Sunday, April 12, 2015

Now it's official!

Courtesy of NBS News: 

Hillary Clinton is officially running for president. 

"Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top," she said in a video posted on "Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion." 

Clinton appears towards the end of the 2-minute and 18-second video, which features a series of Americans talking about what they're getting ready for in the future. 

"I'm getting ready to do something too," she says, standing in front of a home with a garden and trellis in the background. "I'm running for president." 

John Podesta, the chairman of her presumptive campaign, also sent an email message to Democratic backers Sunday saying "it's official: Hillary's running for president."

Well HERE we go.

Of course already pundits are saying that Hillary simply cannot be defeated while the GOP is doing everything in their power to prove them wrong.

I am going to be honest here and say that I am just not as excited about this campaign as I was about President Obama's. I admit I have some reservations about Hillary.

However I am a staunch liberal and I well know how important it is to keep the Republicans out of the White House.

And if you have ANY doubt about that just remember this fact:

Four Supreme Court justices are over the age of 70: Stephen Breyer is 76, Anthony Kennedy is 78, Antonin Scalia is 79, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a pancreatic cancer survivor, is 82.

If that does not make you a supporter of the Democratic candidate, who WILL be Hillary Clinton, then you my friend have not been paying attention. 


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I'm on board. While in my heart of hearts I would love have President Obama in office for another four years but this time with a Democratic majority in both houses, I'll happily settle for Hillary Clinton in the White House with a Democratic majority in both houses.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      I agree with you, Beaglemom.

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Although my enthusiasm isn't high, I will vote for Hillary over any GOP candidate. I do think she is a very intelligent, politically savvy person and will be capable and a strong leader.
    Yes, Sarah, I AM ready for Hillary!

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "I am going to be honest here and say that I am just not as excited about this campaign as I was about President Obama's."

    Well Gryphen, any time now Sarah Palin is going to announce her candidacy for president and as a fellow Alaskan we will expect you to put aside your hatred for Sarah Palin and we expect you to help promote Our Sarah From Alaska into the White House.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Sarah posted a photo of St.Ronnie of Bonzo, with the caption, "TIme to saddle up and ride on to victory!"... so the pond is convinced it is the long awaited message from the mother ship! Of course, EVERY THING is the secret message!

    2. fromthediagonal12:45 PM

      Beldar, I really hope this is your comment...

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      LOL! That's pretty funny! You ought to consider writing for a satirical publication out there, you're pretty good at it.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Whether I vote for remains to be seen, she hasn't won the nomination at this point, but if she does I would vote for her, she more experience than anyone in the clown car and Warren needs to stay in the senate and give Wall Street a run for their money.

    For all you Hillary "haters", keep in mind what happened the last time a Rethug was in the white house and if that isn't enough to scare the pants off you, consider this:

    Bill Kristol: If They Get To Nominate Hillary Clinton, Why Don't We Get To Nominate Dick Cheney?

    KRISTOL: If they get to nominate Hillary Clinton, why don't we get to nominate Dick Cheney/ I mean, he has a much -- he has a much better record...

    If we think the hatred has been at an all time high, wait until a woman gets in the White House.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      I think she has a lot of guts. I doubt she really wanted to do this- but where is the Democratic Party without her?

      Even if she did run, Elizabeth Warren cannot win; people should get that fantasy right out of their heads. Neither can Bernie Sanders.

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      I agree. I think that Hillary would have stayed out, if a strong candidate was out there. For this, she has my respect and support.

    3. Anonymous4:00 PM

      1:40 PM:
      Amen! I already donated to her campaign. :-)

    4. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Anon. 1:40, I am convinced that Jeb would have stayed out, if a strong [Republican] candidate was out there. And I'm also convinced he would not have bothered, if there wasn't a Hillary running. I mean, if the Dem field was Biden, Webb and Sanders, I think Jeb would have sat it out, thinking Cruz, Paul or whoeverelse could/would win.

      Which means, Jeb does not think anyone else but him can win against Hillary. That's what a juggernaught she is.

      But he can't win if he isn't selected as the party's nominee, and to be the party's nominee Jeb is going to have to ... I don't know, I'm not in that party anymore.

      But it will be interesting to watch.

      But it'll be interesting to watch.


  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I think we all know that Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States. First female president! Yeah!

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Let's make sure we give her a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress!

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Oh yes, Beaglemom, that is the important vote!


