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Click crazy eyes to play video. |
"Remember Lois Lerner? You remember Lois Lerner. One of the bureaucrats there at the IRS, at the top. The IRS official at the very center of the Tea Party targeting scandal. She helped engineer the targeting of conservative groups and tried to get the Department of Justice to prosecute conservatives." (Yeah, no she didn't.)
"No evidence, they didn't do anything wrong. Uh this is the same Lois Lerner who allegedly lost tens of thousands of key e-mails when Congress wanted to get to the bottom of her wrong doing and the corruption there in the IRS under her watch." (Actually those e-mails were recovered in 2014 before Congress finished it's
"Well it turns out that Lois Lerner, she not only didn’t really get punished, she was rewarded. Lois Lerner received more than $129,000 in bonuses during the exact period when the IRS targeting was at its worst! I bet some folks in the Obama administration believed she earned every penny of that. (You know, cause she did.) That’s pretty sickening. After all, it’s pretty clear that the IRS was weaponized and used against American citizens to protect the President’s party and the president himself from a grassroots, Tea Party movement that threatened to stop his left-wing agenda — a Tea Party movement that, well, it was essentially just asking questions, trying to hold our government accountable." (Wow, there is so much stupid in that last part of the paragraph I have no idea where to start.)
"Mmmm, the president didn’t like that. Lois Lerner, though, heck, she was laughing all the way to the bank! She’s still laughing. She’s collecting her taxpayer-paid federal pension still, while the Obama Administration continues to obstruct and stonewall any investigation trying to get to the bottom of this and stop this corruption in the IRS. And now we found out that her lost e-mails, well they may not have been lost after all. (Yeah, I mentioned that up above.) Eh what a shock. At this point nothing should surprise us about the IRS, or the Department of Justice."
"Nah the Obama administration in general. I do not know how these bureaucrats, these politicians, how do they sleep at night?" (Okay how many of us would like to ask Sarah Palin that very question?)
From there Palin launches into a plea to her six viewers that they help to elect and "honorable" Commander-in-Chief who will uphold the oath of office.
You know she's going to scuff up her red, while, and blue pumps if she keeps kicking those dead horses.
Apparently Palin failed to read the results of Darrell Issa's
The bottom line: Contrary to his assertions in countless appearances on Fox News, there's no evidence that the Obama White House directed -- or indeed was involved in any way -- in the supposed targeting of conservative nonprofit groups for special scrutiny by the IRS. There's no evidence that "tea party" groups were exclusively targeted, as opposed to tax-exempt "social welfare" organizations from across the political spectrum.
The evidence set forth in the report, which was issued by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's GOP majority without sharing it first with the Democratic minority, instead depicts an IRS struggling to apply complicated rules for nonprofits engaging in political activity, all without guidance from Congress.
After that everybody pretty much moved on to the next scandal du jour, which right now is Hillary Clinton's e-mails.
So I don't know how Palin got caught in a time warp, but she is currently attempting to drum up outrage over a nothing scandal, that never amounted to anything, and that nobody even remembers anymore.
"Remember Lois Lerner? You remember Lois Lerner." No, no they don't.
Of course this video comes from our friends at Wonkette who also had this to say:
In one of her three new videos this week — seven minutes and 34 seconds of total run time, for those keeping score at home — Sarah Palin decided to squawk about Lois Lerner, because apparently that horse is not yet dead and requires further beating.
Wow, seven minutes and 34 seconds of video a week. That must be that work ethic that Palin keeps bragging about.
I wonder how many subscribers are still sending her money for this lazy, watered down, trip through memory lane?
ReplyDeleteno she is a thief and 'has lot's of evil in her - all of her'
DeleteWe must get you some proper shooting boots...
Tripp is with them. If they left the Ak. It would be in agreement with court terms.
Dakota is in love... the real story. Last but not least @stevereichert03xx and @Willieparent1 have been very influential in my business and training me as a shooter.
@ 6:57 you missed the best comment: looks like one of his fans isn’t too pleased with his choice of wife material.
be careful @dakotameyer0317 what you're teaching @bsmp2 it might come back to haunt you!
