Well no sooner had I left for the grocery store to buy my liberal wine and cheeses, when what should suddenly pop up over on Palin's Facebook page:
![]() |
Just look how happy the boys are to be involved in this photo-op. |
See? You can tell how important this celebration was to Palin by the obvious effort she put into having somebody shlep to the store to buy cupcakes, and to dig up some left over candle to jam into the middle of one of them.
But what's up with that mention of climate change?
Oh wait, there's more.
100% Human-Caused Global Warming? What a racket. A money-making, politically-driven tool that ignores history to enable control freaks' mandates that fundamentally transform your lifestyle and stall American progress.
Well, happy birthday, sons; may you and your generation never cave to Al Gore and his liberal idiotic ilk as elitists pretend to play God, claiming they control Mother Nature. They can't predict this afternoon's weather but foolishly demand trust in their supernatural power to predict it 5000 years from now. Stay strong, boys! We need men like you to un-do what's been done to our country under liberal control. Meanwhile, enjoy the snow!
- Sarah Palin
And here's a picture of Trig playing in the snow, to drive home her point.
So not only is she late, but she simply cannot resist turning the post into an attack on Al Gore, the science behind Climate Change, and liberals.
However besides confusing weather with climate, Palin also must not have been in the state long enough to recognize that virtually ALL of us have been discussing how crazy this winter has been.
In fact this has been the second lowest snowfall on record.
But the real crime here is that Palin cannot simply wish her children a happy birthday without dragging politics into it. First yesterday with the whole Taya Kyle thing, and now today with her unprovoked attack on Al Gore.
What a small, sad, hateful woman.
If she doesn't knock it off I'm not going to let her come here anymore to learn what she is doing wrong. I'm serious.
Update: Oops I forgot to add this video of Trig at school from Willow.
And just how do we know that the cupcake pic is not photoshopped?
ReplyDeleteBecause cupcakes always come out in colors when it is a black and white pic.
DeleteAgree- why are the cupcakes in living color and everyone present is in dreary B&W. Anyone check the local nifty-nickel paper for an ad for sparkly cupcakes with a coupon-?
DeleteWild Tortoise
The look on Trig's face: "Is that all I get? Piper Diaper got a whole cake her last birthday!"
DeleteWTH???!!! The cupcakes are in color, and everything else is black and white???!!!
DeleteTwo different TriG's the video and pic are two different kids, Trackmarks is in Rehab and hardly any snow in Wasilly! Good try skanky but no cigar!
Candle flame is not vertical. The candle was vertical when the image was made, then tilted to fit the picture.
DeleteHow long exactly dipoles it take to grow adult teeth . This photo of trig with Bristol is from skank's fb and trig is missing hi front teeth then-in early November !!!
Oh and looky a photo of track from oct last year on skank's fb and he has a beard !!!!!
Why do two people refer to the bearded man as "Michael"? Who would Michael be?
Deleteyou KNOW the seditious crosseyed skank fraud monitors IM 24/7..
ReplyDeleteI knew she follows Gryph ever since he and Zaki were followed into the parking lot and had their license plate written down. Skank is right!
DeleteWell that is conspiracy to commit a crime and stalking...better get a witness if ya know what the mean...
Deleteme thinks Gryph's above that ... as well as physically able to take care of himself - and if he so happened to need help with the latter I'm right across town from him and would be more than happy to lend him a hand, particularly if it involved ANY palin/heath ..
152 yeah well they're stalking the Kid in the valley ya know...vehicle tampering...good ol AmeriKKKa...
DeleteLol...well the kid just found family is in the Middle East...crucify those you can't forget Sarah...is that Your latest racket? Or are we recycling an old idea...yawn.
DeleteCrosseyed skank and pimpdaddy are the STALKERS! They stalk everyone cross country via Sarahpac funds. If will be funny when the feds start checking the private planes and AA flights to see just how they keep "tabs" on peeps they don't like.
DeleteFuck you Sarah, Your going down, those babygate articles turning up is just the start!
You were warned to quit your anklebiting.
342 by the people for the people...can we get an Amen...work together...
DeleteWell, she sure went all out on Trigs' birthday, a plate of store bought cupcakes. No presents and two guys with him. Where is the family.... Is it really snowing that hard now in Wasilla as shown in the pictures?
ReplyDeleteWhere are the ski-doo pics taken with Trig?
DeleteWas that at the Easter snow cabin? Is Wasilla snowing like that now? Yesterday? The 18th?
Yes, snow in both Anchorage and the Valley yesterday. Just google a weather report.
DeleteWeather is real, Palin is fake, fake, fake.
Seriously, is that the best Sarah can come up with? Three days after Trig's birthday, he is presented with some cupcakes on a cake stand? Wow...just wow!
DeleteThe Ski-doo photo was not Trig's birthday.
DeleteWe had snow in Massachusetts, and there was more snow in the upper Midwest last week.
