Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mom attends son's class on abstinence. Sends out horrified tweets in response to what she hears.

Courtesy of As It Happens:

Every parent is curious about what their kids learn in sex education class. 

But when Michigan mom Alice Dreger found out that abstinence was the subject of her son's upcoming lesson, she was so curious, she decided to go back to school.

With her son's permission - and the school's -- she sat in the back of the class last week. 

The medical humanities and bioethics professor teaches at Northwestern University and does research on sex. The plan was to sit quietly in the back while the state-required course on abstinence was taught. 

But that all changed when the lesson started. 

"They were teaching the kids through a game....that one out of six times a man and woman have intercourse, that the condom will fail and the woman will get pregnant...and they were handed a paper baby." Eventually, the whole class had babies. (Actually when used properly condoms only fail around 2% of the time. A better use of time in a sex education class would be to demonstrate how to use them correctly.)

"Almost from the beginning...It was clear to me what they were going to impart in that classroom was the story of how you can abstain from sex and have a delightful life or you can not abstain and have a terrible life and that's exactly what went on to happen." 

A guest speaker told the class he only found happiness after he met a girl who led an "abstinence lifestyle."  (Of course I'm assuming that he banged everything with a pulse until he met this girl.)

"The lesson was...that when you meet a girl who says no that's the woman you want, basically slut-shaming the girls who might say yes," Dreger says.

Because of course it is always left up to the woman to take responsibility for the consequences of sex. Men are simply excused as being unable to control their animal like impulses.

 That's the problem with allowing parents who are educators monitor your ignorant class, they are going to notice how deep the bullshit is.


  1. Anonymous2:13 AM

    What age were these kids?

    I graduated from high school in 1962. If we had had a class with this content, about 5 minutes into the class, we all would have been rolling on the floor laughing and my friend Sidney would have asked the teacher if he/she had ever had sex!!!!

    Maybe our only hope is the kids are to wordly-wise to fall for this crap.

  2. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Unemployment, eh? That's it, I'm quitting today and get me some. LOL.


  3. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I have a Mormon friend that "discovered" sex in college and banged like no tomorrow. You guessed it, when it came time that he wanted to be married, he sought out a virgin.

  4. Anonymous2:40 AM

    I thought babies were a gift from God, and if the condom breaks, you are suppose to make lemonade--so why act like paper babies are punishment? I mean if a rape victim is suppose to be happy about giving birth to her rapist's child--then why play a game at school with the presentation of paper babies is a punishment?

    1. I can't wait until the abstinence crowd lobbies to bring back the legal term of "bastard" for birth certificates.

  5. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Sadly yes... my son is in middle school, and when he started a discussion with me in the car one morning about something they had gone over in his science class the previous day it quickly became very clear that some of the teaching materials were being supplied by "Friends of Coal." I believe they are probably one of the many Koch Bros. front organizations. They were basically being told that while there may be "some" advantage to developing alternative energy sources (hydro, solar and wind), it will be so long into the future before they are viable that we simply MUST not abandon the current and abundant supply of cheap, clean fuels we have... coal and oil. Also, they were being told that we simply must not allow all the nonsense and hysteria about fracking to slow down our domestic energy development and, in consequence, impact our domestic security, economic growth and way of life.

  6. Anonymous4:07 AM

    I'm embarrassed that this happened in Michigan. Was it a public school or a private one? Are my tax dollars being wasted this way? I'd much rather see facts presented to students, not fairy tales.

  7. Anonymous5:16 AM

    We need to teach kids the importance of birth control and the reality of how becoming a baby mommy/daddy will likely put them in a cycle of poverty.

  8. Kids have soooooo many contradictory and erroneous ideas about sex from school, church, and home to contemplate. Their little brains must look like scrambled eggs with cheese and onions.

  9. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Didn't she also tweet something along the lines of: "Sex is bad. Pot is bad. ....have they ever tried them together?!"

  10. Anonymous6:32 AM

  11. Condom Russian Roulette.

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Your Alaska legislature is trying to ram through a bill (SB 89/HB 192) that would ban "abortion providers" from providing sex ed in the schools. It is a targeted attempt to ban Planned Parenthood, but could apply to anyone that works at a hospital, doctors, nurses. The remaining sex ed provider that shows up in your schools is an offshoot of Crisis Pregnancy Center. Its called Healthy Choices or something like that. They teach such bullshit that if you have sex it reduces your ability to bond with your next partner, condoms are ineffective, good girls "don't", abortion causes breast cancer, suicide, etc. Very shaming about sex outside of marriage. Alaskans need to deluge their offices in opposition to this bill.

  13. Aren't they afraid they hammer abstinence home so thoroughly that it is practiced by both parties even after marriage?

    What do these idiots think of "marriage" counseling for sexual problems?

  14. Anonymous9:36 AM

    So, what kind of guy is the "right guy" for a girl then? One who doesn't ask for sex? Boy ohh boy, they think the marriage will drop if Gay marriage is allowed, just think how far it will drop if a girl can't marry a guy who asks for sex.............. Cuz a guy who doesn't ask for sex is a Unicorn.

  15. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Holy Hip Wader's Batman!!!! I sat in on some classes and was a teacher's aid when my kids were in high school. The facts and percentages of failure were distributed, and, I kid you not, a trojan regular size condom can cover a two liter bottle of soda when handled properly. This was a public school, and the parents had to sign permission slips, few if any, refused.
    They were taught it takes two and the responsibility should be shared. I hate to admit this, but I learned so much in three classes and was proud of the questions the kids asked and the answers they got.


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