Oh good. So he thinks of himself as 'a shooter,' not a good human being, a writer, a builder, or a mechanic, but 'a shooter.' So we have Bristol the failed 'TV star' marrying 'a shooter' who has already tried to kill himself and who drinks too much, and they have with them an impressionable child who already swears like a sailor and is no doubt very interested in Dakaota's gun collection, which is 'always loaded,' like Daddy. Someone is going to die.
DeleteShe's evil. She is an obvious example of a pathologically dishonest person who does not have a conscience. She will do anything she can get away with. She is also a coward. She hides behind and uses others.
@7:30 you are close, but it is worse, they already have Tripp shooting a semi automatic.
DeleteBristol posted the photo, someone posted the link under the palin NRA posting
From the comments, no one seems to think this is outrageous.
They think it is awesome. It is more like they are talking about her new $300 shades or a Louis Vuitton wallet.
DeleteWasn't that taken a couple weeks ago?
DeleteTripp has been RILL hunting with his RILL daddy. Dakota Meyer will have to do a lot more than this to impress Tripp.
DeleteIt's funny how there's always someone on standby with a camera whenever Miss Palin and her latest trial daddy are together, eh?
Dakota sure is gaining weight.
Delete9:40 PM
DeleteIt may be with his friend. That's what they do. Shoot guns, sell stuff and take pictures.
Looks like Dakota wears 'mom' jeans. What say you Sarah?
DeleteI can't wait to see this quarter sarahpac earnings, as well as the grassroots/earthquake group's 1st quarter report! I know someone who was active in raising money for the tea party during the 2012 election cycle and "mishandled" funds that had to be replaced by an elderly relative. I don't know if this was because of the IRS or other tea party members learning of the misappropriation. The IRS needs to watch these groups carefully, as we all know how easily "postage" adds up!
DeleteNow there is something the IRS needs to Audit....
BINGO! Why this post? Why now? We know Palin is the Queen of Projectionism - she's being investigated by the IRS - and it isn't going to come out well - it has to be!
Delete8am...you betcha
DeleteAnd, curiously, Palin has to throw in that jab at Lerner's pension.
ReplyDeleteShe often thinks there's something underhanded and/or illegal when public officials end up with pensions.
Now, the whole pension system should probably be scrutinized and overhauled. But collecting what's due for the years one's worked, whether in the public or private sector, is a long-standing tradition. It upholds a great part of our economy.
Palin's harping on pensions makes me think that she didn't get one from Alaska, or it's quite small, compared to what she'd have received if she'd served out her full term. Perhaps Todd's pension is linked to a cost-of-living escalator, which, of course, has been negligible.
The bottom line is: Sarah wants more money and she's jealous of anyone else who's getting some that she implies is "unearned."
Sarah'd set up a Sarah PAC pension plan if it were legal to do so.
Todd isn't old enough to be getting a pension, and I doubt BP will pay him much. How long did he really work for them? I think they live off SARAHPAC and speaking fees, which we know are both drying up.Poor Sarah..you might have to sell one of those airplanes, or maybe Brissy can return her pontoon..I don't think she'll need it in KY.
DeleteHe may have been one of their favorite pimps and earned bonus.
His job isn't as easy as it looks.
He has many people that depend on him.
Plus you know that every single one of her "subscribers" is getting Social Security, a private or government pension, or is earning a pension through years of service.
ReplyDeleteI really think there's no pension for a mayor of Wasilla, and there's peanuts for a governor who quit half-way through her term. She's green with envy that she's getting older and she hasn't planned ahead. And you know she's not investing any of the money she earned -- with the stock market the way it is, her book royalties might have doubled by now.
She gets no pension from Alaska either as she quit half-way her term.
Deleteoh haven't you heard - she tapped a 'trust fund' that was HUGE and she 'gave away' 500 million to England...and I am sure since newby Walker just sold 4 billion worth of 'stocks' that 'trust fund' was used to purchase...what I want to know is when is the Birthright Owner going to get to have their money? Oh right it's easier 'racket' of what again?
