Monday, April 13, 2015

Sarah Palin promotes a guy, who promotes a warrior mindset among conservative politicians. You know because that's such a good idea.

Courtesy of Rifle Barrel Stroking Barbie's Facebook page: 

Doug Giles is a go-to guy for inspiration, friends. I shouted him out again last night in a pro-Second Amendment speech that included excerpts from his pro-hunting book, “Rise, Eat, Kill.” He’s the proud dad of amazing young patriots, including Hannah Giles who courageously helped take down ACORN with her undercover videos revealing the liberals' appalling corruption that is ruining our nation. I love how Doug pulls no punches! Here he warns that we'd better oust our wussified leaders who won't fight to the death to ensure our freedom and support mighty warriors willing and able to do so.

Hannah Giles, now why does that name sound so familiar?

Oh yeah she's the young, impressionable girl who James O'Keefe talked into dressing alike a prostitute so that he could produce his heavily edited attack piece against ACORN.

Giles was later successfully sued by an ACORN employee, and had to pay $50,000, for invasion of the man's privacy.

So of course Sarah Palin would admire her.

As for her father this is what he says in the Town Hall article that Palin links to:

I’ve been reading Steven Pressfield’s musings on warriors and warfare and this quote struck me like Ike Turner punching Tina when she fell flat while singing, “Rolling On The River”. Check it out. 

“The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy but where are they.” - Plutarch, Sayings Of The Spartans 

And that, my friend, is one of the big differences between a warrior and a wuss.


Politically speaking, I wish those who “represent us on the Right” would take this warrior mindset to heart versus rolling up in the fetal position and wetting their massive Republican diaper once they’re faced with the teeth of the liberal beast. The Left zealously sports this “die or be killed” attitude as they approach our culture wars, whereas those on the Right are mostly/merely butt-smoochin’ wind-testers, more vexed about whether or not they can keep their condo in D.C., their smidgen of faux power and their mistress, versus upholding our constitutional principles which have made us, heretofore, the most stonkin’ nation known to mankind.

Now I know what you are thinking, "Gryphen you clearly made that up to make this guy look like some illiterate cretinous dipshit. Nobody could be this simple minded, and inarticulate, and still manage to get an article published online."

Wrong. In fact this guy is a rather popular columnist with several conservative outlets.  (Besides I don't even know what "stonkin" means.)

The guy goes on to insist that Right Wing politicians need to attack every problem as if they are Leonidas going up against the Persians.

Perhaps he did not watch the movie and realize how that worked out for the Spartan king.

A rabid Right Wing provocateur, with not understanding of how government works or the tools required for a successful leader.

Yep sounds like just the kind of guy that Palin would identify with.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    During when O'Keefe and Giles were the darlings of Faux, I googled Hannah Giles father, Doug Giles. At that time, he was a preacher of some fundamentalist "church" in Florida. I read several of his sermons. From the pulpit, he used "shit, piss, assholes" as well as sexual innuendos in his rants. His "sermons" were disgusting and vile. I remember thinking that he was a pervert.

    Now here he is again appearing on stage with uber-christian Sarah Palin. He's her kind of guy. Have you SEEN Sarah's kind of guys? Todd, Ted Nugent and now Doug Giles?

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    That is an old photo of Sarah when she was trying to shoot her neighbor Joe McGuinness.

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:38 AM

    ":...his quote struck me like Ike Turner punching Tina when she fell flat while singing, 'Rolling On The River'."

    Interesting analogy--hmmmm. No, I won't even go the misogyny route, because it just seems SO predictable on the RWNJ fringes, but what is it with these mouthy windbags and violence? Faux machoness? Trying to provoke the usual nitwits into a civil war against those who don't share their mindset? More gun profits for their corporate masters? All of the above?

    And if something Gawd forbid ever happens, they'll declare innocence and journalistic license, much like the whiny, overgrown toddler, O'Keefe.

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    According to the Urban Dictionary, "stonkin'" means wonderful.

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    The Cons enjoyed watching Hannah Giles in her ho outfits.

  6. Boscoe9:49 AM

    What, a conservative referencing something that doesn't mean what they think it means? Can't happen! lol

    Gotta love Palin grasping onto O'Keef's manufactured falsehoods, 'cause you know, she's SO about people not "makin' stuff up". haha

  7. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Sarah is a vile human being piece of shit that would elevate other gutteral reactionaries into notoriety.

