Friday, April 03, 2015

Mike Huckabee: Gay rights advocates will not stop until there are "no more churches," no more "people spreading the gospel."

Courtesy of TPM:  

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said on Wednesday that gay-rights activists wouldn't be satisfied until there are no more churches or Christians in America. 

“It won’t stop until there are no more churches, until there are no more people who are spreading the Gospel,” Huckabee said on a right-wing radio program while discussing the backlash against anti-gay religious-freedom legislation in Arkansas and Indiana. 

"I’m talking now about the unabridged, unapologetic Gospel that is really God’s truth," he said. 

Huckabee made the remarks during an appearance on the conservative Family Research Council radio program “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins." 

Since when are people asking for equal rights trying to get rid of churches?

Were blacks trying to close churches when they marched in Washington?

Were women trying to stop people from spreading the gospel when they became suffragettes and protested for their rights?

In both of those cases the argument against their access to the same rights as white men, was also biblical in nature, yet Christianity managed to survive just fine.

However I will say this to Mike Huckabee and his followers, if you are concerned that you might be on the losing side of a conflict, and that continuing to fight might signal your destruction, then stop fighting.

If there IS a war the first volley was certainly not fired by the LGBT community, and in fact many of them would very much like to reach a peace agreement with those fighting against their right to live, love, and marry who they choose.

There are plenty of religious people who have no problem now, or have ever had a problem in the past, with the LGBT community, or their right to be married, so one can certainly accept them into their lives without it hurting a person's faith or making them any less of a Christian.

And the sooner people like Mike Huckabee get that through their thick skull the better off we will be as a country.


  1. Caroll Thompson4:38 PM

    If Mr. Huckabee means that people like him will no longer have a platform to spread hatred and lies, I would be for that.

    1. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Amen! Mr. Huckabee and others of the same ilk (Sarah Palin) could disappeR tomorrow and I'd never miss them!

  2. Martha again4:51 PM

    Amen to that, brother.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM


    2. Caroll Thompson7:51 PM

      "God Bless us, every one".

      Is it Charles Dickens or Tiny Tim to give the credit to?

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Most commenters will not agree with me. But I truly think Mr Huckabee has PTSD from not being able to come out for decades in a safe environment.
    It's okay Mike, most people really don't care, come on out and you will be welcomed.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      It does make you wonder... I mean, so many of these right-wing assholes are so utterly obsessed with condemning gays (meaning - gay sex). It's as if the louder and more piously they do so, the more they will convince people that they themselves ain't interested. Why do they feel that is necessary, you now?

    2. Anonymous2:27 AM

      Exactly! Who are they trying to convince, others or themselves? Maybe Mike is seeig his grifting donations drying up, so he is desperate for a "cause". I absolutely fail to see where gay marriage would affect anyone else. In all my years on this earth, no gay person has EVER tried to get me to "convert" Religious people, on the other hand, knock on my door, and try to convert me to their way of thinking. Live and let live should be Mike's motto, plus all others who proffess to be so religious. Keeping his homely face on TV is his priority.

    3. Anonymous3:26 AM

      You're on to something there. Many of these people (men) that are so anti-gay and bible-thumping inevitably get revealed as gay themselves.

    4. Anonymous4:13 AM

      I think that you are correct Anons at 4:52 pm and 5:23 pm. It's all been way too much ado about not much. Let's let people live their lives and let's live our own lives. Wouldn't it be nice if we all worked as hard to get along as we can at being mean?

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I have listened to hucksters. He has nothing meaningful to say.
    He never conveys any original thought.At the end of the day he appears to be struggling for relevance or just attention.
    He simply has nothing.Move on you pathetic fraud.

  5. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Well, MIKE, your version of spreading the "gospel" is nothing I would ever listen to. You live NOTHING of what you preach, and people like you Jesus threw out of the temple.

    P capital S: Jesus mentioned nothing of "the gays" in his time on earth. He even hung out with (gasp) prostitutes. Read The Sermon On The Mount until you get it through your thick head.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Well put. His BFF's were fishermen and he hung out at the shore waiting for them to come in. How many women were at the Last Supper?

    2. Anonymous2:29 AM

      One recent cartoon had a person looking at the Last Supper, asking "Was that a gay marriage?" Not even a female waitress in sight!!!

  6. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Hey Fuck-A-Bee -- go tell it to gay Catholic Andrew Sullivan.

  7. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Huckabee, organized religion is doomed but not because of "The Gay" People are realizing religion is an utter fraud from its beginning.

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      I think that the problem is that Huckabee and his type of faux-Christian religion has badly tainted the rest. Not all Christians are so nasty and so poorly focused. But the ones who are have been dominating the conversation for too long.

  8. Anonymous5:25 PM

    On Good Friday, even. Tsk tsk tsk. Don't you have some carpentry to do, huck? The churches are the problem, look no further than the pedophile priests and use that as your blueprint. God Forgives everything, right?

    I'd kick you out the door but don't want to give you the satisfaction nor soil my high heels.

