Saturday, April 04, 2015

Indiana pizzeria owner goes on Fox News to clarify that she doesn't hate teh gays, just teh gay weddings.

So to apparently the other day Crystal O'Connor went on the Fox Business Network to make the following point:  

“They are welcome in the store, anyone is welcome in the store, but it’s against our belief to condone, to cater to their wedding. We’re condoning that if we do that, and that is against our religion. That is against our faith,” she said. 

Asked how serving gays in the restaurant was different than catering a wedding, O’Connor was at first confused, before explaining that it isn’t a sin to serve gays in the restaurant. 

“It is not a sin that we bring gays into our establishment, and to serve them” she said. “It is a sin, though, if we condone — if we cater their wedding. We feel we are participating. We’re putting a stamp of approval on their wedding, and we cannot do that.” 

Pressed by Cavuto to explain how that is not discrimination, O’Connor said that it wasn’t “hateful.” 

“It’s not all hateful, we show no hatred towards them,” she said. “We just — we ask that they respect as we have to allow the way they believe — we just ask that they respect the way we believe.” 

O’Connor stated that the restaurant will open again but was unsure exactly when, saying, “We're not sure when. I'm still shaken over this and I’m the one who will serving the customers and answering the phone, and I’m not ready to face that yet. But it will be soon.”

I have to admit that I am not exactly a biblical scholar but I am having a hard time understanding where in the book is says that one may serve gays who come into your store, but catering a gay wedding is a sin before the eyes of God.

I mean according to Leviticus 18:22 - "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination."

And in Leviticus 20:13 it says "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

However nowhere does it seem to indicate that you cannot serve a gay person a slice of pizza, or cater their weddings.

As for "condoning" their lifestyle, unless this Crystal person is willing to follow the guidelines in the Bible and put them to death, I would think she is already doing that. At least that is the way the passages were interpreted for over a thousand years.  

However once again let me reiterate that if in fact these people received death threats then that is inexcusable, and ultimately self defeating because it only helps to make them a martyr in the eyes of people who think like they do.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    They will be back open when they burn through their Go Fund Me $$$ and finish the American Taliban Publicity Tour...

    Joe the Plumber is their agent...

    1. Olivia10:21 AM

      Just wait until they find out they have to pay taxes on it.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Unfortunately they don't have to pay taxes on it.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      You are probably more right than you know!

    4. Anonymous2:14 PM

      In case you didn't hear, that gofundme was set up by one ofJames O'Keefe's buddies - they may not ever see the $$.

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I would only believe the "freedom of religion" crap if they also refused to serve anyone who has committed a biblical abomination. Which is something everyone has done, therefore they would have no customers... hypocrites. Isn't it strange that the only thing in this world that seems to violate their religious beliefs is the gays. I never hear them refusing to serve atheists, liars, cheaters, the proud, the arrogant, divorcees, kids who eat bugs, Red Lobster patrons, or anyone who remarries their ex... it's just an excuse to discriminate. I'm proud of the humans in this country who see through the bullshit and say heck no we don't behave like that.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM


      So many of these sheeple never read the Bible on their own. They only crack it open to the page being read to them in a pew. So many times I have heard ministers deliberately misinterpret passages in order to further isolate his "flock" from the competition. Churches in America are competing in a free enterprise marketplace for tithes, and it has become a cutthroat business.

      Christians should bend over backwards to shower a gay wedding with total acceptance and love. If they go out of their way to give the happy couple the best damn wedding reception possible, they just might earn a few new members into their congregation.

  3. Anonymous9:30 AM

    She's just trying to get that fund up over a million before Easter. That's more money than they would ever have made in their entire lives. All for being a batch of shit hole bigots.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      I sure hope the IRS is looking at these go fund me sites. Hard to understand why some of these folks are generating the kind of donations that they get.

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    She needs to find a male friend with "teh gay" to give her a makeover, a dentist with "teh gay" could help her greatly also.

