Friday, April 17, 2015

Did Senate Republicans celebrate the assassination of President Lincoln?

So are they indebted because Lincoln was shot?

Does that mean they are indebted to John Wilkes Booth?

So confusing.


  1. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Maybe they're slamming him for running up the deficit during the Civil War.

    1. Maybe they're blaming him for opening the door for there to be a current president that is not white.

  2. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Maybe they think he was a DEMOCRAT?? Then, it would be a reason for them to celebrate. Given the level of intelligence on display with the candidates for their party it would not be a big surprise. Remember, this is the party that was O.K. with lumpy little Johnny running with PayMe as his VP!!

  3. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Well, it will be interesting to see someone walk this tweet back. Or then, maybe, they won't. Maybe the Senate GOP means it. The stupid, seditious bunch of Koch stooges.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      It wouldn't surprise me if they did mean it, Beaglemom. After all, he freed them thar negroes.

  4. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Makes as much sense as their policy positions.

  5. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Must be the product of one of those cracker jack Liberty University students the GOP loves so much: not only is it ridiculously worded, but it's ungrammatical, too.

    Abe Lincoln didn't need no highfalutin' Liberty University.He taught himself to be one of the greatest writers and speakers of our time..

    An other than trying to win The Great Emancipator to their team, the GOP reflects none of his ideas or ideals now. He would have nothing to do with the modern Republicans.

  6. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I clicked through and read the responses. Very enlightening. Made me happy my coffee hadn't been poured yet.

  7. Anonymous5:14 AM

    150 years ago today, the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. America is forever indebted.
    Senate Republicans, Party of Stupid

  8. fromthediagonal6:41 AM

    If the Senate Republicans did not mean it as written, then they had a communal Freudian Slip. Either way, it is enlightening twit... errr... tweet.

  9. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Commas are so gosh-darned hard!

  10. Do all Republicans have no grasp of the English Language?

    Lincoln may have been the first Republican president but he wasn't the first conservative president.

    George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were conservative. In fact, Jefferson supported many of the current right's big items including state's rights, limited government and opposed federal debt. James Monroe opposed excessive government.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Sorry mlaiuppa, can't lt you get away with that on Jefferson. He was also a deist, promoted public education, and a supprter of science - he was a product of the Enlightenment - NOne of those are conservative.

      But he was busy screwin' his wife's half sister, who was also her slave -so maybe you're right.

  11. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Senate Republicans are shining examples of why "no child left behind" schooling is a failure.

  12. Anonymous3:52 PM

    If they banned alcohol and glue sniffing, maybe they'd say something that makes sense. According to their "logic", it's the dang librulllls who are endebted to Booth.

  13. physicsmom5:47 PM

    That tweet is completely appalling. It's stunning that it got out and that it hasn't been removed. These people are Sooooooo Stupid!


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