DeleteIsn't that 'scheme' blowing up in everyone's face now? I mean you can only cry 'crazy' and when 50 years pass and the feds are scratching their heads 'what do you mean they were imprisoned'?
Oh my the crimes HUGE money makes people commit to keep it or 'get just a piece of it' then we can have some 'ritcher investments' isn't that it?
4 BILLION of stocks? I call bullshit. Do you have proof? You have been writing this stuff for years and it's simply not believable.
DeleteI believe it!
Delete7;29pm here's the info on the State selling the $4 billion in stocks. Palin guaranteed TransCanada $500 for doing the lead work on the natural gas pipeline that never happened. In the end they walked away with not the full amount but $350 million, however they are not a British company, so not sure what the person above is referencing.
DeleteLook up Alaska Oil Company...I think it was opened in 1977...interesting timeline...
Delete849...well the trust account itself is HUGE from what I have seen and heard...but the 'birthright owner' lol...(this was termed by Hollis French for those to know) has to take the matter before the federal courts...and they are throwing everything against the wall to 'see what sticks' and we got 'notta' (again I might add) and so the saga continues until the person gets to court...shrug...and so far as money goes...
in Alaska you can shift money overseas...
the lawmakers made sure of it to attract outside money and business...looks like great place to stash some 'money' honey..
Canada is part of the British Commonwealth. Queen Elizabeth is their head of state.
Delete642...and someone spit a baby 👶 out.. Isn't there a Church in Los Anchorage? Named after this baby???
DeleteMaybe idiot Palin confused Lois Lerner with Loretta Lynch?
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't surprise me one bit….
I thought that also. The woman truly IS an idiot.
DeleteThis does seem a little strange.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Mrs. Palin is trying to get ahead of an investigation into some dirty dealings of hers that happened when Ms. Lerner was still working in the IRS.
Is there something coming down the pike, Mrs. Palin? An audit perhaps that might spell trouble for you and Mr. Palin?
Yeah and it ties in with the reason she resigned
DeleteIt is very hard to look at her with that wonky eye.
ReplyDeleteThat is why her eyes keep rolling around like balls in a pinball machine. It to detract from the WONK. When she looks right into the camera, it sort of surprises you, "Which eye to look at?" One looks right, one looks straight ahead. Strange.
DeleteSarah is worried that the IRS is going to come after her I think. Payments she receives from Northstar and Grey Strategies (kicked back from her PAC) are taxable income. And we all know that Sarah cheats when it comes to paying tax.
ReplyDeleteSo I think she should be worried. The IRS has not given up its investigation of sham PACs and many Rs support the IRS in its quest. After all, money going to phony PACs is money not going to candidates.
Any money she or her family receives is taxable unless it's for reimbursement to cover out of pocket expenses.
DeleteChuck Jr. complained that every year, his father got letters from the IRS. If Sally Heath was receiving thousands of dollars for postage from SarahPAC, yes, Lucy and Ricky, there would be some 'splaining to do. Sally would either have to declare the postage as income or show that she was handling Sarah's mail and produce the receipt from the USPS showing that she had advanced $3,000 of her own money to buy stamps. Little stuff like that has a way of catching up with you, especially when you bill the government for 117,000 mile and the car only has 80,000 miles on it (crooked congressman Schock from Illinois who will leave Congress at the end of the month).
DeleteCaroll - This appears to be her M.O. - get ahead of any impending shit-storm that may be heading her way. It is quite possible that palin and her bunch, including her PAC, are being investigated by the IRS, and she is deflecting any negative publicity that may be forthcoming.
Deletewell then may be they are inquiring about 1989...
DeleteWestern Life Assurance Company...later liquidated but ironically the same CEO of the WLAC was also on the paperwork of Ritcher Investments...THAT might be what the IRS keeps 'bugging' the Heaths about...hello Sarah...head tilt!
You always write "head tilt." Strange. What does that mean?
DeleteI think you mean "Richter Investments"?