DeleteThe fact that a half-inch of snow fell in Wasilla does not disprove climate change. Sarah, you are guilty of spreading falsehoods -- lies -- for your own
advantage. The Ten Commandments tell you not to do that.
Why was Sarah not shown in any birthday picture?
DeleteWhat on earth is that black and white/colored cupcake shot? Why is it on the diagonal?
Ten cupcakes for a seven year old; 28 year old. They must come ten to a box. Maybe Trig can lick some of the tastes-like-chemicals frosting.
that's great grandpa chuckie on the right. Looks like it was taken in a bakery or the garage.
Delete211 I know right...looks like a rehab visitor area...aw Sarah Palin and her EGO...edge God out baby...keep it up.
DeleteYeah, Chucktard is in the background.
DeleteBut: whenever *I* take a picture of people and cupcakes, *MY* cupcakes come out brilliantly colored, and the people and everything else is just black and white!
ROFLMFAO @ her cheap photoshop attempt!
ReplyDeleteJesse, did you see this? Because compromise is a dirty word, dirty thing to do if you are an RWNJ. Work of the devil!
Ha ha maybe that's why she needed $10,000 by midnight ha ha.
DeleteOr trying to put it back in that insurance policy...oh shit i forgot thebusiness dissolved...whatcha gonna do Sarah..
DeleteLooks like her confidentiality clause is up in smoke after that article.
DeleteI guess this was why she needed the $10,000 by midnight. And also, too, I guess the confidentiality clause got trashed.
Wonder if they got the money, or if they have to go back to court to get it (plus damages and court costs)!
I can't tell which one of Sarah's "men" look more unhappy, Track or Trig? Track must have grown that beard in rehab and they pulled him out for the photo op. Trig looks happier in the snow than looking at those store bought cupcakes. It's nice that Sarah needs to be reminded to celebrate her kids' birthdays. At least we get a look at Chuck Heath in the background.
ReplyDeleteEeeeew, Chuck Heath gives me the heebie jeebies like Ted Cruz does.
DeleteI think track grew the beard in an attempt to hide how Menard he looks...
DeleteHey hows that BF Creepy Chuck...lol.. I hear some will end the nature of those associations...if they want to stay out of jail...and don't try to kill em off...I hear A is "sweet" with firearms...SMILE....
DeleteAnyone else thinks 12:57 is an annoying troll with all the vague, cryptic posts? I usually just skip that crap, but lately I just want to smack him/her. Shit or get off the pot, weirdo.
Delete154 that sounds like BF kids are good shots...sounds like it will be needed with that weirdo Heathen crowd...
Delete1:54, Troll? No. I think this is a person (the 'kid') who has a story to tell, but for some reason she can't. She alludes to impending federal charges being brought against the Palin's. Farfetched, but there is some evidence to indicate that the story may be true. I think she is frustrated and maybe enjoys taunting the Palin's with her posts.
Delete242 or her peeps...haha...oh Sarah...
DeleteBeing the good, secular humanist that I am, I sometimes feel sorry for Ms Palin. Clearly she is mentally ill, or mentally disabled or most likely both, and needs help/assistance. But then I remember that neither her family nor her friend (can't imagine she has more than one) care, so why should I. The woman is an idiot.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I'd just say she's desperate. I mean, yes she's "mentally ill" in the same ways that ALL conservatives are, but in general I think she's in kind of a crappy situation where she had a fleeting taste of power and relevance only to have it snatched away.
DeleteNow she struggles to figure out how to capitalize on her eroding celebrity. Kind of like second-fiddle actors on once popular TV shows desperately trying to cash in on their old association by showing up at stripmall openings and boat shows...
Unfortunately in her case, the only "skill" she has is in being a snark-filled derisive bumpersticker generator. SO I guess you work with what you've got?
You got it, Boscoe, except the power and relevance wan't "snatched away." She has no one to blame for that except herself.
DeleteNah, she's just an ugly, conniving, money hungry mean bitch and profoundly stupid to boot. Which is why the far right assholes love her so, birds of a feather...
DeletePay your fucking bills bitch!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin accused of stalling $15,000 settlement with N.J. newspaper
NEWARK — Sarah Palin agreed in December to pay a New Jersey newspaper $15,000 to settle a lawsuit over her campaign's unauthorized use of an iconic photograph of firefighters hoisting the American flag on 9/11 — but the deal remains stalled over the former GOP vice presidential candidate's insistence on confidentiality, according to court papers filed Monday in U.S. District Court.
According to the documents, William Dunnegan, the attorney for North Jersey Media Group, which publishes The Record of Bergen County, says that on Dec. 22, 2014 -- four days after the two sides agreed in principle to settle the case -- lawyers for SarahPac, Palin's campaign organization, "asserted that there must be a broad confidentiality clause."
"Shortly thereafter, Palin's counsel, Ronald Coleman, Esq., told me that Palin required a confidentiality clause because her political action committee did not want any hint of a compromise associated with her name," Dunnegan writes ....