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Her hate served them well.
    Closing on a million for it.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      I honestly have not read any hatred from them based on the above quoted article. Thats is a misguided lie on your part. You might not like their priciples, but that really is their right to have their own ideas about the world. I do though read a lot of hate and name calling here by the militant liberals. Good luck in 2016 losers.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      11:03 AM Good luck with your Rafael Eduardo Cruz Presidential candidate getting any Hispanic votes. Isn't he the Tea Party hopeful who is railing against immigration reform? Isn't his Father a Castro Commie immigrant? You are the Loser, Troll. Good luck in 2020.

    3. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Until their scam is exposed.

    4. Anonymous12:11 PM

      I don't know..those Leviticus verses are pretty hateful, don't you think? Militant liberals? Really? We aren't out there marching around Kroger armed for war..that would be your side. And gee, all out militantness got this gal a million bucks from your that won't be going to Cruz or Bush. By 2016, you guys will have only the evangelicals on your side...everyone else is a thinking, caring human being.

    5. Anonymous12:37 PM

      What 'principles', 11:50?

    6. Anonymous1:09 PM

      It's no coincidence that 11:03 used the term "militant." Huckabee just used the phrase "militant gay community" on CNN. These are buzz words and 11:03 is just a parrot.

  6. hedgewytch9:43 AM

    Nope, these people brought this all on themselves. And they went happily screaming martyr all the way to the Go Fund Me Site. Now if they used that money to support a Christian Charity that actually helped people....but I'm guessing this dough is going right into their own pockets. Am I right? You betcha.

  7. So how do you know someone is gay? Do they wear a sign stating their inclination? I be darned if their money doesn't spend like everyone elses... I just think if your religion is your badge, then wear it so we all can identify you and not give you our business!

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      So how do you know someone is gay?

      Perhaps that's why the O'Connors say they are just against same-sex weddings. When the principals are both men, or both women, it is sort of a giveaway, don't you think?

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      And since when did a couple order the food? When my kids got married, I handled hers with my daughter, and my future DIL did the ordering for my son's wedding. We never saw the caterers...just paid the bills. This is stupid..the woman is a liar and now, a thief.

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      My now-husband and I met with the caterers before our wedding and did all the planning. We obviously shared an address and phone number (signifying we were living together "in sin" before marriage). It's a good thing our caterer was so open minded!

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Somewhere in Wasilla the Banshee is screaming "Paint that sign faster Tawd! Yep, there ya go! Mittal of honer Pizza...oh, don't forgit to add we don't serve no weddings to teh gays also too! Who knew this was an easier grift that a PAC?"

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If she caters a wedding for couples who have fornicated, or who have been previously married and committed adultery are they putting their stamp of approval on the marriage?

    Are they putting their stamp of approval for marriages between heterosexuals who are abusive to their partners? Did they put their stamp of approval on marriages for couples who were abusive to their children?

    If they catered weddings to heterosexual couples, where one is a pedophile --did that also have their stamp of approval? Why would you want to be suggesting your participating in a business transaction suggesting that you are giving them your stamp of approval on morality?

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      If she caters a wedding for couples who …

      To echo the question posed by Gles 9:50 AM: So how do you know someone has fornicated? So how do you know someone was previously married? So how do you know someone has committed adultery? So how do you know someone is abusive to their partner? So how do you know someone is abusive to their children? So how do you know someone is a pedophile? None of these things are easily knowable by someone who is simply "participating in a business transaction" whereas—as I noted above—if your customers are two men, or two women, planning a wedding, it's sort of a giveaway.

    2. Anonymous12:07 PM

      So "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?" Funny, but I doubt a couple would come in and order the make believe wedding pizza person would call and do it, wouldn't they? Lord, this woman is a piece of work. From what I'm reading, the store was already closed before she went on TV, and now they're millionaires. Only in America.

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      It's a small town - you know who's shacking up with who, who has kids but isn't married, and who screwed who while still married to soemone else (often, police records are a BIG help with this, as all involved can be pretty physical in their disapproval) plus some basic math skills - 9 and ocunt backwards - then agisn, when one has the six year old in tow, and is getting married NOW, first time for both parents - that's a pretty easy one.

  10. The RFRA is not the only Indiana-Taliban law we need to protest. Purvi Patel has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for a miscarriage under Indiana's 'feticide' law.

