Friday, March 13, 2015

On radio talk show Rudy Giuliani blames President Obama for the cops being shot in Ferguson and suggests he should talk more like Bill Cosby.

Courtesy of the New York Daily News:  

Host John Gambling sought Giuliani’s take on the vicious McDonald’s fight; the recent police shootings in Ferguson, Mo., and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton getting booed Thursday at a City Council hearing by protesters. 

Giuliani said, “It all starts at the top. It’s the tone that’s set by the President.” 

The former mayor said he just returned from a trip overseas, and the United States is constantly derided there as a “racist state.” 

“It is the obligation of the President to explain . . . that our police are the best in the world,” said Giuliani. 

Obama is also not addressing the “enormous amount of crime” that’s being committed by African-Americans, Giuliani said. 

“I hate to mention it because of what happened afterwards, but (he should be saying) the kinds of stuff Bill Cosby used to say,” said Giuliani.

Okay so in what way should the President talk more like Bill Cosby?

Should he tell young women, "Here drink this it will make it easier for me to rape you?"

I fail to see how that would be an improvement on anything he says now.

No of course Guiliani is talking about how Cosby used to lecture black men about being better fathers, because racist assholes like Giuliani love it when black people slam other black people, because then he can repeat it without sounding like a racist.

Or so he thinks.

Apparently Guiliani takes his cues about what is, or is not, racist from "The Office."

Oh by the way Giuliani is by no means alone in his blaming of Obama for the cops being shot in Ferguson, the entire Right Wing media network is right there with him.

Gee, it's almost like they coordinate with each other or something.


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Giuliani is just another buffoon pining for attention.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      He makes mega-bucks with a security consulting firm, and giving speeches for big fees about terrorism, etc., his pet topic. He goes on these shows to get some press, so his speaking fees will stay elevated.

  2. Chenagrrl2:47 PM

    Am wondering if Rudy boy is in need of a dose, or two, of Aricept.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    He is a racist and needs to be put out to pasture permanently! This is written by a white, senior citizen!

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      "He is a racist and needs to be put out to pasture permanently! This is written by a white, senior citizen!"
      Let me fix that for you...Guiliani "is a racist".

      There...from a white, senior citizen.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Thank you, 3:12 PM! From 2:55 PM.

    3. Boscoe4:07 PM

      It's okay 2:55, I knew what you meant. :)

  4. "“It is the obligation of the President to explain . . . that our police are the best in the world,” said Giuliani."
    Oh, what utter fucking bullshit. It is not the President's job to say one damn thing about US police forces to anyone.

    And an asinine, blanket, jingoistic, comment like Giuliani suggests is just plain moronic. How can you make a statement like that as if how ever many hundreds of thousands of police departments from New England to Hawaii, from Alaska to Florida all were identical in practices, hiring, attitudes and culture?

    No, Rudy, you malevolent racist simpleton. There are some excellent police departments in the US that strive to "protect and serve" and do so admirably. There are others riddled with viciousness and corruption from top to bottom.

    Giuliani: Noun, verb, something stupid. And racist.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Rudy's BFF, whom he appointed NYC Police Chief and whom Bush nominated as Secretary of Homeland Security: Bernard Kerik.
      Bernie's grand ambition stopped there, when he was charged with multiple Federal crimes and sentenced to five years in prison. There's so much to be said about Bernard Kerik -- but let's just say that Rudy Giuliani showed the worst possible judgment in making Kerik the Chief of Police, where he was a tough, nasty enforcer, just like his boss.
      Kerik's a felon, so he cannot vote for Rudy if Giuliani ever hoped to run for anything again. Of course, he won't -- he just wants his speaking fees.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      You said it for me, Nefer, as usual!

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    O/T but ha ha, weird "fem-looking" christian grifting re-homing Arkansas asshole Justin Harris, champion of "small government" is found to have received quite a bit of sweet government cash for his christian school. Go figure.

    1. Maddening. He could use some jail time.

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Am I right in recalling that Guiliani wasn't such a great dad? Maybe Guiliani simply does not know that Bill Cosby has been in swirl of serious controversy in the last year or so. He, Guiliani, has never gotten past 2001.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Neither of his grown children, in their 20s, have much to do with him, since he left their mother while he was mayor, and she found out about it when he held a press conference to say that he was separating from her.

      She's a strong woman -- Donna Hanover, who's had a couple of TV shows and was a judge on "Law and Order" (irony noted) a few times. When Rudy decided to go off with his mistress, who became his wife #3,
      Donna Hanover refused to leave Gracie Mansion with the children, and Giuliani had to go bunk with some friends.
      Those family values, you know. Ask Rudy all about them.

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Well, it's obviously because he and Bill share the same kind of "family values".

      That is, they value families at just about nothing.

    3. Anonymous11:27 PM

      I have wondered before why one (or all) of his kids haven't told him to shut the fuck up and quit embarrassing the hell out of them. Hope they have already legally changed their last name to Hanover.

  7. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "Rudy Giuliani Lies While Blaming Obama For The Murder of Two New York Police Officers"

    ...There is nothing in the president’s public remarks that would back up Giuliani’s claim that Obama has been spreading anti-police propaganda. Giuliani’s comments are straight from the Fox News talking points that President Obama is responsible for any violent acts or protests against the police.

  8. Anonymous3:55 PM

    He's a fuck-ass dirt bag deluxe.

  9. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Interesting that G accuses Obama of ANTHING after 9/11. G is guilty of espionage, murder, treason.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      "America's mayor."

  10. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Rudy needs to be not taken seriously and bitch slapped.

  11. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This is a real eye opener, Gryphen:

    An Open Letter to 47 Republican Senators of the United States of America from Iran’s Hard-Liners

    You have opened our eyes. We are brothers.

  12. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Rudy have a seat! Don't you have another dress to wear and another cousin to marry?!

  13. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Gryphen, does Giuliani mean "Pudding Pops" Cosby or "Fat Albert" Cosby? I'll be honest with you; I was a huge Fat Abert fan, so if President Obama would talk like Fat Albert I would actually enjoy that, I always used to think Giuliani was a rat faced douchebag but if he continues to come up with awesome ideas like this I will be more interested in what he has to say.

    But he'll always be a rat-faced douchebag.

  14. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Rudy Giuliani if it's the African American president’s fault for crimes created by African Americans, then is it the White American's president’s fault for crimes created by White Americans?

  15. Anonymous9:03 PM

    When is the last time Rudy held an office? Gee I think he's stealing stuff right out of Palin's playbook trying to remain relevant. Like her, he will never sit down and shut up. They are both like Chatty Cathy dolls. Pull the string and derpity derpity derp derp derp.

  16. Anonymous12:26 AM


    Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger 'have told friends they will get married'

    In other celeb news.

    I heard that Sarah or Bristol made an announcement but I couldn't find it. It's a little too soon for an engagement. But I don't really know how long they've been fuc_ing.

    Barf Rancic addresses extreme weight loss rumors

  17. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Is that picture really Giuliani? It looks like some angry old white guy that got charged 50 years after the fact with bombing a church in Mississippi or a lynching....

    Oh wait! It's Rudy alright... My Bad...

    It figures he'd say something like that...
    His NYPD kills more blacks than the Ferguson PD does....

  18. Anonymous5:20 AM

    This event will be revealed as false flag.......mark my words////


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