Friday, April 17, 2015

New SarahPAC fundraising letter.

Body of letter:

CHIP-IN to support SarahPAC and help support these young Senators fight the LIBERAL MEDIA’S SPINELESS LIES! 

SarahPAC is determined to CONTINUE OUR SUPPORT for strong conservative leaders like Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio after the recent announcement that they would run for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. The liberal media has been rallying to support Hillary Clinton in a combined effort to keep the GOP from winning the White House. They are afraid that these young GOP candidates have the ability to reach a more new and diverse group of voters that will secure the Republican Party for years to come. 

The insiders bet against our candidates and the liberal media attacked them because they were too conservative. But with the support of the hard-working grassroots activists like yourself and SarahPAC these young GOP leaders fought and won races that the establishment thought they would lose. 

We need to continue our message of strong conservative values, if you CHIP-IN just $10 our message will be seen by over 3,000 people or if you CHIP-IN $25 our message can be seen by over 8,000. 



I don't know about everybody else but MY lies are simply bursting with spine. 

Must be thinking of some other liberals.

So SarahPAC is planning to give money to Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, AND Marco Rubio?  Can't Palin decide on just one of them?

Besides who REALLY thinks that Palin is giving any of her precious money to any of these guys?

You know if I were a cynic I might think that Palin was simply using these guys to trick people into sending more money for her to use on things like vacations, airfare, consultants, and of course "postage."

You know, if I were a cynic. 

After all she is notorious for being stingy with her PAC money.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Does this mean that Sarah Palin in a roundabout way is telling her retarded inbred followers that she is not running for president?

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      You would think it does. If AIP Palin was considering a run, why would she need money to support other DECLARED candidates?

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Who says these chicken hawks are young?

    3. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Wow! I guess since "The Brawl" the Kocks, the NRA, and the RNC are not giving $$$ and she is desperate! She has a wedding to "put on" (film)
      And What "spineless" lies? You notice the RWNJ never have anything to say but BULLSHIT?
      And when you Quote their "spineless lies" you are called a "h8'r".?
      Fuck off Sarah Bitch! I read that the RNC is not supporting Grifters and looks like the kocks aren't either as well as NRA.
      So that leaves, all 10 of her supporters....

    4. Dinty1:50 PM

      Yes, this letter has let slip that she is not running. Not that we didn't know that already, but hopefully a few of her followers will catch on.

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    With $10 our message will be seen by over 3,000 people? Sarah I'm tired of giving you money. How about you with your millions of dollars fund this next Sarah Palin Begathon?

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      I have yet to see her exhibit any of the "strong conservative values" she purports.

    2. ...or, for that matter, any Christian values.

    3. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Anonymous6:43 AM

      I have yet to see her exhibit any of the "strong conservative values" she purports.
      YEAH! She is more of the "spineless" lies values, it looks like to me!

  3. Anonymous6:24 AM

    How can we be sure you're not raising money for Bristol's wedding?

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      I'd still like to know why they needed $10K by midnight 03/31. What was the all fired hurry?

    2. No specific reason. It was the quarterly filing deadline. They just wanted to show more money in the accounts because we have all noticed that donations are down and that she's burning through what's already there.

    3. 6:41 To pay for her ring.

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      7:49 PM
      I don't think cubic zirconium rings cost $10K.

    5. Actually, how do we know if Palin is even depositing all the donations she receives for Sarah PAC into Sarah PAC, and not into her own pocket? That would seem to be the easiest way for her to skim money from her PAC and not get noticed.

    6. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Take note of the LLCs, mbaker, also too.

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Sarah whatever happened to the money you asked for to make your SarahPac FEC report look good? Did you reach your goal of $10,000? Is it a secret? Why didn't you or SarahPac thank anybody?

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Thank anybody?!? Pffft.

    2. Anonymous6:56 AM

      There will be a thank you. It will come in the next sarahpac letter/email, as in, "Thank you for your contribution. Our work isn't done. Please send ......"

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Sarah should sweeten the deal by throwing in a couple of ISIS was was bumper stickers, I stand with BiBi shirts, and for that real hardcore Palin fan, a chance to wear Bristol's white dress along with Sarah's Liberty boots to any event of the winner's choosing.

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    SarahPac must not need this money if it is not important for Sarah to post this letter on her facebook page. It would be funny if this we need money letter appears on her facebook page after Sarah reads this comment.

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    All of a sudden SarahPac is asking for money. Is it because they need to make payroll?

