Monday, April 13, 2015

Marco Rubio officially climbs into the GOP clown car. Okay somebody remind me, he's the Hispanic one right?

"Un momento quiero ser presidente"

Courtesy of USA Today:  

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a telegenic rising star with appeal to conservative and establishment Republicans, told donors in a conference call today that he will run for president, according to multiple news reports. 

Rubio told his supporters he feels "uniquely qualified" to be president and criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," the Associated Press reported. CNN and NBC News cite unnamed sources who have divulged Rubio's plans. 

The senator is set to hold a rally this evening at Miami's Freedom Tower.

You know following Hillary in making your announcement to run for President must be like having to go on stage following the Beatles in the sixties.

Currently Rubio is trailing behind just about every other possible GOP presidential candidate in the polls:  

In the latest CNN/ORC International poll, conducted March 13-15, 7% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said they would back Rubio, placing him in a tie for 6th place in the race for the Republican nomination. Rubio trailed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (16%), Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (13%), Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (12%), former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (10%) and neurosurgeon Ben Carson (9%). He was tied with New Jersey governor Chris Christie at 7%.

So he is currently tied with the guy who is about to be indicted over bridge-gate.  Impressive.

You know I want to give the guy a fair shake, but it is just really hard when this was his most famous moment so far.

And I predict right here that after his campaign crashes and burns, this will STILL be his most famous moment.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I can't take ANYONE that doesn't take global warming/climate change seriously. And Rubio does not. It is the most dangerous issue facing this country, and for that matter, the world and we cannot afford a President that bows to their oil industry warlords. Hey, maybe when we're all so parched and hungry from lack of water, we can start fighting for what's good far all living beings, rather than just the one percent. God, I hate republicans.

    1. Watch him mealy mouth flip flop backtrack on that if he gets the nomination.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    As a plus- 20-year Floridian and having watched both Rubio's and Jeb Bush's careers, I find it frankly amazing that Marco would choose to be in a campaign that will (almost assuredly) pit him against his almost-godfather Jeb.

    Also, currently I see people posting on threads that Rubio has the same amount of experience (i.e., not much) that Obama had before becoming president. That's not quite accurate. Both did serve in their state legislatures and had one term or less as US senator before running.

    But Rubio has never, to my knowledge, held a job that was not paid for by government money. Obama did.

    I don't see that Rubio ever practiced law even though he did get a law degree from UM. He interned with Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and she encouraged him to run for a local seat in West Dade and then it was off to the State legislature for Rubio until term-limited out.

    He did have a very cushy and IMO overpaid lecturing job at Florida International University (I think he still teaches a class or two), but FIU is not a private school, so ... government money. And he would not have gotten that job if he had not been House Speaker.

    The only other income he's gotten is from book sales, and he would not have gotten that if he had not had the political career he had. So he owes his success as an author to government money as well.

    Marco Rubio has made his entire living off government money. Completely. If people claim Obama's community organizing wasn't a 'real job', how can they possibly say anything other than Rubio has never had a 'real job'?


    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Very good points, MarvinM. Also, just a reminder: UM does not stand for University of Michigan, lol, but University of Miami, a nationally known party school.

      Rubio is not at all in the same league with President Obama, who while studying law at Harvard was elected as President of the Harvard Law Review, served as research assistant to the world-famous constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe, and graduated magna cum laude. Prior to being elected as President, he wrote a best-seller book, worked in two of Chicago's most distinguished law firms, taught Constitutional Law for twelve years at the University of Chicago Law School, was elected twice to the Illinois state legislature, and served in the United States Senate.

      The only people who are claiming that Obama has done nothing are those who have never read his extremely impressive resume.

    2. What you'd call a career politician. And he has the nerve to profess to be a 'bagger.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Wait until he gets asked about Cuba and all but his wealthy Cuban cronies in Miami like his answer. The rest of the country is either happy to open up relations with Cuba or don't give a shit either way. I hope he gets asked every where he goes.

  4. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I thought Jeb was the Hispanic one.

    1. Only when he registers to vote.

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Jeb said that he's Hispanic. Ted Cruz is Canadian, Cuban and American- a mixed breed.

    1. Balzafiar1:32 PM

      Actually Cruz is Canadian-Cuban-American-Jerque. That is a very dangerous mix.

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Fun facts I'm sure most of you knew: Barack Obama was born in Hawaii two years after it became a state to an American mother and a Kenyan father.

      Ted Cruz was born in CANADA to an American mother and a Cuban father.

      Why haven't we heard more controversy about Cruz's ability to become President? I tell ya, it's a real head-scratcher.

    3. Cruz is Cuban? Isn't Rubio Cuban too?

      No wonder Obama is pushing the normalization now. He is going to torpedo both of them in a single agreement.

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Hell, compared to Ted Cruz, Rubio's quite sane. And compared to both of them, Jeb Bush is practically Einstein.

    I predict Jeb will be the initial nominee. And I have just two words to say about Jeb: Terri. Schiavo.

    He made a public spectacle of a woman who had no conscious cognitive ability whatsoever. And after autopsy, doctors determined that she was even more brain damaged than initially thought. AND she was blind.

    Let's all remember that, shall we?

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      yes, nothing says keeping the government out of your lives than going against the wishes of a person being kept alive by machines.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Yep, yep, and yep.