What's with all these Sarah Palin Confidentiality Agreements?
DeleteStop dictating terms and pay what you owe.
"I’m the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can’t."
Delete-Sarah Palin
WTF? What do you mean you ruled against the Great Sarah Palin? $15,000?
I'll tell you who Sarah Palin is cheating, and it is not a New Jersey newspaper. The paper holds the copyright for the iconic photo, and anyone who uses it for commercial purposes has to get permission and pay a fee. The money goes into a fund for the First Responders who rushed to the World Trade Center to help. They are suffering the effects of breathing all of that toxic stuff, and the money helps pay for some of their medical and psychological treatments. Yes, they have PTSD, too.
DeleteSarah is such a loser. What a pathetic woman.
DeleteWahahahahahaha! Well, well, well.......is that a fact, $arah. Like the breach of ethics as governor that you said you were cleared of, makes me wonder just how long that laundry list is of things you've done.
DeleteShe'll have to pay the $15,000 folks - eventually. If she continues fighting the issue due to 'confidentiality', they can lien her properties in Alaska for the $15,0000 plus costs, OR file/record a Judgment of record (for the amount) in the Anchorage and Palmer Recording Districts against her.
DeleteThey'll get her!!! She won't be able to outfox them in this manner - as is her normal operation.
The judge probably gave her 90 days to settle. That would answer why the $10,000 begging by SarahPac was pleading for donations on the last days of March.
DeleteI think so too, 12:36 PM!
DeleteWell there goes the confidentiality stuff. When the paper spilled the news about $15,000. it is going to be hard for Sarah to keep pressing that confidentiality issue. The $15,000. fine was awarded last December and Sarah has been paying her lawyer for months of dragging this out. The lawyer doesn't care. He is on the clock. It's called "billable hours,"
DeleteWhat is there to be "confidential" about with this settlement? If I were the judge, I'd tell Sarah Palin and her lawyers to get over it, pay the settlement amount and learn a lesson - do not use copyrighted material without permission.
Just like to point out the $15K is not a fine - it's a settlement amount agreed upon by the parties.
DeleteHowever, if there is no settlement, Sarah could be on the hook for the full fine of $75K per occurrence plus legal fees.
"Shortly thereafter, Palin's counsel, Ronald Coleman, Esq., told me that Palin required a confidentiality clause because her political action committee did not want any hint of a compromise associated with her name," Dunnegan writes ....
They should UP what she owes trying to get away with shit like that. Your glory days are over Bitch! Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye!
You will be lucky to ONLY pay fine and not go to jail you skank!
Well, that might explain her attempts to wring more money out of her worshipers, doesn't it? She had a fine to pay.
from MD
Poor Juicy, she actually thinks she's relevant, doesn't she?
ReplyDeleteHow come Sarah Palin didn't post any birthday pictures of Track?
ReplyDeleteMaybe cameras aren't allowed where Track is?
Where is Track?
He is right there in the photo.
DeleteDid you read the post????????
No one knows when the black and white photoshopped pic of Track and Trig with colored cupcakes was taken.
DeleteIt was put up on Sarah's Facebook to appear as if it is a birthday celebration. Who writes for her said
"Celebrating the boys' birthdays – in new snow on 4/20!"
That doesn't mean it is true. They all lie.
But now they want peeps to believe they celebrated on 4/20!
Track ears look like Trigg...may be half bro banged barstool...
Deletea lot of ears can look alike. defects are the real identifiar.
DeleteAnd Sarah's so hip and christian 4/20 as in WEED DAY!!!!
DeleteInstead of EARTH DAY!
Fuck off Skank!
We know you're on more than 4:20!
Anyone else think her 4/20 was a veiled drug reference? Don't her usual posts contain an actual date, like April 18?
DeleteI totally did not recognize Track in that photo. Has he put on weight? Won't going off drugs do that?
Yes on the veiled 4/20.
DeleteTrack could put on weight due to drug situation. He may have started taking steroids to bulk up. He was whipped bad last September.
"What a small, sad, hateful woman."
ReplyDeleteRepeated for truth.
She thought she was Ivana Trump.
DeleteCareful what you wish for, $'error.
Track looks to be getting fat. I can certainly understand that given the frustration he must cope with every day.
ReplyDeleteLot's of drug addicts put on weight after rehab, the extra weight is much healthier than what the meth does.
DeleteIn the cupcake picture, Trig looks like a lonely, sad survivor.
ReplyDeleteFace it $arah, he's probably 4 years behind his potential, because you are too selfish and cheap to hire some professionals who know how to socialize, motivate, and educate DS victims.
Of course you wouldn't want to pay all that money, so continue to let your adopted child Trig to live in sad state of neglect.
And then there's the possibility that one of the DS professionals might hear Trig reveal something, or they might talk to your other kids when you aren't around.
Sociopaths do have their secrets!
Of all the horrible vicious and nasty things you've done, perhaps this neglect is the worst of all
poor adopta- trig. he looks lonely.
