Friday, March 13, 2015

President Obama has the best reaction ever to the 47 Senate Republicans who signed the letter to Iran. He's embarrassed for them.

Courtesy of The Jerusalem Post:  

US President Barack Obama was quoted on Friday as saying that he was "embarrassed" for the 47 Republican senators who wrote a letter to the Iranian government threatening to undermine any agreement reached regarding Tehran's nuclear program. 

In an interview with Vice News, the president said that the letter was "close to unprecedented." 

"I'm embarrassed for them," the president told Vice News. "For them to address a letter to the ayatollah ... who they claim is our mortal enemy, and their basic argument to them is, 'Don't deal with our president because you can't trust him to follow through on an agreement.' That's close to unprecedented."

I would like to correct the President on one point here.

The Republicans are NOT suggesting that the Iranians cannot trust the President.

They are outright stating that the Iranians CAN trust THEM to sabotage any deal that Iran and the President might reach, and also trust that if a Republican is elected in 2016 that it will be dismantled completely. 

In my opinion the President is being very presidential here because he has every right to slam his fist on his desk and call these assholes out for purposefully undermining a deal with Iran, and increasing the possibility of yet another war that will see potentially thousands of our military members bleeding out onto the sand.

Instead he is embarrassed for them, because clearly they lack the capacity to feel embarrassed themselves. As always, he takes the high road.

I guess that is why he is the President. And let's take a moment to thank our lucky stars that HE is our President, because there is no longer any doubt as to what would be happening right now if a Republican had won either of the two last presidential elections.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Hopefully President Obama is mostly quiet because they are secretly figuring out a way to deal with theses 47 assholes.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Of the 47 gop senators, McCain has just added to his list of embarrassing fiascos. First it was being one of the Keating 5 of which he got off easy because of his POW status. What a war "hero" he has turned out to be. After picking the brainless slut sarah palin as his running mate, and singing bomb bomb bomb bomb iran, now he was stupid enough to sign a letter to Iran to put a damper on possible negotiations that the Administration is working on to avoid another war in the middle east. He used up his war hero status when he picked palin. Now as far as I'm concerned, McCain can go pick his ass in prison. He was always stupid and doesn't seem to be improving with age. Time to put him out to pasture.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      It is not just the U.S. that's negotiating -- also China, Russia, the UK, France, and Germany.
      Imagine what it's taken to get all of these nations to work together.
      The 47 numbskulls/traitors have shown to a huge portion of the world that the GOP cannot be trusted.
      They've made a fool of themselves on the world stage.
      McCain's excuse: "I was trying to avoid a snowstorm, so I didn't really read it very carefully" has to be one of the single most disgusting admissions/lies of a national politician. He should resign in disgrace.

    2. You're right about McCain showing his history of stupidity. His "hero" image has lost it's luster after his many stupid moves. Of course, choosing Sarah Palin out of desperation as his V.P. will always follow him to his final days.

    3. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Gee, if he missed his plane, couldn't he have stayed in one of his 11 or 12 or thirteen houses?

    4. Anonymous11:44 AM

      McCain does not have a big following in our country. He screwed up badly when putting Sarah Palin on his ticket (thank god they lost!) and has done many other idiotic things throughout his career.

      He also didn't do well while in the military - crashed airplanes - didn't begin to measure up to his Dad's military career - was taken prisoner and spilled the beans. He's also been horrible to his wives - left one because she had MS, etc.

      He is not a nice man or a good American in my estimation. Signing that letter was his final downfall! What an ass!

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    You know, the letter doesn't even make sense, because the Iranians know that if the deal blows up, and the GOP is in charge, they will die. So why on Earth would they screw up the deal to please the warmongering hateful GOP losers? And, if they are following US news, they know that the country is not crazy, just one part of one party is insane, and we will not let them take control.

    1. Leland2:57 AM

      "...and we will not let them take control."

      I sincerely hope you are right, but I have my doubts about the intelligence of the American people anymore.

  4. Caroll Thompson4:54 PM

    I emailed my own Senator Susan Collins this evening and thanked her for being one of the seven who did not sign the letter. Senator Lisa Murkowski was also one of the seven sane ones.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Probably the only sane thing Frank's little girl has done.

    2. Anonymous1:31 AM

      Hey Lisa, who's yer Daddy?

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Lisa Murkowski is up for reelection in 2016 and is in for a battle - she almost lost last go around. She's bringing in the big guns that got Dan Sullivan elected to the U.S. Congress. You know, the carpetbagger!

      I have never voted for Murkowski (or her Dad, Frank) and will campaign against her in Alaska!

  5. You know President This Guy's real name is Eddie, right? As in, Steady.

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    As the mother of an active duty military son, I am VERY thankful for our President, as is my son, who proudly serves under him.