    Gov. Pence of Indiana had his feelings hurt by the backlash against the RFRA. Please join me in hurting his feelings some more, let him know your thoughts about jailing women who suffer miscarriages. Here is the link to send him an email: Demand that he pardon Purvi Patel.

    I have promised Gov. Pence that I will boycott, and badmouth Indiana daily, until Purvi Patel is freed.

    Indiana, home of cruel, judgmental, self-righteous Taliban-Christians. An evil cesspool of people who call themselves Christian but exhibit the compassion of Lucifer. This broad brush badmouthing will continue until Gov. Pence pardons Purvi Patel.

  11. Papaw Jon10:02 AM

    This is the best scam since Sarah Palin. I heard a rumor ( My son-in-law is from Indiana ) that this restaurant had been closed for some time and that the building was for sale, So I looked at the real estate listings and sure enough there it was turn key business for sale, There was a link there to an online rating site, There it listed " Our customers rate this restaurant closed " Now after hearing her cockamamie story about some random reporter calling her and asking questions that she can't remember ?...... I'll bet she can't remember the reporter or the station either ! Remember the original TV report said that the owner contacted them ! This place went belly up because of shitty pies and this girl figured an angle to excuse her sorry business practices and it grew like a monster, Now that the donations are topping a million dollars doesn't this untruth constitute a crime ? Fraud ? Where the hell are the investigative reporters ? or again shouldn't the truth get in the way of a good story and ratings ?

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Contact local TV affiliates in that area and ask for their investigative reporter.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Do you have any links? I did a Google search but couldn't get past all the frothy Daily Caller articles. I would LOVE to post this info on my FB page for my entire extended family to read.

    3. Anonymous12:41 PM

      If there is truth to this - perhaps that is why this young woman looks so uncomfortable. Hope the facts come out about the business.

    4. Anonymous2:21 PM

      It was origianlly on a South Bend, Indiana news station. I think it was this one:

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Sounds like fraud to me. Hope someone exposes them.

  12. Anonymous10:06 AM

    So, I'm assuming she wouldn't serve lunch to gay people who are married or on a date because that would be "condoning" their behavior? I guess serving a person who engaged in homosexual activity would also be condoning their behavior by providing them sustenance.

    I hope they don't think it's ok to cater weddings where the bride and groom were married to other people when they started having sex. What about catering a wedding where the groom doesn't invite her parents because she doesn't honor them. Or where the best man lies during his toast and says he's really glad his best buddy is getting married.

  13. Anonymous10:08 AM

    What exactly did she clarify? That she and her father are bigots? Thanks for that.

  14. Olivia10:22 AM


    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Too funny! Yep we have some stupid politicians up here, but hey, so does everyone, right? Even the true blue states have some loonies.

      I love that many of the commenters are denigrating our entire state because of the actions of a few. We like it like that, we like to keep our little secret and keep the population low so that our wilderness areas remain wilderness areas and not sprawling pavement covered metropolises.

      It will soon be tourist season where hundreds of thousands of ill-informed visitors come rushing up here asking us questions like "what time do the glaciers go by"?

      Good times, good times indeed.

  15. I want to hear from the Walkerton IL police that the O'Conners immediately reported these death threats and have 'fully cooperated' in the investigation of them. Death threats are a criminal matter. Do they have some number of suspects and are they close to an arrest? (Okay, I'm hurting myself now :) ) Like routinely done with the parents of children who go missing, are the O'Conners prepared to take polygraphs regarding their claims?

    Or was this always about something else?

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Ditto. Because unless there is any documentation, such as a report to the police, that these bigots actually received genuine death threats, I will continue to doubt that they really did. Considering how full of shit they are, I need proof they aren't lying about this to gain sympathy.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      There is, of one threat, from one person. I'd like to think it is not a serious threat - just like what's his name - Nugerm? Lubgent? you know,one of the ugly old dudes that Palin hangs out with.

  16. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I feel like it would pretty much be a sin to order pizza from a waspy white girl in Indiana on the day of your glorious gay wedding. I'm just saying.