Head tilt is like a mother looking at the lying child with the hands behind the back with the cookies in hand...no I didn't do anything...really? head tilt...lol...I could be wrong...
DeleteGranny Palin just digg'in up some news as if it's headlines in the void she calls her brain
ReplyDeleteits pretty easy to tell what these bitches are up to in their private lives when you see who and why they're after at the moment and why. can we spell Projection!? Sarah's *target of the week is IRS. they're on to her schemes and $$ is drying up.
ReplyDeleteYou have to call them bitches?
DeleteHow about "skanks" "sluts" "c*nt"?? You know, like their friends in Ankorage call them?? Maybe their "friends" in Wasilla call them "boss" or "travel agents" "money machines"???
DeleteGranny Palin sighting in Bowling Green KY Best Buy!
DeleteIn Kentucky? Really?
DeleteI was in Wasilla today with Dennis Zaki and were absolutely certain we would run into at least one Palin today.
But neither a hide nor wig was seen.
Bowling Green KY were they looking houses?
DeleteShe must be the wedding planner, lol
Here's a fun fact for the day, Sarah Palin was in Best Buy in Bowling Green today
hu I thought she was still in Alaska...oh right that was someone else in her rig...more peeps for popo?
DeleteIt looks like Tripp and Bristol are in Kentucky with DM.
DeleteGranny Palin sighting in Bowling Green KY Best Buy!
Maybe she is going to meet the future-in-laws and get those confidentiality agreements signed pronto!
Better yet, maybe they moved up the wedding-April 1st is just around the corner.
I think she's there because of the NRA speech, guys. But also, too, she may be checking out gated homes for her maybe to be married daughter. Wonder if this wedding will be as legal as the last one.
DeleteCan the records be sealed in Kentucky?
DeleteIt sure isn't Alaskan to get hitched in the lower 48. I can't believe someone so Alaskan would even consider such a thing.
7:24 PM
DeleteNRA is a month. Bristol wants a rush wedding and is in planning stage. Why would she and Tripp go to Kentucky with Sarah for NRA next month?
DeleteKyle Gerkins
@BeckyB1125 @joeimel Surveillance camera, and name on credit card!
9 hours ago
Kyle Gerkins avatar
Kyle Gerkins
@joeimel Sarah Palin sighting in Bowling Green. She just bought something at Best Buy. REALLY!
9 hours ago
Hope he doesn't get fired due to the Palin curse!
Kyle Gerkins
Operations Manager at Best Buy
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Best Buy
Operations Manager
Best Buy
May 1999 – Present (15 years 11 months)Bowling Green KY
was she there when the Prince of England was there? if so that 'expalin's alot' with the recent fit of rage over IRS...
Delete@lmichellegray @joeimel In here with Bristol and her fiance, who is from Ky.
Delete@BeckyB1125 @joeimel Surveillance camera, and name on credit card!
10 hours ago
Was it all filmed for a reality show? I am sure they are pimping a new "show" Gotta get $$$$ coming in, since the Pac is tanking, big time. What producer would want to lose money on another PayMe disaster, I wonder? No Alaska film credits to use. They do not have any talent, or personality and neither does Dakota.
DeleteI suppose it's silly at this point to ask:
Delete--doesn't Tripp have school to attend in AK?
--doesn't Trig deserve a real mother who doesn't fly away from him all the time?
I think Palin has recent discussions with the IRS. Palin always (always, always) has to attack anyone or any institution that exposes her faults. I think this rant is similar to the "blood libel" video Palin made after Gabby Giffords was shot and Palin was questioned about the "surveyor" marks.
ReplyDeletewell of course they did...they are wondering why that money that is suppose to go to Birthright Owner goes to her and...and...and...oh my my...she is all fired up!
DeleteDon't Steal - the Government Hates Competition...
well then let's see what that Birthright Owner has to live like then...shall we Sarah? Pics and all...then what will folks think of you...it will never be the same...
702 yeah I heard CNN is en route to interview them about their 'identity' and 'funds' that after almost 50 years without it...heard it was Anderson but might be someone else...will post when it gels...
