Thursday, April 02, 2015

History professor's new book investigates how America became a "Christian nation."

Courtesy of NPR:  

Kruse's book investigates how the idea of America as a Christian nation was promoted in the 1930s and '40s when industrialists and business lobbies, chafing against the government regulations of the New Deal, recruited and funded conservative clergy to preach faith, freedom and free enterprise. He says this conflation of Christianity and capitalism moved to center stage in the '50s under Eisenhower's watch. 

"According to the conventional narrative, the Soviet Union discovered the bomb and the United States rediscovered God," Kruse says. "In order to push back against the atheistic communism of the Soviet Union, Americans re-embraced a religious identity. That plays a small role here, but ... there's actually a longer arc. That Cold War consensus actually helps to paper over a couple decades of internal political struggles in the United States. If you look at the architects of this language ... the state power that they're worried most about is not the Soviet regime in Moscow, but rather the New Deal and Fair Deal administrations in Washington, D.C." 

The New Deal had passed a large number of measures that were regulating business in some ways for the first time, and it [had] empowered labor unions and given them a voice in the affairs of business. Corporate leaders resented both of these moves and so they launched a massive campaign of public relations designed to sell the values of free enterprise. The problem was that their naked appeals to the merits of capitalism were largely dismissed by the public.

The business leaders quickly realized that their pro-capitalist message was going to sound self serving, and not terribly palatable so they needed to find the most trusted people in the country to deliver it for them.


They use these ministers to make the case that Christianity and capitalism were soul mates. This case had been made before, but in the context of the New Deal it takes on a sharp new political meaning. Essentially they argue that Christianity and capitalism are both systems in which individuals rise and fall according to their own merits. So in Christianity, if you're good you go to heaven, if you're bad you go to hell. In capitalism if you're good you make a profit and you succeed, if you're bad you fail. 

The New Deal, they argue, violates this natural order. In fact, they argue that the New Deal and the regulatory state violate the Ten Commandments. It makes a false idol of the federal government and encourages Americans to worship it rather than the Almighty. It encourages Americans to covet what the wealthy have; it encourages them to steal from the wealthy in the forms of taxation; and, most importantly, it bears false witness against the wealthy by telling lies about them. So they argue that the New Deal is not a manifestation of God's will, but rather, a form of pagan stateism and is inherently sinful.

The book goes on to explain how we "In God We Trust" found its way onto our money, and how "One Nation Under God" found its way into our Pledge of Allegiance.

So ultimately the idea of America being a Christian nation is not the intention of the Founding Fathers, but rather part of a cynical advertising scheme to marry capitalism and Christianity together in order to protect big businesses and their profit margin.

Keep that in mind the next time you see a Republican attacking labor unions while in the same breath espousing Christian family values. 


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I worked as a engineer in a Midwestern city in the 90s and saw many plants shut down andoved down south to Mexico or to Asia. The fabric that held the middle class afloat, labour unions , were systematically dismantled in the name of free enterprise . Now I see people in states like Wisconsin voting against their interest for Scott walker who is a crony of big businesses like Koch industries. Middle and poor republicans have been sold a bill of goods in the name of religion that is toxic .

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    In the 80s, the right-wing Christians took hold of the GOP by latching onto the Gipper himself. The 'Moral Majority' with Jerry Falwell was given press and airtime. Reagan gladly gave them what they wanted - legitimacy. It literally became "Republican conservatives were God-fearing, moral people" and "Democratic liberals were heathens, had no morals, Satanists and gay loving." The divide was drawn in cement and it's been that way ever since. Then came along Fox News to solidify the right wing Christian's hold on every GOP candidate. Think you can be a conservative politian somewhere and NOT proclaim your abiding faith in and live for the baby Jesus??

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Anonymous 7:00, you are correct.

      What is ironic to me is that in the two elections stolen by the shrub, his two gay henchmen and political strategists, Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman, decided to use gaydom as a wedge issue to 'energize' the 'base' so that they would be sure to vote. The 'base's' turnout was essential to the GOP's unity and success.