  17. Anonymous10:46 AM

    None of the ten commandments mentions homosexuality, yet #7 mentions adultery. I would think catering a reception for a couple that were involved in the act of adultery would be more offensive than a gay couple. After all, the adultery not only broke sacred vows, they also broke a commandment!
    If you are going to be sanctimonious, you can't pick and choose your high Christian morals.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Chuck Heath Jr. would have been denied for adultery. Sarah Heath would have been denied for Fornication and being pregnant before marriage. Bristol would have been banned from even getting close to the Pizza Parlor for giving birth to 4 Bastard children. Oh, but Bristol Palin is a born again Virgin, BWAHAHAHA.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Jesus showed compassion for all, including prostitutes. If the Christian ideal is to be 'Christ-like', would one not show compassion for all and leave the judgment for the Almighty? Would Jesus advise one to refuse to provide service to another? True Christians are hard to find, which is what drove me away from the religion.

  18. Anonymous10:55 AM

    If businessess start refusing to serve STUPID people, there will be an uproar, especially from gop/tp members.

  19. AKinPA10:59 AM

    How many weddings of any sort has this pizza place catered? I know that we liberals are all elitists, but I've never heard of having a wedding being catered by a pizza parlor and I have lots of non-elitist "friends."

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      My thought exactly. I'm sure they've had to turn away dozens of wedding orders...NOT.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      That's hardly the point.

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      They do not cater. They lied.

  20. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Exodus 35:2
    "Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death."

    I wonder if they're open on Sunday?

  21. Anonymous11:24 AM

    O/T. Ted Nugent post pic of SP with a great big pink-flowered automatic weapon...Happy Easter!

    'The Great Sarah Palin was given this DPMS AR15 as gratitude for her 2nd Amendment absolutism. Godspeed Sarah Palin. Godspeed freedomlovers everywhere.'

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Godspeed Sarah Palin, indeed. I hope that she and Ted have a shootout, guns drawn at 50 paces and that we are rid of both of them simultaneously.

  22. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It seems to me that the O'Connors—if they were indeed still in business—had no significant objection to making money doing business with gay people, or abusers, or adulterers, or pedophiles, or whatever … as long as they had plausible deniability. If any of those people came in to the business and bought something, the O'Connors could simply take the money and put it in the till. If anybody criticized them for doing so, they could simply say, "We didn't know!!!" … something hard to claim if they cater to a gay wedding. I suggest that it's all about Keeping up Appearances.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      NO ONE asked them to cater a gay wedding. This business does no catering. It's a lie to make their case for them.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      This business does no catering.

      So they got to make their bigoted point without risking the loss of any catering orders, gay or straight.

  23. Techgnome11:46 AM

    Whether or not, or to what degree the O'Connor's beliefs are part of any religion or are consistent with theirs in completely irrelevant to the issue. The fact is that they have a right to their beliefs the same as anyone else. We have not outlawed racism and we will not outlaw homophobia. What we have done is reduce racism's affect on the market place. People who are asking for tolerance need to demonstrate more of that quality than I am seeing here and elsewhere.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      What is your problem? We are tolerant. We just are not buying the 'my religion tells me I can't serve pizza or fill that prescription or pass a law to help those in need' that we are hearing every day. Meanwhile, these same people are just fine with the death penalty, wars, US torture, and on and on. Where in the New Testament are those condoned? And frankly, where in the NT does Jesus condemn people..any people except the rich? Now that this gal is a millionaire, she might want to read up on how Jesus says you get to heaven when you're rich.
      And yes, she can believe the sky is green, but she cannot own a public business (tell me she paid for the road to the store, the sidewalks, and the sewer lines, let alone took NO tax abatements from her town or the feds...she is a public business) she cannot use her religion to deny people her product, and then claim, "we are tolerant people." No, they are not.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      The fact is that they have a right to their beliefs the same as anyone else.

      Until they open a business that purports to serve "the public." Don't you know any American history? Does "Woolworth Lunch Counter" not mean anything to you?