  7. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Just come out and say it. You need money to send Barstool and Duhkota to Mexico so they can ride horses for their honeymoon.

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    "In 2012. of the 417 leadership PACs that made at least one contribution in that cycle, SarahPAC was one of only 19 to give less than 10 percent of its total expenditures to candidates, other PACs or party committees. And it was one of only three of those spending more than $1 million to do so."

  9. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Here's the dill; your hard earned cash will enable Sarah and the family to engage the wrapped bus for another teachin' tour of Murica. Step aside Hillary and let Sarah show you who the heartland really wants to see.


    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      A baggy, saggy, sack of bones with fake boobs and a padded butt? To quote Sarah Palin, "Thanks, but no thanks!"

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      More like using that bus as dumkoter n brissy honeymoon to all the national sites!

  10. Anonymous6:44 AM

    If I was crazy enough to support any of these lunatics, I would send my money straight to their campaigns or to the RNC. Why on earth would I send it to her PAC with the slim-to-none chance that a tiny portion of it MIGHT get to a real candidate?

    Anyone stupid enough to send her money at this point deserves to lose it.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Spot on Anonymous 6:44! IMO, in addition to using these possible GOP presidential nominee names to continue her grifing, I think Palin is also trying to attach herself to their stars...any one of them. A Cabinet position, an Ambassadorship, etc. It will never happen of course, but that won't stop Sarah from trying.

    2. Janice A Soderquist7:33 AM

      She will not send one time to any of these candidates...

    3. If Sarah PAC was an outside agency seeking donations to a charity it would be called a scam for how little it gives the charity from what they collected. Even if she donated 20% to candidate it would still be considered a scam.

    4. Anonymous2:50 PM

      No kidding. She gave what only 10k out of millions prior.

  11. What a grifter. she thinks by using all three of these nuts she has 3 times the chance of receiving money from the brain-dead base.

    Why wouldn't they just send their money to the individual senators? Why must they go through her for her skimming? In the past she'd given more to postage (what her personal slush fund is called) than actual donations to said candidate.

    I agree with 6:24 -- We know she is. she thinks she is pulling one over on her small fan base again.

    "CHIP-IN to support SarahPAC and help support these young Senators fight the LIBERAL MEDIA’S SPINELESS LIES!"

    Should that be "Senators'" to show possession?

    BTW -- News Corpse has a good write-up on sarry's lies about her fake magical bus tour.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM


    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      The problem with correctly punctuating that sentence is that the entire thing is grammatically incorrect. It should either be:

      "help support these young Senators' fight against the..."


      "help these young Senators fight the..."

      As written, it makes no sense. But that's no surprise, considering the source.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Picky, Picky, Picky, who are you the grammar police?
      You know darn well SarahPac spends thousands on "media consultants", just look at all the LLC's that are on our payroll.

      Only liburals produce slick, grammatically correct ads. We don't care as long as the marks, opps, fans, opps commonsense conservatives send money, rapido!!!

  12. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Who Said It: Hillary Clinton or John McCain?

    Just try to tell the difference in our hawk vs. hawk quiz.

  13. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I'm donating every bit as much as Virginal Girlyman: $0000.00

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      You know it's getting old when head cheerleader food stamp Pete starts whining about it!

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      I wish they would get it through their thick heads at the pond that once Sarah declares herself a candidate, the earthquake PAC can only be used against Sarah's opponents-NOT to directly support Sarah.

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      That's why Sarah won't run. She's got a good racket going here.

  14. Caroll Thompson6:56 AM

    I don't think the Senators are going to appreciate Sarah grifting using their names. They all know Sarah spends all the money on her own personal expenses.

    1. Yes, Caroll, I'm sure you're absolutely right on this. They know they will never see a dime of money that goes to SarahPAC.

  15. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Gonna be a bitch Sarah when those three campaigns come calling for using their images without permission. And using them to line YOUR pockets.

    Hasn't this happened before ?

  16. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The Begging Bitch from Wasilla has no shame.

  17. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Sarah's support for candidates mostly consists of her posting something nice about the person on her facebook. If that costs money for the ghost writer, it should not be costing thousands and thousands of dollars.

    Sarah's PAC has donated so little actual money to candidates that as a charity, her giving rate is estimated at 5-7% of the money they receive. That means the 95% of the money goes into expenses which support and promote Sarah and ask for more donations to continue to support and promote Sarah. She no longer has political influence or anything of importance to say. Her recent facebook had to do with her choice of earrings. Really? Did SarahPAC pay for the bullet earrings since they seem to be a political statement?

