Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Colorado Republicans punish controversial "Dr. Chaps" who claimed that a pregnant woman whose baby was cut from her body was being cursed by God.

Courtesy of 9 News:  

House Republicans have decided to discipline state Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt (R-Colorado Springs) by removing him from one of his two committee assignments in the wake of his controversial comments about an attack on a pregnant woman in Longmont. 

The episode led to public embarrassment for party leaders, who quickly sought to distance themselves from Klingenschmitt, a former Navy chaplain who goes by the screen name "Dr. Chaps" on his religious streaming TV show. 

He'll be pulled from the house health, insurance, and environment committee, but remain a member of the house local government committee. 

"I was very disturbed by Representative Klingenschmitt's comments last week and want to reiterate that his comments do not represent our caucus and he does not speak for our caucus. As House Minority Leader my ability to discipline a member of our caucus is limited. Representative Klingenschmitt's conduct warranted his removal from the committee," House Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso (R-Loveland) said in a statement.

Personally I think this is a weak response, but I guess we should be  pleased that at least these Republicans recognize what a horrific statement this superstitious asshole made.

For those who don't remember the story, here is what Klingenschmitt said:

"This is the curse of God upon America for our sin of not protecting innocent children in the womb and part of that curse for our rebellion against God as a nation is that our pregnant women are ripped open," Klingenschmitt said. 

Like I said a weak response. 


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Ia it ok to call this scum sucking asswad an ignorant jackass? He should lose his job, collect unemployment, go on foodstamps and be blacklisted from every job in america,

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    It doesn't speak well for the Navy to have had him as a chaplain.

    1. It speaks well of the navy that they dismissed him from the service because of his illegal proselytizing activities. He was a lying disgrace to the uniform and they told him so in no uncertain terms.

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    What kind of American would elect someone as stupid as Klingenschmitt? People like this poster at c4p a few minutes ago:
    Bayou City
    8 minutes ago
    "Well, this will be a pretty controversial thing to say, but I think this whole civil rights business about discrimination needs to be overturned. Hear me out. Our Republic had to deal with a "race-based" slavery institution when it was born. This created a huge problem, which was remedied by extra-Constitutional means: a Civil War ended slavery. Then, some hundred years later, an extra-Constitutional application of federal force was used to end Jim Crow. I support ending both slavery and Jim Crow by extra-Constitutional means. But that is it. That is the exception, not the rule. Now that neither slavery nor Jim Crow have any existance in our society -- the one for 150 years and the other for 50 -- I think we need to go back to the old ways. Let people discriminate. Get government out of the business of enforcing the morals of business. Let the market and people's own values rule."

    1. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Wait until they want to discriminate against the nincompoop who wrote that comment!

    2. Anonymous4:43 AM

      If the business has to have a business liscence it is agreeing to follow the rules and regulations of the state. Nobody is forcing these people to be in business if these people won't follow the rules to treat everybody equally they have the right and freedom to not be in business.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    this fuk_tard's obviously never read the Constitution ... if he has i think he missed that small part referencing separation of church and state ?

    1. SAllyinMI7:44 PM

      I was on another site today, and some GOP fool asked, "Just where is it written that the US has separation of church and state?" Seriously. I thought these folks had their Heritage Foundation Constitution in their hip pockets 24-7. Oh, but they haven't actually read it yet...much like their New Testaments.

  5. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Hey Grypgen, on a positive note..look up the story about atheists being a protected " class" now in Madison, Wisconsin. It was on HP...
    I get sick of these crazy stories even though I know they have to be covered. This guy is a sick asshole, and he should lose his jobs. Being removed from his committees is nothing.

  6. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Woman in Indiana to be charged for having a miscarriage.

    1. SallyinMI7:42 PM

      Oh yeah. Women are now murderers when the 25% of pregnancies that end in natural miscarriage occur. Now we have to hide and not go to the hospital and risk infection and death, or risk being arrested for 'killing' that six week old clump of cells that has more rights than we do.

    2. Anonymous4:32 AM

      I partly blame the medical community for not raising the roof over this kind of legislation. From the AMA to the ass'n for gynecologists and obstetricians to the medical schools there should be such a hew and cry that this nonsense never gets beyond the first speech on the floor by one of these idiots. How many of these men have wives who have had miscarriages? It happens all the time; it is nature at work. Is "nature" going to be incarcerated?

    3. I cannot even process this! No one is more hateful than a good xtian these days :(

  7. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Did you hear Dakota and Bristol broke up? I read it on one of the blogs listed on the left here on your page:)

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Seen on the internet!

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      April Fools!

    3. Anonymous7:41 PM

      April Fool's Day anyone?

    4. Anonymous7:43 PM

      April fools!

    5. Anonymous9:40 PM

      And there on glorious display, the cognitive abilities of your typical IMer.