  9. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I'll tell you what, Mikey. As a hetero male, I have a pretty good idea how much time hetero males spend thinking about other guys' dicks, and you are not one of us.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      No shit! @5:36, I work as an IT consultant on college campus, and let's just say there are plenty of visual distractions, but it ain't the boys we're looking at.

      Good point!

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM


    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      5:36, you just made me laugh so hard that I woke up the dog.

    4. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Yup pretty sure that's a gaydar alert that Fuckerbee is misinterpreting!

    5. Anonymous2:31 AM

      He is SO persistant, is one of his sons gay? His daughter, maybe? Himself? He certainly is riled up about "the gays".

    6. Anonymous4:57 AM

      @5:36: You nailed it! A real heterosexual male who is confident in his being is not intimidated by the "gays". These grifters could always count on the fear and hatred of the gays as an unending source of money. As more and more Gays came out of the closet that hatred started to evaporate which has these grifters running scared.

  10. Anonymous5:38 PM

    "I’m talking now about the unabridged, unapologetic Gospel that is really God’s truth,"

    and we ALL know what THAT means, RIGHT?

    No Catholics, Mormons, JW's, etc etc need apply...only Southern Baptists have the Word...

    really, on Good Friday?

    ...whomever it was, the Light Being who came to be called Jesus, would just smh over all this, done in His/Her name...

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Hoping for a judiciously placed lightning strike from the heavens to smite his hypocritical ass!~

  11. Anonymous5:53 PM

    It is the profoundly ignorant who believe what this huckster peddles who are the real problem. He is just fleecing the semi-sentient. Good gawd, how stoopid do you have to be to believe this chit?

  12. Anonymous6:14 PM

    FYI Huckabee. You CAN be gay and a Christian. In fact, I'm living proof you can be an openly gay youth minister.

    Come by our church sometime, Huckabee. See how true Christians roll. Our church practices radical inclusiveness. Which means we'd even welcome you.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Thank you for this, and kudos to you.

      As an often reluctant Christian, I am saddened and a bit perplexed that the right to hate is apparently the most fundamental tenet of Huckabee's religious beliefs (and my parents', for that matter). But then, I grew up in a church whose definition of love was so skewed and twisted that it felt a damn lot like hatred.

    2. Anonymous10:26 PM

      What are you doing to counter the version of Christianity that Huckabee is pushing? Because he and his ilk are more and more the public face of your belief system.

    3. Boscoe8:32 AM

      @10:26 - you mean besides having an openly gay youth minister? You moron.

  13. Anonymous6:16 PM

    live and let live.

  14. Anonymous6:17 PM

    O/T What the hell is this?

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I love how her "credentials" are listed in the cover photo. She's been working on that "presidential" resume.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      She's influential all right.
      To idgits and those she can blackmail!

    3. Anonymous1:11 PM

      @8:23. I saw that too. She's executive editor or something of the Sarah Palin Channel. She makes it sound like she's CNN with a staff of thousands. Instead of her husband, her ghostwriter and the man she's bribed to marry Her daughter

  15. Anonymous6:23 PM

    So I need to find some gays to help me abolish all religion and all churches? Calling all gays, please help remove this scourge of religion from the face of the planet.

    That's pretty funny, because I actually know some gay folks that are religious and question my Atheism. Republitards are so black and white; there is no grey for them. They must not get out much.

    1. Anonymous1:23 AM

      My best gay friends are deacons in their very-old-line church, and give of themselves repeatedly to keep the congregation -- very mixed -- going. Their daughter is an acolyte.
      Not unusual for many college campuses, our college chaplain is gay.
      And I can go on an on. People in our small town who were deeply closeted and went to church, are still going to church,but are starting to be accepted and loved for themselves. It's been a seismic revelation for all of us. The churches are fuller than they were, if you can believe it.

    2. Boscoe8:36 AM

      Conservatism is a mental illness. Every time one opens their mouth we get more proof. Every time a Huckabee claims to be a follower of Christ and then ignores everything he taught we see more proof.

      Conservatives live in a paranoid fantasy world of cartoon stereotypes who are all out to destroy them. They live to annoy the "liberals" living in their heads. It's sad, really. Hopefully one day they'll be put where they can get the help they need...

  16. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Mikie has a book to sell and only has until 2016 to sell it. He isn't running for anything but profits.

    1. Anonymous2:37 AM

      Mike has jumped on that Pac bandwagon, and was very successful. He paid his relatives over $400,000 from the "take". Just like PayMe , he hired his relatives to help with the grift. His daughter-in-law made out like a champ. Hmmm, I wonder if there is something going on between them? Wow, listen to the Huckster long enough, and you can suspect everyone.

  17. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Chuckle, chuckle,snort. The commercial for latest "Jesus" movie coming out this weekend on NBC ("A.D. The Bible Continues") has the Sam Smith song "Stay With Me" as its soundtrack.

  18. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Hoping this doesn't get posted multiple times but I can't seem to get any confirmation that the post has been received for moderation.