    The biggest joke of all is the idea that Sarah invented self-promotion bus tour. She may be right. Most of the politicians who toured the country by truck, bus or train were on political campaigns, hoping to be elected to office. Sarah's PAC bus tour was a king sized advertisement for her PAC.

  18. She keeps harping on how "young" these bozos are as if they are fresh-faced downy-cheeked lads right out of school.

    Paul is 52, Cruz is 44 and looks 54, and Rubio is 43. It is not as though I am some 20-something that thinks anyone over 30 is old; I am older than all of them. It is just odd sounding, as if all of these farts aren't well-established in Washington and determined to stay there.

    Overall the letter is just pathetic looking.

    First, she puts herself right there in the group as if she has the same status as they do (an active politician and candidate).

    Second, and this is where it gets really, really, pathetic, she puts the little quotes on each of their pictures about how they all want her. As if she is the star and they are endorsing her. Also, those quotes are from previous elections. Are they seeking her out now?

    It reeks of a desperate plea for attention.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      More "kingmaker" bullshit.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Reaks of drugs too...eww that smell...

    3. ++++ comment, Nefer. I couldn't have said it better.

  19. Anonymous7:24 AM

    What's the matter, $arah? Too early to pick a winner yet, so you pretend to support them all until a clear front-runner appears? Wait, if you support all of these guys, I guess that means that YOU are not intending to even think about running? Hear that, $arabots?!?!?!

    I hope $he makes a mint off of her small band of suckers. If they have any change left, they don't deserve to enjoy any of it.


    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Yep, a contribution to sarahpac will guarantee none of those "young" senators get more than a nickel of every dollar contributed to her scampac.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      What's going to happen when the Hicksville donors want their money back...sounds like a good ol Witch hunt to me...what goes around comes around...remember that now Sarah..

    3. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Agree with you Anonymous 10:39. Much as I dislike SarahPac getting a penny from which in turn helps support the horrid, lazy-butt Palins and Heaths, at least Sarah's grifting keeps said funds from going to a viable GOP candidate.

  20. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sarah is bleeding the rubes dry ...and they deserve it.

  21. Next she'll be claiming she paved the way for Hillary by breaking through the ceiling or some bullshit. PLEASE let this be the last we have to hear from this shameless bottom-feeder.

  22. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I think Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen has a great idea. We need to start our own SuperPACs so we can grift, too!

    I have a very good friend who was hit by a car & is now completely disabled. He's a talented artist, & has been trying to raise a little money (about $1000) on GoFundMe to buy real art supplies, not crap from Walmart. So far, it hasn't worked very well.

    Maybe if he offered hand drawn portraits of my selected candidate--that might be an actual business expense, not to mention all the "postage."

    1. Link for your friend? I'm an artist too.

    2. I'd donate to your friend's Kickstarter if you post a link. (Also an artist.)

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Now your getting the people for the people...ignore the politicians and the only ones to listen to them are at the state fair...

  23. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Uh-oh, Sarah forgot to include that bit about "we are only just beginning to fight" that she has been using for six years.

    Did you forget to begin to fight this year, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      And I was about to take a sip of coffee...glad I didn't...

  24. Janice A Soderquist7:32 AM

    Do you honestly think she will appear at any of their fundraisers or campaigns on the road? Did she get permission from them to add her statements on how much she means to them? I hope the FEC is watching these ads. It says she is not running...

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Will Sarah appear at their fundraisers or campaign Not that she won't try to force herself on them to gain attention and money.

      The GOP didn't even invite Sarah to their 2012 Convention--that's how much they don't want her around potential candidates. Talk about an obvious slam and insult...Palin was their candidate for V-P in 2008!

      IMO, as the 2016 presidential election looms closer, the candidates for the GOP will really try to distance themselves from Sarah. Perhaps someone very high up in the GOP will even try to temporarily shut Sarah down.

      Palin is an embarrassment for the GOP and a distraction from the "legitimate" candidates. Those actual candidates will need to be careful, however, about alienating Sarah. She will turn vicious and we all know Sarah never forgets a real or imagined slight.

  25. Anonymous7:34 AM

    OT, but interesting... Tbo at the pond posted a sentiment last night that was almost word for word what an IMer posted a few days ago....hmmmm. Our mole perhaps?
    TBo John_Frank
    6 hours ago
    John, I'm going to take lots of hits for saying this; but, as I have asked many people in my lifetime: when did you decide to become a heterosexual or a homosexual?