Delete4 yrs behind?
DeleteYou have no idea how far off you are.
Therapy beofre age 3 yrs old decides how far anyone will develop. Because Trig never got those critical therapies before age 3 he will not advance from where he is now.
He is a lifetime behind and is destined to be institutionalized because the rich Palin's were too busy to take him to therapy.
I agree, IM! Cut her off from this blog. We really are 'the few' Americans even giving her the time of day anymore.
ReplyDeleteThink it's time we stop as she truly is a worthless piece of shit which has been proven time and time again throughout these past ten years.
A liar, fraud, horrid mother and wife and no longer a politician. The Republican party wants nothing to do with her both in Alaska and the rest of the USA.
Way past time that we shut her down on this blog! She is no longer relevant!
I love to see her squirm, myself.
DeleteI don't think the GOP ought to be able to turn their backs so easily on Sarah Palin. They brought her to the Lower 48 and they ought to have to live with her. Until John McCain fesses up and tells the world how sorry he is that she was his running mate, Republicans need to know how awful she is and always has been.
This is a man that would write false narratives about Track for the military and the Palins.
Col. Burt Thompson did a half ass job of taking back what he said. He never did a worthwhile job of clearing up all the lies. Thompson needs to be underoath and drilled before asked anymore questions due to his lies.
There are people that still believe Track drove and watched over his superiors as well as believing in all the propaganda to support the Palin myth and the illegal wars.
Palin's son becomes poster boy for GOP as Bush unveils troop pull-out
You can't expect this idiot woman to understand the science supporting climate change. She knows as much about this world as Trig.
ReplyDeleteTrig looks sad. Track looks indifferent to the happy occasion this is supposed to be. Where's the smiles and other kids? Poor Trig. I feel sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteI doubt this was taken for a birthday. I think it is something they had and they used it to look like they had a birthday celebration.
DeleteIt doesn't look like a celebration at all. It looks like some misery and the idiot old guy is happy for others misery.
I wouldn't let creepy chuckles around ANY CHILDREN.
DeleteAgreed, 12:56 : the fact that only the cupcakes are in color shows this is a cheap photoshop. WHO KNOWS what Track (?!) was showing Trig, and when this happened. (Earlier in the year, I am quite sure, because they are dressed quite warmly in comparison to how they usually dress in their house (even in the midst of winter!)
DeleteWhen I look at pictures from that house with those kids, I wonder what it must be like to live there. Even with the lifelong brainwashing do any of the kids ever stop to think that something just might be off with how they live their lives? Or can there really be absolutely no introspection or self-awareness? I know Spalin operates without a moral compass, but surely one of her kids would grow tired of all the lies and break free? Is it so isolated there that they have no concept of what life is like outside of MatSu?
ReplyDeleteIt's a combination of low IQ, ignorance, lack of education or intellectual curiosity and brainwashing.
DeletePathetic, isn't it.
I remember on Dancing with the Stars, when Mark Ballas was there visiting (with DWTS film crew), and Sarah went to hug Bristol, and Bristol just sort of stood there, frozen like a statue, and I had the impression that Sarah rarely if ever hugs her kids- it seemed so unnatural.
DeleteR in NC
"What a small, sad, hateful woman. "
ReplyDeleteLOL that about sums it up, I think. :))
Sarah is it true that Track is at boarding school?
ReplyDeleteWell good for him.
Boarding school???? He is in his twenties.
DeleteCan Trig eat cupcakes?
ReplyDeleteI doubt it. That looks like a cruel picture.
DeleteLooks like Trig is starring at the cupcakes and wondering how am I supposed to eat solid food?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous12:29 PM
ReplyDeleteTrig looks sad. Track looks indifferent to the happy occasion
Is that Track holding the tray of store bought cupcakes? Dang he sure has aged.
Track looks troubled,
DeleteMy reaction was also that Trig looked unhappy, at the very least perplexed by the appearance of this treat. I hope he understood that it was for his birthday, although not on his birthday which we know was earlier than Sarah claims.
Meth and more.
DeleteTrig looks so sad. He misses his little brother in Kentucky
ReplyDeleteWhy are there ten cupcakes?
ReplyDeleteSarah bought a dozen cupcakes but Track needed some sugar munchies so he ate two. Besides, Sarah could only fit ten on that plate.
DeleteThought bubble for pic of Trig supposedly looking at cupcakes....."bullshit".
ReplyDeleteHey did anyone notice...sounds like no name has fans overseas...lol...music videos of Iran made a year ago...now last night we got Iran parade of military might...raised eyebrows... Now we got China in Pakistan...smirk...well now music is a wonderful thing...common Sarah make a video too copycat...shakin hands for you baby bimbo...