DeleteMaybe someone should alert them, she is in Kentucky.
DeleteAlert...stealing trust fund equals prison..
DeleteSee inside! Newly engaged Bristol Palin lists her Alaska home
They're showing Bristol's bed. Sarah is this where Bristol entertained her suitors? Is this where she tried out her trial husbands? Is this why Dakota wants Bristol to sell her house? He doesn't want to imagine Gino and Joey bouncing around on his bed?
Lifestyles of the dumb and tasteless.
DeleteIs there a Hazmat team in Wasilla to clean Bristol's bedroom?
DeleteI wouldn't be surprised if Bristols parents paid for her Alaska house.
DeleteStates the house is off the market.
DeleteGee who would buy a home that is over valued? SarahPAC? A stalker?
7:42 and all...if you scroll down a bit on the zillow link you'll see the estimated value of the property the past several years and it's way lower than asking price.
DeleteAlso, too. If there was a buyer wouldn't they say "Under Contract" or "Sale Pending" and not "Off the Market?"
Maybe a real estate person can clarify what it means.
Could be sold without a RE agent. Private sale?
DeleteMaybe all assets are frozen, until the IRS completes their investigations???
Delete424. That makes more sense
DeleteMakes perfect sense. FROZEN.
DeleteAnonymous4:20 PM
ReplyDeleteMaybe idiot Palin confused Lois Lerner with Loretta Lynch?
It wouldn't surprise me one bit….
Sarah must be thinking about Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane?
The Next United States President.
DeleteSure, just what we need: a suicidal alcoholic with PTSD having access to the nuclear arsenal.
DeleteSuicidal, alcoholic, married to a Palin . . . . .
DeleteUuuuuummmmmm, no.
in 2016? lol...I can breath when I stop laughing...
Deleteyea right, with a high school education and no political experience. what are you smoking?
DeleteThe facebook photo says that Dakota is meeting the next president of the united states. No, he is shaking hands with THE president of the united states.
DeletePass over his gut on his facebook and he says
Delete"The Next United States President."
633 crack...heroin...coke...weed if it's all ya got
DeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong, but Dakota won;t even meet the age requirements by next year, let alone have any other qualifications. Being in with the Palins, Dakota, is not going to get you far in this world...in fact, cross them and it may be the last thing you do.
Delete7:03 PM
DeleteHe has over his pix
"The Next United States President."
The title says Dakota Meyer with The Next United States President.
Dakota is like a kid. He isn't the right age but he has changed his rhetoric and talks about running for Congress. His mentors may have said something to him.
Dumbasses probably don't even know the age requirement lol!
DeleteTed Cruz beat you to the punch...lol...
DeleteSeems like she is trying to set up a case of plausible deniability.the Feds are working with facts though
ReplyDeleteSarah's numbers at Alexa, the rating service for websites is #273,366, which is not a good number. When she started out and had more viewers, her numbers ran were lower (better). This means that there are 273, 365 more watched websites that Sarah's SPC.
ReplyDeleteJust for fun, this website, IM, is #58,376. A website like Huffington Post is #29. Sorry, Sarah, and sorry to the suckers who signed up for a year's worth of garbage. Sarah must have a backlog of old videos that the SPC people (TAPP) put up when they post the image, the word and the saying for the day. Oh, and did you know that every day, Dakota Meyer has a wise saying on his Facebook, too. This must be the thing that inspires us all, reading copied quotes made by famous people and posted by people who want to appear more intelligent than they really are.
Isn't the first year almost up? Wonder how she plans to get people to send her money fro another 12 months.
DeleteHow will Sarah get people to send her money for another 12 months? The wedding, they will get to see the wedding.
DeleteWill the brawl, oops I mean the reception, be on tape also, too?
Delete27,416,896 views of Immoral Minority as I post this.
