for her to arrive in time to give her speech).

    6. Anonymous5:49 PM

      How I wish the 'lamestream' media had picked up on how $arah was uninvited by Cambridge because of the university's policy against providing a platform for hate spewing, delusional hypocrites.

    7. Anonymous12:58 AM

      Maybe they refused to pay for a private jet plus luxury accomodations for $carah and her skank daughter.

    8. Anonymous4:56 AM

      5:49 We best not hold our breath hoping the media reports accurately on the fraud that is Palin.

    9. What is dark will come to light. she isn't any different.

  15. Anonymous10:27 AM

    This whore can't do ANYTHING without making it about her. She can't stand a lack of media attention for more than a day. I friggin detest this phony woman. I'm hoping for a scandal that will take her down once and for all.

  16. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I would believe her sincerity if she wasn't broadcasting to the whole world every time she did something nice for our veterans and their families.

    She's doing it for good press. Period. She needs it after looking like such a massive white trash idiot lately.

    If you're a true Christian, Sarah, read Matthew 6. It's in the Bible, that book you always cling to but have never read.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      If there's one thing $arah doesn't do, it's the NEW Testament. Jesus was a LIBRUL.

  17. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Why would the convention be a bad thing?

    Shouldn't all states be on the level with each other?

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      40:34 AM Good idea, like same sex marriage, voting rights, ethics complaints against Governors, per deim pay for a Governor to stay at home, sealing records for the Governor's family? Do I need to continue? You, Troll, are not helping the Palins by posting your uninformed comments about subjects that are out of your IQ range.

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Being "on the level with each other" means being honest with each other. But in politics, no one is honest. Each state has two senators representing them in Washington. That's the equality part. There is another part of Congress that is based on representation based on population. California has more representatives than Alaska because California has more people living there than live in Alaska. Didn't the troll study civics in school? Oh, no, it's not Sarah, is it? She didn't know why we fought World War II or which Korea was our friend. (North, South, it's so hard to tell them apart).

    3. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Do you even know how this country works, 10:34 AM? Good LORD, get back to c4p and don the tin foil hats with 'em.

  18. Anonymous10:35 AM

    There isn't a bigger supporter of soldiers. She prays for them all daily. You CAN be anti=violence like she is and pro-soldiers.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Bullshit. The only things she prays for daily are more attention and money. She doesn't give a shit about anything else. Our military is her tool. As with the puppy Jake Foundation.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      How do you know she prays for them daily? Are you a Palin, or just makin' stuff up? And if I were a homeless, hungry veterans I'd rather some decent services than mumbled words.

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      I don't think Sarah's god listens to her any longer. She's always prayin' up a storm and her god is no longer opening any doors for her.

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      $arah? Pray? She P R E Y S on gullible people asking for donations to her hate filled family to live off. These women were USED by her, simple as that. Anti violence supporters do not put cross hairs on people, like she did and she supports others who do also, too. Not to mention, she bleated how proud she was of her daughter who was punching a man and cursing up a storm at a birthday party. Why do you waste your time coming here, lying about the over the hill skank?

    5. Anonymous11:19 AM

      10:35 AM Is that why Sarah Palin says on occasion that she needs to 'punch him in the throat'? Sarah Palin and her drunken family of misfits were anti-violent when they crashed that birthday party? BWAHAHAHAHA, you are a fool.

    6. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Sarah Palin is the most violent, rage-filled person I know of.

    7. Anonymous12:26 PM

      She prays for them all daily.

      Sarah asked the Department of Defense to send her the complete list of the thousands and thousands of people serving in the military. Then, she reads each name aloud and says a prayer for each one of them, exactly the way that the troll says. It's a full time job, and it takes Sarah all day to pray for all of those serving in the military.

    8. Anonymous1:38 PM

      12:26 PM

      Considering she has some major hang overs that is quiet amazing she can do 24/7 preyers. She may be due a medal of honor. I am sure Dakota will help her with that.

      He will no doubt swear he is a witness to all her preyers.

      Two chronic liars have those kind of bonds.

