Thursday, April 02, 2015

Coming soon.


  1. Anonymous3:55 AM

  2. Terrific! And fuck you, Indiana!

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    While it may not be perfect, at 9 AM EST on the steps of the Statehouse Indiana Legislative leaders promised to fix the RFRA law by stating they are "inserting language that the new act can't be used as a defense to refuse services, facilities or public accommodations to members of public on basis of sexual orientation, gender identity"

    The RFRA bill should have NEVER been passed in the first place, but at least they will fix it before it becomes law on July 1. Now we sit and watch to see which Indiana House and Senate members have the ethics, courage, integrity, and morality to pass the RFRA fix.

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Is this assclown related to Phil Robertson? I can hear a link!

  5. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Coming soon?

    I thought this post was going to be about Bristol Palin. If it was then it should have been titled Coming Again.

  6. linda8:10 AM

    I have to drive across Indiana on I-70 in May to get from where I live to where I'm going. I plan to fill the gas tank and my tummy before I cross their border and not purchase ANYTHING in that state. I think the legislature's proposed amendment may be too little, too late. We now know their attitude - it's pretty hard to walk that back.

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    You'll never catch me in their anti-gay state! Never, never, never!

  8. Once they pass the 'fix', what will be the purpose of the original law? What was that law for in the first place, if not to provide legal protection for discrimination? Might as well scrap the whole thing.

  9. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I don't know about other people, but my memory is long and once I swear not to give some state or business my patronage, it sticks forever. The idiot is STILL digging the hole deeper trying to appease the rush to pull up and move out of state.
    Guess what that means? Whose taxes go up when the revenue drops? Yep, Hoosiers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.