  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Sarah Lou, stand back and watch a real woman, wife and grandmother take center stage and accend to the most powerful office in the world!

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    SCOTUS is the exact right reason to support the Democrat in the race if you can't think of another!

    I'm not a huge HRC fan (although I'm super excited for the first female president), but without Warren in the game, we've got to go with the best chance for a court that isn't bought and paid for by big business and in consultation with the evangelical right.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      We desperately need to get some Justices on the Supreme Court in the next few years who are NOT ultra-conservative theocrats, beholden to the Koch brothers and the rest of the 1%.

      We need Justices who will follow the United States Constitution, NOT the Bible.

      It will take years, if not decades, to repair the damage to this country that has been done by the current SCOTUS.

  8. Enjay in E MT12:39 PM

    Am not a full blown fan of Hillary, however, will check the box when the time comes over ANY of the GOP's.

  9. fromthediagonal12:44 PM

    Your comment about the age of the Supreme Court justices is more poignant that anything I may add...

  10. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I respectfully disagree, Gryph, for I cannot recall a presidential campaign ad that so proudly featured same-sex (or even mixed-ethnicity) couples.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I agree with you, anon 12:48! The ad/announcement made me cry. Go Hillary! Go young families struggling to find a footing, small family businesses starting out, same-sex couples stepping out and bringing the rest of America into the 21st century. An America for all people. I'm ready!

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    By the way, Sarah, where are you? The country needs you to save it from progress and tolerance!

    Dumb fucking coward.

  12. I'm ready! Count me IN!!!

  13. Anonymous1:16 PM

    To those people who diss Hilliary and then say they'll vote for her: what does that say about you?

    Do you think you make running look attractive to Elizabeth Warren? Do you think by disrespecting Hillary you can get Bernie Sanders elected? Do you think at all?

    Why don't you just STFU?

    1. Enjay in E MT1:30 PM

      What is says about me is that Hillary may not be all I want in a candidate because she is too close to Wall Street, decades of Washington insider and carries a lot of baggage. Yes, I do think and believe Bernie Sanders doesn't have much of a chance and Elizabeth Warren is NOT running.

      Yet, when it comes down to it - I will vote for Hillary because she will be the BEST candidate for our country.

      So what is YOUR problem with people not being 200% behind Hillary on Day 1?

    2. Anonymous1:39 PM

      1:16, remember these people are candidates, running for our vote into office. Not a contest. I will vote for the person who best represents what I think and where I would like to see the country go.

      I refuse to love them unconditionally and without judgement. That is what a cult does with it's leader. They are people interviewing for a job. Get over your "dissing" angst. You ain't seen nothin yet, I'm afraid


    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Well said, Enjoy!

    4. Anonymous1:55 PM

      It says that I have brain capable of nuance.

  14. BlueDragon1:43 PM

    I will work for Hillary's campaign. I live in NH, and oh boy, here we go! I am excited about Hillary, I have great hopes for this election. She has always had views that support women and families - do any of you remember her speaking in China 20 years ago? "Women's rights are human rights, and human rights are women's rights?" It's not the only reason I support her, but it sure is bonus points!
    Just listen, let her have her say. Have an open mind. She has been so pilloried, so often by the press that it has poisoned the airwaves at times and a lot of the general public's perception of her. She deserves as much of a chance as any other candidate.
    She will be an awesome president.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Very well said, thank you.

    2. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Ditto. We have ALL been poisoned by 23 years of non-stop media-initiated vitriol toward Hillary Clinton. And it hasn't been just the far right-wing media producing the vitriol, either. She has never, ever, been 'accepted' or even seen as legitimate by the Fourth Estate – the truly elite group that thinks it is entitled to mold your mind and thought process.

      This tells me that the men who run our media are extremely threatened – paranoid, actually – by the thought of having any woman in a position of real power, and that they will fight to the death to express, and enforce, that paranoia – hoisting it upon an entire nation if need be.

      This just convinces me all the more to completely tune the media out, and to do whatever I can to propel Hillary into office. Oh, and BTW, the vitriol will not stop then, either. Without a democratic-controlled Congress, if she wins, there will be one meaningless investigation after another, after another, after another – fed by a media frenzy all the way. It's about time we women (and the rest of society) understood on a meaningful level what the struggle for equality really entails – and what our brothers and sisters of color have endured for the past several hundreds of years. We must learn from their struggles, stop being complacent, and act as though everyone else's freedom was actually our own freedom. Because it is.

