"I'm sorry what's the Jewish word for Fuck you?" |
President Barack Obama told Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday that Washington would "reassess" its options on U.S.-Israel relations and Middle East diplomacy after the Israeli prime minister took a position against Palestinian statehood during his re-election campaign, a White House official said.
Obama’s telephone call to Netanyahu followed a television interview in which the Israeli leader backed away from his pre-election declaration that there would be no Palestinian state on his watch, an about-face apparently aimed at quelling U.S. criticism triggered by his comments.
The White House, unmoved by Netanyahu’s effort to backtrack, delivered a fresh rebuke against him on Thursday and signaled that Washington may reconsider its decades-old policy of shielding close ally Israel from international pressure at the United Nations.
An official statement put out later in the day said Obama called Netanyahu to congratulate him on his election win and used the opportunity to reaffirm his commitment to a two-state solution, a longtime cornerstone of U.S. policy on the Middle East conflict.
But Obama also delivered a blunt message that underscored the seriousness of the U.S.-Israel rift. "The president told the prime minister that we will need to reassess our options following the prime minister's new positions and comments regarding the two-state solution," the White House official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
I know this is going to seriously piss off the Republicans, but I have to say good on the President for explaining to this warmonger that without support from America they are a siting duck.
Netanyahu's big play to get the Republicans to help him to squelch Obama's attempts to reach a deal with Iran is backfiring in a big way.
He must have thought he was dealing with the pre-2014 midterm President Obama, instead of the new "kicking ass and taking names" President Obama.
Obama in 2008
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Yes we can |
Obama in 2015.
It's about time a U.S. president stood up to Israel instead of continuing to let its leaders, Netanyahu in particular, force the United States to start World War III for Israel's benefit. Fuck that shit. I hope Obama continues this stance.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
DeleteI agree!
DeleteTotally agree!
DeleteYes! Thank you for stating the obvious. I'm sick to tears over being held 'hostage' by Israel.
DeleteI hope that means "no mo money honey"! But can't our idiot bibi ass kissing congress block it?
DeleteThe Israelis have given up land, over and over. Hamas took everyone's money to rebuild with, but built tunnels into Israel instead of taking care of its citizens. How much is enough?!?
DeleteI will say that I'm tired of sending money to countries that only want to destroy others as many in the region do.
Also, too.
DeleteYes, thank you for stating the obvious thank you.
Delete7:36...the Israelis had no land until WE helped set up Israel after WW2. Now they are hellbent on shoving the Palestinians into the sea. The stories of them bulldozing settlements are sickening. Then they block food ship cents, building supplies, and even medicine from getting to Palestine. THAT is why there are tunnels...for survival. How were the people supposed to have food and water when everything above ground was being bombed by Israel?
DeleteIt's quite likely that the state of Israel would never have come into being if not for the Holocaust and the intense sympathy extended to European and Russian Jews. But I think the GOP are still residing in the last century, and believe that this global sympathy still exists. The rest of the world sees how Israelis have treated the Palestinians and basically turned Israel into an apartheid state. Younger North American Jews are not so protective of Israel as their parents and grandparents are/were -- who believed that at last they had a country to turn to if ever their own turned against them as a group. Younger Jews see the problems in Israel realistically, and are much more loyal to the countries in which they live. Very few even take the opportunity to spend a summer on a kibbutz, something which was practically expected of young North American Jews 20 or 30 years ago. No, the loyalty towards Israel is fading, and Bibi is inadvertently hastening it. Time for the U.S. to reconsider is protection of what has actually turned into a bit of a rogue country.
DeleteI don't know the Hebrew phrase for "fuck you," but I know a few Yiddish ones that would do the trick.
ReplyDelete4:44 PM:
Delete:-) ....Please proceed......
Thank you president Obama for holding be be's feet to the fire ,for his immature rhetoric boolshit!
ReplyDeleteI wonder just how much money we send Israel every year? Enough to build extra schools? Provide services to the elderly?
ReplyDeleteI think I read $6 Billion?
DeleteWho knows the exact amount?
DeleteI think that the amount of our foreign aid to Israel should be a fraction of what it is and has been. We did not support apartheid South Africa, did we? Why should we support apartheid Israel? And, to the extent that Israel's nuclear weapons are ours, we should remove them. If Israel doesn't want a Moslem country to have nuclear weapons, then Israel should not have them either. Fair is fair; even the GOP should agree with that. (haha)
Why are we giving ANY foreign aid to Israel any longer????
DeleteWhy do they need it? What is the rationale?