  7. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Has there EVER been a time when this President has not taken the high road?? I wish I could vote for him again.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      According to the brain trust at c4p, the president has no intention of leaving office at the end of his term. They are actually convinced that he is going to either attempt to rewrite the law or overthrow the system! There is a hilarious discussion going on tonight on the thread. Constitutional conservative metal giants, they are!

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      MENTAL, not metal! Damn you auto-suggest!

    3. Anonymous4:47 AM

      I read mental, the brain does not actually read every word if it can parse the phrase from memory.

  8. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Out of all the "Big personalities," I've met the most people who've worked with Sarah Palin. Those people all say they love her. I mean, her kids and their friends say she is one of the funniest people ever. Sense of humor runs deep in her family. It's why her kids can laugh off slander.

    1. Lucy Ricardo5:30 PM

      Libel, dear.

      We have never heard a funny story from Sarah, a laugh, or, rarely, seen a smile. She snarls, complains, ridicules, and whines. There's no evidence of this "sense of humor" that you allege.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      How is the adopted kid?

    3. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Oh fuck off Alicia

    4. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Sarah 'the Skank' Palin is coarse, crude, nasty, vile, damaged, emotionally stunted, dishonest, fake, ignorant, hateful and ugly to the core. She has absolutely no sense of humor and is the thinnest skinned loser around.

      She isn't funny, she isn't clever and she isn't worth listening to, ever. She can only spew and spit bumper sticker slogans and demagogic rhetoric, of which she recycles for every one of her so called speeches.

      You are a sad little troll that has never met any big personalities, you just wish you had. Sarah's hay day has come and gone. She will never be more than a joke on the international and national stage with everyone laughing at her utter depravity and desperation.

      She has been an abysmal failure in everything she does, everything she says and everything she promotes. She's is a pus filled canker sore on a rat's ass and that's all she will ever be.

    5. Anonymous6:13 PM

      5:23 That's nice sweetie. Except you haven't met any of those people. Are your imaginary friends visiting you again?

      Here, I have an assignment for you. Go find out when your idol is going to rehome Triggy to her good friends, the Harris couple from Arkansas.

    6. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Well, by all means then, tell your "big personalities" to persuade her to run for 2016. The take down will be EPIC and I, for one, can't wait!

    7. Anonymous6:41 PM

      5:23 PM You have met nobody. Can Bristol laugh off her Lies about being a born again virgin? She is probably on her back right now, moaning in her new Trial Daddy's ears. Is Tripp in the same room with his fornicating Mom?

    8. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I actually am working on a theory that Trig was Todd's love child and adopted by a Palin cohort then rehomed to Todd and Sarah, eliminating an adoption certificate paper trail in the Palin's name.

    9. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Oh Alicia, you're so funny. Listen deary, I live in Wasilla and know quite a few people who were unfortunate enough to work under the "Wicked Witch of Wasilla", which she is not so fondly referred to both here at home and in Juneau.

      Her religious butt-buddies, all of whom she ended up throwing under the bus, by the way, were the only people that ever had anything nice to say about her, oh, and she herself when she wrote editorials extolling her virtues using various pen names; she always has been her own biggest fan.

      Others who had the misfortune of working with her have nothing good to say, nothing favorable regarding her intelligence, her capabilities and most of all her most terrible demeanor and utter lack of tact and manners.

      I know there is no changing your mind, but you have to realize that she is not widely liked or respected here in AK, a few friends, of course, they have to say nice things, but really she's burned all her bridges except for 2 or 3 loyal hangers on and she's a sad and lonely outcast here in the Greatland.

    10. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Do you never get tired of being an idiot?

    11. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Pssssst. We're not laughing with her, we're laughing at her, as she deserves.

    12. Anonymous12:06 AM

      She IS one of the funniest people ever, but not for the reason you imagine....she gives me a good laugh every day! AT her.

    13. Anonymous2:12 AM

      And she's got the blood of at least three people on her hands. Did she "laugh" about all those deaths Alicia ?

  9. Hell, I 'm embarrassed by these assholes. One of my senators put his damned name on this and I emailed him how he humiliated the state. Tehran Tom Cotton isn't embarrassed--he's being wined and dined by defense contractors.

  10. Anonymous5:39 PM

    An Open Letter to 47 Republican Senators of the United States of America from Iran’s Hard-Liners

    You have opened our eyes. We are brothers.

  11. Anonymous5:41 PM

    They are outright stating that the Iranians CAN trust THEM to sabotage any deal that Iran and the President might reach, and also trust that if a Republican is elected in 2016 that it will be dismantled completely.
    And Iran told them as much in response.
    With an added "BUTT OUT."

  12. Anonymous5:41 PM

    The Obama Diary is reporting on six years of meetings between President Obama and a sergeant he met at Normandy, who was then severely wounded in Afghanistan.
    It is the clearest example that our President knows intimately the cost of war to our troops, and that is why he has done as much as he can, and continues to do as much as he can, to negotiate our way through the world, instead of sending our
    young people to be injured or to die in wars that have no meaning.
    That's what true patriotism is, Senators.