      Unless we women act and act now, the few rights we do have will be permanently taken away from us. This truth is equally applicable to the civil rights attained by people of color, immigrants, and gay people. Our survival, the survival of the 99%, is literally at stake. Never forget: the more the other side screams, 'freedom' and 'liberty', the more you know that they are speaking outright lies.

      And until the women of this nation are completely free and attain full equality, then the rest of the nation is not free, either. This IS the 21st century, after all: a woman announcing for president should really not be a big deal. If women can preside over Argentina, Brazil, India, Israel, Germany, England, and countless other nations, including third-world nations where women have fewer rights than here, then there is no question that a woman is qualified to be the leader of our country.

      Look around the world: wherever you see the oppression of women, you will see the oppression of society as a whole. The people who openly talk on major networks about amending the Constitution and taking away universal female suffrage (the right to vote) aren't kidding: they are dead serious. The people who want to 'take our country back' aren't just using this phrase because it sounds cute to them. They literally want to propel this nation into an economic and theocratic 'sharia' state – placing everyone who is not just like them (male, wealthy, white, and theocratic) into a dhimmi state. If we ever let a republican into the White House again, this is the world that our children and grandchildren will be relegated to. 'Vote for Hillary' is an essential part of correcting this, but it is only a part. We will still have to stand up and play our part, too.

  15. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Yes please let her say a little about her plans as President before you shit all over her! Wtf man save that for seditious sarah.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Save your vitriol for Bill Clinton for when he shits all over her campaign, just like he did in 2008.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Nah, 1:57, bring out $arah with her MOH prop and Ted. If anyone that knows how to shit on themselves, it's them. Run $arah RUN. Feel the heat? Come on out......

  16. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I'm pretty sure HC will be the best- if not only- candidate offered by the Dems, and yes I will vote for her. Whatever her shortcomings, I believe she has the country's good at heart. And that's more than could be said about anyone the Republicans have ever offered.

    But President Obama is going to be one tough act to follow

    1. SallyinMI2:32 PM

      Maybe she can get Michelle for VP. Talk about strong intelligent women!!

  17. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Ireland, which is considered much more socially conservative than the U.S. in many ways, elected their first woman President, Mary Robinson, in 1990. She was very popular and served for 7 years. Her successor was also a woman, Mary McAleese, who served for 14 years.

    I had the honor of meeting President Robinson when I visited Ireland with some children during her term. She was gracious and kind to our group, and gave us a tour of the Presidential residence's rose garden.

    We are long past due for a woman President in this country, and Hillary Clinton has more diverse and relevant experience than any previous candidate. She did a great job as Senator for my state and I'll be happy to see her continue the efforts of President Obama to repair the international and domestic damage done by the previous administration.

  18. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I'm all in for Hillary. Since she has been out of the spotlight since leaving the Sec of State position, any communications about her have been driven by the right. She is an extremely intelligent and experienced woman and her credentials are far better than anyone else in either of the major political parties. She knows what she is getting into, and she is ready for it. The more the gop tries to diss Hillary, the more popular she will be.

  19. Clinton has a distinguished record of public service. She's smart as can be, well educated (my classmate!), extremely hard-working and passionate about women's (and human rights). It will be a privilege to vote for her.

  20. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Hillary Clinton's 2016 Announcement Prompts Quick Reaction From Politicians, Friends

  21. Anonymous2:30 PM


  22. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Who's running the show

    a fair number of people who worked on the Obama campaign

    Hillary Clinton Starts 2016 Race Better Positioned Than 2008

  23. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Rather than run from Mr. Obama, she intends to turn to him as one of her campaign’s most important allies and advocates — second only, perhaps, to her husband, the other president whose record will hover over her bid.

    Why Hillary Clinton Is Probably Going to Win the 2016 Election

  24. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Democratic insiders see little hope for Clinton’s opponents

  25. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Clinton received an early boost Saturday from Obama, who was asked if he would be involved in her expected campaign.

    "She was a formidable candidate in 2008. She was a great supporter of mine in the general election. She was an outstanding secretary of state. She is my friend. I think she would be an excellent president, and I'm not on the ballot so I'm not going to step on her lines," Obama said from Panama City as he wrapped up participation in a summit of Western Hemisphere leaders.