    3. "The fact is that they have a right to their beliefs the same as anyone else."
      Until they deny other people their rights. That goes beyond their opinion. They use the roads, utilities, agencies, police and fire departments paid for by the public to grow and prosper their business, and they don't get to pick and choose which members of the public they will serve.

    4. Techgnome2:31 PM

      Even when they own a business bigots have a right to their beliefs. They have a right to express those beliefs. What they don't have, under very limited circumstances, is the right to refuse service. Do you think bigots suddenly stopped owning lunch counters or changed their beliefs because of a law?

      For anyone who missed it the first time I highly recommend this article:

      This is another one with some ideas well worth considering:

      And, at the risk of overload, this one too:

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      There are a ton of ways you can maintian your religion without being discriminatory. You can be orthodox Jewish and only serve kosher food - that's not being discriminatory to those who aren't Jewish or Jews who don't keep kosher, because everyone can order teh matzoh, ya know?

    6. Techgnome4:10 PM

      Anon 2:32, I agree, It's ridiculously unChristian and there are many ways around it for those who think it is. But, that is not for anyone else to decide. People aren't just asking for pizza and cake. They're asking for conformity. As a non-conformist myself I find that disturbing and wrong.

    7. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Nobody needs to be tolerant of bigotry and intolerance.

    8. Anonymous5:54 PM

      What part of actions versus beleifs do you not understand, Techgnome?

    9. Anonymous5:59 PM

      You can be as non-conformist as you want, Techgnome, but at some point, civil society decides you are an anti-social force - therfore, you can't partake of the benefits of said society. Such as, own a business, dependent on the rules of civil society and taxpayer support, and you'd better have a morally defensible reason for doing so. "My skybuddy said" is NOT a morally defensible reason. My customer's safety - age and height restrictions - is.
      See the difference there?

  24. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I don't hate bigots! Just their behavior. Are these people that dumb and hateful? Or do they think everyone else is that dumb and hateful?

  25. Anonymous11:57 AM

    When you are open for business, you have to serve the public. It isn't up to you to judge them or condone them or condemn them. Just do what the public is paying you for and keep your religious beliefs at home where they belong.

  26. A Superfan In Atlanta12:11 PM

    Coming from someone who has been discriminated against throughout my ENTIRE life, I must admit that I am torn on this issue. I don't know where the line is to justify an action against the types of services a store specializes in or offers.

    In my walk of life, experiencing discrimination as an African American is much more different than experiencing discrimination as a homosexual. Yes, sometimes the presence of both populations incite tragic endings for sure. However, it's one thing to be denied a specialty service because of a preference in who/how you love vs the denied entry or service because you exist as a human being. How, you ask? Well, if we're being honest with one another, homosexuals can utilize the option to "act straight" whereas Black people cannot turn off being Black. Wouldn't you agree?

    Throughout my existence, I get discriminated against from the moment I am seen should they choose to take that stand against me. So, although I support the fight to openly love who and how you choose to do so, I must honestly and lovingly admit that I think bullying these folks are always the worst mistake ever.

    A better use of time and energy is to find a pizzaria nearby that welcomes gay weddings and draw attention to them. On the flip side, if what I've read is true, the pizzaria had already gone out of business and the building was up for sale. So, because of gay advocates' Westboro-like actions, these lovely folks get to bow out gracefully and enjoy all the free money they got from standing their ground.

    Just my two cents...

    1. "Well, if we're being honest with one another, homosexuals can utilize the option to "act straight" whereas Black people cannot turn off being Black. Wouldn't you agree?"

      No, no I would not agree.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      I certainly understand what you are saying, but...

      what happens when there are no other places that will serve you because they all decide they won't do business with gay people?

      There are still plenty of small towns in this country where that could happen. Just as it did in the case of African Americans before and during the Civil Rights movement.

      Should Rosa Parks have just looked for another bus? And even if another bus had existed where she could sit wherever she wanted, why should she have to?

      And, sure, people who are gay could pass for straight, but, again, why should they have to? To fool a bunch of bigots who would treat them like crap if they knew?

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      I don't get to utilize the option to act male. Daily life for a female includes PLENTY of discrimination.

