Saturday, April 04, 2015

I don't think Sarah Palin knows how long e-mail has existed.

Okay so the above image showed up last night on Palin's Facebook page.

It clearly shows Hillary about to take a pickaxe to a bunch of e-mail servers, thereby destroying them, and of course makes the claim that even Nixon never did that.

Which is true, since the very first sitting President to send an e-mail was Hillary's husband Bill, who sent exactly two of them.

What I find even more bizarre is the fact that the conservatives keep using these comparisons to Nixon in order to smear Hillary, without copping to the fact that he was one of theirs.

In fact constantly bringing up Nixon only allows progressives to point out that the most corrupt president's in recent history have been Republicans. Nixon with Watergate, Ronald Reagan whose administration had 21 convictions, and of course the Bush administration lied to the entire country in order to start a war with Iraq.

And of course we all know the kinds of trouble that Sarah Palin herself got herself into while SHE was Governor of Alaska.

So yes Sarah, President Nixon, the man famous for the missing 18 and half minutes of missing audio tape, did not destroy any of his non-existent e-mails. He also did not murder any non-existent unicorns, so I guess he deserves credit for that as well.

The comparison with Hillary, of course, is simply ridiculous, But hey I guess when you don't have much to work with, you get a little desperate.

P.S. Palin also linked to that Dakota Meyer interview the other day, just to make the fact that he recorded it in her Wasilla studio just that much more obvious.


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    As long as there are stupid people, $arah will always have a following. She is no Queen Esther, she's a Jezebel. Of course she linked to her esteemed Duhkota. She can sit on her imaginary throne while he does her bidding. Lazy bitch.

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      I still remember her in that high chair when the two Jewish young men "just happened" to drop by the compound. "Kiss the ring." RME.

      Can't wait to see what bonehead scheme she's up to now. It will blow up in her face as always, and the pussy MOH is dumb enough to do it.

    2. Anonymous7:19 AM

      No doubt Sarah and Bristol are bad actors. Sarah is too cheap to hire decent help. They could be brought up to speed if they weren't so lazy.

    3. Anonymous7:28 AM

      The Palins may not know about emails but they are revolutionaries in the world of Instagram. Bristol announced her engagement in the social media forum. Follow all her engagement journey, the excitement, planning, parties and all on Instagram!!

      Did you see all the people at Bristol's bridal shower?

    4. Anonymous7:51 AM

      FUCK Bristol.
      Follow her yourself.

    5. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Revolutionaries, 7:28 AM?!?
      You are so effing stupid. hahahahaha

    6. Anonymous8:28 AM

      6:34 AM

      One of Palins more ridiculous skits. She sure proved that anyone could just drop on by the Palin and the Heath households any old time and Simple Sarah would be there with welcoming arms. LOL

    7. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I think the comment about instagram was sarcasm.

    8. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Russian Revolutionaries

      хороших клиентов

      momma2makiah 30.03.2015
      Baby #2 on the way?

      Instaliga Order photo prints

    9. Anonymous11:58 AM

      When you click this picture up pops the Instagram tags on three people.


      Who does Bristol's Instagram for her?

    10. Anonymous3:52 PM


  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    This post says it all about Sarah's latest post.
    Joe Barry Yep, I can't believe I have to sign up for Sarah's Pac in order to see the message. The message must not be that important then.

    Like · Reply · 39 mins

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Before all the regulars disappeared. one of them actually said that if she was serious about running, she'd make that stupid SPAC channel free to get her message to the masses. I must admit my jaw dropped at the seldom seen moment of clarity.

      Speaking of which, it is rather interesting how they all departed. Much speculation on IM as to why. My guess is they took some time off to honor Holy Week, ask forgiveness and worship, and come Monday will be back to the same old name-calling and board wars. Especially that TheresaAK broad. So Christian they are.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      They didn't disappeared, they've been using their many other Facebook pages.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      All for show, 9:40 AM.
      Just like their golden calf.

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    P.S. Palin also linked to that Dakota Meyer interview the other day.......

    Dakota Meyers looks like he will have numerous health issues. It is hard to believe he is 30ish and already so many health signs to watch.

    His mental health is also dubious.

    Sarah has someone other than the bridal shower to film in her studio.

    Does anyone know why Sarah has the gold star?