      Now, just a couple of election cycles later, their trick has been turned on its head. They have overplayed their hand, and the 'gaydom' issue is not only going to disunify (sorry for inventing a new verb) the GOP, but actually energize not only independents, but also progressives and other democrats to 'turn out their vote' for non-GOP candidates. It's like the house plant in "The Little Shop of Horrors": it has taken on its own life, and it seems as though nothing can stop it.

      Don't you love the irony and humor of all this? Their own trick has come back to bite them (not the other guy, but them) on the tuchus.

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Thanks for the feedback. I lived through the 80s, I remember it well the grip religious conservatives got on the general psyche. Scary. And one other thought: I wish churches would be taxed heavily to pay for free college educations. If there were as many free universities as there are churches on every street!

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Say, WHAT!!!!!!?


  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    They are powerful propagandists. The pizzeria in Indiana who refuses service to LGBT has got the backing of the Big Boys.

    A Go Fund Me for them has surpassed the $100 thousand goal, disgusting when you think about the struggles of some out there.

    I wonder if Sarahpac reached it's measly $10 thousand dollar goal? heh heh

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Last I read, they had raised $150,000 or more. But the story isn't over, because I doubt the people will report this as income to state or federal authorities. LOL, they'd have to report it all and pay taxes on a huge percentage of it. Bet that's not on their radar screen to do.

  5. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Article about the Go Fund Me pizzeria--

  6. Anonymous7:34 AM

    The year is 1910, over one hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes!

    Here are some statistics for the Year 1910: (applies to the USA)


    The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.

    Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.

    Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.

    Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.

    There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.

    The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.

    The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower !

    The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.

    The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.

    A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,

    A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year,

    And a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.

    More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME.

    Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!

    Instead, they attended so-called medical schools,

    Many of which were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'

    Sugar cost four cents a pound.

    Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.

    Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.

    Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.

    There was no such thing as under arm deodorant or tooth paste.

    Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into the country for any reason.

    The five leading causes of death were:

    1. Pneumonia and influenza

    2, Tuberculosis

    3. Diarrhea

    4. Heart disease

    5. Stroke

    The American flag had 45 stars.

    The population of Las Vegas Nevada was only 30!

    Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet

    There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.

    Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.

    Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.

    There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. !

    Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years

    1. If the fucking Republicans and Christian Terrorists have their way, in ten years we'll be right back to 1910. They're already trying their best to take us back to the '50's.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    What does "In God We Trust" really mean? I mean, really?
    I just don't get it.
    In the same sense, I don't comprehend what "One Nation Under God" means, even to the fully faithful adherents of God.
    That I am an Atheist is irrelevant. I am intelligent, but I don't fathom why In God We Trust is on our money.
    I think I will have to read this book! It sounds fascinating.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      In God We Trust - All others pay cash! Then they made the credit cards and the banks owned us - plus interest!

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      But that's just it: they DON'T trust God. Otherwise, they wouldn't be such control freaks. The hebrew word for trust is the same word for obey – meaning, that if they truly trusted God, they would obey Him. We all know that what they live and speak and act (not only in secret, but toward others) is just about 180 degrees (IOW, the exact opposite) of anything God or Jesus ever said.

  8. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Sounds about right. A portion of ministers and their congregations have been sucked in to this deception.

    It's always taught in evangelistic churches about the great deceptions and to be warry of them. Obviously, the deceived traded in their gospel for a brighter better (in their minds) gospel of wealth and security, trusting everything that makes itself look godly, but being wolves in sheep's clothing.

    Not only is capitalism the big carrot, but the Constitution. These same christian groups, who are rabid followers of their Founding Fathers, believe that they have a duty not to only live by the NT, but they add the U.S. Constitution and flag as equal with Christ's gospel. They wouldn't admit it, but it's as obvious as a fly on their nose. There are no other christians in the world that put patriotism for their country up on the same throne as Jesus Christ. And, there are no other christians like in the USA that feel justified in courting untrusted men and using them to keep them in power and to play dangerous war-games in the Middle East.

    I'm sure, G., you'd say, "I've been saying it for years". I humbly give you credit. But, don't forget, that the christians who are discerning know about this, but have no voice, and frankly, when they try, they are squashed. It's easy to see how evil dictators got away with so much throughout history. As a kid, I used to ask myself why good people didn't act and do something, and allow the powerful to win, but it isn't that easy to do so, I see. When a certain group want to keep the veil over their eyes, and pretend it ain't happening, they keep right on blindly following.

