Sunday, April 12, 2015

Police dashcam video of that altercation between police and the Christian street performers is both hypnotic and deeply troubling. Update!

Courtesy of Mediaite: 

Arizona investigators have released dashcam footage of a recent brawl between Christian street performers and the police that left one person dead. 

The encounter, which took place in the parking lot of a Walmart last month, involved Cottonwood police asking the Gaver family about an alleged assault of a Walmart employee. There were four cops and roughly eight members of the family present. 

Needless to say, things escalated, and a fight broke out. One of the officers was hit by a bullet and another was put in a headlock. David Gaver was shot in the stomach and 21-year-old Enoch Gaver was killed. 

According to the police chief, Enoch Gaver had taken an officer’s gun and shot him, and another officer tried to hit him with a baton, but when that didn’t stop him, he just shot Gaver with his gun. 

The Gaver family was identified as street performers, comprising a Christian band called “Matthew 24 Now.”

Holy shit what an out of control melee. 

I covered this story right after it happened, but I admit I got some details wrong as it was presented by the news at first as a shootout between this Christian group, also identified as Mormons, and the police.

Now it is clear that the group was unarmed, but in no mood to comply with the police during their investigation of the alleged Walmart assault.

My impression just from watching the video is that the family seem to have started the conflict, but the actions of the police are also highly questionable. and at some points almost Keystone Kop-like.

The one gentleman who keeps calling the cops "Nazis" certainly did not help matters much, nor did the big guy in the t-shirt who appears to be a bystander and jumps into the fight to trade punches with family members.

It's terrible that somebody died during this encounter, but honestly I have to place most of the blame with the family, who seem either inebriated or mentally impaired in some manner.

Update: Here is an explanation as to exactly what is happening offered by the Cottonwood PD. It really does make things a lot clearer.

BTW it turns out I was mistaken about the big guy in the t-shirt who was a Walmart employee that the police credit for providing them with a great deal of help.


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Gee, where as god in all of this?

  2. Anonymous3:12 PM

    xtian, mentally impaired … same thing.

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Police at the press conference breaks it down in slow motion .

  4. Anonymous4:03 PM

    For the record I'm pretty confident Hillary Clinton has never made a full dinner in her life. I just cannot picture this. She CANT be president because of this.

    snark off but it's fun mocking liberals double standards.

    1. Wrong post, clueless.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      LMAO the liberals would win hands down in a presidential cook off, nice try.

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      What "liberals with double standards"? Are you implying that Sarah Palin spends an hour or two every day cooking a healthy dinner for her family?

      Hillary Clinton, like a lot of educated women, has worked and, since her husband's presidency, has held very serious jobs that she has performed magnificently.

  5. Anonymous4:49 PM

    What? No lions to feed them to?

  6. Anonymous4:59 PM

    that was wild. it just went on and on!

    1. Anonymous4:26 AM

      Just very satisfying to see Christians lose their war on the rest of us, and to be outed as rapists, murderers, and street brawlers, all in the name of Jesus Christ.

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Who takes a cops gun and shoots him? I don't care what religion they "street performed", but escalating a brawl like this is just asking for trouble. Sorry someone died, but watching it showed who was escalating matters and making them worse.

  8. Anonymous5:29 PM

    The only thought that comes to my mind is "The Good Lord sure works in mysterious ways"

    And the only other thought is "The coppers are getting a bad rap these days but you couldn't pay me to do their job."

    And then the only last other thought is "if that had been a car full of black men, they'd all be dead now instead of just one."

  9. FrostyAK10:43 PM

    The difference between this 'good xtian' brawl and the KKKlan's brawl in Anchorage is that no one was killed in Anchorage.

    Whatever happened to thou shalt not kill?

  10. Anonymous4:02 AM

    White privilege, even when you are bad street performers. They thought they were God's gift, going forth and multiplying their poor breed. And who dares reign them in? Man's Law.

    1. But they are God's gift, no?

      After all, they were molded in His image (he noxious Megyn Kelly's gender construct, not mine); ergo, the glorious shades of alabaster we witness populating the Palin-esque melee. Consequently, it took one of them actually capturing an officer's gun and shooting said officer before they were fired upon. Man, it's fucking good to be white*.

      *Note: bitter, off-putting sarcasm an inviolable defense mechanism employed to keep heartbroken rage from eating me alive.

  11. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Christian terrorists, trained for the end days. They are the true zombies, looking to eat the flesh of non believers for god's rewards. Never have I felt that police should have shot more than I have while watching these animals in action. They all belong in prison for eternity.

  12. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I was looking for the Palins in that melee. I thought I may have caught a glimpse of Bristol being dragged by her legs, but I think it was just a papaya half being kicked along the ground. Never know who you will find in a tea party.

  13. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I read today that this Christian group is related to Idaho governor Butch Otter. Interestingly, Otter is not claiming any relationship.

  14. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Bunch of insane lunatics. I could care less if they are black, white, Christian, muslim! They should all have been killed. Every last one of them. At least we can take solace in the fact they will be in prison for the rest of they're lives. On another note, most people that are shot and/or killed by police are looking for trouble. Black people just expect cops to do nothing if they feel there life is in danger. Funny how Ferguson black gangsters just shot and killed a 9 year old sitting in her living room.


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