  26. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Before there was Hillary Clinton, there was Hillary Rodham

  27. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Each family member has already made a $ contribution to show our support for Hillary.
    We are a large family.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Mine too! Nine registered voters here.

      Let's get this show on the road!

  28. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Love the announcement, very beautiful. I must say I am more excited than I expected to be. I'm ready!

  29. Anonymous3:00 PM

    So, how long before AIP Sarah Palin announces her intentions to run........?
    Run Sarah Run!

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      C'mon, coward, you can do it!

  30. Anonymous3:11 PM

    There you go, $arah. Your little c4p buddy "centralparksouth" visits here all the time and reports back to the pee pond that we talk about you and them here, as they do us. M Joseph Sheppard, feel special now? You got your shout out.

    Time for you to run your unconventional run, Grandma. Enough of your on your throne crap. Put up or shut up.

  31. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I'm a liberal, and I'm gonna play devil's advocate here.

    I favored Hillary in 2008, she was my second choice after John Edwards. (Yeah, I know, but Edwards had a lot of good ideas. It's shame he turned out to be such a scumbag.)

    My primary reservation with Hillary now is her age. She will be 68 at the start of her term if elected President. Ronald Reagan was 70. I believe he was too damned old. And I believe that he was probably suffering from early Alzheimer's for some of his term. That was not okay.

    John McCain was 72 when he ran in 2008, and I also felt that he was too old.

    I'd be a hypocrite if I refused to say the same about Hillary Clinton. So I will. She's too old. While I understand that in general, women live longer than men, I still think it is a factor.

    It is a scientific fact that your brain shrinks and you lose cognitive ability as you age. Do you want that in your commander-in-chief?

    I'll vote for Hillary, but I'd prefer fresh blood. Barack Obama was young, fresh blood and he worked out quite well. I'd like to see something like that happen again, but I don't think that will be likely in 2016.

    1. Well, Reagan had Alzheimer's, so I'm not going to consider him as a comparable, and McCain is both crazy and a lunatic, so ditto.

      As to age related decline, this can be offset by a high level of education, exercise, intellectual engagement, healthy social networks and nutrition.

      As for Clinton, she is brilliant. Any normal decline is going to be difficult to perceive.

      Speaking for myself I see no problem with a President being 68. I'm more interested in experience than "youth" per se.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      >>I'll vote for Hillary, but I'd prefer fresh blood.

      In Iowa, Martin O’Malley lays out vision for Democratic Party

    3. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Could O’Malley Really Do It? 5 Things He Needs to Win Iowa

    4. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Hillary will provide fresh blood in her choice of vice president. But unlike the decision made by John McCain, her 'fresh blood' will not be willfully ignorant, severely unqualified, and mean-spirited.

  32. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Wonder who Hillary will have for VP?

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      She has to be nominated first, and hopefully she won't be.
      I am a Democrat btw, but I am just not on the Hillary bandwagon.

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      So, 6:56, find an opponent for her who wants to run and can actually win, not only the primary, but the general election. I'd love to hear your suggestions.

  33. Anonymous4:47 PM

    It's ON! Excellent ad, it represents all Americans, it's easy to understand, and I'm in. Your last paragraph says it all.

  34. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Oh here we go again.

  35. So the Democratic Party that gave us the first African American president is also going to give us the first woman president.

    And back to back no less.

    Yeah. The GOP should be scared.

  36. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Hillary is dead in the water. The past 30 to 60 days she has lost signnficant ground against every republican with the possible exception of Sarah Palin.

    Poll: Clinton losingground in florida.

    Poll: Clinton losing ground in Ohio.

    Poll: Clinton losing ground in Iowa.

    Poll: Clinton loses ground in Florida.

    Item: Democrats continue to lose voters among the white working class.

    Item: Democrats are now doing worse among college-educated voters.

    Item: High-immigrant red states that were supposed to start turning purple by now — places like Texas, Arizona and Georgia aren't. Instead of turning pink or purple, these states have become more thoroughly Republican — from school board elections on up.

    Fact: The aging of the electorate is partially canceling out the diversifying of the electorate.

    Fact: Hispanic voters, at least in Sun Belt states, are getting more Republican as they move up the educational ladder.

    Prediction: The crucial swing voters will be white and Hispanic college graduates in suburban office parks.

    Indeed, it's a frightening time to be a republican.


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