    What kind of God do these gross Ugly Americans have?

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I, being an open-minded person who wants to know what people think, and not just what I'm told they think; regularly trip over to Townhall to see how they put up their news, which stories are told, and how they represent their positions. It's hard going, but I do it.
    Doug Giles is one of the looniest of the worst of them. I've regularly copied his articles to paper so that I can share them with others and be Amazed by the off-the-wall perspectives and rude language employed by Mr. Giles. We find it hard to conceive of such an outlook as his; but, sad to say, there are many people who think like that.
    He's a weirdo, plain and simple. But he represents a section of our United society. We must remain vigilant against such a way of thinking.

  9. Giles is horrible. I have spent some time trying to hold a discussion with some of the people over at clashdaily over the years.

    The posts over there are dripping with disgusting hatred for Muslims and gay people - it's the kind of stuff I would accuse conservatives of saying when I'm engaging in hyperbole!

  10. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Recently I have been thinking a lot about how far down the rabbit hole we seem to be tumbling as a society. I've thought about how those states that are now totally led by Republicans have been losing ground in a world where things should be improving for everyone: schools, housing, employment opportunities, etc. And Congress is a perfect example of what happens when Republicans are in charge: no progress in how people care about other people and they only want to taint and besmirch programs that have been good and successful for all Americans: the beginnings of health care reform, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, our graduated income tax system. This is what happens when the corporatists and their toadies are in power

    When I was a child, we put the flag out on national holidays: Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day. Now we never put the flag out because it has come to symbolize the opposite of what this country should be. Like motherhood and apple pie, the flag has been usurped by the far right so that it can be waved in one hand while the other hand brandishes the latest model gun. When the Great Depression began Americans were all fearful, President Roosevelt and his programs ended that fearful stasis and set us moving forward again. I thought we would continue in that direction but now, the GOP wants us all to be afraid, very afraid and armed to the teeth against one another.

    Sarah Palin and her ilk have no clue about what is important for this country. They are fear mongers so that a few can take control of the rest of us. Her pal, Breitbart, did his best to interrupt an election with the help of the scum she now calls her friends, much as the Nixon dirty tricksters did back in their day. That is not how Americans should behave.

    And Americans should not feel compelled to arm themselves to the teeth and be ready at any moment to kill their neighbors. What kind of country do these people really envisage for us?

    1. What kind of country do these people really envisage for us? you ask.

      There is no "us" in their world -- we are The Other and will be the first shot.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Thank you Beaglemom for your constant wisdom and insight.

    3. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Thoughtful post as always, Beaglemom. I totally agree.

    4. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Thank you for taking the time to express, so well, what so many of us are feeling these days..

      ...if you too lived through the 60's, perhaps you also thought that we had changed the world, for the better.

      Sometimes it is just exhausting to see how bad it is getting, again.

      (...let's not turn this thread into a debate on the 60's!)

    5. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Yes thank you Beaglemom, very well said, and unfortunately for us, very true.

      Also, when I was a kid in school, we were taught to respect the office of President. Sadly, that has changed as well.

      R in NC

    6. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I think perhaps we need to reclain that flag - put soem rainbow streamers on the pole too this year, and an Obama flag (the O horizon one,)After all he has been our Presdient for two terms - it SHOULD no longer be a partisan symbol.

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM


    Is This Guy Sporting a Chubby Next to Sarah Palin or Nah?

  12. Anonymous10:25 AM


    Sarah Palin was in Minnesota this weekend paying a visit to Safari Club International. Thank you to the hunters and conservationists who do great work in promoting our hunting heritage, she says on Facebook. But do Palin's thanks cover this jamoke with what looks like a dumb-big boner? A big thank ya to him, too?

    Palin shared a few photos from the event—a stuffed black bear here, a deer literally draped dead over a tree there—including one of her and an unnamed man posing next to a deflated American flag. The photo has since been removed, but archived graciously by a "middle-aged blogger in Anchorage, Alaska, questioning everything" at the Immoral Minority Blogspot. Thanks to him and the tipster who brought it to our attention.

  13. Anonymous10:33 AM

    This is freaky! Sarah is finally showing her true self and isn't afraid now to divulge what she really was about all along. Not Christian at all, but some form of nationalistic cult that pretends it's christian. She is declaring war on liberals. She is blowing that dog whistle, cheerleading the 'warriors' to start a war with innocent citizens of the U.S.