    In my view, the 2008 election of President Obama threw these false christians off course. The increase in racism, the pitiful attitude towards the poor and un-insured, the cozying up to the elite and wealthy, the crazy-eyed maniacal politicians, the disrespect and false slander against POTUS, his wife and children, the false doctrine of dominionism, the power-hungry ex-ministers turned politicians, selling books and bleeding their followers dry. Insisting on war with Iran, and insisting on revenge. The need to boast about their guns and rights. The sense that America was a Christian nation, founded to be a light and shining hill for the world? This is a false hope.

    Jesus said He would build His church. Unseen and seen. Many today are unseen because they don't trump themselves as superior than others. He said He was the Head and all his children are the body, being all parts. Nowhere did he say the USA was equal to Him, or part of His head. The US christians are equal to all other world christians according to scripture, and they have just as much as responsibility to lay a groundwork of God's love, as any other christian believer around the world (who do this without fanfare or ego or sense of entitlement or sense of superiority).

    I know many U.S.christians who didn't fall into this trap. Unfortunately, some have. Right now, there's a lot of dissolussion in churches and that is why fewer attend church. They follow Christ alone without a shepherd. But as scripture says, he is the great shepherd.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Anonymous 7:47, very well said. The very concept of an 'exceptional nation' is in fact anti-Biblical, not a Biblical one at all. It is a notion grounded in pride, just the opposite of the humility that the Bible commands.

      I wonder: with the rightie notion of America as 'exceptional', are they merely trying to subconsciously usurp the role that God gave to Israel, as a chosen nation? Is it merely a coded, dominionist form of saying, "Because we said so, Israel has been excluded from any God-given promise, and all those goodies now belong to US"? I ask, because for the righties, 'patriotism' IS their religion; thus, American 'exceptionalism' is essential to both their 'patriotism' and their 'religion'.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Well said. Thanks

  9. Has Palin weighted in on the Indiana controversy yet? I visited the pee pond and they all are going on how the Christian faith is under attack and the LSM is cowardly allowing the gays to set the agenda, while the spineless GOP leaders cower in the corners. What a bunch of religious knuckle draggers. They are all for the Constitution unless they want to discriminate against a group and take away their liberties and constitutional rights. FUC_ them.

  10. Anonymous8:04 AM

    What is really sad, for those believers who cleave to the Republican party in the misguided notion that it is God's party, is that they are actually doing the work of Satan . . . driving people away from God and religion through their hatred and condemnation of anyone not just like them. "Family Values" is nothing but an advertising tagline, as so often the Bible is but a prop.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Totally agree!

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      If anything positive can be read into into "Gods Party" it is how they have opened the eyes of many, myself included to the brainwashing religion does. I did not make a big deal of Christians and was content to "live and let live". Hell, I would even say "Merry Christmas" in greeting and think nothing of it. Since the Christians invented "The War on XMAS" I don't bother to say anything seasonal. When the Christian right blamed 9/11 on the Gays, that was the last straw for this boy. Today I thank those fools as I now realize what a sham the whole religion racket is and always has been. There are many like me.

  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I read in one comment section a defense of the RFRA that went like this: "would you like having to cater a KKK wedding?" I had to spew, because, of course, many caterers have had to cater a KKK wedding. People don't wear the white sheets to the wedding, so we'd never even know, eh?

  12. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Fascinating...I will get this book. Perhaps it will spell out for me what I have been feeling and seeing for many years, as a 66 year old, progressive Democrat residing in the state of Michigan.

  13. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Thanks for letting me know about this book. I write book reviews, and I'm definitely putting this on my reading list. I've always thought somehow corporate America and the right wing Christians were somehow connected.

    Jennifer K

  14. Anonymous4:11 PM

    As a child of the fifties, catholic school raised, I remember this being drummed into our little heads, we had atomic bomb drills, instructions to get under out desks, Pagan baby drives, and the fear of the Soviet Union taking over our businesses and religion.

    All fear based with no clear explanation of why nor how. They were too mentally feeble to understand that there's no hiding from the effects of an Atomic Bomb. A Desk? Bomb Shelter? Give me a break, line up in the school yard and pray your skull's ground zero made more sense.


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