ReplyDeleteSorry if posted Gryph - Sarah Palin accused of stalling $15,000 settlement with N.J. newspaperSarahttp://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2015/04/sarah_palin_agrees_to_pay_nj_newspaper_15000_to_se.html?hootPostID=a1d07c57ee69e79195b71a29b7d2e214
ReplyDeleteif link doesnt work its nj.com
Yeah, I'm going to put up a post on this tomorrow.
DeleteI think we have enough Palin posts today.
So understood. Keep sane Mr. - sjp
DeleteThat is a sad looking birthday party.
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me, let me guess
Willow organized it.
The cupcake Photoshop is a birthday celebration like this is a bridal shower.
Marina Lupas, Bristol Palin, Cousin Lauden, Willow Palin and Piper Palin
There is no way Track is in the military with all that facial hair.
ReplyDeleteTrack is no longer in the military.
Delete"Stay strong, boys! We need men like you to un-do what's been done to our country under liberal control."
Those Palin "men" are famous for getting their asses kicked by "little bitches."
And the Palin "women" are famous for getting "beat to the ground" by 60-year-old ladies.
Girl Scouts must scare the shit out of them.
DeleteI love the video of Trig being sang to at school. His demeanor is so indicative of DS and reminds me of my cousin at that age. Brought a tear.....thanks, Gryph!
ReplyDeleteAs I watched that video and Trig's facial expressions, the wide grin on his face reminded me of facial expressions I've seen in pictures and videos of Levi Johnston.
DeleteKajo, I was struck by that too.
DeleteOkay, Sarah. March was globally the warmest March on record. The only part of the world (!) that was cooler than average was the Great Lakes area into the Northeast and a small spot in the North Atlantic. Guess what, Sarah? Alaska had a warmer March than usual. And, guess what again, Sarah. It's snowing today in northern Minnesota and in the UP of Michigan. We, in northwest Lower Michigan, could even get a little snow tonight and tomorrow. But we're not making a fuss about it because it is not UNUSUAL in April or even early May. These are transitional months in most places. And, Sarah, even most Republicans now think that "climate change" is real. It's a shame that their elected buddies don't agree but they're afraid (as you are too, Sarah) of losing money from billionaires like the Kochs.
ReplyDeleteI'm also glad, Sarah, that you belatedly wished your son and your adopted son a happy birthday. I hope Trig got some presents too - like books and building blocks.
O/T But Oh Toad, this must hurt..
That picture with the gross cupcakes is photo-shopped!
ReplyDeleteTracks hands look like Herman Munster's....
The lousy splicie and dice gives it away.
Sarah. You always do everything half-assed.
No wonder you are such a flop.
Hi Sarah
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading IM!
Why did you resign as Governor so suddenly?
P.S. Might want to check into those calendar thingies to avoid missing important dates!
Because she is a thief and weirdo terrorist...kill em all let Allah sort em out...isn't that right Sarah...
ReplyDeleteAre they visiting Track in rehab? Did he get ten cupcakes because he's been clean for ten days?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe it's 10 cupcakes to celebrate the ten weeks since he bothered to shave.
It is highly doubtful Palin reads and reacts to IM posts.
ReplyDeleteBut if it makes you feel somehow relevant.. meh.
If you think your comments matter, ...meh.
DeleteHoe about courts skank....go fock a judge now...hurry hurry come...lol...
Delete1:55 Bitch please
DeleteAfter reading all about her habits in the official emails released, I am sure she hasn't changed her ways.
She was obsessed and no doubt still obsesses about blogs and the local media, and what they think of her and her famiLIE.
Organized manipulation, posting and trolling by her crew? THAT IS A PROVEN FACT according to the emails! You betcha and thongdress backatyoo!
Sarah got her feelings hurt reading the Alaskan blogs years ago. That's why she pays a bunch of other people, her "consultants" upwards of $20 grand per month to read the blogs for her and respond appropriately. Also too, Palin can barely read, her comprehension skills are stuck at about a 10th grade level. Yes, she was elected our Governor by a bunch of christians as stupid as she is, and then ran for VP thanks to McCain's penis doing the talking. Now? She's relying on others to do the "reading" and "comprehending" so she can just eat, throw up her food, and read People magazine.
Delete1:55 PM Why the fuck are you here? Trig is so relevant that he is given a Track shared tray of birthday cupcakes instead of a Birthday party. Sarah doesn't even know his true birth date. Track must have a pass from REHAB.
Deleteim occupies space in Sarah pea sized brain. no room for anything else.
Delete3:00 pm you rock! Hey Sawah, are you butt hurt people on this blog sure have your number. LMAO
Delete2:15, 2:39, 2:47, 3:00, 3:39, 3:48, & 4:31.
DeletePalin obsessed morons. She beat you all! Still waiting on those anon sources! She plays you all like a fiddle!
She is laughing all the way to the bank, and could care less what you all speculate and imagine!
3:39 I am here to poke fun at you all obviously, didn't used to be that way..... but you have all gone off the deep end. As bad as the C4Pers, and I laugh at you all. She simply is not that important.
Sarah you ignorant slut!