    9. Anonymous11:14 AM

      well then lets gather the soldiers and go after that child rapist...oh wait that is part of the can do...must inflict domestic terrorism...for 40 years now! Now legally that will cost the State HUGE in $$$ for pain and suffering won't it baby girl???

    10. Anonymous12:03 AM

      1114...I heard about that case...didn't that whole deal depend on that HUGE trust fund and when the Birthright Owner found out...THAT is when the crimes began? Or was it way back in 1989? Federal crimes since they span over a few

  19. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Why would she feel guilty for supporting Bush? Doesn't mean she supports war, just soldiers. She isn't for violence. She's for security.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Bush wasn't for security. He was for taking orders from Dick Cheney, who was for making his friends (and himself) rich. Do a little research, ok?

    2. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Why? Because Bush is the cause of the deaths of the husbands of these grieving women. It was HIS war, for oil and to help his business partners, the Saudis.

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Of her bank account.
      Fuck the rest.

    4. Anonymous11:15 AM

      10:36 AM Is that why she promotes crosshairs on her perceived enemies? What is non-violent about that? You Palinbots are as uneducated as Sarah Palin and her brood of High School dropouts. Trig says,"BULLSHIT" to your Lies. Bristol thinks that teaching her DS child to say words like "BULLSHIT" is funny. Bristol Palin is borderline retarded.

    5. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Palin didn't vote on any wars. Hillary did though.

      Hillary's vote actually mattered and did authorize military force in Iraq. Palin's facebook postings really are meaningless.

    6. Anonymous12:03 PM

      She was always more Cheney than Bush. He was the biggest liar and war monger. Sarah was always 10000% plus for all the military propaganda. You can't support and be part of the propaganda to take soldiers to war and not actually be very pro-violence.

      A person can make claims that they are for peace and security, they are just claims. Not fact or reality. More an indication of her mental imbalance.

      They should all be indicted for war crimes for the parts they played in destroying so many American lives plus invading another country and killing their citizens.

      Sarah Palin is one sick hypocrite for all the bull she spews about being Christian and pro-life.

    7. Anonymous12:24 PM

      If a person is Pro-Life, they should be against War.

    8. Anonymous1:16 PM

      "Palin's facebook postings really are meaningless."

      Palin is empty yet her name is aligned with propaganda that is put out by some of the best in the business. US Military, DoJ, Pentagon. Although she is meaningless, as is her son, what is done in their names is not. What is done in their names is called death, killing, murder when it is an illegal war. They loaned there name to be used to have others murdered.

      They not only deserve to be tried for their crimes, they both deserve the death penalty.

    9. Anonymous1:34 PM

      11:04 AM

      Palin's pal Dick Cheney was the creepiest one when it came to having US soldier killed in an illegal war. Bush did want he could to finish his Daddy's crap and he does love the Saudi family oil. He was manipulated by Sarah's pal.

      Sarah is one that is in on the scams. She worked close with important military persons for getting out the propaganda. Creating myths, helping the military, like she did for her family and herself. It has been going on long before the Iraq war. Myth makers (propaganda)

      Read history. A person like Sarah would be in prison in another time for the crimes they committ. It is a load of crap to say it is for peace or that they are non-violent. They may be non-violent in that they stay out of the way of IEDs, bullets and bombs when it comes to them and their family. They are not non-violent when they do their part to send those 43 ladies loved ones to be killed.

      Sarah is like this guy when it comes to vets or their families.

      Sarah may be worse in many ways.

    10. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Not that I buy Hilary's excuse for voting for an illegal war. I don't think she was as sinister and dark as Cheney/Bush/Palin.

      She was told lies she believed and that is why some say they voted for that illegal war. She wasn't the instigator like Cheney/Bush/Palin.

    11. Anonymous2:50 PM

      The only reason darth cheney ever wasted a minute talking to simple-minded sarah was because he sensed he found another easy mark that would be easy to manipulate.

    12. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Loving all the excuses.

      Again, Hillary voted for military involvement in Iraq. Palin and her flapping lips mean nothing. And 2:44.... Hillary was told lies?... that is laughable, Hillary knew everything there was to know about Iraq, being married to the guy who kept the isolation/containment policy and occasional bombing going for 8 yrs.