    What happened to Track Palin? He has been hidden for weeks or over a month now.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Anonymous 6:29, I totally agree with you about Dakota's apparent health issues, both physical and mental (dead look in his eyes). He no doubt follows a very self-destructive lifestyle (alcoholism, loads of sugar, tons of junk food, probably not much exercise, and loads of anger over life-long unresolved issues. Lots to go wrong here. Will Bristol still be true to him if he ends up obese and/or in a scooter?

      I also imagine that there are plenty of vets who know that he recommended himself for MOH, that he lied about material facts, and who are resentful of anyone peddling a MOH for profit, particularly when the military person is openly antagonistic and borderline inciteful toward the Commander in Chief. (Dakota also defied the orders of his commander while trying to retrieve the dead bodies in Afghanistan, btw – he could have retrieved them later with much less risk to his fellow combatants.) It's a total disrespect of the military uniform and code of honor, plus the lives of other fallen servicemen, pure and simple.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Since when can one recommend themselves? Maybe it's just me, but I'd think it means squat unless you cited by your superiors.

      Oh yes, Duhkota, you've found the right family to continue your crap! How absolutely pathetic.

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Did she steal this cartoon? There isn't any author's signature to it.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Did she steal the gold star flag she posed in the TV spiel Dakota did in set room for her productions?

      Who died? Who did Sarah know that was gold star?

      Why isn't Sarah on Fox now? Why does she have to pose Dakota on her stage and have him on Fox?

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      AND, there HAS to be a copyrighted signature on it: that's how political cartoons work. Moreover, she is using the cartoon for a fund-raising purpose, not for any purpose which would be exempt from copyright infringement.

      Thus, she is committing the same exact thing she is now being sued for, successfully, by the rescue workers from the 911 site. Since the federal court judgment against her is still uncompleted, it is clear that this act could be introduced before THAT court as further evidence of her modus operandi, thus upping the damages. Google North Jersey Media Group v. SarahPAC, a case now pending in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (14-cv-0553-CCC-MF). The case is not going well for Ms. Palin, to put it very mildly.

      Sarah is unwilling and incapable of learning, even when a court orders to the contrary, even when it ends up costing her in the wallet. Her thought: I'll always find another griftee who will pay the consequences/costs. By dodging the settlement conference in the above-referenced case, and by repeating basically the same offense in another situation, Sarah has opened herself up to a greater exposure of court-assessed damages, IMO.

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:05 AM

    And the dingalings at C4PartialBrainFunction will nod in agreement and say, "Yup! Not even that Nixon ever destroyed HIS emails! Maw, go see if Junior. filled his piggy bank again. High five!!!"

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    That woman is such an ignorant asshole.
    And I dont think she "did" Derkota. She just turned on her tease machine to number 11 and is leading that slow witted boy around by his little woodie pecker. The old witch cast her spell on him and offered up her oldest daughter to him for a fast buc_. or is that fuc_.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM


    2. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Either way Dakota is done. He looks one way in Photoshop images. In others he looks like an impending medical emergency is looming.

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      I agree. I don't think Sarah has "done" anyone since Piper was conceived. I know a certain group of people see her as "hot," (yuck) but to me she comes off as asexual.

    4. Anonymous8:24 AM

      How much insurance were Todd and Grandpa Chuck able to secure for the family (Bristol). Just in case Meyer dies before things go as planned for Sarah?

    5. "Anonymous8:07 AM
      I agree. I know a certain group of people see her as "hot," (yuck) but to me she comes off as asexual."
      I agree, but to me she comes across as downright frigid. Her dislike of and contempt for men pours off of her with her snide insults regarding men and their sexual capability (lack of) and her frequent accusations of pedophilia.

      Her slutty tastelessness in clothing and behavior appears to be her way of confirming to herself that she has power over men when they react to her "hotness."

      A bottomless pit of rage is a very evident part of her alleged "sexy" persona.

    6. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Prostitutes don't have to like sex or be sexual beings. They just need to deliver and perform. I am sure they will do what it takes when they feel it is necessary. A frigid ice queen can learn the acts.

      Sarah Palin is married to a pimp. Whatever the legal status of that deal it doesn't matter. Sarah and Todd have had years to work out various plots for 'what is in it' for them.

      A pimp born in Dillingham and 18 years on the North Shore for BP. Todd Palin has been around the block when it comes to his line of work. Ask Malia, Blade or Shailey how he handles his work and his workers.