  26. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Since when do you hyphenate phrasal verbs such as "chip in"? Answer: You don't.

    1. You don't. The dummy should had added a noun such as the word "money" after chip-in.

  27. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Ooooh, Sarah isn't gonna like this at all!

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      OMG! They didn't list Bristol the Dancing Fool(tm) either!

      Sarah gonna be soooo mad.

  28. Janice A Soderquist7:42 AM

    Whatever happened to her bus, did she sell it? Where did the money go, back into the Pac...

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      No I didn't see them. My busts are in my bust clothes drawer.

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:40 AM

      It's in the belly of the plane.

  29. hedgewytch7:44 AM

    Young Senators? LMAO - feeling your age Sarah? Rubio and Cruz are both 44, Rand is 52, and you are 51. While it could be said that 44 is young to hold the office of the POTUS, I wouldn't call them "young" in general. And neither are you.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      I am sure the emphasis on their "youth" is an underhanded attempt to call Hillary old, without taking heat for coming out and doing so. Hillary will be the same age as the revered St. Ronnie, but unlike Ronnie, she has full use of her faculties.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      You read my mind Anonymous 7:56. I also took Sarah's use of the adjective "young" as a slam at Hillary.

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      That's the way I took it too. An underhanded attack on Hillary.

  30. Anonymous7:45 AM

    WOW! The pond dwellers can see it in others, but not their queen! Does this sound familiar?
    MJUdall Guest
    6 minutes ago
    "...Ted avoided the question. Turned it into "the media likes to play gotcha games...." he gives this answer a lot..."

  31. Anonymous7:58 AM

    So much insanity in that letter to choose from.

    "Liberal Media's spineless lies" makes little sense and proves she's writing this material herself. How does she think asking them to chip in to SarahPAC help her 'fight' these lies? How does someone fight back about lies? Usually, they sue, or they educate themselves in gaining employment in media, or they run for elected office themselves, or they 'vote'. What can SarahPAC do with OPM to make the supposed 'lies' go away? Her bots must be beside themselves realizing this says she's not jumping in; and, that she still uses them to send her their money. Why doesn't she ask them to send donations to these three candidates now?

    She's lost all shame and is grovelling for money and relevancy.

    1. Sarah has no self awareness whatsoever. That conniving creature is the yellow-bellied spineless one. A real confrontation on all her words and actions would make her RUN!

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM


      I don't think she was ever capable of feeling shame. There was nothing to lose. She has no conscience. She never developed beyond the totally egocentric mindset of an infant.

    3. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Could be she is channeling her current legal situation...fight those lies baby...

  32. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Sorry Sarah, Hillary is on the list...

  33. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Do Sarah's strong conservative values include the "FU" sign she endorse with a thumbs up? Does it include fraternizing with Ted (screw loose) Nugent? Does it include posting photos of her fondling her guns and ammo, without any evidence she's taking care of her precious gift from God, Trig?

    Wearing hooker shoes and lacy shiny skirts? Wearing tousled wigs and heavy make-up while getting photographed with men with chubbies? Loving to rile up the media by acting like a 10 year-old? Doing nothing for a living, except traveling and speaking and bleeding her donors dry? What kind of conservative values are they? What is conservative about depending on begging people to read, listen, behold, and register to her weak efforts at postulating on things that everyone already know? That's called grifting, a weak work ethic, living off of OPM, taking and never giving, looking for hand-outs and incessantly lazy.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      There have been worse lies. Sarah did not give birth to Trig but she lied, breaking one of the ten commandments. Bristol had at least one baby and maybe more out of wedl ock, good christian values. Troubled kids committed vandalism and did not pay any consequences for their bad behavior. Instead, Sarah just covered up for Track and Willow.

      I think that just as important is being a good parent once you accept the responsibility of caring for a child, whether he was expected or a surprise, whether he was adopted or born to Sarah and Todd. Once they became parents, they owed Trig every chance at therapy so he could reach his fullest potential. Instead, he served as the photo op for the Family Values of not having an abortion. The other part of those family values is to provide every opportunity for the kid you chose to include in your family.

      It is also shameless that Bristol blogs on a Christian website while she is part of the Palin Family Lies. She had Tripp when she was an unmarried teen. She has worked to exclude Tripp's father rather than include him in the relationship. She uses Tripp the same way that her mother uses Trig, as a prop.