    13. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Yes, 'Not that I buy Hilary's excuse.... it is why some say they voted for that illegal war.' 2:44 PM

    14. Anonymous4:50 PM

      "doesn't mean she supports war"???? have you ever listened to her or do you just read the comments at c4p? get a feckin clue will ya? you are seriously taking up valuable space here on earth with your unaware and idiotic self. get some information/an education/some dignity/a job!

    15. Anonymous6:51 PM

      11:04 AM

      The women are victims, even if they don't keep up with facts, one could still treat them well. What kind of organization would stage them with a fraud like Palin? Maybe she was able to show them a good time, albeit very brief. She did it for Sarah. She uses gullible people, that is what she does.

      Sad and tragic that they lost love ones in a criminal deceptive war. Now they are victimized again to be used in a Palin set up.

    16. Anonymous12:00 AM

      they are 'kept' wives who think when shit hits the fan their 'hero husbands' will come and save them...
      oh what little they know...they will figure it out...
      john mccain did...about seven years later...

  20. Anonymous10:49 AM


    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      yes you are

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      yes you are for trying to negate a positive thing

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      There is nothing positive about you,joselyn/just another democrat/mandingo/mandi/kryptonite/manlover4ever/
      lucyinthesky/insane facebook stalker.

  21. Anonymous10:56 AM

    They are all selfless people. Every year there is a report that Todd is one of the ID racers who helps other teams fix mech issues in a measure of comraderie (it's the nature of the Dog)

    And Sarah helps everyone. The kids' roommates all have wonderful things to say

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      10:56 AM Quit kissing their asses, you don't even know them!

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM


    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Oh spare us your lies.

    4. Anonymous12:07 PM

      It's called pay off, bribe or buying peeps.

    5. Anonymous12:23 PM

      The kids' roommates all have wonderful things to say. Since when does Piper have a roommate? Trig? Tripp? Bristol? Willow? Track? Are you kidding?

      The last time that I heard that Todd "helped" another snow machine rider during Iron Dog, it was to disable his machine, giving Todd and his partner less competition.

      Sarah helps everyone. She really does. If it wasn't for Sarah, I wouldn't be laughing so hard each day. Thanks for the great jokes and yucks.

    6. Anonymous2:48 PM

      OMG, you are so deluded, tawd doesn't do shit for anyone, he's a pantywaist thug. The only thing sarah helps is herself to the rubes SS checks. The kids' roommates?? Bwahaha, at hairschool, at the rehab center? Pray tell what palin ever had a roommate, it sure as shit wasn't at college as sarah hasn't gotten one of kids past high school, and some not that far.

    7. Anonymous6:58 PM

      She was sure eager to help friend and someone who is her son's age, Jeremy Morlock.

      Remember when she was spreading war propaganda about being strong and brave and a patriot like Track Palin, join the Army? She was Mother Teresa and Commander in Chief and she loved all the troops as if they were her son. You should read some of the old shit she would say.

      Sarah did not help Morlock. She treated the natives of her state horribly also. She wanted cookies to be the answer to their winter problems. She didn't even help her son Trig, he would have benefited from early life therapy. The list about Sarah Palin's black heart is too long to go on.

    8. Anonymous7:17 PM

      yeah todd helped guys by kicking over and dumping their fuel at the checkpoints ...

      go fuk yer inbred cousin humpin' self fuk_tard

  22. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Palin wouldn't know the Bible if it had tripped her, then "wham, bammed, Thank you, Ma'am'ed" her!! I doubt she could pick it out of a row of books where a flashing sign is pointing to that bible. Personally I think she has a nice large leather cover with the word Bible printed on the front to hide her comic books hidden inside.

  23. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Wow, we have a new-type troll today: moderate-voiced concern troll...still stupid though.

    On another note, what is with the recent push to introduce Bristol as a political voice in the land? she has nothing to offer; how could she, given her lack of experience, education and intelligence. Someone postulated a day or two ago, there was a plan to promote her and Dakota Meyer as a constitutional conservative couple? really....