  13. Obama made a great statement when he said he felt "embarrassed" for them. He's not angrily calling them out for what they did and by doing so putting himself on the same level the Republicans are on. You would think that he would be very angry by what they did, and he's probably is, but he's not showing it and instead he's taken the approach that they're nothing but idiots and fools and saying in a nice way.

    I'm hoping for more fall out for what they did so the people can see they're only doing what's best for their party and not for whats best for the country. But FOX has really made it clear for us that we really have a lot of easily manipulated people in our country that can be highly influenced through propaganda and never realize they're being used by both FOX and the Republican party. It really scary to see we have so many people who are that ignorant and so readably persuaded.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Every time he responds, m baker, he clearly shows that he's the adult in the room.

  14. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Looks like Bibi is losing it. He's plunging in the polls and freaking out big time. Israel has had enough of his war mongering and fear mongering and radical agenda and they are letting him have it.

    Bibi Gripped by Panic & Paranoia As Polls Slide

    ...It is important to recognize that these kind of wild charges and roundhouse punches at foreign enemies trying to drive Bibi from office and give the Palestinians a state are ones quite well-tailored to appeal to Likud's right wing base. But this is not the sound of a winning campaign, to put it mildly.

    When the election was called in the fall it was supposed to be an easy reelection. Remember Netanyahu forced the election two years early. The speech to Congress was supposed to cut his opponents off at the knees. But here we are three days before the election with Netanyahu, who has served as Prime Minister in three governments, sounding the alarm that his rivals' candidacy is "illegitimate" because they have conspired with 'media elements', foreign governments, newspapers, tycoons and NGOs to bring him down.

    1. Gee it would be such a shame if he lost the election.

      Don't you think?

  15. Anonymous6:00 PM

    The total disrespect of the President of the United States is unbelievable. Never in my lifetime (65 yrs) have I ever heard of such ignorance. I hope President Obama spends the rest of his time as "President" continuing to look out for all of us that voted for him.
    Thank you President Obama.

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Same here. What do the repubs. fear so much? A highly intelligent man was elected TWICE by the citizens, no dirty tricks, no tampered with ballot boxes, and the gop can not STAND it. Could it be that they have not one single person on their side who can equal the President in any way? Their side is full of classless, unindicted felons. Most of the clown car they have running for office have charges pending against them. There is not ONE decent, law abiding person in the entire group. Christie, Perry and some others might be in prison before the presidential election rolls around, yet they STILL keep campaigning (for $$$) John McCain is a JOKE, repulsive little man. He still has not recovered from being soundly beaten by our President, and we can thank our lucky stars the ugly old lumpy guy lost.

  16. Anonymous6:02 PM

    47 Republicans’ Iran letter was not treasonous but mutinous, explains retired Army general

  17. Anonymous6:13 PM

    The Republican Iran Letter Is the Perfect Neoconservative Fiasco

  18. Anonymous6:20 PM

    The true scandal of the GOP senators’ letter to Iran

  19. Anonymous6:20 PM

    It is unprecedented. It's treason, through and through. It's a huge national embarrassment. And it will absolutely go nowhere. There will be no repercussions to these GOP traitors. Nothing. Because the media is controlled by the right-wing Koch/Murdoch/Fox trio. Nothing will happen, and these traitors will go back to their constituents and be hailed as heroes. Sickening.

  20. Anonymous12:21 AM

    The first thing I thought that letter would accomplish, is to goad the Iranians into hurrying up their efforts to have a nuclear defense, against the poorly veiled threat by Republicans, that they would invade Iran the first chance they got.

    I'm now hearing that others are noticing this truly awful outcome.

    If FoxTeaPublicans really want to prevent a nuclear armed Iran, they just did the worst thing possible to meet that goal.

  21. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Yes, our President is a better man than these 47 combined. I dread the day that he leaves office, but I hope that he has a long and happy retirement. He deserves the chance to relax and speak more freely. And I have no doubt that he will still work and help make things better.

    And also, there were also 7 Republicans who didn't sign the letter. Good for them.

  22. Anonymous1:25 AM

    So, remember back when Levi moved in with Sunny right after they met and immediately called each other wifey and hubby?
    They explained it by saying "when you know you know"

    That is what makes this funny

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      1:25 What duh fuk are you babbling about?

    2. Anonymous3:29 AM

      1:25 Huh? Go tell someone who CARES what the slut from Wasilly is doing now. First time they get drunk and the fight starts, they will both see the other as they truly are, LOSERS.

  23. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Hey, Gryph! According to her instagram, Bristol and Dakota are engaged........

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      So. Is the over/under 6 months until the next kid pops out?

  24. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Thank god we have President Obama as our leader - for a second term! He is an outstanding man!

    Especially when you look at the Republican party and their sorry excuses for supposed representation. They are a mess and I'll wager will lose many positions across the nation in 2016!


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