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I know..right..with the brainwashed bobble head crazy's all good...

    3. @Anon 8:41 AM

      "She had Tripp when she was an unmarried teen."

      Really? The only evidence I've ever found was that Bristol was pregnant with Trig and gave birth to him on April 17, 2008.

      Does anyone have any proof she was really pregnant again and delivered another child on Dec. 27, 2008?

    4. Anonymous3:14 PM

      only that trip resembles creepy chuckles.

    5. Anonymous3:16 PM

      and trip/tr-g 1/trigger 2 resembles none of them.

    6. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Tripp, TRI-g 1, TRI-gger 2, Ruffles? Piper, Track where are you? Toad's, Barstool's, Up-Chuck's? who the FUCK knows who belongs to which fucked up family members family in that Klan..of Queen Sarah Cunt Palin.

  34. Anonymous8:08 AM

    To those who says I'm not running for president because SarahPac is asking for money for the other candidates. I won't rule out entering the White House race. I don't close any doors that perhaps would be open out there, so, no, I wouldn't close that door

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      sorry Ms.quitty pants. that door slammed shut on your pinochio nose years ago. so go back to your / hockey rink funded rip off shack on the dead lake. time to suck it up buttercup. time to get a job. tacobells always hiring. ***all the crunchwrap supremes you can eat! you can apply for dogcatcher. experience/1-you caught toad. 2-you Attract dogs. there's always toads pimp biz. you have the mind and mouth for it. you're kinda high mileage and then there's that her... oh sure toad could find something for you to do in the biz. we know you can flick your tongue. how are your neck muscles??

    2. Anonymous12:13 AM

      her forehead's big enough to polish belt buckles ..

    3. Anonymous5:18 AM

      12:13am or rent advertising space out above her twinnpeaks eyebrows ."toads pimp biz"

    4. Anonymous5:26 AM

      I think Sarah's found her niche in the worlds Oldest Profession. SARAH HAS PROSTITUTED HERSELF TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC SINCE 2008. do we REALLY WANT A HOOKER in OUR WHITEHOUSE??!? THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE.

  35. Anonymous8:10 AM

    she continues to try to milk the american public. you sorry lazy cunt(and i dont use that term Loosely ;-D) American is on to you. the world Laughs at you. you will go down in history as a con. a Loser and a scum bag. and Yes the kids will read about you years from now in history and government class as BLACK EYE on our nations history. Get a Job. you're old news...peabrain.

  36. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Ok. What does this mean?

    "The insiders bet against our candidates and the liberal media attacked them because they were too conservative."

    The liberal media attacked some insiders? Because...? I'm lost here. This is why I think she actually reads those scrambled word screeches she gives.

  37. Anonymous8:17 AM

    What did Sarah say to those high school seniors a couple of years back?! Oh, yea...get off your butt to make a buck!
    Practice what you preach grifter, practice what you preach!

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Who catered that...hmmmm

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      1027...her drug dealer...doncha no...

    3. Anonymous5:27 AM

      her pimp.

  38. $10 to reach 3000 or $25 to reach 8000? That's over 300 a person. Just how, exactly, does she plan to reach them?

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Sounds like snail mail. Sally needs the postage?

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      And an envelope sealer with a sponge tip!

    3. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Isn't that the boost your page rate from facebook?

  39. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Read the letter carefully. If you contribute, the message WILL BE SEEN by however many people. She's not GIVING the money to the candidates. Wake up.

  40. Bag of meth or SarahPac? decisions decisions.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Lol...your funny...

  41. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Does Sarah think that people who hold conservative values need her to prevent them from backsliding? Cruz, Rubio and Paul supporters, who elected them into Office, are still 'conservative' and are gearing up to support their candidate. Why would Sarah think they need her? What can she do to support Cruz, Rubio and Paul now? They are in. What they need now are volunteers, direct dollars put in their campaign coffers now. Not some silly roundabout advocate who takes money from their supporters to give to SarahPAC. I can imagine these three will be furious with her when they find out what she's doing. She's trying to pick-pocket their supporters. And to what, Sarah?

    This is about a desperate woman who needs to stay relevant in this race. She won't run, so she'll draw the oxygen out of the Republican rooms and steal their thunder. Watch her set up booths around these candidates rallies. She'll be crashing their rally parties with her photographer and Dakota by her side, using him as her shield. Because she knows no one would dare snub a MOH recipient.