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      See how this works?

      Somewhere Chelsea and Meghan are LMAOing themselves silly.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Non-violent. They must have read a poll that was for peace.

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      The items on Bristol's blog that are longer than "He's a cutie" are written by Nancy French. Bristol has styled herself as a wannabe-Kardashian. She wants to be photographed and be in the public eye and wears designer things, but she knows nothing about politics.

      The connection with Dakota Meyer is interesting because he appeared with the Palin and Heath family lastyear on Sarah's reality show. Chuck Heath showed off his dead animal collection and Todd wrenched a snowmachine. Track was there but he didn't say much. Sarah, Bristol and Dakota were at the same event in Las Vegas. Dakota introduced Sarah at CPAC and posted, twice on his facebook that people were not allowed to criticize him for supporting Sarah Palin. He seems to fit in with the no-criticism-allowed-Palin family.

      What do they get out of the relationship? Dakota said that he might like to run for Congress some day. His friends tease that he might run for president when he becomes old enough. He would need to be smart enough, too. We've been fooled before, and we're not that easily fooled any more.

      Bristol needs a husband. She's been advertising for a lumbersexual. Any guy would do, but Dakota serves a useful purpose. He can appear with Sarah when she promotes veterans issues. (I was going to write affairs, but maybe that's what's going on already). Dakota gets some political connection and the support of Sarah's PAC. Bristol gets some respectability LOL. It's a win-win-win.

    4. Anonymous2:39 PM

      He seems to fit in with the no-criticism-allowed-Palin family.

      Fascism. It appears he became a trained killer to fight for fascism.

    5. Anonymous2:43 PM

      The days of when Lincoln was president without a college education are past. No one wants a president with less of an education than they have. Dakota, like Track, joined the military right after high school. I see no evidence of any further education, sniping really isn't a qualification to be president or even senator for that matter. I suppose there are members of the house without a college degree, but we all now how low the bar is set for the house.

    6. Anonymous4:39 PM

      There was a time the military would take anything if they would learn to kill and fight. Including gang members who wanted to train and go back to their hood and train their own warriors.

      No big deal that Dakota was able to join up.

      Meyer may have done some brave things or it may be that most of it was inflated. Either way he is now a propaganda pawn. Dakota Meyer is no prize.

      Rift between Medal of Honor recipients. Swenson "remains skeptical of Meyer and the publicity he has sought," and "engaged in a lengthy and bitter dispute with the military over the narrative of one of the Afghan war's most notorious firefights."

      This creep has many awards. It didn't stop his lies or any criminal activity.

    7. Anonymous9:51 PM

      You do know that honorary doctorates mean diddly?

    8. Anonymous5:05 AM

      lol Honorary doctorate.

      I don't think the poster understands the distinction between honorary and earned doctorates lol

    9. Anonymous7:05 AM

      [LWC] Lindsey Wilson College: Religion. A survey of Christian thought, beliefs, and traditions through the ages. Doctrines concerning the nature of God, the fall of man, sin, Jesus Christ, atonement, and salvation are discussed.

      I question all these mentor groups. Why would Meyer have an office? That is valuable real estate. LWC must believe his book and the war stories that others disclaim. He is on a path of publicity, like the Palins.

      Meyer used Michael Moore to spread his deception. He didn't go as far as Kyle to lie about someone in a book, but he did go as low when he advertised his disinformation to gain book sales. Publicity stunt to sell books:

  24. Anonymous10:59 AM

    What the hell can these women possibly have to do with the Iditarod?

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM


      Iditarod Banquet 2015 – Sarah Palin in the House
      Sarah Palin and Bill Sheffield are in the house for tonight's Iditarod banquet in Anchorage
      7:40 PM - 5 Mar 2015

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I don't see any indication they had lunch or did anything but give Sarah the lines
      "They remind us not to sweat the small stuff and to cherish every moment we have with loved ones. The face they put on those virtues is glorious."

      It doesn't take long to pose for a photo. Especially since it is obvious no one put much effort into it. Sarah was able to plug TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors). They may return the favor.