ReplyDeleteIt's CLIMATE change, not a change of weather. I worked in an environmental research organization for 30 years, trust me, global warming is real. But the koch brothers are paying her big money to convince the rubes otherwise. Thankfully, she's losing her base - slowly but surely.
Where is the picture of the cupcake birthday party taken? How many people put a small TV inside the wall. It isn't even centered on the wall. Could it have been taken at a drug rehab center? Very strange room.
ReplyDeleteStrange everything.
DeleteSarah just told about Trig and he can't eat a cheerio.
She was so neglectful and waited so long that he will never be able to catch up and develop the same as if he had correct therapy.
Now she has a picture of him staring at a colorized plate of store bought cupcakes.
She is sinister and cruel to the boy.
Well, happy birthday, sons; may you and your generation never cave to Al Gore and his liberal idiotic blah blah blah
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
You people in Wasilla are strange. Out here in Anchorage we wish our kids a Happy Birthday, we sing Happy Birthday, they blow out their CANDLES, we hug and kiss them, we eat cake and ice cream and we show our children genuine love.
We don't need the good folks at Immoral Minority to shame us into celebrating with our children.
We don't need the good folks at Immoral Minority to shame us into celebrating with our children.
DeleteIf it was Me Me Me Sarah Palin's birthday, Sarah would expect a big Happy Birthday production and her Medal of Honor recipient would show up.
"enjoying this "climate change" (also known as "seasons""
(That's about all we could decipher from the notes left behind. The author was suffering multiple psychological impairments and most of the notes - scribbled in white crayon on white paper - were illegible. Besides these comments apparently triggered by The Screechy Wretch(tm)'s anti-environmental comments, all that was found at the scene were several boxes of decorative tri-cornered hats from Scuppeys Tea Party-phenalia, LLC of Fever Sore, Montana and a soggy bowl of dog biscuits in sour milk. No other evidence of a dog was found.)
Sarah had too much coke too much smoke...eww that smell...can't you smell that smell..
DeleteCan poor Trig see those cupcakes or is it all a blur? That stingy bitch will get hers one day; all that money she grifted off the idiot conservaturds and too cheap to spring for her prop to see and eat solids. Fuck you Sarah Palin!
ReplyDeleteIf Trig can't eat a Cheerio, how is he going to eat cupcakes? Can he see them without his glasses? Track doesn't look all that happy, either. He's been away for a while.
DeleteHe's been away for a while.
DeleteThey may have had him brought in for the photo and he had to go right back to where he is hiding.
Here in the 48, we do what you do AND we don't drag Along Gore into the birthday sentiments...
ReplyDeleteWell, well, well look at this
Is Sarah Palin afraid of Todd's son Trig? Either we don't see Sarah or she stays at least a Trig's arm length away so he doesn't slap the Bejesus out of Sarah
ReplyDeleteMore than likely they're celebrating Tracks one month of sobriety rather than a birthday for Trig. My heart goes out for Trig. Sarah sure screwed up the little guy by not getting him the therapy he needs. The whole family is messed up except for Trig.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way that is a celebration for a child. It is not an age related adult birthday celebration either.
DeleteI agree with the people who think it looks like a rehab birthday celebration. They can celebrate one hour or ten minutes of sobriety.
ReplyDeleteTrack in Indiana at photo op dinner with a gov of Alaska.
Track always seems to have that vacant look in his eyes, as if he is really some place else. Trig doesn't look too happy either.
DeleteO/T I've never thought this Trig was the same Trig we saw at the RNC. Is there any way to compare the ear of this Trig with the one of the Trig at the RNC?
ReplyDeleteThe rim around the edge of this Trig seems fatter.
It is not unusual for DS infants to have surgery on their ears, often at a very young age.
Delete@Ginger, no decent and honorable plastic surgeon would ever do cosmetic surgery on any tot. Very rarely will a decnt plastic surgeon do a nose job on anyone under 18 ( and usually because it is affecting their social life and self esteem). Only some scumbag would operate on a young special needs child for cosmetic reasons, it goes against the "do no harm" of the oath they take. No small special needs tot could ever understand surgical pain for cosmetic reasons, it is just not done. Unless maybe you have a shiftless rich family and a shiftless surgeon, it is just not done.
DeleteAnd Anon @ 3:40pm is completely full of shit.
Trig takes another lap on his restored '88 Élan
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
Lets try to figure out what Sarah wants us to believe.
Sarah wants us to Trig has the coordination and ability to ride a snowmachine even though Sarah said that Trig is the only kid can't eat a Cheerio.
They use to take photos of Trig with books and looking at Ipads. Later we learn he can't say much and doesn't read or see well.
DeleteIs Sarah trying to imply that Trig can drive a snow mobile all by himself, even if he isn't wearing glasses? Is he that well coordinated-- and yet he can't eat a cheerio?