    I expect lots of drama from this aging queen. Hang on to your hats!

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      One more Coke run?

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Her begathon letter needs to be forwarded to all 3 mentioned senators asking if they gave her permission to use their names and images to drum up contributions she'll be skimming 95% off the top of before giving them their puny cut.

  42. They can all forget about being young and the president.

    They will be mccain age if they come close to getting in the WH.

  43. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Pathetic Palin -- she must be running out of creative ways to grift. This is quite a ruse pretending to promote three senators and, of course, herself.

    I just wonder WHEN and HOW will it end for Sarah?

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      It will end with her in an insane asylum, or a Federal Prison..

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I have sympathy for those in insane asylums -- if such establishments exist anymore, thanks to St. Ronnie. So I hope that Sarah ends up in a federal prison. Also too, Todd, Chuckie and Sally if they were also too in on scamming some unfortunate out of a trust fund.

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM got that right...

    4. Anonymous10:11 AM

      3 hots and a cot. Fed. prison. they're preparing a cell for her.

    5. Anonymous10:44 AM

      940...i get from her ramblings lately...code for...catch me if you can...we got lots of folders of legal options...I will fight those

    6. Anonymous11:32 AM

      1044...yeah someone needs to get DC in Alaska...oh wait...the President is going to be here in August 2015...hmm Maybe a meeting with no name...snap!

  44. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "quitting is the easiest thing to do. it also lasts the longest" Sarah's feeling left out.

  45. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah Palin’s Facebook
    AirSolutions Wichita
    Where is that Soccer mom? Grizzly bear mom we need her. Versus billary Clinton
    1 · Tuesday at 10:23pm

    Sarah is busy planning her daughter's first wedding.

    CHIP-IN just $10
    Pays for wedding rings

    CHIP-IN $25
    Pays for one bridesmaid's dress
    Pays roundtrip airfare for Heath and Palin families to Kentucky
    Pays for Trig's nanny, he can't make it
    Pays for 200 bottles of forties
    Pays for first dance wedding banjo players - Deliverance
    Pays for Willow and her horse to fly in from Cabo
    Pays for condoms and facecloths for Todd
    Pays for roundtrip airfare for Bristol's Best Men - Joey, Gino, Levi, Ben and Dylan

  46. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Please be generous people. We need to make this months SarahPac payroll

  47. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Cruz, Rubio and Paul? Covering the bases isn't she? Who will get her 'endorsement?' She'll predictably wait until after the RNC convention nominated its candidate. Kinda O/T but does anyone else remember in 2012 when Newt Gingrich announced, to about 20 people, that he 'just got the endorsement of Todd Palin?' It was so funny, because no one in the room gave a rat's ass! That news literally fell like a limp balloon.

  48. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Oh c'mon Sarah! your hoping that by placing the SarahPac logo across your fake boobs will inspire the old geezers to give you money, now if you really want to make a buck tell them in your next grifter gram that the "special select people" that donate 200 dollars or more will receive an exclusive signed photo of you in a daring off shoulder low cut top and your padded butt skirt which goes really well with your six inch camo heels. But wait that's not all! SarahPac will also include a wallet sized photo of Sarah eating a polish sausage! now you old geezers can take Sarah with you in your wallet to any restroom in America!

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      She'll send them her old dirty pantries.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM


    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Sarah: "What are pantries? Is that where Crunch Wrap Supremes come from?"

    4. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Oh no the cinnabon in the hole of her mouth is good...shut her ass up...for a minute...

    5. Anonymous11:20 AM

      10:39 am.Panties! you know like* the Diapers dirty Underoos. barstools soggy Kmart thong.

    6. Anonymous12:01 PM

      "a wallet sized photo of Sarah eating a polish sausage!"


    7. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Oh man, LMAO!!!!!

  49. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Read this at the pond just now-don't know where or when Sarah "said" it or if there was a seizure taking place. Scary that this mess of a message makes sense to them! WTF?

    19 minutes ago
    For what it's worth;

    “My thought process personally and near and dear to my heart of course obviously would be my family and receiving their blessing to go forth first and foremost, and of course being a Christian, putting my life in God’s hands seeking guidance and inspiration divinely as to whether to run or not that’s at the top of the list, but as for the practical logistical steps you take, yes, I have a small team, and that would expand if any decision were to be made to move forward."