      Why GSW are going to Iditarod banquet in Anchorage? It sounds like they are promoting their cause/being treated to a trip.

      They have the public in their corner. This only makes them look like another group with a questionable agenda.

      They may want their group to have more members, therefore they support the people who want to have more wars and widows.

      I don't think this makes them look good. In fact, it stinks to keep bad company like with the prop mistress Sarah.

    3. Anonymous11:58 PM

      Karen Jennings...public relations tip...docncha no!

  25. Anonymous11:00 AM

    43 ladies! They must all be having a grand time.

    Did Dakota Meyer arrive in time to charm all the ladies?

    Finally Willow can meet Dakota Meyer. Too bad about Track.

    Photo from CPAC 2015.

    Sarah Palin at the same CPAC 2015.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Where was Willow when Mario Lopez and Dakota Meyer were with the Palin family in Wasilla last spring?

      Everyone was promoting "Amazing America". I recall thinking that Bristol was missing. It was special for Track because he had a lot of publicity and posed in the garage and other places. He had nothing to do with "AmAm" and it seemed strange Sarah would inject him in to so much. At the time he was her ticket to the military and the charities she needs to look like she does so much for those with dead family members or those who get blown up. Too bad they never bother to care about that before so many people and families are destroyed. The time to do that was when they were doing all that propaganda for Sarah and Track. They are so great to promote the illegal war and no one is indicted for war crimes yet.

      I also recall Willow hugging Mario. How did Willow miss meeting Dakota, he was there?

      Those photo shoots must be nuts. They have to do so much in one day or so.

      wbf_ 'Excited to meet you!'

      dakotameyer0317 @wbf_ 'I'm excited to meet you as well!'


    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      What is wrong with Bristol's right makes a shadow on her face it sticks out so far! #photowithDakota

    3. Anonymous2:35 PM

      1:46 PM
      Freaky... looking more like McCain. He had to have his face cut on for the cancer. Bristol may allow that awful derm man do who knows what.

    4. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Looks like an infection going on, probably from the mandible implants she got recently. She wasn't happy with just the new chin, she wanted a big old square jaw like mommy dearest's.

    5. Anonymous4:04 PM

      It could be any number of things developing.
      I have heard of STDs that cause goiters. She goes to that office to look like she is working hard. All the coworkers are in the same league. They may spend most of their time working on one another.

    6. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Bristol could be in serious trouble since she depends on the 73 years old doctor that needs to retire.

      Did you read this from Nicole G.? You have to be nuts to go to that place.

    7. Anonymous7:23 PM

      So why didn't Willow meet Dakota when he was in their tiny little town? Mario, Dakota and Track (not saying much) were all there. He was meeting the whole family, it was a big deal.

      Why didn't Willow and Dakota meet?

    8. Anonymous2:28 PM

      If Dakota was given a choice of a 5 minute canoodle with Bristol doing her wonders on him or meet up with Mario and Willow.

      Can you guess how he'd spend those 5 minutes?

    9. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Looks like Dakota and Willow really hit it off. Cute couple.

  26. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I went to the Convention of States home page and read their FAQs. The question not asked which I would like an answer to is, "what's in it for us?" Us meaning the Palins.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      It looks like Sarah is going to pass the Convention of States off to that mover and shaker (DWTS) Bristol Palin. Since it is really Nancy French, we know that Bristol knows zip.

      Never fear, she will learn from Dakota Myers by osmosis, of course. That is why they must fuc_. It is how they do their service to country.

  27. FrostyAK11:06 AM

    Muddy paw prints? Human or animal? No one to wipe the animals' feet? No one still willing to go into that sewer to clean it - even for combat pay? No money from the event to cover the cost of cleaning? The PAC shrinking that fast?

    And as with the bush administration, no orange jumpsuits on the horizon?

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      The Palins are pig who don't clean.
      And an outside cleaner would have access to DNA.
      What a conundrum for Sarah the hostess!