      If Sarah thinks the only quick way to snatch a victim, she would do anything it takes. Including any sex necessary. If she can get what she wants with a tease that will suffice.

  7. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The second year of the Sportsman Channel program came to a close with back-to-back episodes.

  8. Anonymous7:44 AM

    If Dakota was such a gem, he would have been anatched up by the GOP some time ago. All that he does to promote himself is to show up at car races and NRA events. He visited Sarah on AmaIng America. The Sportsman Channel carries lots of ads for the NRA and gun manufacturers. This is Dakota's niche. No other politician has teamed up with him. He sounds like an idiot which means that he probably thinks that Sarah is smart LOL.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      If DM thinks that Sarah Palin is a politician he is in bad form. Poor Dud.

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      That about covers it. Who in their right mind would hook up with this train wreck?

    3. Anonymous8:34 AM

      He know she's not a politician, 8:07 AM, he saw the money and attention afforded him. What 's a Bristol bond and boinking gonna hurt, he's hit the jackpot in his mind.

      The replacement Track.

    4. Anonymous9:28 AM

      It is pitiful about Track. Some are thinking he is dead.
      What happened?

    5. Anonymous10:26 AM

      9:28 AM Track Menard is an embarrassment to the Palins.

    6. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Sarah was hot for the warrior body with tatts. Now they have to settle for a big doughy boy. I don't see that working out so well for the long run.

  9. Randall8:06 AM

    You know...
    IF Mrs. Clinton sent or received any incriminating emails, the sender(s) and/or receiver(s) of said emails still have a copy in their SENT or RECEIVED box.

    Since none have come forth so far, I think it's pretty safe to say: none exist.

    The "missing emails" have all of the incriminating significance as does Benghazi: none.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Everything leads back to Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Of course it does, 8:22 AM, although it's been debunked HOW many times? The cry of desperation.

    3. Anonymous4:08 PM

      The way Sarah keeps on about Hillary's emails, makes me wonder how many other accounts Sarah had that were never found.

      As for her cartoon, I am sure Sarah thinks she is very witty, however all it shows is her ignorance.

      When is Sgt.Dudley going to get a channel on the SarahChannel? Will the price go up because is he going to show us how to fight ISIS in the dark?

    4. Anonymous5:35 PM

      He's already done that, 4:08 PM.
      Broken glass, what will you do?
      Pardon the child in the chair......

      Poor Tripp.
      Well on his way to being a monster.

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    If Sarah hadn't mentioned MOH, I never would have known he was a recipient. Just Sarah politicizing the medal, and soon it's her's. The quickie marriage ensures that.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      I never knew what an undeserving recipient Dakota Meyer is.

      I never knew he was so nuts and needed serious mental health care.

      Who would have known about Meyer and his failed story about a loaded gun that turned out to be unloaded when he failed his suicide attempt?
      If that story of his is actually what happened.

      Part of Dakota's sickness, and why he is a danger, is because he knows in parts of his brain that he cannot return to combat.

      Unfortunately, a more powerful part of his brain and he does not ever leave combat.
      Dakota Meyer is still on a battlefield.

      He learns to mask that part until it pops out.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Yes. This.

      Only I envision the whole mess going down something more like Duhkota meeting an untimely end and his wife $arah, er, I mean Pistol, will inherit all of his "stuff" and she will parade it around until the day that she meets her own end. P-uke!


  11. A. J. Billings8:09 AM

    When it comes to ANYTHING technical, mechanical, elecronic, or engineering, related, Granny $arah is a 100% unadulterated IDIOT.

    Palin is one of those people who call for tech support, and can't even explain their problem, because they are SO incapable and unwilling to learn. They just want their gadgets to work, and don't give a shit about knowledge.

    TL:DR That woman is an IDIOT!

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      I had to go look to see if she still has it on her page. She does! What an absolute idiot and sorry I gave her the click.

  12. Anonymous8:13 AM

    This is a ridiculous and meaningless cartoon, just like SarahPac is a ridiculous and meaningless...whatever the hell it is.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Quite lucrative for her. The ridiculous are those who fall for it and contribute.

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    One day I was feeling silly and acting stupid at a gathering.
    I heard someone ask?"Is that a Palin?
    I am embarrassed for her stupidity.

  14. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Ms Palin, please look up "Rose Mary Woods", re the Nixon administration.