    So here I go again. Has anyone noticed the NBC commercial for the latest Jesus movie this weekend "A.D. The Bible Continues" has the Sam Smith song "Stay with Me" as the soundtrack. How ironic. How hilarious is that.

  19. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Dipshits like huckster, frothy and painlin just cannot seem to grasp that sexuality and "spirituality" are mutually exclusive.

  20. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sam Smith, is openly gay and here's some info from Wikipedia about the song -

    "According to Smith, "the song is about the moment in the morning after a one night stand, where the person you are with leaves your house, and you are left by yourself, and it's just a second, where you are just like: 'I wish, I wish'. You don't even love them, you don't really fancy them that much, it's just nice to have someone in the bed next to you."[3] The song won the Grammy Awards for Record of the Year and Song of the Year, and in his acceptance speech for winning the Record of the Year, Smith said that "I want to thank the man who this record is about who I fell in love with last year. Thank you so much for breaking my heart because you got me four Grammys.""

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      That sounds like something an annoying overly dramatic gay guy would say.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM


      YOUR unsolicited pearl-drop sounds like something an untouched, chronically envious aging old hipster would say while updating his Grindr profile on a Friday night.

  21. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I have never witnessed a political party that so many crazy wacko's than this current republican party. It is like they have the idiot paranoid gene.

  22. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Hey Gryphen did you see Charlie Huggins (Wingnut Wasilla) latest idea? DNA testing schoolkids? Wonder what Serror has to say about that? See ADN.

  23. Anonymous8:44 PM

    First good idea ever to come out of the huckster's mouth.
    "No more churches"
    I like the concept. Perhaps the buildings could be repurposed as therapy centers for people with PTRS. (Post Traumatic Religious Syndrome)

  24. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Hey, Gryph, this happened in my own back yard!

    1. This is exactly why teachers need unions. The district will trump up anything they can to avoid looking like they are doing exactly what they're doing; firing him because he's gay.

      They also discriminate according to age. Once you are 55, the administrators put the pressure on to try to get you to retire early. They put all of the troublemakers and difficult students in your class. They call you in for conferences regarding parent complaints except there is never a parent there and they can't give you any names. They'll write you up for some piddly thing in your classroom, like having a cell phone on your desk or not posting the standards on the board. They nickel and dime you to death and if you don't retire they at least try to get you to transfer to a different school so the next administrator can start in on you. I have seen it happen over and over once a teacher turns 55. Maybe it's some secret unwritten and unspoken training the district is giving to principals but it seems to be quite rampant.

  25. WA Skeptic9:05 PM

    Just remember: Evangelicals were 50% of the turnout in the last election.
    Turn out and vote: encourage all your friends to do the same.

  26. Anonymous10:40 PM

    This is the same guy who looks up to a pants-shitting draft dodger as a patriot, who sings about lusting after 13-year-old girls. No chance of getting anything through that thick skull.

  27. Well, if it's false prophets spreading a Gospel of HATE then I'd say...yeah.

  28. Anonymous12:56 AM

    There are several loudmouthed people like Huckabee, who spend ENORMOUS time and energy talking about homosexuality.

    I mean, like a freaking OBSESSION.

    Do they not realize how many of us can put two and two together?

  29. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I'm waiting for Sarah to proclaim that Easter is "the reason for the season," since she's very confused about the basic tenets of Christianity. She thinks Christmas is what Christianity is all about.
    Besides Easter eggs, I don't think she ever put any thought itnto the Last Supper, the Garden of Gesthemene, Pontius Pilate, the Crucificion, and the Resurrection, which is the final "reason for the season," for the whole religion, as a matter of fact.

    1. Boscoe8:28 AM

      Well, she will now that you've pointed it out. Hi $arah!

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Sarah went begging Easter week for the benefit of her bank account. how very Christian of her. a grifter's gotta do what a grifter's gotta do.

  30. Randall3:24 AM

    Christian advocates will not stop until you cut off your penis!
    That's right - they hate the idea of anyone else having sex so much it drives them totally insane and they will stop at nothing until your genitals are in a jar on their desk!
    Homosexuality is just the first target in their obsession with sex! You're next!
    They wont' stop at forbidding a man to fellate another man - it is just as much sodomy if a woman does it - even if she is married to the recipient and thus, it is forbidden!
    Unless a child is conceived, sex is forbidden and the Christians will not stop until everyone is forced to comply to the standards set by The Church!
    So unless you are ready to have your genitals removed for Jesus, then you need to fight back against the Christians!
    If it weren't true, would I use so many exclamation points?!!!

  31. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Hey, Mike Huckabee, believe it or not, but there are gay people who go to church and who have every right to continue to.

  32. Suzy Q10:37 AM

    "It won't stop until there are no more churches, until there are no more people who are spreading the Gospel," Mike Huckabee. It works for me, Mike, whatever you say.

  33. Anonymous1:36 PM

    We aren't against others beliefs in a Higher power or even lack of. we R against your Higher power controlling OUR government!


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