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Marco Rubio’s ugliest moment: The mean-spirited ultimatum that showed the 2016 contender’s true colors

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Marco Rubio Faceplants Into 2016 By Not Seeming To Know That The 21st Century Already Started

  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Did everyone here know that Cruz, born and baptized Catholic, later became baptized as a Mormon – and then as a Baptist? Couldn't make this up. He is not only double-minded, but triple-minded, unstable in all his ways. Marco 'which church is winning the polls today?' Rubio, the candidate with something for everyone.

    BTW, his campaign slogan, New American Century, is named after the organization that orchestrated not only the invasion of Iraq (in 1997 – AFTER the completion of the first Iraq war!!!!), but the destruction of the Twin Towers as well!!!! THIS needs tons more attention than it is getting. PNAC, Project for the New American Century, was founded by Jeb Bush, John Bolton, Steve Forbes, Eliot Abrams, W. "Scooter" Libby, Vin Weber, George Weigel, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, and countless other rightie neocons who egged-on, then profited mightily from, the Bush II middle-east wars. In their founding statement, PNAC said that to get the public on board with the idea of invading Iraq and redrawing middle-eastern boundaries, a major precipitating event would have to take first. In their own words, this rallying point would have to be a "catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor". IOW, without America being attacked first, there would be no national 'stomach' for the subsequent PNAC agenda.

    Imagine Rubio, embracing all of this, 'right out of the gate', as part of his campaign launch. The rightie neocons and their billionaire backers know exactly what he is signaling: a dog whistle for war. Are YOU paying attention?

    1. Catholic, then Mormon, then Baptist?

      Man he is covering all his bases, just like the weasel in The Mummy.

      Will he be wearing a Star of David next? Hinduism, Buddhism. The only thing he won't try will be Islam as we all know what a third rail that is with the right.

  10. AKinPA1:37 PM

    I was just listening to NPR. They interviewed someone on Rubio's team who insists that Rubio will catapult into the top tier of GOP candidates as soon as he announces. Methinks his supporters are almost as delusional as the Pees and the Earthquake people. I can't imagine him appealing to young people despite his youth but who knows?

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      What else are they going to say? That he will embarrass himself and nobody in their right mind would ever vote for him?

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Gadfree folks, he's at the bottom of the list as to Republican candidates - tied with Chris Christie. These wanna bees, from that party, are a riot to watch.

      You go, Hillary Clinton! Love the way she has started her raise - how can the Republicans fight her with manner in which she is starting the race? She's going out to the people individually, small groups - vs appearing before mass crowds (at this point anyway!).

      The Republicans have no one of her stature, knowledge, intelligence, education or experience to put up against her!

      Can hardly wait to cast my ballot for her!!!

  11. Anonymous1:53 PM

    He doesn't intend to but he wears his insincerity on his sleeve.
    He's as phony as many others but his insincerity reminds me of Jindal.

  12. Anonymous1:56 PM

    To be more specific, like Pat Boone performing on teh same night as the Beatles. The only kids at his show were the ones who had to depend on uncool mom and dad to drive them there.

  13. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Do these candidates do anything besides campaign and put up road blocks to progress? Seriously,why would a logical person even want to support these jack asses?
    They fit right in with palin and that is being generous.

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    That is one scary clown car list, heaven help us if any one of them is elected.

  15. Rubio is declaring right now.

    And licking his lips like he is dying of thirst.

    Even after he takes a drink of water.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Ruh roh

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Cue the calliope...


  16. WAIT! HE HAS DARK(er) SKIN!!! He's not 'murican!!!! Even his name isn't 'murian!!!!! He don't belong here! Rubio? Is that like the cube from the 80'?s. Well.. still, he's colored... don't belong here!!! He got black eyes!! // sarcasm off //

  17. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I went to school with Gus Bilirakis,I knew his daddy and his family. We don't much agree on politics.... interestingly he advised me not long ago, that no matter my politics, I SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR RUBIO....

  18. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Hey look!!!! Free Water! What a country! Is Boehner looks more hispanic than Dora the Explorer and Diego.

  19. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Rubio criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," Ha, ha, ha, ha. Hillary is pro gay rights, women's rights, union rights, pro environmental progress/climate change, a living wage, higher education etc. etc. etc.

    Rubio? He is stuck in Jerusalem along with the rest of the republican field.

  20. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Prediction: Rubio's gaffes when asked real questions, will make him the laughingstock of the GOP. (If he's not already)

    Another: the "n" word will quickly be replaced with the "c" word, as the shift switches from the President, to the next President, by those with self esteem problems.

    1. Don't forget the "b" word. Both probably prefaced with "f"ing.

      I never thought I'd see a black man elected president in my lifetime, let alone a woman. And here we are. Making history back to back.

      BTW isn't it interesting how history repeats itself? Black men had the right to vote before women in this country.

  21. Telegenic? Gag me.

    I believe both Rubio and Cruz are hispanic. Rubio being Cuban. I think Cruz is Mexican.

    Cruz, Rubio, Paul and Trump. OH, and Jeb. Man are those first four clowns designed to make Jeb look good? The least of the evils? Doesn't the G no P have any viable candidates. And no, I'm not talking about Rick "I can't think of the third one" Perry, or Chris "Bridgegate" Christie. Gee, I can't think of any Republican that offers a viable opponent to Hillary. They all pretty much suck.

  22. Anonymous9:18 PM

    You might think this is amusing.


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