    "Fiercely loyal to Nixon, Woods claimed responsibility in a 1974 grand jury testimony for inadvertently erasing up to five minutes of the 181⁄2 minute gap in a June 20, 1972, audio tape. Her demonstration of how this might have occurred – which depended upon her stretching to simultaneously press controls several feet apart (what the press dubbed the "Rose Mary Stretch"[4]) – was met with skepticism from those who believed the erasures, from whatever source, to be deliberate. The contents of the gap remain a mystery.[5]"

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Facts are optional (if not wholly non-existent) when it comes to Wailin' Palin.

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      "Fiercely loyal to Nixon, Woods claimed responsibility"

      Loyalty is #1 for Sarah.

      Who is Sarah Palin's Rosemary Woods?

  15. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I've been a fan of Survivor now for 30 seasons...
    The other night Sarah got a shout out from one of the contestants.
    Clip starts at the 14:40 mark

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      lmao....that's her base!

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Caught that to. Laughed so hard.

    3. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Mark Burnett's a buddy of Sarah's, so I assume it was staged. They are all in each others pockets.

    4. Anonymous12:49 PM

      I say that Mark Burnett, and his demon wife who tried to fool everyone with that angel show, must be the ones to produce the wedding.

      I think we all know Sarah can't pull off even a small gathering or get together.

      Dakota and Bristol need someone with experience in major productions. If not, they will have the worst and most pitiful wedding.

      It will make Track Palin's wedding look alright.

    5. Anonymous4:00 PM

      That was so funny, now they are using Sarah as the standard for stupid on reality shows.

      Is Sarah going to sue her buddy Mark Burnett for not editing that part out?

    6. Anonymous5:32 PM

      A sign she's going to run. LOL!

  16. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Now that Sarah Palin has lured Dakota Meyer in the trap that is her family, she will be milking him and his medal for everything he's worth. He will be drained dry and spit out the other end of the Palin machine.

    Not to say that Dakota didn't enter into it willingly. He sees this as an opportunity to grift more money out of perpetually terrified people. If he doesn't exploit the MOH, how else is he going to support himself?

    He's not about to re-enlist in the military or get a real job like every other surviving MOH recipient before him. That's not the way Dakota Meyer rolls.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      It sure is strange that his family is silenced. His step father and grandmother looked thrilled to be at the White House.

      They must still be alive and have feelings about the recent big life changing event in Dakota's 26 years on planet earth. Why the silence?

      Did Meyer family and friends visit with Bristol and Sarah when they do Kentucky? It makes no sense the Meyers are being shuttered now.

      His mother is still alive, I think. What an interview she could give. She must be so happy that the son she birthed is marrying into a top Family Values family.

      Is his birth father living?

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      As someone said before, MOH winners, even Purple Heart recipients usually keep it silent. Not Duhkota.....good luck, buddy, you just sold your very soul.

    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Anonymous 9:35, Both of Dakota's natural parents are still alive, and saying nothing. There must be several reasons why they are not speaking up or having any current relationship with him. We know Dakota's word can not be trusted. Therefore we have no way of knowing whether the things he wrote about them in his book are correct. Even so, there are always two sides to every story. I am waiting to hear their side. And yes, Dakota may have spoken accurately about both of them, but in terms of having emotionally resolved those issues, it is clear that he is still majorly conflicted. Will he 'take out' on his future wife and step son the unresolved anger and rage that he still feels toward his own natural parents? IMO, most likely he will.

    4. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Most families are happy and allowed to speak about a joyous occasion. They are glad to open up.

      The Palins will go on and on about their family values and concepts on politics or people.

      Yet no one can be happy and joyful about a wedding that should be a big deal to all involved?


    5. Anonymous1:09 PM

      If a university education is indicative, 11:46 PM, this is exactly what's coming. No brag, just fact.

    6. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Is this what you mean 109?

      Dakota Meyer has Honorary Doctorate Degree from Lindsey Wilson College.

      That is about the equivalent to Bristol and
      "We’re so proud that Bristol has been graduated tonight from Penrose Academy in Arizona." Sarah Palin

      Sarah made a recent visit to Kentucky. She could have arranged for them both to graduate from college.

    7. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Bristol is learning disabled and can't control her impulses and won't take the "cramp pills" that mommy and daddy try to give her so she needs to be married off, and who better to marry her off to than a brainwashed slightly LD adult who happened to get a special medal based on a tale made up by his superiors (special indeed!) and become a poster child for helping other low achievers agree to fight these senseless wars we're involved in.