  28. Anonymous11:11 AM

    10:34, 10:35, 10:36 She's a hate-mongering, blood-lusting, dog whistling ignoramus and you are just as fucking retarded for supporting the self-absorbed know nothing. She's constantly banging the drum for the US to get involved in yet another war and for violence upon our president. If anyone has enough dirt to put this pathetic excuse for a human being behind bars WTF are you waiting for?

  29. Anonymous11:15 AM

    All states are equal -- in the U.S. Senate. In fact, some are more equal than others -- Alaska gets TWO Senators, as does Idaho, while Texas, New York. Florida, the Carolinas each get only two apiece as well.

  30. Anonymous11:48 AM

    10:34, 10:35, 10:36 Is that you, A VISITOR FROM UNITED STATES? Do you ever take a break from Trolling? Why do you comment about people like the Palins who you don't know? Why do you post so much Palin propaganda from Facebook?

  31. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Hey Gov Grifter, what ever happened to being an advocate for the Special Needs Community? No money in that I guess?

  32. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Anonymous11:20 AM

    I was led to believe track is in rehab.


    Is he in alcohol rehab or is he in drug rehab? I hope its not meth, Wasilla is the meth capital.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Who knows? It could also be a Sarah rumor to distract or they are working on a new story for when they can bring him back. They may want to say he was treated and he is now a counselor. Like he was a PTSD counselor.

      If Track is in some treatment it may be like when Kyle Chris treated the marine. I don't know it is a good thing. An addict that goes back to the same environment of users and enablers doesn't have much of a chance.

      Whatever it is he will need to remain in hiding or Sarah will make up another false narrative for him. Ideally he could be his own person and deal with the truth.

    2. Anonymous5:11 AM

      If he is in any reputable facility (which I highly doubt), his recovery could include confronting his family for all the lies and telling them to fuck off. Therapists DO tell clients to cut ties with the dysfunction.
      I hope he gets clean and sober and writes the big tell all, gets financially secure, gets in touch with his Menard side and thrives.

    3. Anonymous6:42 AM

      5:11 AM
      That would be terrific. If early childhood trauma (or 'PTSD') was highly severe it isn't likely. I do wish him well and for him to be able to do the right thing. The alternative is so grim.

  33. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Hey Sarah Palin take a look at the latest demonstrations in Tel Aviv and see how popular your 'I STAND WITH BIBI' T-shirts are.

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Oh shit! I thought it said, I stand on Bibi.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      (for 1:40 PM) Nope, Trig's dog's name is Jill...

      Wild Tortoise

  34. Anonymous12:20 PM

    See, Sarah, even the Israelis don't want this asshole, so as usual, you are on the wrong side of history.

    Tens Of Thousands Attend Anti-Netanyahu Rally In Tel Aviv

  35. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "I was apologizing for muddy paw prints throughout the house "
    -Sarah Palin

    I was apologizing for muddy paw prints throughout the house ?

    I was apologizing for muddy paw prints throughout the house?

    WTF why are there muddy dog paw prints throughout the house?

    Housekeeper not working today?

    Don't want those Gold Star Wives see your maid? Your nanny?

    Sarah if you let the dog come into your house with muddy paws, get on your damn knees and clean your dog's paws!

    If cleaning the dog's muddy is below you, get Piper, get Todd, get Track! None of them including you are working.

    Sarah if you give free rein of the house to your dog and let your dog come into your house with muddy paws, then where does your dog shit and piss? Does your dog have free reign of your house?

    Sarah Palin what do you say then?
    "I was apologizing for dog shit and piss throughout the house" 

    Sarah Palin I'm not surprised you allow your dog to come into your house with muddy paws and do nothing about it.

    Sarah that just brings back memories of how you raised your children. That just brings back memories of how Wasilla High and your house was a party house for your children.

    Sarah Palin not wiping your dog's muddy paws reminds me of Trig. You yourself said you don't spend time with Trig and teach him how to eat a Cheerio.


    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Reminds of Todd, condoms and face cloths. Sarah if you see Todd walking out of your house with a condom and one of your face cloths, stop him and interrogate him.

      Todd may have free rein of the house but don't let him leave your house with your face cloths.

