Friday, March 13, 2015

President Obama reads his mean tweets on the Jimmy Kimmel Show.

I have to imagine they waded through a whole bunch of tweets that could never be shared on television before they found those.

I have seen a quite a number of tweets that are downright racist, violent, and even pornographic.


  1. Apparently that @RWSurferGirl is a racist wingnut, the attention exploded her Twitter follower list. They must have picked out the least nasty of her Tweets to Obama.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Are there any wingnuts who are NOT racist?? (I mean, come on, I like to think I can find some good in anyone--but these guys are making it real--real---hard.)

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Like the radio host Figueroa that was fired over saying that our beautiful First Lady looks like she belongs in the cast of "Planet Of The Apes," there will always be people that hide behind a microphone or computer spewing their hatred.

    I was proud to vote for him twice and would again. The man is dignified class, and I hope you get to meet him come August, Gryph!

  3. Anonymous2:05 PM

    So, his haters are identical to people here who write similar hateful things.

    Go figure. Not.

    Liberals are no different from the people they hate. NO different.

    They bully, they release the hounds of hell on twitter. liberal bLoggers encourage the lies and hate too

    Thanks for admitting this

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      You do know, I hope, that you are making very little sense with your tirade. Brush up on your language skills and then you can come back and TRY to compete here.

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Why don't you spend more time making your own blog actually visually appealing and interesting enough so that people will actually comment? Here's the link in case you forgot it while you were trolling here. Your blog is an utter piece of shit, if only you'd be nice Gryphen might give you some advice on how to make a real blog that attracts viewers.

      Since you have ISIS so far up your unemployed butt, why don't you go join the military and help fight them? I can't say it would be the saddest day in American history if they actually lopped off your head.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      2:05 PM

      You'd better "still" your spine should Queen Heifer run for prez like you and your ilk are all praying fervently for.

      The point of Gryph's post: President Obama handles criticism with class. You, however.....

    4. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Your love obsession/Bristol Palin is in Las Vegas being a born again virgin? Do you really believe that?
      Bristol's panties drop and her legs spread as soon as she latches onto a potential Trial Daddy. Drinking and drugs are easy in Las Vegas, and you can bet that Bristol is partaking. Bristol misses the days of non-stop partying with Dylan Kolvig(Trig's Daddy).

    5. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Yes, we regularly say things like "McCain looks like he came from the Planet of the Apes, why doesn't he go back to Vietnam and this time get killed?"


      You seem to conflate "hating" with "disagreeing". Maybe you should take a class in basic logic sometime.

    6. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Oh no Pointy! You have a blog? Really? And you haven't invited me over? I'm so bummed.

      I think somebody may have you confused with someone else. We both know that you're not smart enough to put a site together, don't we?

      You've been m.i.a. for awhile. Have you been out stalking? Who are you tormenting today?

      Really Pointy? Haters? How old are you, 12? You love us so much, you're here every day to get your pointy little head stroked. You can't stay away.

  4. Anonymous2:05 PM

    ot but it's hilarious that Kathy G quit Joan's show for the same reason Bristol refused to be on it: it's mean.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Yes, that's it, Kathy Griffin and Bristol share the same sense of empathy for those who find themselves in the spotlight on E! NOT.

      Remember, Bristol was offered a "one off" chance to sit with Joan Rivers and participate in the show as a guest, not as a hired host. Not sure why she didn't accept because when it comes to being an evil judgmental bitch, Bristol takes the cake!

      Bristol has no problem harassing Sunny and Mercede relentlessly and even stalking her "enemies" (some of them the girls that dated Levi back in High School for christ's sake...get over it girl, really.) In Wasilla she's always following them around in her big giant ride, with her kid in the car, no less, so no, Bristol is not nice and actually would have been a perfect fit with Guliana Rancic because she's a nasty piece of work, just like "Ghooliana", and also too she owes Guliana for not showing her pregnant belly during the E! interview at Bristol's home in AZ, when she was totally knocked up after DWTS and had to skip the traveling show to have a baby that since "disappeared".

      Bristol is a bitch and a loose woman who has birthed maybe three bastard babies, why do you want to take up for her? Alicia, you are so weird and you find your "heroes" in the strangest places.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      The Palins are no heroes by any means. Let Bristol, any of them, do what they want as long as they realize they are not spokesmen for a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g except deceit, bullying, and grifting OPM to live off of.

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      2:05 Dopey, you're lying again. You don't know Kathy G. or Bristol. You stalk them and make shit up. Bristol did say that she thinks you're mental. Smartest thing I've ever heard her say.

  5. Anonymous2:07 PM

    How about a petition for a Gryphen meet and greet with the President?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.