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      So which is it? Family, God, or money? All those words add up to zero, Sarah. Be bold and take a stand.

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Scarah said this for the 2012 season. They are so salt rock stupid.

      Funny thing... not a peep in the pond concerning this letter.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM

      "Funny thing... not a peep in the pond concerning this letter."

      There is probably a lot of pacing and hand-wringing going on at the pond. They are probably figuring out how to send even more money to this greedy grifter...the fools!

    4. Anonymous12:09 AM


      korn8131 is probably a mole yankin' the chains of the piss pond dipshits ..
      if so that's beautiful, well done !

      LMAO !!

  50. I can't believe there are actual people left that would send her anything, let alone money. That horse is dead, starting to smell badly.
    I often wonder if Sarah will go out with a bang or slowly disappear from the planet. She's become a major joke and a measuring stick of how dumb some politicians are, geez what a way to be remembered by.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      "Amazing America" seems not to be so amazon' anymore.
      Sarah Palin Channel is on a downward slope, and even Sarah can't be bothered to post new or interesting information to her paying viewers.
      SarahPAC is lifeless -- hat in hand, begging.
      The no-invite to the NRA convention told the world where she stood in GOP circles.
      The get-up she wore at CPAC may have attracted men of a certain age, who'll stuff dollar bills in her cleavage so they can get another look. But I'll bet the conservative mamas out there are no longer fooled by Sarah's prick teases, and won't be donating to her for too long. They've got a long list of conservative guys to choose from, real politicians who are really in office and who are really running.

  51. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Be prepared to dig deep Sarah Palin’s Retards. We're only into April and how many Sarah Begathons have you been asked to donate to so far?

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      The loose change from their sofas has probably been collected. I believe they have moved on to recycling cans for money.

  52. Anonymous8:53 AM

    If i donate $5 will you eat shit and die?

  53. Anonymous9:09 AM

    If you read her message carefully, she is not saying she will continue to support Cruz, Paul or Rubio. It states that the PAC will support people LIKE Cruz, Paul and Rubio. Kind of evasive.

    SarahPAC is determined to CONTINUE OUR SUPPORT for strong conservative leaders like Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Well that is because she "has folders of legal options"...

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      1011...yeah her Budd in Warsilly is yappin that...same dude who tried to introduce DNA testing in Alaska for all Middle school know cuz they Mmm ight end up like Oh boy this "introverted actions your crazy cronies are displaying puts more light on no name" I hear a coffee cheer is in order...

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      people "LIKE" them as in sarah and her extended lay-about family?

  54. Janice A Soderquist9:11 AM

    When does her first quarter figures come out.....

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      It's a non election year so the PAC semi-annual filings are due July 31, 2015 and January 31, 2016.

    2. Not until after the end of the 2nd quarter. (Non-election year.)

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      In a non-election year, they report bi-annually.
      Figures should be made public in July.

  55. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I still say that photo of her makes her look like the little alien that helped Scotty in the first new Star Trek movie. The eyes are black glass.....

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Her eyes are lifeless, as is she.

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      shes the anti Christ.

  56. Anonymous9:23 AM

    AIP Sarah Palin used President Obama's middle name constantly, to subliminally remind rill Merikans that he is a Muslim. Now she is referring to the three stooges as YOUNG to subliminally remind voters that Hillary Clinton is an older woman. So clever, that AIP Palin!

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      So stupid that Sarah Palin, 'refudiate' that.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      In 2008. she harped on Barack Obama's age and inexperience -- two years in the Senate.
      Cruz and Paul are inexperienced, have had no managerial experience, and are in their second year in the Senate.
      Rubio has been in the Senate a little longer, but is clearly wet behind the ears and has no domestic or foreign policy experience.
      What goes around, comes around, Sarah.
      Hillary's only 67. Ronald Reagan and John McCain were older. Warren Buffett's almost 90.

  57. Anonymous9:31 AM

    "Respectfully, SarahPAC."
    Miserly is more like it.

  58. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Is $10 (will be seen by over 3000 people) for a small wedding and $25 (over 8000) the larger wedding?

    Imagine the gifts Bristol would receive from 3000 guests! So, you rubes, send Sarah money NOW to help the Palins pay for their daughter's big wedding, so they can then receive all those presents. It also pays for Chuck Sr. and Sally to send thank-you notes and postage, wink.

  59. FrostyAK9:58 AM

    WHEN is the FEC going to bust her ass over this slush fund?