    She and her followers are dangerous.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Just watched,the last couple of evenings, an excellent documentary on netflix; Hitler and the Nazis, chronicling his rise to power all the way to his demise and beyond ..

      the crosseyed skank bares a remarkable resemblance both in deed and perceived mentality ..

      like hitler, she needs to be eliminated ..

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      There are a few of us IMers who have maintained that she is dangerous all along. Her AIP connection and her dog whistle speeches are cause for concern. She seems to be moving away from her phony Christian image and more towards her true anti-American alliance. Although she will lose some of the Christian followers, she will be embraced by the radical hate groups who long for war. She is flaunting her relationships with these groups more openly.

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      politcally eliminated I presume you mean or to use her chosen meme - neutered.

    4. Anonymous3:11 PM

      she's trying to fan the fires of hate in the spirit of the Anti Christ.

    5. Anonymous10:10 PM were getting somewhere

  14. Anonymous10:35 AM

    This is to be expected from the ignoble one. Sarah associates with those who display the same baseness she displays. Palin is a lowlife.

  15. Janice A Soderquist10:39 AM

    I just got this in the mail... OT

    Dear Janice,

    It’s 3:00 AM, and you’re living in a world that is less safe and secure because of the failed foreign policy of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

    By any honest reckoning Hillary Clinton’s leadership on the world stage has been one failure after another – from the murder of our ambassador in Benghazi, to the fall of Yemen, the collapse of Libya into a terrorist playground, the spread of ISIS across Syria and Iraq, the expansionist saber-rattling of Vladimir Putin, and the ongoing threat of a nuclear Iran.

    On the domestic front, Hillary is recycling the same failed Obama economic policies that left the middle-class behind while her friends on Wall Street feast off D.C.’s crony capitalism paid for by your tax dollars.

    Now Hillary Clinton wants to sleep in the White House again and take those important 3:00 AM phone calls.

    Time to hit the Snooze Button on her presidential ambitions.

    Time to say no to the corrupt politics of the D.C. permanent political class that Hillary Clinton is a charter member of.

    Time for a foreign policy rooted in Peace Through Strength and a domestic policy that gives everyone a shot at the American dream!

    With an Alaskan Heart,

    Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin

    PS: Please contribute today to help SarahPAC STOP Hillary Clinton.

    1. Janice A Soderquist11:05 AM

      Well, we can see now, she will use Hillary as her way to get more donations. Cannot do it on her own.

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Wow, she's sounding more and more desperate. I think it's ammusing that the Queen of Iquitagain thinks she can stop Hillary Clinton, former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State from becoming the first female POTUS. I would love to hear how she intends to do that with her silly little PAC. She can't even keep her own family in line, for crying out loud. What's she gonna do, pop out a power red version of the sparkly dress-with-holes and give the boys at the hunters guild of Merica a big ole collective woodie? Sit down and shut up, Sarah.

    3. "With an Alaskan heart", my ass. Barf.

    4. Cracklin Charlie12:15 PM

      Like Hillary's book says, Janice...

      It Takes a Village.

      Now, send Sarah your best donation of nickels and dimes, and all the money out of your kid's piggy banks. And their birthday money, also, too. Sarah needs to book a flight from Minneapolis to Anchorage. And she wants a couple shots of Bailey's on the trip.

      You still sittin' there, Janice???
      Sarah. Said. Now!

    5. Anonymous12:18 PM

      This was posted earlier by the virginia dude in the pee puddle: A large number of Americans have been unceasingly calling out to one particular person to pick up the torch and run with it but that person is still rather silent as to future plans.
      We have done all that we possibly can and using every imaginable media to make certain that this particular person fully understands that the support needed to take the presidency is there for the asking. Not to worry though, it is my understanding that this particular person is nearing the time frame where the announcement of candidacy will be aired. Wait for it. It is on the way.
      If Palin runs, I will DIE laughing and will she ever be sorry!

    6. Anonymous12:32 PM

      She's not running for anything. I promise.

    7. Anonymous12:34 PM

      VG likes to make his fellow rubes think that he is "connected" to Palin via Chuck, jr. I firmly believe he's on the payroll.

    8. Anonymous12:57 PM

      My thoughts exactly! I do not understand the reverence the ponds elavates this old windbag to. I find his ramblings pompous and annoying and when he writes like a drunkard, well I just start thinking bad thoughts....