DeletePoor, poor,and totally uninformed Palin has no clue that every accusation her lackeys wrote for her is as empty as her head for not having any truth to it. Of course, they didn’t provide anything to back up what they wrote, only because they couldn’t. Palin is also no doubt worried about her dwindling donations to SarahPAC. She’s just trying to get her small cult of misinformed and naive far right Christians followers wound up enough so they’ll donate to her PAC. They’re probably are all amazed and owed by what they wrote for her because they’ve never heard of any the false accusations Palin is throwing out. After all, when you only listen to FOX News you’re already highly misinformed and ignorant of what is actually going on in the news, especially if it has anything related to Obama. Just more misinformation and lies from Sarah to her cult members.
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting tidbit of information from Sarah is a text listed on C4P she sent out to inform her cult of Down Syndrome Day. If you look at the date of the text listed on C4P, it is dated the day after. We all knew she would quickly inform her cult members once she read Gryphens post, but I don’t think many of us expected she would be as late of posting it the next day. They’re probably hoping her ignorant cult members won’t notice it, and they probably didn’t. But talking about someone who has absolutely has no clue of whats happening in the news, Palin surely meets that criteria.
I think "honorable" is the key word. She thinks that she can make that brain-dead MOH winner into the next President.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think the Feds are getting uncomfortably close right now. Can you say "unreported income?"
IF Dakota runs for any office, that sign about Michael Moore will be displayed. Betcha SarahPac is trying to find every website it has been on, so they can deny it. Podunk, Kentuk must be thrilled to have the big city whores, $carah and Bristles walking around town in their "big city shoes, carrying expensive purses" People must come from all the hollers from miles around, to see them. What a disappointed group they will be, seeing the REAL PayMe's.
DeleteYou know, Sarah, you are not a comedian. Those funny faces do not make the serious issue funny or a funny issue serious. They make it look as if you have uhm nothing to sell, huh, and you are filling the empty heh heh heh space with you cute schtick. It's not going to get you a late night show or a seat on the View or the Fox couch. It plays well for the people who are stupid enough to pay to watch your private channel because they are the only people who still think that you are smart, funny and LOL going to run for president. You do remember that old saying about pointing your finger at someone while three finger point back at you. Watch it, honey, your hands ain't so clean, either. Your PAC is a wonder of accounting.
ReplyDeleteThis was probably recorded months ago. I watch the videos that Wonkette posts and they are all fairly generic. Instead of current topics like the recent election in Israel, or praising Netanyahu's speech to Congress or the letter they sent to Iran, or even a hate video about the President negotiating with Iran about the nuclear issue, her latest offerings have been on net neutrality, the keystone pipeline and ISIS fearmongering - topics that don't have a time stamp on them. She could run them anytime. Other videos from this month include highlights from 2011(!) of her phony bus tour, her visit to Iowa and, of course, a mama grizzly video to take up space and make it look like she's doing something.
ReplyDeleteRemember her Billy Graham video? Dressed in black to be a remembrance after his death, it was generic enough to use for his unexpected birthday instead. I think she probably shoots a bunch of generic, one take videos with costume changes in between all in one day and then trickles them onto her channel little by little leaving her free to do nothing for the rest of the month. And when that gets to be too much, she pulls out old footage of her and slaps together a new PAC video.
Lois hurt her pappy.
ReplyDeleteWhat if she wants todd to report all his income?
November 23, 2014
the Last Frontier where we know how to live life vibrantly outdoors, literally in our backyard. Bristol’s boyfriend Joey stars in this....
Looks like a HooHah Convention on the strip.
Palin Pimpin'
Sarah's topics from SPC:
ReplyDelete3/20 Cheating our Veterans 3:10 (3 minutes 10 seconds)
3/17 IRS Bonus for Lois Lerner 2:50
3/16 ISIS Threat at Home 1:343
3/13 Government Takes Over the Internet 2:51
3/11 Mama Grizzlies 1:52
Does anyone see a problem with these videos? They are not very relevant to what is going on in the country and in the world. There is nothing about the Justice Department findings about Ferguson, Yemen is falling apart, or the Israeli elections, the role of HBO in the Robert Durst business. (He is the guy who cut up a body and wasn't charged with murder). For someone who claims to have a degree in journalism, Sarah is a terrible reporter and commentator.
