Sunday, April 05, 2015

Fox News blatantly exhibits their bias against the non-religious.

So the clip above is from Fox and Friends, which is the Fox network's attempt at a Today Show like format if everybody on the set huffed paint during the commercials.

Now for quite some time Fox and Friends have been stamping their feet and holding their breath in support of laws that would allow religious people to discriminate against people who refuse to think exactly like they do.

However in Madison, Wisconsin they flipped the script and decided that perhaps the rights of Atheists deserved to be protected as well.

"What?" said Fox News.

Well hell Fox and Friends aren't going to sit still for that (Well they're still sitting down but you get what I mean.)

Here is my favorite quote from this segment, "You know there's a lot of reasons why Christians or Jews might not want to hire an Atheist. In fact it's in the New Testament. It says things such as 'avoid them,' 'disassociate with them,' in Romans, Thessalonians, Corinthians."

This Jay Christian Adams guy goes on to suggest that you would want a person of faith for certain jobs such as for an airline hiring a pilot, because apparently believing in hell makes it so much less likely they will fly a planeload of innocent passengers into the side of a mountain. (Spoiler alert: It doesn't.)

I love how these people are all for freedom so long as it benefits people who think like them, but the second that the freedoms extends to those outside their tribe, well that is simply intolerable.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    So, if you don't believe in fairy tales and myths, you are subhuman, worthless and just an all-around horrible person. OK, count me in!

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    When was the last time any of these losers set foot in a church?

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      The last time there was a camera around to publicize them doing it.

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    "You know there's a lot of reasons why Christians or Jews might not want to hire an Atheist. In fact it's in the New Testament. It says things such as 'avoid them,' 'disassociate with them,' in Romans, Thessalonians, Corinthians." So, looks like they want to prove Christianity is a cult--that's where you have to disconnect with anyone who doesn't agree with you and only communicate with those who share your specific beliefs. Good job, Fox news. Keep serving kool aid.

    1. Anonymous12:54 AM

      Exactly. There is no penetrating that bubble, even the documentary Going Clear has failed to dent it.

  4. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Fox panders to the unintelligent superstitious ignorati. It has been a successful business model for them. The knuckledraggers hear what they want to believe and Fox maintains high viewership. Ailes knows how his conservative and frightened audience 'thinks'.

    1. Anonymous12:55 AM

      I said this about Limbaugh in the early '90s. I can't believe people still listen to him.

  5. Anonymous5:49 PM

    All but the most insanely fundamentalist Jews would avoid atheists. We all have a whole bunch of them in our families.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Sorry, meant to say that only the most insanely fundamentalist Jews would avoid atheists.

  6. Anonymous5:49 PM


    And what would these brainiacs do if a Muslim refused to serve a Christian? Or maybe a Muslim cab driver refused to let a Christian in their cab? Or a Jewish banker refused to make a loan to a Christian? The possibilities are endless? What if an Atheist owned the only grocery store in town and refused to let Christians buy food there?


    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Or a high tech or research firm refused to hire fundies because they needed their employees to have analytic skills and rational thinking processes. That's the equivalent to saying an airline wouldn't want an atheistic pilot.

  7. This is more scary than it is funny. They want the right to deny employment to atheists, based on their religious beliefs. And I can see them succeeding in some states. Looks like we've found the next battleground. I repeat : scary stuff.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Seriously. this is crazy wacko chit. I thought the bush years were crazy. but I have never witnessed such completely paranoid wacko nut cases in my life. I am so so so sick of what the republican party has come too. NO one in the past republican party would stand for such nonsense as we have witnessed. May their god send them the memo quick. And give them ears, eyes and brain. and may they listen while looking at what the universe created.

    2. Anonymous9:29 PM

      May the electorate send them the memo right quick.

      One can only hope.

  8. Georgia teacher tells students their parents aren't Christians if they support President Obama then wanted the students to prove their Christianity to her.

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Yes, and she still has a job! Georgia is trying to beat Louisiana and Arkansas for dumbest state. My kids had a gay English teacher in high school...the best teacher at the school actually. He had a Bible on the edge of his desk, but to my knowledge, never spoke of it or used it except in the now-extinct "Bible as Literature" course he taught. You can be religious and a good teacher...or not.

    2. Anonymous1:10 AM

      Kansas is no slouch

  9. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I have a company. I don't hire anyone that exhibits any outright religious nonsense. Either they keep it to themselves or they don't get hired. Atheists have power too, and my little company pays really well. I vet my employees carefully. Also they must have at least a bachelors in biology, so that tend to weed out the christianists pretty quickly :-)

  10. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Way back when, Floyd Orr published a book called "Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix." I read it around the time I did McGinniss,' Dunn's, and Bailey's books. It's called the Southern Strategy.

  11. Fox obviously knows who heir audience is and what they want to hear. Besides what we know about Fox audience from studies, conservative, old, white, Christians. Besides that we can safely assume they’re also narrow minded and resistant to change, and probably on a larger scale more racists than most.

    What I find is interesting is what some of the commenters at C4P have to say about FOX. You would probably have a hard time finding a more religious and conservative group of people than the commenters at C4P. After reading many of their comments, they also appear to be not be as educated on average, or more easily influenced by propaganda than most. But even there many speak poorly of FOX and talk about their lies. Of course, you also can’t rule out that much of their anger towards Fox may be how they perceive Fox’s treatment of Palin.

  12. Anonymous7:52 PM

    off topic

    Are Micheal Jackson and all his pimps and enablers about to be exposed?

  13. Leland2:08 AM

    Aside from the fact that Faux is actually preaching it, I don't see this as news. We atheists have been hated and reviled for thousands of years.

    What I DO find is news is what Madison has done. Kudos to them!

    But I still look forward to the day we don't need
    anti-discrimination laws - of ANY sort. Of course, at my age I know I will never see it!

  14. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Carlson can't even keep a straight face during the fat guy's schtick...

  15. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Any pictures of these self-sanctimonious motherfuckers sitting in a church pew? No? Hmm, in that case, it seems to me they're whoring out god for fractions of a cent on the dollar.

  16. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Why are the angry people of faith all lathered up? Where's Liz Dufusdorf? Where did they find the blonde chick? Why is the fat guppy quoting the bible but not giving chapter and verse? "These people have such hatred"..... ha ha ha.
    We're here and we're not going anywhere. For a Tucker, he seems to sit pretty comfortably, when is he going to go full throttle and wear a dress? Ahh the wonders of duct tape!!!!


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