    4. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Saying that gay people should "act straight" is akin to us white people asking you to "act more white" and then we might ignore your skin color if you act "more like us". Slippery slope argument, and yes, there are still some of us educated white folks that are a little afraid of people that act "too black". Is that right? No, but you have as much right to "act black" as does a gay person to "act gay". You can no more turn off your "blackness and associated behaviors" than can a gay person.

      Acceptance and understanding of different cultures and background is the only cure. None of us should ask any others to pretend to be something other than who they are.

    5. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Your two cents are deficit spending. First, SMALL TOWN. NO, there isn't another option nearby. Second, not being able to get service for a legal life ritual is "turning it off" just as much as you buying skin whitening cream is. Though I suspect you may be a very pale troll....

    6. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Then you must be very young, because I FOUGHT so you could vote, get a public education that equaled white children. But I guess it's easy to have an "oh, well" attitude when others have paved the way for you.
      That's my two cents.

    7. Anonymous4:02 PM

      My $0.02 is like 3:34 PM. We grew up in that era and saw the fight taken to the streets, and you still suffer driving, walking, talking, educating "while black." It sucks and I cannot even imagine what it is like. I see no color, I see people.

      It is no different for gay people. Why would anyone have to "act straight?" It is as hard for them as it is for you. THAT is why we fight for them.

    8. A Superfan In Atlanta10:49 PM

      Liz I @ 1:11pm
      I really would love to know why you disagree.

      Anonymous 1:26p
      That's a great point but first, you do have other options for your wedding and can even make your own pizza at home if you like. Though an inconvenience, being denied a type of service at one particular facility is not being denied your rights. Without trying to diminish the hurt, I cannot make the logical connection comparing Rosa Parks' situation to denial of a catered pizza wedding (whatever that looks like).

      Anonymous 1:43p
      Again, you are exercising a personal choice to NOT "act male"....but the option is still available. And I a woman, discrimination comes from many places. Trying to lighten my complexion would be making a permanent, physical change to my body. Just not the same thing. And no, I am a 100% African American brown skinned Georgia Peach and long time IM reader (since 2008 or 2009).

      Anonymous 2:00p
      I think you made my point for me as your argument clearly explains the fear that drives most people to act a certain way instead of the way they prefer. I didn't say gay people SHOULD act straight, I said they could. When I worked at the Four Seasons with pretty Kenny, he taught me how to walk in heels and how to hold a clutch purse. He sashayed better than Naomi Campbell. However, when he had to deliver room service meals, he had to "straighten up" unless he knew for certain the customer was not homophobic. Yes, certain displays of behavior can be "turned on and off". Being Black (unlike acting Black) cannot.

      Anonymous 2:35
      I tried really hard to understand your point, but I just can't. The marriage is the legal life ritual, not the pizza party. They were not denying your marriage at all. They just didn't want to become a part of it.
      The ultimate OPTION is to make your own pizza at home. Yes, it would be an inconvenience, but if you just HAD to have a pizza wedding (again, whatever that even looks like), then have one with those who welcome your love and life.

      Anonymous 3:34p
      I'm 43 years old. I experienced seeing crosses burning on Stone Mountain at night and KKK walk down the street in their hoods and robes. I remember when a serial killer in Atlanta was kidnapping and murdering Black children my age. I remember when the only time we were allowed to go into Downtown Atlanta was if you worked in the kitchen at the Rich's building or cleaned someone’s house. I remember a group of white high school boys throwing ice-cream on me and my brothers’ brand new pleather Michael Jackson Beat It jackets we got for Christmas when we visited Lenox Mall for the first time.

      So, get over your self-imposed generational superiority complex. Age has nothing to do with rational thinking, logic and being fair in how you fight and what you fight for.

      I fought in Desert Storm and Desert Shield and served in the military for eight years. You along with the rest of the country continue to benefit from my service, but I'm not going to use it to censure you just because we disagree on a subject matter. Instead, use your fighting spirit to get more people to the polls and vote. Your job is far from done.

      Anonymous 4:02pm
      I didn't say that gays have to act straight, I said they could if they wanted or even needed to. Most times, no one would know a person was gay unless they told them. That, alone, reduces acts of discrimination against them tremendously (i.e. staying in the closet).

