Saturday, March 28, 2015

On Real Time last night Bill Maher asked "How deeply stupid has the far left become?" Uh oh, this one's going to leave a mark.

This from Mediaite: 

Maher said just like conservatives, liberals have crazies of their own they need to rein in. He brought up the controversy over the Economist cover on Latinos and how Media Matters covered it. The liberal media watchdog called it “a tired trope often used to confine the Hispanic community to oversimplified representation in the media.” 

Maher reacted by telling Media Matters to “shut the fuck up.” 

He remarked, “How deeply stupid has the far-left become,” and said liberals just need to stop freaking out about every single little thing that doesn’t 100 percent conform to their worldview.

Maher makes some very good points about the Far Left having its own crazies. Of course we do. 

I guess the only real difference between our crazies and the Right Wing crazies, is that ours do not make up the base of the Democratic party.

I think as a rule most on the Left are quite pragmatic and realize they will never get their ideal candidate elected to office, while the Right have shovels on their shoulders and car batteries in their hands in the hopes of digging up Reagan's corpse and finding some way to bring it back to life to "save the country."

Maher also mocked Ted Cruz for lying about becoming a country music fan after 9-11. Which was such a stupid statement that I literally groaned when I heard him say it.

By the way I imagine that this headline will attract a fair share of Right Wing trolls, so remember the best way to handle them is to politely correct their grammar, pat them on their pointy heads, and smile disarmingly while gently pushing them out the door.


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Well, how about a painfully stupid comment from our favorite Christian lady at the c4p pond-tk....these people are so ugly and do any God a disservice:
    44 minutes ago
    "Woman Accused Of Removing A 7-Month Baby From Mother’s Womb Is Not Being Charged With Murder…
    Planned Parenthood rejoices."

  2. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Tripp ask for a plastic cup...your life may depend on it!

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Sorry wrong link

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Seriously? I hear a glass break downstairs and my oldest son is down there, but my first thought is that someone broke in and I need to go down with my loaded gun. You're right ... Tripp better ask for a plastic cup.

  3. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I don't think it hurts you Democrats as a whole. It just makes the complainers look like crybabies. But I'm a moderate. You can bet your ass the hard right will twist this silliness into something threatening.

    Kinda like the way we use the Palins to make the hard right look like dumbasses.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      I don't think the Palins (or the hard right) need any help to look like dumbasses.

    2. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Silliness? The far left says, "This is despicable and I'm not buying their stuff any longer". The rightwing would be blowing up their studio, home, and friends with homemade bombs, then try to get a law passed to ban gay people. THAT is the difference between the left and the right.

  4. hmm, what qualifies you as far left I wonder? Believing in climate change, being anti-war, believing that people should get paid a living wage, pro choice? I took so much shit during the Bush regime that I know make it a policy not to talk about much to anyone who listens to Faux News.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      We know some far-lefties who disdain the Democratic Party as much as they despise the GOP. Not very helpful when they sit out elections because the candidates are not, I don't know, "pure" enough.

  5. Anonymous6:56 PM

    The comment about liking Country Music perked my ears up.
    Sarah has mentioned Blake Shelton on the Voice to get her fans to watch a 2 minute promo on Jesus. Then the other day posts about Dolly Parton singing with a kid with autism. She must have thought about it sitting next to Taylor Swiff at the 40 SNL show
    See a trend? Get those down home country folk...

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Not surprised she's a fan of the notorious cheater Blake Shelton. Am surprised she's a fan of the liberal, pro-gay Dolly Parton.

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Don't be surprised by either. AIP Sarah Palin lacks scruples.

    3. Anonymous8:28 PM


      That is what she is! Fuck u Sarah..

  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    If Bill Maher seriously thinks there is ANY comparison between the "far left" complaining about an obscure magazine cover and the far right trying to destroy this country, he can kiss my great big fat far left ass. Fuck HIS wealth and power pandering ass. He showed it big time with this statement.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      I've always disliked him.

  7. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Serious wackos on right for sure. Far Left? they flip at last resort. Independent moderate? walking the fence. Independent conservative? An American Liberal. Who Cares? I only care about a few basic issues with any form or type of human. Toxic people suck.

  8. Anonymous8:35 PM

    SE Cupp: How DID you get pregnant?
    Waving at you, Brissy....

  9. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Because they so badly WANT to think they are holding the higher moral ground, it really frosts the balls of rightwingnuts when liberals bring up how they are on the opposite side of all that Jesus taught...

    We point out how they are against raising a hand to help the poor or the sick; that their worship of money and profits is destroying the planet Jesus charged us with protecting...

    That they prefer war to peace, and instead of loving their fellow man, they are constantly finding ways to alienate anyone not exactly like them.

    Yeah, they really HATE having any of that brought up...which is why you'll see comments from them that say, in rabid sounding words, that only THEY are the wise ones, and that liberals are trying to ruin America--that they are evil, devil worshiping demons.

    Sorry, but when I support something like women getting equal pay for equal work, or for reform of the tax code, so that the rich pay their fair share, I do not feel the least bit evil.

    But I think it is quite obvious, who IS.

    1. Anonymous4:27 AM

      ^^ THIS. Well stated.

    2. Anonymous4:47 AM

      "... they are constantly finding ways to alienate anyone not exactly like them."

      This is one of the main reasons the Ted Cruz ultra-pandering lie he told about only listening to country music after 9/11 frosts my Wheaties mightily - now there's one more thing the right will fling in our faces.

      Just like when I say I support a woman's right to choose an abortion or support equal rights for gays, I get told I must be a liberal democrat. I wasn't, many years ago,I was a registered Republican. I am a Democrat now, however, simply because I kept getting told I must be one.

      Now our taste in music is going to be used as the barometer of our political convictions? As a musician this makes me truly sick to my stomach.


    3. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Hey Marvin! A fellow musician here, who also has a musician son.

      I used to be a Republican, too. (Cringe.) I thought the same thing when Cruz said that. I mean, are these people SO STUPID they can't tell pandering when they hear it?

      But that's a rhetorical question.

  10. Anonymous11:00 PM

    It's just the conservatives/fundies can make you Sooooo Mad!

  11. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Well according to this post you should know exactly why you attract Sarah Palin's Right Wing trolls. And yes, at least one of them should be pushed right out the door and not fed. It goes directly to her thighs and fat arms.

  12. Caroll Thompson2:18 AM

    As a left of center moderate, I can describe my political belief by the following: Whether you sit on the right or the left side of the airplane, it is far better to ride in the airplane than to fly on the wings.

  13. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Just consider all those far lefties who voted for Nader in 2000 and 2004 and the "uber progressives" who disdain President Obama.

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Look, the thing about Mayer and even Jon Stewart, is that they call out the BS from both sides. It's just that the lunatic right wing gives them so much more to call out! But Stewart has always held the liberals to the fire - when they need it. Does anyone on the right do that? O'Reilly? Does Megan Kelly do that? Any of them??? Crickets....

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Self-awareness is not one of their strengths.

  15. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I didn't mind listening to country music before 9/11: "The Coward of the County", "Playing with the Queen of Hearts", "Islands in the Stream", "If You Wanna Play in Texas, You Gotta Have A Fiddle in the Band", "Walkaway Joe". Then 9/11 hit, and the country music getting airtime was all "Jebus 'n' guns 'n' super-stupid-uber-Patriotism 'n' iff'n yew don't agree imma kick yer ass". Obnoxious.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.