    9. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Send her some monopoly money, cuz that is how hard she is going to work to stop Hillary !!!

      What it really sounds like, is Sarah is calling for an armed take over of the USA.

      I think the Virginia dude is a Palin or paid by a palin. They think they are smarter than the rest of us and post these hints in order to get more money for the family slush fund.

    10. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Yeah, he is a pompous old goose, embarrassing himself with his bragging about ol Chuck, as if Chuck is a celebrity. Weird old guy, VG. Sorry VG, she's not running, no matter how Chuckles tried to spin it to you.

    11. Anonymous4:06 PM

      He's not a Palin, he just weaseled his way in to Chuckles' circle. Chuck is a big time celebrity, you know. VG is just a horse' A@# who speaks down to women, spews racist garbage about the President of the United States, and the tiny Pee Pond is his one claim to fame. He's one of the idiots that calls himself a "Blogger"....lmao. They don't even know what blogging is. He's a commenter. That's all.

    12. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Palin is a douche...

  16. Anonymous10:47 AM

    "excerpts from his pro-hunting book, 'Rise, Eat, Kill'.”

    If you're "pro-hunting" wouldn't "Rise, Kill, Eat" make more sense as a title? Current title seems more appropriate for the autobiography of a psychopath. Which maybe it is. These people are idiots; all of them, any of them.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      We already saw the photo of the guy who got a rise out of Sarah Palin, thank you very much.

    2. I noticed that also. Get up, have a nice breakfast, and go out and kill something. Yechh.

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I posted the same thought down the thread, it was the first thing that came to mind.

  17. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Ever the Journalism Major, Sarah "shouted him out." No, Sarah gave him a "shout out." If she shouted him out, that means that she would have talked over him in a much louder voice.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      louder, shriller, screechier and less intelligible, also too

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      this woman has never had a grasp of the English language. never more than D list. willfully dumb.

  18. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Oh Sarah...this chick didn't take down acorn. but she was sued for 50k for invasion of privacy! you need to get your facts straight And make friends with them smart folks. we know..dumb people like $$ too. rise kill eat..not rise eat kill.

  19. ...and this quote struck me like Ike Turner punching Tina when she fell flat while singing, “Rolling On The River”

    Nope. Yeah, no thank you.

    Sigh, an earnest desire notwithstanding, I'm unable to pontificate on our "wussified leaders" because this capricious reprobate's shockingly offensive, deeply pitiable attempt at wit stopped me dead in my tracks and, frankly, I elected to proceed no farther.

    Admittedly, I'm prone to hyperbole. That said, I simply cannot comprehend the mind from whence such pollution emanated and was thereafter judged fit for public consumption. Despite the appearance of contradiction, I'm speechless.

  20. Anonymous11:34 AM

    heres hoping the crosseyed dimwit skank has an excruciatingly painful demise .. preferably sooner rather than later ..

  21. Anonymous11:52 AM

    "versus rolling up in the fetal position and wetting their massive Republican diaper "....

    "versus rolling up in the fetal position and wetting their massive Republican diaper:"....

    "versus rolling up in the fetal position and wetting their massive Republican diaper ".....

    Hmmmm.... Why does that sound so familiar? Wasn't there a minor politician once who was found in that position smelling of damp GOP nappies? Why, yes!! I believe there was:

    Here ya go, Screechy, you despicable pimple of the buttocks of American politics, here ya go....

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      well, I beg to differ with Halperin. I felt no sympathy for her then, and have nothing but utter disgust for her now!

  22. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Where is her wedding ring?

  23. Anonymous12:15 PM

    This woman is clueless. Yeah, agree with a rant about "wussified leaders who won't fight to the death to ensure our freedom." Yet you, Sarah, wouldn't even fight to the end of your term.

    Face it, you are a D student, preaching to the other D students.

    Booze and drugs can help get you through your miserable days for awhile, but the likely outcome for someone as selfish, greedy and destructive as you: a sad, lonely, early death.

  24. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the Spartans were all homosexual. It was reasoned that they were the most fierce in battle because they were protecting their BFFs.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      i'm a devout practicing lesbian locked in a male's body, have been my entire life ...


    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      They couldn't all be homosexual.

    3. That would be correct. And this big battle marked the zenith of their power and influence. From that period on, the Athenians began to dominate the Aegean. It was a gradual process, but the Spartans' rigid ways undermined them as a society.

    4. The Spartans did marry because having children was good for the State, but the men were raised to be bonded with each, again, for the good of the state.