DeleteTrig looks like he's waiting to see if another Palin is going to shove his face into the cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteOnly one word comes to mind: insufferabletwat
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget that a few commenters noted that Sarah has moved on to her new "son," Dakota. Her old shields don't have a great a return as they once did.
ReplyDeleteSee, everyone? Sarah DOES know where Track and Trig are. Or at least the person setting up this photo op does. Sarah's all about Dakota these days.
Trig is still wearing that Captain America t-shirt he had on in the school video, so this photo must have been taken on the 18th and not the 20th, which was Track's birthday. He's had that beard for a few months, I saw him at the grocery store in February and he was just starting it. Poor guy, he always looks so sad, hopefully he'll be doing better since Duhkota is the new military focus. Remember, Track didn't want to enlist, his mother made him. He'd have been happier doing anything else.
ReplyDeleteTrig's birthday was Saturday when there was no school. So was he on a sleep over from the caretaker's and no change of clothes was sent?
DeleteWillblow posted this on February 12.
DeleteIn honor of Track leaving, #tbt to the quickest fair trip of my life. #spentfiveminutesinside#literally #latergator
I don't know when the pic was shot.
Posted Monday 04-21-2015 8:31 AM
Friday the 17th was the last day of school before Trig's birthday.
The school video would be April 17 or before. Trig is wearing the same shirt as when he has that lost look at the cupcakes.
So why didn't anyone in his family mention him on his birthday?
Remember Track didn't want to enlist....
DeleteI thought that the story was that he was 15, not quite 16 when he was involved with school bus vandalism. The other three guys were over 16. Track's influential mother made sure that he was not named in the newspaper and he did not face any charges. Instead, Todd was shipped off to Michigan to go to high school and play hockey because, you know, there is no high school and no hockey in Alaska.
Track injured his shoulder so he could not play hockey, and they shipped him back home. I think that it was Sarah's choice to get Track out of town and into the service. That way she could brag about her military son and avoid the problems at home of a kid who had gotten into trouble and problem had a substance abuse issue even back then. We have never seen photos of Track on active duty, but Sarah made sure to refer to him in every speech. Way to go, Blue Star Mother.
I wonder who they knew in Michigan. Who did he stay with? I can't think of a high school level hockey league that would include both AK and MI.
DeleteWhy would Trig's family bother to wish him a happy birthday on his birthday? They send him to school. Trig was in school.
DeleteThe partial color and partial black and white is an Apple app:
So that's why it was late in coming.....it took days to figure out how to use the app. Got it.
DeleteThey have Blackberries, not iPhones.
DeleteThe picture is photoshopped!
ReplyDeleteLook at the flame of the lonely candle.
A flame will always point "up" with out a breeze to move it around. This flame is perfectly aligned with the wax part, indicating the lit candle was photographed while in an upright position. Now, try to tilt you head to the left to make that candle appear vertical (upright). Look how everything else in the photo is way off, including poor Trig who would have fallen into the cupcakes at that angle.
Nice catch! This is better than just the black and white vs the color cupcakes, which, supposedly, could be a 'app' for iPhones (but not for their Crackberries!)
DeleteJJ, good catch on the flame. But that's science, y'know, physics, and the stooopid ones would never get it.
DeleteOkay, G., give Sarah a few hours and she'll be doing what I suggest here. How about a photo of mommy with Trig? Why isn't mom or dad bringing the cake to Trig and singing Happy Birthday? Where is Todd?
ReplyDeleteShe'll be getting her photoshop experts to conjure up some fake photo in 3....2....1.
Or they'll do a quick staging of aforementioned 'event', because Sarah is IM's helpless puppet.
DeleteM from MD
Is Trig eating solid food now?
ReplyDeleteNah, they just like to torture him. Can't eat a cheerio, I doubt he could eat a cupcake from the half off day old bin at walmart.
DeleteIn the video of Trig in school, it looks as if he cannot control his tongue. Trig should have had therapy years ago to develop his facial muscles-- and a lot of other stuff. He looks like a bright kid who is enjoying his birthday. He should have had therapy from the earliest moments of his life, instead of being used as Sarah's prop.
DeleteNo. And he never will because he didn't get taken to Zero to 3 therapies. Trig will never advance from where he is. He will never eat solid food, nor speak above the level he speaks at now.
DeleteHow about a life time in diapers? Who can Trig thank?
DeleteEveryone knows that Track Palin has never worked. What he did when he was enlisted is a mystery, the jobs they claimed he did had to be taken back because they were made up.
ReplyDeleteSo here is a pic of Track looking like a hermit from a cave or a homeless dude. He has a symbolic plate of treats that are enhanced with color. He puts that in the face of a kid that is known not to be able to eat food.
That is called a celebration.
I was under the impression that Track went away to rehab some time ago. The beard and gained weight makes him look like someone who has been away under a health care program. He still has that vacant look in his eyes. For all we know, they are visiting Track in rehab. They are posing with the cupcakes next to the arm rest of a leather sofa or easy chair. Is that a TV in the wall in the background?