Going by all of their blustering talk---aren't they capable of defending themselves, at this point??
U.S. OUT of Israel!!!
I don't know if Obama can do this on his own, but if he can he should withhold the $10 billion we give Israel every year in direct aid and loan forgiveness. The money can be better spent here in the states.
ReplyDelete5:12 PM:
DeleteI heartily agree with you!
Thank you. They have a far superior way of life (better than the US) thanks to the US.
Delete$10 billion?
DeleteIsrael received $2.775 billion in military aid and $400 million in economic aid in 2010.
The Obama kicks door video is edited. In the original video, the door Obama walked through was already open.
DeleteOk, that's what I thoufgt, but it does look. Pretty real. But you know what? I'd love to see him really do that!
DeleteThe door kick video is fake. Do a search on "Obama door kick" to see how it was faked.
DeleteAnonymous5:16 PM
DeleteThe Obama kicks door video is edited. In the original video, the door Obama walked through was already open.
Most of us realized that. Why do you think it was SO FUCKING important to tell us all ?
Okay I guess that's on me.
DeleteI just assumed that everybody would recognize the the door kick gif was fake.
I mean this is the President we are talking about.
I cannot imagine the number of times President Obama has wanted to deck that jerk from Israel! Kicking the door in isn't his style - as we all know.
DeleteTruly wonder how he keeps his cool! So proud of him and delighted he is our leader! He's doing one hell of a job!
Only now some idiot that wasn't privy to that fake door kicking, will get a hold of it and make all the gullible ass wipes believe it's true. Doesn't take much to convince them to start with. Stop giving them ammo Gryphen!
DeleteEnjoyed the gif. The doofuses that don't are the same one who post articles from WingNutDaily and the Onion as news.
DeleteLet's email it to congress!
DeleteLOVE that gif, fake or not.
DeleteMy president is bad@ss.
You'd think the GOP would re-assess Israel also, just on the basis of free-of-charge abortions for women ages 20-33.
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Yes, we're probably helping fund those free abortions!
DeleteThey have universal health care, thanks to us!! While WE are denied universal healthcare, and pot holes abound, schools are falling apart, infrastructure decaying. Boehner and a group of his cohorts are going to Israel, on our $$$ to celebrate with Bibi.
DeleteMr Nutanyahoo! The ambassador just delivered a bag of camel dicks! He said to eat 'em up!
ReplyDelete5:35 and a side of Pork rinds, also, too!!!
Did Bibi really win? I heard it was close....and then like magic its wasn't? Hmmm where was Rove?
We need to STOP providing financial aid to Israel. Their leader is a total asshole and war monger deserving zero support from President Obama or the USA!
ReplyDeleteYes we need to quit bleeding trillions of our taxpayer money to Israel.
Deletenow it's "trillions"?
DeleteIt is BILLIONS, and he wants even more.
DeleteI do hope that our wonderful President Obama continues to show his strength to the GOP and to Netanyahu. Both deserve to be called out for their behavior!
ReplyDeleteGood on Obama, we really do need to reassess our policy with Israel with a sneaky, back stabbing, lying, conniving Prime Minister who is hell bent on securing his power by fear mongering.
ReplyDelete“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”
ReplyDeleteAbraham Lincoln
As usual, Mr. Obama knows which way the wind blows. He said in the 2008 primary that he would absolutely talk with the leaders of Iran. And he said it in the General Election and he won. He said it again in the 2012 election.
Obama talked the talk and without drama, he walks the walk.
Let's hear it for peace and prosperity.
Peace and prosperity are so anti republican, doncha know? I would like to know how much the Aipac and other Jewish pacs pay the traitors who are representing Israel rather than us.
DeleteSo proud of this President! And so gratifying to hear so many people voicing their disgust with Israel. Enough is enough, Israel, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Fox News. He's taking names and kicking ass!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I voted for President Obama both times. He's doing an outstanding job in spite of the guy from Israel and the Republicans in our U.S. Congress. Fuck them! No respect for any of them and feel that absolutely no more money should be sent Israel.
ReplyDeleteand we will all be called anti-sematic for speaking the truth about the actions of Isreal, that phony defense does not cut it anymore
ReplyDeleteI refuse to knuckle to that anymore. Israel emphasizes that it is our only friend in that region. However, our good friend has spied on us and has not worked for peace. Jews have every right to live and worship in peace. The state of Israel needs a reality check.
DeleteJews AND Palestinians, you mean? All people have the right to live and worship in peace. How many kids has Bibi killed simply because he has the weapons from us? How many Iranians are terrified that Bibi will use his nukes (OUR nukes) on them, as he continually threatens? I don't know how he got re-elected, but I bet there is Koch money in there somewhere.