  25. Anonymous1:02 PM


    GAWKER -
    Is This Guy Sporting a Chubby Next to Sarah Palin or Nah?

    The photo has since been removed, but archived graciously by a "middle-aged blogger in Anchorage, Alaska, questioning everything" at theImmoral Minority Blogspot. Thanks to him and the tipster who brought it to our attention.

    Here's a closer, more scientific look.
    Boner? Or just well endowed? I'm going with boner.


    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Did Sarah Palin want a picture with the man with the big dick because she hasn't seen one since she interviewed a man with a humongous package in her sister's Alaska college dorm room?

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      wahhh, i didn't get any credit for first pointing out the dude's tent effect pants. I made what I saw as the first comment on it at 10:14 PM Saturday night in this thread >

      it's all good though, particularly since "someone" removed it from the dipshits facebook page ..

      LMAO !!

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Sarah did this whopper of a man wrap his used condom in a face cloth or is this just a Wasilla custom?

    4. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Now we know why Sarah canceled her NRA convention appearance. They have bigger rifle barrels in Minnesota. You go girl.

    5. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Todd are you that big? Wait a second, didn't Shailey Tripp mention Todd is a little guy down there?

    6. Anonymous1:50 PM

      So "someone" must read here, if they removed it from her facebook page.

    7. Anonymous2:03 PM

      tawd's is little and speckled, like a little birdie egg.

    8. Anonymous2:35 PM

      SNL skit...SNL skit...Tina Fey...Tina Fey...
      Would be a 'I can breath when I stop laughing' skit..

    9. Anonymous2:52 PM

      2:03pm. Spot? ;) c spot. sit spot!!

    10. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Way to go Anon and IM!

      The comments on the site seem to lean toward" the guy couldn't help it." But, he could have "helped" by cropping his photo so it didn't show.

      Also, Sarah or whomever she paid to do it, didn't need to post that photo, or they could have cropped it down a bit if the guy was too dumb and clueless to know how (the photo, I mean. You'd think just looking at Sarah would crop the real deal down.)

      Probably Todd was offended by the size and insisted it come down.

    11. Anonymous4:57 PM

      hey sarrrrahhh! a picture says a thousand words. BONER!

  26. Anonymous1:36 PM

    his pro-hunting book, “Rise, Eat, Kill.”
    How can this moron's book be pro-hunting if he eats then kills, sounds more like he is a psychopath and is just killing for fun.

    As for the pimp and his whore, just the type of company Sarah likes to keep.

  27. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Anonymous 1:19 PM said

    wahhh, i didn't get any credit for first pointing out the dude's tent effect pants. I made what I saw as the first comment on it at 10:14 PM Saturday night in this thread >

    it's all good though, particularly since "someone" removed it from the dipshits facebook page ..

    LMAO !!


    Is this proof that Sarah Palin reads Immoral Minority?

    After the above comment appeared on a previous Immoral Minority post, Sarah Palin deletes the picture of the man with the big boner from her facebook page.

    That's enough proof for us that Sarah reads Immoral Minority.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      The bloggers pwned Palin again.

      Always have had her number. Just took a while for people to listen!

      Why did she quit? Bwahahaha!

  28. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I figured it was only a matter of time before simple-minded sarah started cosying up to that hate-mongering little pussified pos, o'keefe, cut from the same void of morality and decency piece of cloth.

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      She's skared...of No

  29. Anonymous2:10 PM

    These are comments from the Gawkers post about the big boner standing next to Sarah Palin:

    Ned FreyDayna Evans
    4/13/15 1:12pm
    There seems to be a grand tradition of right-wing dudes getting boners in Sarah's presence. Here's an even more obvious example:
    And here's a video clip of the incident involving this guy (skip to the 40-second mark):

    (That video was originally embedded inthis Gawker post, but the Youtube version that was linked there has since been disabled.)

    adamsankNed Frey
    4/13/15 2:05pm
    There's no question about the guy in that video clip. His dick actually grows before our eyes!