Who is responsible for the quality of the material produced for her teevee channel?
DeleteThose consultants that are listed on the PAC financials?
Somebody's taking Sarah for a ride. It's the Droste Effect of scams! It's a scam within a scam.
Oh Sarah stop whining about the federal audit taking place...
ReplyDeleteIt was never YOUR money to begin with but ya sure took some!
Now that Birthright Owner is going to court...ya gotta wig out...
Since Sarah always attacks to discredit her opponents, either she is being investigated by the IRS for tax evasion/fraud/money laundering or she is jealous because she didn't get a pension.
ReplyDeleteThen again, knowing her work ethic, this could be a re-run. The outfit and background seem familiar to me.
yes her family has 'terrorized' someone their whole life...and for what Sarah? Being born?
Deleteand ya'll got to keep going after and after this person? and kids...for what again? More questions...those pesky questions...like after 50 years someone CANNOT get a birth certificate and adoption records? Crazy...
Oh it's complicated has been the 'excuse'?
Catholic Social Services has much to hide...
Palin had much to steal...and the person born to a civilization that crucifies those they cannot forget...I hear a DNA test will go global
and isn't the Catholic Church crying a miracle? Lol...they will need one very soon...
Continuation of terrorism from generation to generation?
DeleteMust be a BIG secret.
822 well if you sit back and look at the HUGE pic...when those that 'screw around' and oopsy daisy down comes baby cradle and 'all' sometimes includes a 'trust fund' and unfortunately Alaska is an awesome place to put that 'baby' and 'trust fund' means 'free reign' over the money...you can funnel it overseas and normally it would be legal...but when the IRS looks for baby and finds out baby is not being paid from that 'trust fund' then those that did are all pissy about it...shrug...and I think this kid is from the Middle East and England...just by the language from Palin...the poor damn kid doesn't have to say a word...Palin tells us where the kid is from with her 'cryptic' language she yaps while thinking she is 'so brilliant' lol..
Deleteor the kid is related to Charles Heath...we need to do a search of Heath candybar and see if Charles got 'booted' off the 'will' when he got someone pregnant? while married?
DeleteI notice he always shows up in these blogs and has 'comments' that are 'medium' in temperature - not too hot not too cold...
Charles Heath is that you old boy?
Either way all coming down in the courts!
Bitch, that boat done sailed.
ReplyDeleteMy jaw is still on the floor. What possible reason could The Palin have to try and reanimate a completely dead NON-story like this? It's not like it was a general rant against government overreach, it was a targeted attempt to specifically generate hatred against Lois Lerner. (Because that's what Jesus would do? Palin continues to be the worst "Christian" EVER.)
DeleteI don't get it. Unless she's gonna try and claim Issa was "in the tank" for Obama, all she's done is call attention to another trumped up pile of politically motivated dogshit that even Teabaggers eventually had to admit was completely lacking in merit.
because it sounds like that 'story' that made her family take money that was not theirs and the whole 'racket' of ruining someone's life because of their cash value factor is coming around to bite them in the asses...
DeleteAll of em...
May that story have some BIG choppers...
DeleteO.T Gryphen--did you see this powerful video?
Curious....over the past week there have been articles posted re: "Bristol's" home for sale, and the sale of the Rainbow Resort that Todd Palin WAS part owner of. Go ahead...Google. ALL articles/listings/etc. have been wiped clean. Nothing, nadda. Gone. Hmm.....I smell red meat. Something fishy is going on. Why would she post a rant about the IRS as well? Poking the bear me thinks. Trouble in the tundra?
ReplyDeleteRainbow Bay Resort was sold in 2013. Owners are Previous Owner.... Andy Miller Jr.
DeleteJim Kern
John Evans
Kevin Powers
It has been renamed Angry Eagle Lodge
Their two lodges, Angry Eagle (formerly Rainbow Bay) and Eagle Peak Lodge are owned and run by Rainbow Bay LLC, so they changed the name of one of their lodges but the company behind them al remained the same, however I don't see Todd on any of the ownership documents.