      Go back to the one thing that frightened you the most and how you reacted to it. Did you jump when you saw it, run from it, stare at it, glare at it, swing at it, stomp on it, hide from it, or pick something up to try to kill it? The uncomfortable feeling you had from that thing that scared you is the equivalent to people's fear of what a Black person "might" be capable of doing to them so they react irrationally and compulsively towards Black People – just as you did. Thereby, making us uncomfortable in our own Black skin.

    9. Anonymous12:18 AM

      What is acting straight or acting gay?


    10. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Stretch your thinking, A Superfan In Atlanta.

      This is about Civil Rights. It doesn't matter if the issue is riding a bus or drinking out of a water fountain or going to college or being served in a restaurant or having your wedding catered.

      Black people, women, Jews, Homosexual people, etc. should not have to make their own food at home because no business in town will serve them.

      Please tell me you can understand that.

      And people should not have to act a "straight" in order to avoid discrimination. The fact that some people do or can is completely and utterly beside the point.

      That's not what our American civil liberties are all about. I would hope as a veteran and an African American and a woman and maybe even a liberal since you're a fan of of all people would be able to see that.

    11. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Superfan is just jealous that s/he may have to share his discrimintion martyrdom - small minded.

  27. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:00 PM

    Guess what, guys? The Yelp listing for Memories Pizza in Walkerton, IN no longer indicates that they are closed! And gee whillikers, there's even a phone number listed, too! They've also changed the previous heading photos from very religious Jesus pix to general photos of the front of the store, interior, etc. Interesting. Yesterday I had heard that they were going to franchise the business with their "donations", according to a news report on WCPT Radio, Chicago. Guess they clammed up on that one fast, because I couldn't find a link to it anywhere during the day. Amazing how quickly they snapped back, eh? From the Faux News screenshot above, the daughter has a robotic, dead-eyed look, not that of a person who is surprised/excited at all the attention and sudden cash. Hmmm.

    1. Anonymous12:20 AM

      What is the history of this young woman who owns the pizza parlor? In name only female 'owner' to qualify as a 'minority' small business owner?

      How old is she?

  28. Anonymous2:13 PM

    First of all Divorcee O'Connor, it is catering, not catering to, OK? Caterign is not even participatign in a wedding. You likley come to teh reception, not the ceremony. So tellus, do you vet eveyro other pizza delivery you make so well? Are you sure that little League team won its trophy fair and square? Are you absolutely certain, do you ask for the marriage certificate of the 6 year old birthday boy's parents to be sure it isn'e dated less than6 years and 9 motnhs ago? Do you serve pork sausage on that pizza? Crystal is gonna burn in hell for all her sins. Or, she's a cherry Bible picker.

  29. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Bakery getting death threats for refusing to make a bigot cake

  30. Anonymous3:42 PM

    this girl sounds and looks like the un-educated American bible thumper she is

  31. On topic, and I thought was brilliant:

    "Several days after signing the bill, Pence failed to deny those claims a grand total of six times in his career-ending nationally televised interview with This Week’s George Stephanopoulos. But hey, after a universe of business leaders threatens to cut ties with your state as you watch your presidential ambitions circle the drain, sometimes you have an epiphany."

  32. Anonymous4:32 PM

    "IT was never about the money, it was about belief" And plenty of free advertising for their blessed Irish Pizza Parlor. All she can do is pray for them and take their money if they're closeted.
    I haven't read the Bible in years but what happened to "Whatever you do to the least of your brothers, that you do unto me" or was that "It was either him or me"
    It ain't over, one interview with Kneel Cavuto doesn't count as a contrite apology. I only have one question. Does anyone know anybody, straight or gay, tacky enough to cater a wedding at a pizza shop? Put down your hand, Bristol. A Bowling Alley is more your style.

  33. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Why don't these so called Christians make it easy for all of us.

    Why don't they wear some sort of fundie-badge, arm band, carry around a big cross that lets us know they are Christians, that way if we don't want to frequent their business, we have been alerted ahead of time.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.