    I'm beginning to think I should start a PAC for my travel pleasure. Since there would be no consequences...

    1. It's a leadership PAC. Leadership PACs are slush funds. Palin can spend the money for any otherwise lawful purpose. The only way she can run afoul of the FEC is basically by not reporting correctly, or by contributing more than $5K to a candidate.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Hillary Clinton is going to eliminate the PACs is she is elected...not much time for Sarah...

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      More likely that she and her family will be nailed by the IRS for not declaring income in either direct payments, i.e. postage or kick-backs, or reimbursements for travel expenditures when $arah bring her entourage along.

  60. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Why would anyone contribute to that skank when it would be just as easy to contribute to the candidates directly? We see you Sarah and your grifting and sneakily ways. She is a piece of work. She will try anything to keep money coming to her and her trashy family.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Exactly! And what, pray tell, has she actually done that's worthy of anyone's financial support?

  61. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Calling All Alaskans...take your power back.. Watch'll figure out how it works the more you watch it...research it...submit complaint about what is wrong and what is concise and brief.. They whine tell them that they got Voted in...they can get voted out...we can hire someone else...those that want to WORK..

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Lol...well they are hem hawing around today..hmmm...they have taken more potty breaks then a kindergarteners do...gotta go...maybe they got told you got viewers...oh shit they react...well that's not suppose to happen...panic

  62. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I don't understand WHY the people can't just donate money to the PACS of each separate campaigner's themselves and bypass Sarah??

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      well duh, what the fuck is her shiftless family supposed to live off if you don't let sarahpac take her 95% cut off the top for pete's sake?

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Well I thought part of Hillary Clinton's campaign is to eliminate PACs??? much for that PAC racket of Sarah's...bye bye..

  63. Anonymous12:37 PM

    the only place shes running to is the Bank with your $$. a fool and his $ are soon parted.

  64. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Timmy Crawford sat Sarah down and explained if donations don't pick up fast, Sarah et al, will have to get off their butts and make lotsa bucks if they want to continue their lifestyle of the rich and infamous.

    Time is running out on the SarahScam, I mean SarahPAC. No one is paying her any attention now, just think how it will be the closer to the election, especially since she is not running, one can only "cry wolf " for so long and folks lose interest.

  65. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Rand Paul is 52.
    Cruz is 44 (his brain is meansured in era's though - Jurassic)
    Rubio is 43
    None of them exactly all that young.

    Her ploy is to pretend they are ingenues - hahahahhahahahahahhhahahahhahahha

  66. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Did Tim Crawford explain to Sarah that if the donations don't pick up quick then everybody at SarahPac will either have to take a paycut, or apply for food stamps?

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      They might all have to *gasp* get a real job!

  67. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Consider this a warning to the companies who print SarahPac's flyers, airlines who arrange for Sarah Palin and family to fly the lower 48, car rental companies, 5 star restaurants and 5 star hotels.

    Pay very close attention to SarahPac's FEC reports. If it shows they are in debt then you may want to consider cutting your losses. You may want to consider whether or not extending them credit or wait to get paid next month.

    Here's some more advice to Bristol's wedding caterers, rental hall, limousine companies, wedding dress and wedding party clothes suppliers and honeymoon destination, ask Sarah who's paying the expenses for Bristol's wedding. If Sarah says that SarahPac will cut them a check then you may want to consider yourself warned. If Sarah is paying all the expenses then there may not be any worries.

    SarahPAC has been grifting for money and could be low on funds.

  68. Notice she teases her supporters by putting her picture in there with the three goofballs that have already declared their candidacy.

  69. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Does she know any other tricks beside "beg"? You know, like heel, roll over, play dead, speak and don't pee in the house, dammit. So she's got a PAC with her old photo on it, where's the full accounting of support for the other three losers? She needs the moolah to fund a wedding, start another reality show about independent Bristol working full time in skin in Alaska and the short commute she makes everyday with her twerk ethic.

  70. Anonymous3:42 PM

    No need to worry about SarahPac going broke or running out of money. They have a faithful following.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Does Sarah know?

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:05 PM

      Hush money comes in...hush money goes out.

  71. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Sarah when's the next SarahPac Begathon?

  72. Anonymous7:34 PM

  73. Anonymous7:34 PM

    The next Begathon depends on when is $arah's wedding. I meant Barstool 's wedding.

  74. Anonymous1:53 PM

    It almost sounds like


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It just goes directly to their thighs.