DeleteIt is a very odd photo. Is the setting an institution, a diner, a visitors' room at a correctional facility? ...and at the left edge of the photo, is that a bare foot next to Track's arm? Sure doesn't look like a house or a party--at least not ones I would want to be at.
DeleteAnd for the upcoming Maury special on Palin parentage, my money is on Track being Trig's daddy.
I can vouch for the fact that Track has not fished salmon at Bristol Bay for 6 or 7 years.The last time Todd fished was about 5 years ago. Todd ran a fairly good fishing operation and he was into it for a long time. Track, on the other hand, was a whiny slouch and they fought all the time because Track never took care of the gear or helped clean up and always sulked and had tantrums. He is one unhappy messed up young man.
DeleteWait, if the school class and teacher are singing Happy Birthday to Trig, is this on the 18th of April? If it is, then the school records must show he was born on the 18th.
ReplyDeleteOr that video clip is from another day. Wonder if the parents of these kids know when their children (in Trig's class) know what day this was.
The 18th was a Saturday.
DeleteIf Sarah really cared about Trig she would not use him as a political prop every chance she got and would be involved in Special Olympics or something similar. Instead she gallops all over the country bitching about guns and liberals. A special needs child can be such a joy can give back so much love in return. what a waste.
ReplyDeleteThere is a very special hell for $arah, and I'm hopeful that she experiences it for a number of years before she dies.
DeleteThe Happy Birthday song actually brought a tear to my eye.
ReplyDeleteThat poor kid can never catch up to his peers. Fuckin' shame.
Why doesn't Track look like any of his siblings?
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. Track is taller and doesn't have pudgy cheeks
DeleteTrack drinks like them and fights like them.
DeleteTrack fights like a girl.
Poor Trig, no BDay pics w/ Mom and Dad. No BDay pics with school mates. Just one lame pic w/store bought cupcakes ( I guess the grocery store cakes cost too much).
ReplyDeletePoor Trig, little tyke forsaken on his "public" Bday.
Sarah must have no shame at all.
Hold a candle upright and the flame will be upright. Tilt the candle, as in this pic and the flame will remain upright, not tilted along with the candle. Gawd, this woman is stoopid.
ReplyDeleteThat angle only makes sense in a draft. ..otherwise....but she is IM's puppet. That is abundantly clear. This site is the burr under her saddle.
Delete‘Global Warning My Gluteus Maximus’ Says Palin
That top picture is precious. It makes me laugh every time I see it.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin attended approximately 5 colleges.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin finally received her degree from the University of Idaho Moscow
Sarah Palin received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism.
Sarah Palin was a FOX News contributor.
Sarah Palin is a 3 time New York Times Best Seller.
Time's Magazine 100 Most Influential People In The World
Sarah Palin host of Sarah Palin Channel
Sarah Palin Execurive Editor of the Sarah Palin Channel
Sarah Palin future president of the most powerful nation.
So with her degree in communication with an emphasis in journalism earned from the University of Idaho Moscow, Sarah Palin writes on her facebook :
"Trig takes another lap on his restored '88 Élan"
-Sarah Palin
I could be wrong, but it appears to me that Trig is not taking another lap on his restored '88 Elan as Sarah Palin wants us to believe.
Sarah does it look like to you that Trig is taking another lap on his restored '88 Élan?
If you were to ask Willow, who had to get a GED, what does she see, Willow would tell you Trig may be running around the snowmachine but he is definitely NOT taking another lap "ON" his snowmachine.
Sarah Palin, former Miss Alaska loser, former mayor of Wasilla, former quitter governor of Alaska and a college graduate with a degree in journalism and communication
The University of Idaho Moscow called and THEY WANT THEIR DEGREE BACK!
Sarah Palin you may have your inbred followers fooled but you don’t have Immoral Minority readers fooled.
Sarah shoots herself in the foot every time
DeleteOne thing that frosts me (no pun intended) about the photo is Track's shirt: "Home of the Free Because of the Brave."
ReplyDeleteIS EVERYGODDAM PALIN required to wear "patriotic" clothing all the time? I mean, look at Sarah's flag-design shoes, Track's T-shirt; Dakota's shirts; flags all over the house.
I served 30 years in the Army including two tours in Vietnam and I have the scars and medals to prove it. The only person in the Palin family who served was Track and he enlisted ONLY because a local judge told him it was the military or jail.
I have a small American flag that hangs from a pole on one of the columns of my front porch. I don't own a single piece of "patriotic" clothing. Then, I'm normal.
Freaking Palin's must have a building stuffed to the ceiling with patriotic clothing, 2nd Amendment gun crap and bible bs just to bring out for photo ops.
ReplyDeleteWe were taking finals in college and one of our girlfriends flunked her finals. Miraculously she stood on stage and received her diploma with us. Years later I was curious about how she received her diploma while flunking her final. She told me she gave oral to her professor.
ReplyDeleteThere are ways around getting a college diploma. Wink wink.