    2. Anonymous5:12 AM

      I wonder who helps Tri-G wipes his ass after he shits
      ? Poor kid.

  36. Anonymous12:22 PM

    This convention of states the conservatives are trying to get started couldn't it be a way to get private and corporate money out of our elections?
    It may also be the way to get term limits and a cancellation of automatic pay increases for congress to be inserted into or laws? Conservatives should like those ideas, you would think they should like those changes.
    Well maybe not the kicking corporate influence out of government.

    1. No. It couldn't. Term limits are already in place. Go back to the cave.

  37. Anonymous1:50 PM

    American Christians are a strange breed – they love their guns almost as much as they love their God, so when a religious leader dared to suggest a movie like “Selma” demonstrated the teachings of Jesus in a better way than “American Sniper” tempers flared.

    MidAmerica Nazarene University’s chaplain Randy Beckum tried to make a point about the violent nature of today’s American culture by comparing the two Oscar-nominated movies. He noticed that while “Selma” was a film where the non-violent teachings of Jesus Christ were put to use by Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders in a powerful demonstration of love and compassion, American Christians seemed to be flocking instead to “American Sniper” – a movie about the soldier who had the most confirmed sniper kills in U.S. military history.

  38. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Name one person more full of shit than Palin, I dare you!

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Palin's ghostwriter. Nah, you're right.

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Hillary. That really was not much of a dare.

    3. Anonymous4:19 PM


      Is that you Sarah?

    4. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I haven't heard enough from Dakota Meyer yet.
      We'll see. Chris Kyle? Toya Kyle? Clint Eastwood? May be runner ups. The elderly Eastwood has some relationship issues. Bad taste in women.

      What a mess!


      Seriously who in their right mind would claim a movie that is so popular for violence is about a character study?

      Eastwood is selling a massive amount of shit. He is a contender. He has a much wider audience than Sarah Palin.

  39. Sarah Palin spends time with families of people who are so under educated and overwhelmed by the exceptional sentimentality of 21st century American culture that they are unable to respond appropriately

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      ....that she encourages to continue. Let's nuke everyone in the name of the LORD but come on over to my place for Kraft cheese slices- filled hotdogs because "Murika.

      Oh, and no combat veteran Track? He's in the hangar shooting up, and as soon as y'all leave I'll be taking my dose as well.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Excuse me! That would be cheese-filled moose weenies.

  40. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Term limitsmay apply to the office of the president but congressional offices are still exempt. This could be a way to turn this around on you conserative wingnut crazies.

  41. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Did the hostess with the mostess entertain those nice ladies in the airplane hangar/garage like her Thanksgiving guests? Such class! Such style! Such grace!

  42. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Turd woman.

  43. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Believe me, my heart goes out to the families of fallen solders, but\ she makes it sound like the only help these families get is from the private sector. I do believe that they also receive many government benefits and look at what Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden have done for our military. You will never see acknowledge their contribution.

  44. Anonymous7:15 PM

    ‘Neocon Fantasy’ ‘Cheering’ for More War

    That is what Palin is all about. She puts on a show, as if helping these widows, but it is just a show. She is softening up for a reason, but it is not to help widows.

  45. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Useless! but that's an accurate description of $carah and everythimg she and her tawdry famly do. A convention of states can't be called open-ended but has to have a specific amendment cited. Then the counting begins. Stoopid, stooooopid $carah.

  46. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Palin Will be Missed

    "As she begins to fade away, sadness fills the air. The humorous material Caribou Barbie gave comedy writers will be missed. Sarah Palin has been a perfect female George W. Bush. ‘Bushisms’ gave everyone a good laugh, well almost everyone, and Palin has been just as generous thanks to her desperate need to be in the public eye.

    It’s always sad when a great entertainer begins to lose his or her edge as they age. In the case of Palin, it’s her ‘cutesy’ and tactless delivery which became old, mixed with a severe lack of intellectual ability."........