      The war machine needs fresh meat! Special Bristol and Private Special Needs Dumbkota MO-MO will hit the trail for 'Merica and keep fresh patriotic meat flowing to feed the dogs of war.

      'Merica, Fuck Yeah!

    8. Anonymous3:00 PM

      No, 1:54 PM, I mean I got the degree and have seen this coming a mile away, from the time this tribe was trotted out in '08. Right down to Dakota, it's not rocket science.

  17. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Is this masterpiece, whose artwork was lifted off a 2nd grader's birthday card, supposed to depict Hilary going nanners on some hard drives?

    Or this is the mom from Friday the 13th about to bludgeon Nixon into ground enchilada filling with a safety hammer?

    Brilliant job, da Vinci.

  18. Anonymous8:56 AM

    pool Sarah. dumb desparate and low information is a family trait. hard to attract otherwise.Nyasa gotta work with what ya got. of course the lies are out on your MOH. you cant get that genie back in the bottle now! itsnwhat willncome to EVERYONES MIND anytime you make the news. hey..that's the MOH that made HIS story up! that's the guy who also disrepects the President who Awarded him the MOH. liars in bed with liars. Bristol found someone with the same values. and Levi escaped and married sunny. lovely family!

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      That's how I see it. How many years have we watched these hicks try to matter? There's only so much spaghetti you can throw at a wall, but comical to see them attempt it. MOH is a buffoon.

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Jesus-Fucking-Christ. There really is no dumber person in the history of the world than Wailin' Palin.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Well, I would argue the people sending money to SarahPac might be a wee big dumber.

  20. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Hillary threw the Obama Administration under the bus for $sarah , thought she get her support, I think not

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Are you drunk again, 9:53 AM Troll? Try writing a coherent sentence. You write like a 4 year old.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Let $arah and Hillary debate for president! $arah will wipe the floor clean with her!

      The Pee Puddle
      Bring it, cowardess.

  21. Anonymous10:09 AM

    OT but this is sickening. We can afford to go to war constantly but can't send our kids to school.

  22. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Did she learn all she needs to know at the Ted Stevens SKool of
    E-Mail, Intertubes,and What Not?

    She was ten years old when Nixon resigned, and it's dubious that anyone at her dining room table filled her in on the intricacies of Watergate, why it happened, and what followed.

    Remember, she was just 16 years old when Ronald Reagan was elected, and all of 24 when he left office. What was she studying then, and what information was she retaining? She was a young mother who was changing diapers and drinking beer; she weren't no high-and-mighty scholar studying the Journal of the Council on Foreign Relations.
    In other words, she really was a blank slate in 2008, full of emotions and completely empty of facts.

  23. Anonymous10:19 AM

    7:28 AM

    Gee, thanks. That is one awesome shower. WillBlow managed that crowd like a pro. She really knows how to put on a spread while drunk!

    Piper must have been the one to organize the games. Look at all the fun they had. How nice of US4Palin and C4P to share all those great pictures!!
    They rilly care!!!!

  24. Anonymous11:14 AM

    You can not fix stupid!

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      No matter what cockamamie plot they try next, you're absolutely right, and amusing to watch.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Even without the regulars, the pee pond is fighting again. hahahahaha

  25. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Sarah and her new gun via Rapist Ted

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      'The Great Sarah Palin was given this DPMS AR15 as gratitude for her 2nd Amendment absolutism. Godspeed Sarah Palin. Godspeed freedomlovers everywhere.' Ted Nugent

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Another classic pose for the NRA

      Track Marks before he fell from Grace

      That is more like the wedding, a bunck of nuts concealing.

  26. Anonymous4:39 PM

    You kind of have to give Palin a pass. She's planning a wedding, stewing in her own juices, and she never was quite smart enough to grasp "facts". She suffers from a rare o disease called TMF. Terminal Mind Fuck. Just look who she hangs out with and how she fleeces others suffering the same disease. Does she have a sermonette on the meaning of Easter and how we need to protect Easter?

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      $arah's not saying anything because she hasn't risen from the dead yet. Try tomorrow.

    2. Anonymous10:12 PM

      She's actually posting on her other FB pages


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It just goes directly to their thighs.