Monday, April 20, 2015

Baltimore man dies in police custody after having his spine 80 percent severed during arrest.

Courtesy of CBS Baltimore: 

National tensions around police brutality focus right here in Baltimore after a 25-year-old man dies from injuries he sustained while in city police custody. 

On April 12, 2015, at exactly 8:40 a.m., 25-year-old Freddie Gray was apprehended in the 1700 block of Presbury Street.Two minutes later cell phone video shows Freddie Gray screaming as police drag him into a transport van. 

According to a timeline provided by Baltimore Police, at 8:54 a.m. Gray was put in additional restrains inside the van. But, at 9:24 a.m., he was rushed to the hospital–attorneys say his spine was 80 percent severed at his neck where three bones were broken. He later lapsed into a coma and died Sunday morning at approximately 7:00 a.m.

Family and friends are now seeking answers, and are also calling for an independent investigation.

Here is a statement issued by the family's lawyer:

“On last Sunday morning at about 8am, the police chased Freddie Gray, a 27 year old healthy man, without any evidence he had committed a crime. His take-down and arrest without probable cause occurred under a police video camera, which taped everything including the police dragging and throwing Freddy into a police vehicle while he screamed in pain. While in police custody, his spine was 80 percent severed at his neck. He lapsed into a coma, died, was resuscitated, stayed in a coma and on Monday, underwent extensive surgery at Shock Trauma to save his life. He clung to life for seven days and died today at approximately 7am. We believe the police are keeping the circumstances of Freddie’s death secret until they develop a version of events that will absolve them of all responsibility. However, his family and the citizens of Baltimore deserve to know the real truth; and we will not stop until we get justice for Freddie.” 

Some statement seem to indicate that the police chased and tackled the man simply because he was running. 

So we know you can be pulled for "driving while black," but it also seems you can be tackled and arrested for "running while black."


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The thug bastard murderous cops need to be charged with the murder and lynching of this poor man.

  2. What A Maroon5:33 PM

    I work in law enforcement on the federal level. I have great respect for officers who are out on the street trying to make a difference. There are amazing men and women out there. However, there are people who have no business being a cop. It's not us against them, and those who maim, beat, harm, and kill our citizens should be stripped of their law enforcement certification/license, and kicked to the curb. I have no patience for dirty cops. They should never be allowed to be a police officer, or in the military, IMHO !!

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I don't respect any cop, I have never met one that is even human. But let me guess you are white? Amirite?

    2. What A Maroon7:43 PM

      Nope. I am not white

    3. Anonymous7:44 AM

      This story sickens me. I don't know what is going on in America, or if it has always been this bad, but hidden. It is as though we haven't moved past lynchings, we are just using excessive force instead. For the record, I have known a few good decent police and I am white.

    4. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Disparaging all cops is not that different than racism. You can't lump all cops into one group. The only way we move forward is to refuse to judge or hate all, based on the actions of some.

    5. Anonymous5:53 PM

      @Anon at 7:47 am

      Please point out ONE good cop that has ever looked past my skin color first. Until then I will continue to judge them all together. I think that is fair.

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    The force used to crush a man's spine is deadly force, and these cops need to be charged with murder and nothing less. Until cops have to start upholding laws like other citizens then this will never stop. I hope everyone of those bastards is hunted down and murdered by this victims and other victims families.

    1. Supposedly he was restrained in the back of the van. Depending on the kind of restraints, I can see his neck being snapped by them going over potholes, speed bumps and taking corners too fast, slamming on brakes. With the body tightly restrained instead of whiplash you get a broken neck.

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      His vertebrae were already crushed before being placed in the van, that is why he had no control over his legs.

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The pigs need the death penalty for using their badges to kill.

  5. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Even the reasonable ones are corrupt. I wouldn't touch a cop with a barge pole but lucky for me I've never had to.

  6. Anonymous6:43 PM

    The situations finally getting publication are horrible. I think, however, Gryphen, we maybe should look closer to home. How are the Alaska native peoples being treated by our law enforcement? Just guessing but it's probably not great.

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I am growing more and more angry at seeing how police do their jobs across the USA. They are proving to be a racist group throughout the country! Time and time again they are caught on video and in their prepared lies about each occasion.

    Things need to change within their groups as I see riots and fighting throughout our country with everyone participating!!!

    1. I think the problem here is that only the bad cops are getting the publicity.

      It's like teachers. You only hear about the bad ones. There are so few and yet the media makes it sound like all teachers are pedophiles and all cops are killers.

  8. Anonymous10:44 PM

    America: what a great place.

  9. Randall3:32 AM

    How long before police kill a couple of WHITE guys - you know - just to prove they aren't racists?

    And when that happens, will Fox News be all 'outraged" and shit, or will they be more like: see? Toldja so - ain't no racism - the POlice just gotta kill a guy now'n'then to keep the peace. Doncha see? It's to keep us safe. Doncha see?

  10. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Thank God for the courageous people who video these events on their cellphones. The police certainly will never be forthcoming about their own brutality. The suffering that poor young man underwent. And still no clue why the police really chased him down?

    Whenever I see a black performer I have to think, "what would happen to this man if he were walking down the street, say, to his home, and a policeman appeared who decided the man did not "belong" in that neighborhood?" No one should have to have such fears in America. No one. Either police forces across the country need some serious re-education, or their members need to be fired and replaced by properly educated and trained police personnel who will do their jobs honorably.

    Congress should pass a bill requiring immediate review of all police department training and remedy this tragic situation right now in every community in the country, large or small. President Obama would sign the bill into law right away. This is a national problem and it demands a national solution.

  11. Anonymous3:55 PM

    How did that happen? The amount of force needed to cause this type of wound takes more than one cop. The mayor, who happens to be african american and a woman has called for a full investigation, and I hope heads roll.

    In other stomach churning news, the seventy two year old "sheriff" wannabee was given a slap on the wrist and set free. He's going to the bahamas to go fishing for a month, he had this planned way before he killed someone in cold blood, so the judge said he's acquitted and free to go.
    There you go, no justice, the killer goes on vacation and the family plans a funeral. Would the same thing EVER happen if the races were exchanged?

  12. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I read 6 cops from Baltimore that were involved in this have already been suspended. I know Baltimore has a black mayor and the city has employees of all races. That video is horrible and I expect swift justice in this case. I also read that the AG Holder is investigating.


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