DeleteSeriously you believe we're backing off isreal? Not going to happen regardless of who's president
ReplyDeleteBibi Netanyahu needs more than a few sleepless nights over what he has done. I feel it is time for Israel to stand on its own. The estimated $3 billion the U.S. sends Israel every year is not being used to resolve issues, it is being used for expanding the settlements to displace the Palestinians and for pogroms like the one last summer against Gaza. He doesn't seem to understand that when you put a group of people under pressure you are going to produce aberrant rebellion. It has become a vicious cycle.
ReplyDeleteThe final straw for me was Bibi's disgraceful braying before Congress (and the disgraceful behavior of the GOP assembled there, including Dan Sullivan, Lisa Murkowski and Don Young) . Add to this his threat against the two-state concept, his overt racism on election day and his phony contrition a day or two later.
He shoved himself onto my radar when he campaigned for his pal Mitt Romney, telling audiences in the East that he would make sure there was no peace if Obama was re-elected.
Bibi and his Israeli cohort need a reality check. Bravo, PO!
I hate the way Netanyahu treats Americans and our President like we are stupid children with his little bomb drawing! Boehner has some nerve and I hope his little trip next week blows up in his face. His party still doesn't do crap to help Americans. They are still stuck on trying to make Obama a one-term and determined to embarrass him at ALL costs to Americans.
ReplyDeleteI just wish that Boehner's constituents would face the fact that he could care less about their needs and interests. He belongs to the Koch brothers and now to Sheldon Adelson as well. Just how many people voted for Boehner and how many voted for President Obama? Boehner represents a small portion of Ohio, for heaven's sake, and the president represents the entire country and has been doing a great job with it. All Boehner can do is weep and wail, hold his breath and say "NO" to everything.
And DRINK, don;t forget DRINK.
DeleteSuperb caption to the top picture.
ReplyDelete'Bout time somebody told Israel who is in charge. And the teabagging congress as well.
What somebody needs to explain is the the US is NOT anti Jewish, we are anti-Zionist. And yes, there is a huge difference.
Time to rethink where the American taxpayer's money is spent.
I keep seeing postings on Facebook whining that they want Netanyahu to run for Republican President.
ReplyDeleteWhat kills me is these are mostly people who will tell you loudly and often how "Christian" they are.
They have no idea that Netanyahu HATES Christians...and thinks they are absolute morons.
The repubs are looking at ways to reduce spending, so cut aid to Israel! Never mind food stamp cuts and unemployment cuts for US citizens, cut off Israel from our WELFARE system.
ReplyDeleteNot going to happen and ridiculous to think it is
DeleteI know this may be a dead thread, 7:50, but it's not ridiculous at all to think that being held hostage to Israel because they're "God's Chosen People" and Jesus will punish us if we don't give them everything they demand, will end very soon - maybe you don't want to believe it, but that old line is getting tired. Christianity is on the wane in a big way, the younger generation is not stupid. They've noticed time is running out on that whole "Christ coming out of the sky any minute now to kill us all for not bending over for Israel" thing. They've seen the contempt some of Israel's leadership shows those Christians it demands so much of. I'm pretty positive that giving Israel a bunch of money while we're told by our own congress that we don't deserve all the great benefits Israel pays for, partly with our money, and we can get fucked, isn't gonna fly for them for too long. The fact that many in our congress demand that we all (even our President!) show loyalty to Israel over our own nation is pretty hard to miss. "Bibi" helped open people's eyes with his own shitty behavior towards his biggest ally, the only country left who still feels the need to hold Israel's hand. Sorry, but your BFFs in Israel aren't gonna get special treatment forever. NOTHING lasts forever. I say pull all funding and let the UN inspect that huge nuclear arsenal we've given them. If they're so awesome they can take care of themselves and account for their own shit.
DeleteIsrael gets approximately 10% of all US aid abroad. Their population is less than the state of New Jersey. The US pays taxes on the loan used to give Israel money at the beginning of each year. Their free government health care was declared one of the most efficient in the world in 2013.
ReplyDeleteThe US also gives money to the Palestinians to fix the damage done to them by the Israelis. Again, it is the Zionist jews that are the problem - Netanyahu's clan.
Part of this info was sourced from: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34485.htm
I could give President Obama the international sign language symbol for "Fuck You", but I'm sure he already knows it well. How much American moolah went into developing the iron dome defense shield over the years? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteLet's reassess the tax dollars we are sending to them.