Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mike Huckabee suggests that parents dissuade their children from joining the military until President Obama leaves office. Apparently he has an "open hostility toward the Christian faith."

Courtesy of HuffPo:

 Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) suggested Friday that young Americans planning to join the military should wait until President Barack Obama leaves office to do so because his administration has an "open hostility toward the Christian faith." 

Huckabee told Iowa talk radio host Jan Mickelson that the Obama administration “orders its chaplains to put its Bibles away, not to pray in Jesus' name, not to counsel people on the issues of sexual morality.” (In other words counsel gay soldiers to suppress their sexuality.)

“When you have this attitude that is more about promoting gay marriage and gay rights in the military than it is about being able to protect religious liberty for those people of faith,” Huckabee said, “it’s going to be hard to find people that are truly devoted people of faith and Christian believers and Orthodox Jews and others.” (Bummer! Gee, how will the military survive without all of those fundamentalists bringing Christianity to the Middle East on bullet at a time?)

He then suggested that parents should stop their children from enlisting until America has a new commander in chief. 

“I’d wait a couple of years until we get a new commander in chief that will once again believe ‘one nation under God,’ and believe that people of faith should be a vital part of the process of not only governing this country, but defending this country,” he said.

Silly me. Here I thought that people joined the military to serve their country, not to serve Jesus. 

You know I can't help wondering if the Republicans are really willing to nominate a potential presidential candidate who is on record telling Americans not to join the military?


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    This man is a total fake. He pretended to be religious, then decided politics pays better. One of hhis obese sons caught a stray dog, hanged it and skinned it in the woods. The other lard ass son tried to board a plane with a loaded gun. He should take care of his own kids, before telling others how to raise theirs. Phony Jethro acents, just a scammer in disguise.

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

     Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) you are telling our children not to join the military. So you want our country to experience another 9-11, why do you hate your country ?

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The fat ass will NEVER be nominated or elected POTUS! He truly should be hung from the rafters for suggesting such an idiotic thing.

    He fits the scenario of the devil by spreading nothing but fear, racism and hatred of President Obama! When are Republicans going to learn that they are only harming themselves?!!!!!

  4. FrostyAK9:38 AM

    Hey Mikey, as TriG might say, "BULLSHIT".

    Since when was war a function of religion? Oh yeah, the old testament...

  5. angela9:46 AM

    Huck-a-buck is just throwing out bullshit the crazier pew people
    just love to eat up---and they'll buy his book!

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Actually, I agree with him in part -- DON'T join the military, peeps. It's a total racket where you work with psychos, get paid peanuts, risk life, limb, and family relationships, and just all around prove yourself to be a total dupe of the oligarchy, Very far from "protecting our freedoms," you are merely protecting the ability of the obscenely rich and powerful to keep hauling in riches. Service people are nothing but ignorant cannon fodder to them and unfortunately too many have bought into the patriotic fantasy pushed by those who have something to gain from it that their sacrifice actually means anything when it only means anything to them.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      And totally ignored when you come home.
      "PTSD? Missing limbs? You're on your own, pal!"

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    You fuc_ing SOB!

  8. London Bridges10:01 AM

    Hey Gomer Huckleberry!
    Read my bumper sticker:
    "No More I, I, I, I's**** !!!!
    **** insane, immoral, incompetent, idiots

  9. Martha again10:02 AM

    Here's the dog story, according to Snopes, a highly credible rumor-investigating organization:


    Fired because a Boy Scout is kind.
    Fired because he wouldn't do special favors.

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Does he suggest that all those serving in the military now should resign? That our Commander in Chief have no army?
    That's treason.

  11. Boscoe10:26 AM

    "open hostility toward the Christian faith." as always means: "not letting them openly be in charge of everything and doing everything they say under penalty of whatever they think God says you deserve".

  12. Anonymous10:27 AM

    O/T...but related.
    TPM reports on Swiss study of armed civilians around the world. Only Yemen has close to as many weapons per capita as the US.