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Speaking of the Bushes...did ya hear what Momma Bush said lately? Women will bring PEACE to the Middle East and Africa...oh Palin all fall down bitch...
      Sounds to me like 'no name' is being prepped for that
      'Birthright Owner' of...and that DNA proves it baby...
      Oh gosh better sick more folks on 'no name'...
      Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you...knowing you will...
      smirk...oh Sarah you are so fun to play with...
      When one is a become boring fast!
      You be so predictable

  47. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Turdett, shared with loved ones, hah, like her, boozed up brawl party even with a child. Lol.what s joke i mean ja.

  48. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Hey vet. families! this phony bitch wants to jump into war..any war . also and too! she couldn't care less about killing off your loved ones. shes all for cutting Your benefits and Food stamps. don't be a fool's fool.your kids are just another body to this maroon.

  49. Anonymous4:46 AM

    lol Sarah doesn't have a husband anymore either.

  50. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Did she have a luncheon for them? Did she ask the wives what help they need? And if these are local women how is she helping?

    I see she made sure it was a photo op.If she wants to help here are some suggestions for her that don't involve dressing in flag shoes and shirts or posing with a flag hanging on a wall, but be warned Sarah, it may take some of your time and or money. Surely a servant's heart can afford to give some of both.

  51. Anonymous10:46 AM

    So Sarah Kenny is heavy on the much for him hu? And Dan being back in Alaska - seen in Willow too...uh oh...Sounds to me like someone is going hunting...for them bitches...And the feds have sent the paperwork for a clearance of charges!This is what happens when some folks do their homework...funny how you never did your homework!

  52. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sarah has Nancy French on a roll with helping vets. It makes her look so caring and what do-gooders the war mongering criminals can become.

    March 7, 2015 Hunting with Wounded Iraq Vets

    Guns seem to be a cure all for the many afflictions as the Palin ilk sees it.

    This is how they would cure Track Palin's addictions, hunt, kill more, shoot something.

    It works as well as it did when Chis Kyle was being a do-gooder and helping the PTSD vet that killed him (PTSD or Rouths obvious insanity didn't work in a Texas court). Send Palin money, send money to the Kyle foundation Frog deal. Send money to them all. Send money to anything that supports curing with guns and shooting. Rah Rah from Sarah Palin as Nancy French as Bristol Palin.

    1. Anonymous2:28 AM

      The problem is that Track hasn't shot anybody in Sarah's imaginary combat mission.

  53. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Think about this.

    Sarah Palin brings home a dog and makes a Me Me photo op out of it.

    Sarah Palin brings home Gold Star Wives and makes a Me Me photo op out of it.

    Has this woman no shame?

  54. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Palin criticism of Clinton private email brings back memories

    Upon hearing about Sarah Palin’s recent Facebook post where she paints Hillary Clinton’s use of private email accounts as shady and corrupt, I had to call my friend Zane Henning to get his take. As usual, we were both on the same page: Sarah Palin’s hypocrisy knows no bounds.....

    .... Sensitive and confidential business was sent and received on unsecured and unprotected networks and servers and her cabinet officials, commissioners, aides and nearly all public officials she dealt with did not raise any red flags that official email accounts should be used. How’s that for shady and corrupt....

    ....As my friend Zane and I finished our call, we parted as usual -- ‘thank goodness she quit’ -- and rejoiced as Palin’s culture of lies and deception hobbles to oblivion.

  55. Anonymous3:03 AM

    WTF? Not that damn SarahPac paid for Sarah Palin's family summer vacation again.

  56. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Anonymous2:36 AM

    Think about this. 

    Sarah Palin brings home a dog and makes a Me Me photo op out of it.

    Sarah Palin brings home Gold Star Wives and makes a Me Me photo op out of it.

    Has this woman no shame?


    Think about this. In the future will Sarah Palin use her Me Me Me brings home Gold Star Wives photo op for her internet teevee show Amazing Sarah, I meant to Amazing America With Sarah Palin?

    So if Sarah Palin shows her Me Me Me photo op of bringing home Gold Star Wives on her Amazing America internet show, that means that Sarah Palin got paid for bringing home Gold Star Wives!

    Bringing home Gold Star Wives was used to create revenue!

    Has this woman no shame?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.