      "I reads it on the internets, so it's true"

    6. Anonymous3:50 AM

      How is that any different than "$carah said it, so it is true"??? Go back where you belong, on C4P and find out how much $carah will need for the hillbilly weddin' that is as likely to take place as her run for the WH. Are the PayMe's finding out that there is no market for a reality show from their grifting family? Will they be forced to - gasp! - find jobs??

  8. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Dr "chaps" sounds like a porno figure or a christian that doesn't care what happens to a female or a christian female that is pregnant unless they can make $$$$ off the deal".

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM

      His name should be "Dr. Assless Chaps" Why do all the weirdos gravitate to the gop and tp? He is every bit as good looking as Screwy Louie Gohmert and Mitch the Bitch McConnell.

  9. Anonymous5:57 PM

    @Anon 5:12;
    The problem is that when the market does try to correct such bigotry, they start crying "religious persecution."
    Makes me sick.

  10. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Pretty standard stuff for a POS. Who in tarnation votes for these inbred ,self righteous,arrogant,ignorant,ridiculous,simple minded
    Poster boy for hatred.surely they had some clues?

  11. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Klingon-schitt is as despicable a human being as Fred Phelps and the rest of the Westboro cult.

    Here are few of his more rational statements:

    "[Obamacare] causes cancer."

    "The foreign policy of our national security to protect American interests ought to be in line with Joel Chapter Three."

    "Homosexuality is a demonic disease, and it can be cured."
    "The ultimate hate speech is to endorse homosexuality."

    "[Wendy Davis is] ruled by a demon of murder."

    "We pray against the domestic enemies of the Constitution, against this demon of tyranny who is using the White House occupant. That demonic spirit is oppressing us."

    Klingenschmitt is a viciously anti-gay theocrat who believes that gay people "want your soul" and may sexually abuse their own children, which is why he says they should face government discrimination since only people who are going to heaven are entitled to equal treatment by the government:

    Klingenschmitt is a man who thinks that the Bible commands people to own guns in order to "defend themselves against left wing crazies," that ISIS is a sign of the End Times, and that the FCC is allowing demonic spirits to "molest and visually rape your children" ... and now, thanks to the votes he received from more than 17,000 citizens, he is also an elected Republican legislator in the state of Colorado:

    1. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Is there a Mrs. Klingstoshit? He sounds so rabidly anti-gay, it is raising my gay-dar, just like Marcus Bachmann. Why don;t they just come out and admit their true selves, instead of hating on anyone who lives their life openly?

  12. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Whew)))))((((( airwave pollution. stinky do do

  13. Anonymous7:57 PM

    OT, but where are you Sarah? Don't you have an opinion about the Indiana controversy? Are you too busy shopping with Bristol for the perfect dresses for her, you and the other girls? Too busy planning how to move all her household goods from Wasilla and Arizona to Kentucky? Or are you busy making homemade hot cross buns for the weekend? We know you love to cook from scratch and all. Maybe Trig can get up on the living stepstool and help again. Tripp too. After all, soon he will be living in Kentucky with Mommy, a new daddy and lots of loaded guns. Who knows when you will see him again.
    It's OK. We're all busy living vibrant lives this Easter week, and frankly, your opinion on hate laws isn't very important anyway. So never mind.

    1. Anonymous4:28 AM

      Sarah Palin is still trying to figure out how she can blame President Obama for what the Indiana legislature and their teabagger governor did.

  14. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Freedom of speech allows evil clowns a soapbox and airwaves to pollute the weak of mind and soul. It is shameful to allow these con artist the ability to create toxic waste in a civil society/ It is absolutely laughable to listen watch and view current repukkklicans doing the backstroke in the pinkslime created by their master. sic chit

  15. Anonymous9:27 PM

    OT-But important to think about:

  16. Grrrr !10:46 PM

    O/T -- Yes, people either love or DETEST Russell Brand ...

    But I have a hunch HIS take on what it REALLY means to "support our troops" is likely to differ just a smidge from ol' ex-governor whatserface's ...

  17. Dr Chaps, huh!?!? Who else is on this traveling show with him, Maybe "Mistress Bull Whip" and "Princess Ball Gag"!?!?

  18. Randall3:10 AM

    To Dr. Chaps: GOD did not cut that baby out of that woman's uterus you sick bastard. Seek help; your superstitious nonsense is rotting your brain.

  19. Anonymous4:27 AM

    That's not nearly enough. He can still vote to pass legislation. One would think that his constituents would want to recall him. At the very least the GOP should not allow him to run for another election - ever. And, if he runs as another party's candidate or as an Independent, the GOP should make sure that he doesn't win. The GOP, all over the country, has been courting these insane people. Now we are all stuck with them. God help this country.

  20. Every day, in every way . . .
    I hate Republicans more and more.

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Yup, me too. They give us reason to because of their utter hypocrisy.

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Me too. I've vowed never to vote for a Republican and, every day, I am more encouraged in my resolve. Never met a Republican (in 71 years) who deserved my vote.


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