  13. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Palin Settlement Over 9/11 Photo Stalled


    Palin agreed to the $15,000 payment in December 2014 but required a confidentiality clause "because her political action committee did not want any hint of compromise associated with her name," a lawyer for North Jersey Media said in a court document.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM


    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      I was just wondering about this case the other day; thanks for the find!

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Here is a news story that is not paywalled:

    4. the jig is up! Hope Jesse posts this article. $15K sounds to me like Palin got off cheap.

  14. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Apparently Cruz said that he had asked McCain to hold hearings on whether or not soldiers could carry personal weapons on military bases...McCain's response:

    “I’d be glad to discuss the issue and see if we need a hearing, but it came as a complete surprise to me that he had been pressing me," McCain told reporters, according to The Hill.

    McCain then speculated about how Cruz could have possibly communicated with him about hearings.

    "Maybe it was through some medium that I’m not familiar with. Maybe bouncing it off the ozone layer for all I know. But there's a lot of holes in the ozone layer, so maybe it wasn’t the ozone layer," McCain said. "Maybe it was through hand telegraph? Maybe through sign language? I don’t know."


    Though I will NEVER forgive him for bringing SP onto the scene, I found this amusing!

  15. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Long live Huckabee! And the other wingers whose prattling will help Hillary win.

  16. "Apparently he has an "open hostility toward the Christian faith."
    Huckabee? Yes, yes, he does. He certainly does everything he can to convince people to hold actual Christians in contempt.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Just another example of brain dead sky fairy adherence.

  17. Anonymous10:56 AM

    He is such a prick! Just another fake christian.

  18. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Can we add his face and name to the list of the 47 treasonous senators?

  19. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I'd say regardless of who the Commander in Chief is that America's young people should focus on less mentally degrading and physically harmful careers than joining our military. Military should be the absolute last choice for our young people. Who wants to come home without limbs or facing a lifetime of PTSD for only a few dollars more than minimum wage plus some free substandard base housing and the worst medical system in America to help you through your post enlistment mental and physical injuries?

    Thanks but no thanks, I'd have to say being a barista at Starbucks if preferable to serving in this country's broken military.

  20. Anonymous3:52 PM

    News flash! Due to much lower than expected military enlistments. Mike, The Idiot, Huckleberry has been drafted and sent to fight ISIS in Iraq & Syria.

  21. I served to protect a persons right to worship as they wish, not to protect a specific religion. I also served to protect anon @3:18s right to spout her/his cowardly rhetoric. With that being said, kiss my retired military ass anon@ 3:18.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Since when has "a person's to worship as they wish" EVER been in need of protection in this country? Absolutely never during any time which you would have been alive to enlist. Unless you were drafted, nobody asked you to serve, it was your own choice, so kiss your own damn ass.

      Not 3:18

    2. Not to sharp are you? Do you really believe that there would be religious rights if the military didn't exist? Do you think this blog would be allowed if the military didn't exist? We have and continue to have our freedom because of draftees and volunteers. You don't like the military, that's fine. We'll still protect you because that is what we swore to do.

  22. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Under Darth Cheyney and Bush's leadership, was go d on our side? AbuGareb, anyone? Waterboarding? Who would Jesus waterboard and why? Which innocent civillians get killed and which do he propose letting go? Is amazing Huck is pro life and pro war at the same time. Where in the bible is that ok??? Isn't Huck a rev of some kind? Recruit an all christian armed forces.

  23. Anonymous5:57 PM

    When I was living in a barracks, the LAST thing any of us wanted around us was a Bible-thumpin' sky pilot or Jesus Freak. Sunday morning was for sleeping off those beers, not going and sitting in some building to listen to incomprehensible riddles of Middle Eastern legends. I notice that the loud comments about the importance of chaplains and Bibles all comes from people who haven't served.

    Tom, in FL

  24. Anonymous6:13 PM

    He is using the campaign to sell his book, free advertisement. By the way, did he serve in the military or wasn't that president christian enough for him either?

    Gotta hand it to these Rethugs, no ideas, no policies but really good at beating a dead horse.

  25. Chenagrrl3:43 AM

    The GOPers would have been screaming treason if Al Sharpton (a cross-aisle equivalent) had suggested such a thing.


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