DeleteLook under Richter Investments and find a Sarah Jones and you will find how they 'shift' the money around in businesses...it's God's Will doncha know...
DeleteGods Will still can get a penalty
DeleteDoes Sarah get a pension from Alaska?If so,now would be the time to spread the word.
ReplyDeleteYes, my understanding is that she got the full pension, with insurance benefits, and all the extras, the same as if she had finished her term.
Delete@10:03 you gotta be kidding, full pension with benefits and they won't make public the REAL reason she quit.
DeleteSomeone in AK should look into this.
"Bristol's" house was taken off the market March 20th.
ReplyDeleteSold already or she changed her mind?
DeleteSome rich entity could buy it as a favor and tax right off. It no doubt involves shady business. Bristol vacated last September. They may have just decided to come out with the For Sale a few days ago because she wanted the story about B was skeered, that's why she moved out and back to the parents.
DeleteWill Sarah ever allow Track Palin to return home again?
If it was bought up by some business entity, it might be one of Palin's. They have a dozen different LLC's to act as shadow companies for their money.
DeleteProbably sold it to willow for a buck. The stench of hubaskank takes years to get rid of, and the ept test sniffer is used to/likes the aroma of Bristol's.
DeleteFuture PTSD in training http://www.enjoygram.com/bsmp2
ReplyDeleteNRA-Theists Fired Up Over Fake Store Where Patrons Learn The Dangers Of Firearms
ReplyDeleteFor instance…
Salesman: Like I was showing your wife – the first gun I showed her was this revolver. It’s the easiest gun we have to use. It’s our most popular one. It’s a .22 caliber six inch revolver. It’s also a gun that a five year old found in his parents bedroom and went down and shot his nine month old baby brother with it.
You silly , backwards woman! Why aren't you out looking for zippers to sew on your"mother of the arranged marriage"
ReplyDeletebride dress. Oh ,and tone down the belmonts and butt pads.
It will be your daughter's day to shine after all!
Isn't this defamation?
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be great if she got her ass used for this little tantrum?
DeleteI swear, if Sarah Palin ever comes near me I will pull that wig off. I only hope people are standing by with camera phones...
ReplyDeleteOK, so the most basic of cable which costs around $65.00/month and usually includes a combination of local and basic cable channels (which usually includes Comedy Central) means that for a 100th of that $65 is $0.65/month for the Comedy Central channel, which delivers the Daily Show featuring Jon Stewart for 23/mins a night/5 days a week, which is 460/minutes a month of much better quality in production, writing, direction and general hilarity I say the choice is clear. Unless you are a mouth-breathing teabagger.
ReplyDeleteGuess idiot never heard of Aaron Schock who is walking away in disgrace with 3 million dollars. I bet she wish it was her. You know she would if she could.
ReplyDeleteHe can use it for his legal fees, and he is going to need it.
DeleteRe: the picture link from Charweb (thanks)
ReplyDeleteThat location is not Alaska. Why isn't Tripp in school?
We've been very patient.
ReplyDeleteWhen is the next installment from the Palin informer?
@ 2:31 AM
DeleteI suspect that he/she has backed off. If I had been Gryphen, I would have waited until I was sure all the information was in place before I hinted what was to come.
DNA is a good informant
DeleteI have wondered if the insider is the one dropping cryptic remarks into the comments from time to time.
ReplyDeleteLet them spill. I want to know more.
DeleteI also suspect she is talking about herself. "She ran all they way to the bank" yes indeed never going to run for any office, bur still created a pack. Wow, pea pond needs to wakeup, but they never will.
ReplyDeleteYAWN....the woman has ran out of material. LOL
ReplyDeleteI lhove watching/reading the crap that peels off her addled brain and falls out of her mouth. It's like a case study in the rantings of hateful losing bitch on a mission from the voices in her head, She's the little yapper on the porch afraid to play with the big dogs.
ReplyDeleteThis just in- The IRS has marked them all for auditing.