Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ted Nugent discusses the idea of shooting Harry Reid during NRA conference in Nashville.

Courtesy of Media Matters:  

During remarks at the National Rifle Association annual meeting, NRA board member Ted Nugent shared an analogy that involved him shooting Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. 

Nugent, who is also a spokesperson for Outdoor Channel, referenced shooting Reid during an April 12 talk at the NRA's meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, at an event called, "Freedom is not Free and We the People Must Keep It Alive!" 

Nugent's comment came during a question and answer session where an audience member asked, "How and why did the NRA ever endorse Harry Reid to serve as the front man of Osama Obama?" 

The NRA never actually endorsed Reid, but in 2010 the gun group did donate $4,000 to his reelection efforts. Any goodwill between Reid and the NRA likely ended in 2013 with Reid's introduction of legislation to expand background checks on gun sales. 

In response to the question, Nugent called Reid a "lying prick," but described him as a necessary evil, stating, "If your child is dying and there is only one way to get to the doctor, would you get on Harry Reid's boat to get there? ... I'd get on the boat, get there, and then I'd shoot him."

Nugent went on to suggest that the NRA only supported Reid because the "deceptive bastard" was more pro-2nd amendment than his opponent.  (And as we all know the NRA cannot help but throw money at any politician who stands up and saluted the 2nd Amendment.)

You know I used to hold out at least some hope that the entire NRA membership was not made up of homicidal Ammosexuals like Ted Nugent, but after seeing the presenters that gave seminars at the NRA conference over the weekend, I have become convinced that the not one of them, not ONE of them, should ever be allowed to get their hands on anything more dangerous than Nerf gun.

This is usually where I call Nugent "batshit crazy" however I am beginning to think that is an insult to bat guano.


  1. Gryphen, please please please don't post any more photos of this beast. He is the poorest excuse for a human being I've ever seen. I don't know how many years more I have on this earth but I would love them to be free of this disgusting idiot.

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Rat Face is a vermin fecal ! He is not human. I can only hope that he would suffer for all his indignation some time in the very near future.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Why isn't his pig-skankass in jail??? He has threatened PBO, now a Sitting Senator? WTF? WTF is wrong with our DOJ & Secret Service? If it was some lib threatening skanky she would have the service on their ass...
      what they only work for GOP'r or what???
      And isn't that sorry POS fuckhead supposed to be DEAD?

  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Please put him up on stage when you run, $arah. Your BFF, and, if you don't think anyone is paying attention, they are.

    Here kitty, kitty, kitty......announce. I dare you.

  4. Funny these fucks never--and I mean never--mention the 4th Amendment, trampled and destroyed by Reagan's War on Drugs. What worth the hallowed 2nd if you're not secure in your home? More pathetic than often remarked, these childish fetishists.

  5. Anonymous5:17 PM

    A Draft Dodging Pedophile is now the face of the NRA?

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    ManxMamma 4:36 PM:

    I totally agree with you, MM.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      As long as $arah is belly dancing for money, Gryph has every right to.

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Also, too...shouldn't he be reported to the FBI for that statement?

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      The FBI is about as good as the Secret Service these days. The Palin/Heaths are free to roam about the country.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      To catch a mouse...problem is there are HUGE amounts of mice..Sarah is a wonderful mole....

  8. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Wasn't this useless prick going to kill himself if Barack was reelected? I'll bet he smells like he did. Bottom of barrel, scum og the earth. Good christain boy, i'll bet.

  9. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Say it ain't so Louis!!!!

  10. Anonymous6:13 PM

    What a dumb fucking c--ting lunatic. I hope he gets what's coming to him...sooner than later.

    What moron.

  11. Anonymous6:20 PM

    FYI One of the posters on his FB reported him and others to the Secret Service because of their threats.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      GOOD. I doubt it will go anywhere. Washed up musician like washed up politician. Shooting blanks.

  12. What a heinous looking piece of caca!!

  13. Anonymous6:37 PM

    What most NRA members do not understand, since, by definition they are idiots, is that the NRA does not represent them but the gun manufacturers. Give credit to the gun manufacturers who took a once respectable organization that was mostly interested in gun safety training, and turning it into a front for themselves.

  14. If he stepped into the ring with Harry, I'd bet on Senator Reed kicking the ass of the pants-pooping pedophile. And that's with Senator Reed still recovering.

  15. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I am still waiting for him to follow through on his promise to kill himself if Pres. Obama was re-elected. Shame on him, all his boasting and doesn't keep his promise, all talk and no action.

  16. Nugent must have fried his brain on drugs when he was younger, but who knows he might be still them which would be one reason his rants are so ridiculous.

  17. Anonymous7:19 PM

    It's no surprise that the NRA is filled with trash from top to bottom. What is a surprise is that they get so much support from the American public.

    "Bob Dowlut—who for 30 years has been the architect of the National Rifle Association's legal and cultural agenda—was sentenced to life in an Indiana prison for murdering a single mother with the same gun he'd allegedly used that day to rob and shoot a shopkeeper."

    Doulet is the NRA's general counsel.

  18. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Just remember that when $arah claims she kills to feed her family, (Daddy, does it kick?"), she said the first thing she did after being dropped at Ted's ranch was kill a boar for SPORT.

    RUN, $arah, I dare you.

  19. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Fuck you nuge fuckin pantywaste.

  20. Anonymous8:47 PM

    What is it with these people. Old granny P. , her golden egg
    Meyers , this Nugent nut ,all putting people in their cross hairs and wanting to shoot people's brains out .
    What a bunch of loony cowards! Take a look at the eyes
    on all three of them.....void of sense!

  21. Anonymous10:50 PM

    This blog is dedicated to finding the truth, exposing the lies, and holding our politicians and leaders accountable when they fall far short of the promises that they have made to both my fellow Alaskans and the American people.


  22. Anonymous2:16 AM

    I find it strange that when this coward had a chance to "defend his country" and the opportunity to go to VietNam and kill people, he chickened out. Now he talks big, about killing people he does not understand. Same with Dickless Cheney, another coward. Wants to torture people, but took 5 deferments during the war. Now he kills birds and shoots friends in their faces while drunk. All talk, until it comes time to put up or shut up. Nugent is repulsive, he looks like he still poops his pants.

  23. Anonymous4:20 AM

    When people make statements like Nugent did at the NRA, they should be taken aside by the authorities and asked to explain what they are talking about. Nugget, like many of Sarah Palin's heroes, is a lunatic.

  24. I support the Constitution and all of them amendments.

    I just don't support the interpretation of it by the NRA, the Koch Brothers and ALEC.

  25. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Now I see what Sarah finds so attractive in him. Hey Willow or Piper, if she tells you to marry him, run the other way, no matter how much money she waves in your face. That goes to Track as well. Gotta be politically correct!


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