    Ned Freyadamsank
    4/13/15 2:31pm
    There's also clear evidence that both he and Sarah are conscious of it during the video. Watch Sarah's eyes when he first walks up to her, as she quickly assesses the situation; then note her facial expression during the rest of the session with him. Note also how he closes his eyes and seems to talk to himself in an apparent effort to reverse the physical-excitement process

    Ned Freyadamsank
    4/13/15 2:31pm
    There's also clear evidence that both he and Sarah are conscious of it during the video. Watch Sarah's eyes when he first walks up to her, as she quickly assesses the situation; then note her facial expression during the rest of the session with him. Note also how he closes his eyes and seems to talk to himself in an apparent effort to reverse the physical-excitement process

    Ned Freyadamsank
    4/13/15 2:31pm
    There's also clear evidence that both he and Sarah are conscious of it during the video. Watch Sarah's eyes when he first walks up to her, as she quickly assesses the situation; then note her facial expression during the rest of the session with him. Note also how he closes his eyes and seems to talk to himself in an apparent effort to reverse the physical-excitement process

    Hollow_LogDayna Evans
    4/13/15 12:45pm
    Palin went on to say "I could see the blood Russian to his penis from her house"

    Jerry-NetherlandDayna Evans
    4/13/15 1:34pm
    Giving middle-aged Republican men boners has been Mrs. Palin's singularraison d'etre for 7 years

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Sorry for the one comment posted several times

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      lol...his dick grows before our eyes...
      SNL skit...send in your video to them IM...

    3. Anonymous10:16 PM

      236...yes IM...send it into NBC...

  30. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Hmmm.. looks liek Ms. Giles really was prostituting herself even if she ony played a sex worker in the video with O'Keefe.

  31. Anonymous2:32 PM

    More Sarah Palin's woody comments.

    nakedtruthDayna Evans
    4/13/15 2:55pm
    Palin's lunch

    WanderingScoutDayna Evans
    4/13/15 12:42pm
    I can't believe people are still buying her Great White Huntress shtick, after watching her televised moose hunt where even the magic of the editing room couldn't hide her amateurish fuckery.

    Dayna Evans
    4/13/15 12:50pm
    Quit making this about Palin. Dude just gets erect whenever he is that close to the flag

    4/13/15 2:30pm
    I find her hair ridiculous. It's like she's got way too many extensions piled in there

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      VeeDeeforASmallFeeBull Moose
      4/13/15 2:52pm
      If guys are turned on by this, does that mean they're venturing into tranny territory?

      speteBull Moose
      4/13/15 3:41pm
      I'd take Bailey Jay over Sarah Palin any day. Frankly I have more confidence that Bailey is a woman; Sarah Palin is a goddamned reptile

      buns n' burnerskahammer
      4/13/15 2:31pm
      Palin is good-looking, but honestly I don't think she'd have anywhere near the same draw without the crazy. Why do the dangerously unbalanced ones make us feel all funny in the pants?

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      4/13/15 2:19pm
      I was going to say that she looks like a Vegas hooker, but that is really insulting the good name of Vegas hookers everywhere

      4/13/15 1:16pm
      It's depressingly desperate. That's a woman who buys clothes with her daughters to show she's still got it

  32. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Wow. This woman has sunk to a new loooow. She is prostituting herself and she got caught in this one. Holy yuk!! There is nothing left of her reputation to revive. She chooses to involve herself in these trashy functions and then can not stand it when she gets busted - removing the picture/video from her site. Nothing gets deleted - she and her family should know this by now.

  33. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Ms Journalism Major got the name of the book wrong.

    It's not "Rise, Eat, Kill."

    It's "Rise, Kill and Eat: A Theology of Hunting from Genesis to Revelation."

    The phrase comes from a Bible passage: "And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” Acts 10:13.

    This woman is an idiot.

  34. Anonymous4:19 PM

    So now it's diapers instead of dicks?

    No, she's still talking about dicks.

    She is one sick obsessed bitch.

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Well she did have that pic with that one dude that had something in his pockets. Hahaha. Thats what she wanted all along. "Gonna wear my pushup bra" hahaha
      But it wont attract the likes of cary grant types. Just people like her, party w/family deliverance types. Eww.

  35. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Of course Sarry's proud of Hanna, she wrote half of all her favorite cartoons growing up in the wilds of Alaska! I don't see much to be ahem "proud" of, but then I don't have daughters like Chinny and Midge, who pretty much try their best, and fail over and over and over again. Was JC a warrior? what kind of weapon did he prefer? Was "I had to kill him before he killed me" one of the ten commandments?

  36. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The head of Sarah is photoshopped on to the body. What up with that?

  37. Anonymous12:28 PM

    is that a pencil or are you just glad to see Sarah?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.