Thursday, April 09, 2015

Runoff for Anchorage mayor now between Ethan Berkowitz and Amy Demboski. Seriously?

Photo courtesy of the Alaska Commons.
Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

With more than 99 percent of the vote counted in the Anchorage municipal election early Wednesday morning, Ethan Berkowitz held a commanding lead with nearly 37 percent of the vote, but was shy of the 45 percent he would need to avoid a runoff. 

Amy Demboski held almost a 3-point lead for the second-place spot and the other runoff position over Andrew Halcro. She had more than 24 percent; he was close to 22 percent. Former two-term Anchorage Assemblyman Dan Coffey, initially the front-runner in the mayor's race, was in fourth place with 14 percent of the vote. 

“Feeling strong -- this is a great night,” Berkowitz said as he walked out of his campaign party downtown to Election Central at the Dena'ina Convention Center. “My campaign team has been terrific. The numbers suggest there will be a runoff. We’ll continue to talk about the goals we have for Anchorage, make sure this continues to be a safe, strong and secure community and make sure we’re ready for the opportunities that come our way.” 

Demboski was also upbeat in a brief interview at Election Central. She described herself as “cautiously optimistic” about the count. 

“No matter what happens, I know that we ran a great campaign,” Demboski said. “We did everything we could with what we had. And the message that’s really resonating is though you may not be the candidate with the most amount of money, if you have a strong message and that message resonates with voters, you absolutely can prevail.” Demboski raised the least amount of campaign money of the four leading candidates.

Okay color me surprised on this one.

I knew there would be a runoff but I really thought it would come down to Berkowitz and Halcro. 

Demboski is a fucking lunatic and might actually be worse for our city than even Dan Sullivan, who is to Anchorage politics what skidmarks are to a clean pair of underwear.

I have little doubt that Berkowitz will win, but I have to admit I find it troubling that Demboski received this much support.


  1. LisaB25954:44 AM

    Man, shame about Halcro. Seriously, what's wrong with voters?

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I agree but even now regret my vote for him for governor in 2006. Statewide he got about 8,000 votes. I've always thought that if we had all voted for Tony Knowles, we wouldn't have ended up with the quiter.

  2. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Could you give us a brief rundown of the final two, and what about Dembroski is troubling? And what about Berkowitz is positive?

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Perhaps this (from the Alaska Commons article):

      "a first term Assemblywoman representing Eagle River, who has campaigned as a social and fiscal conservative to the right of social and fiscal conservatives. She would really like you to know that she is a social and fiscal conservative."

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      She is anti women's rights! Anti abortion - too religious for my taste - plus, she's anti pot! Not someone I want representing me! Plus, she's a GD Republican!

    3. hedgewytch11:16 AM

      Another F'in Palin!

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Dumbasskee is going to be struttin around like a Sarah 2.0, emboldened with a sense that her 'energy' and 'fresh' ideas 'resonate.'

    The ministries are going to go full frontal in pushing to the vote for her, so it is entirely possible this bigoted moron could win with her 24% qualifier.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Yep...and I'm sure Prevo got all his bible thumping spooks out to vote hence the results. I agree the thumpers will have a big push to get her elected.

      I don't live in Anchorage but sure hope the vote gets out for Berkowitz or the city will end up with dumber than a box of rocks for mayor.

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Why do the Alaskan people shun Andrew Halcro? You live up there G. What is the deal? Who did he piss off?

    It always seems like the big oil people buy the Alaskan politicians and the actual people of Alaska have very little say about anything. That's just how it seems to this Outsider.

    Not that big oil and corps aren't buying and placing THEIR chosen candidates in every state, they are. This sick need for complete control at whatever cost is and has been beyond disturbing, disgusting, and downright sickening.

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Does it seem to anyone else that the Anchorage media is highlighting Amy more than Ethan? Ethan received more of the Anchorage vote and was #1 by a long shot. Yet, in the coverage you see her signs and her before they refer to Ethan. Channel 2 especially which is a Republican leaning channel!

    Amy is too religious, anti women's rights, anti pot etc. Do not vote for her! Plus, she knows how to work the media - carried a gun - let it be known, etc. She's a second Sarah Palin and we know what happened to her!

    I like Andrew Halcro too, but don't want another Republican heading Alaska's largest city. Vote for Halcro - get your friends out to cast their votes! It's so important we get rid of these Republicans governing throughout Alaska!!!

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      He refuses to hire competent campaign staff and instead hires his family. I would love to see Andrew elected to any position.

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Since Halcro lost to Amy - he has not publically declared his support to anyone. Smart move, Andrew!

      However, the jerk, Coffey, is publically supporting Amy. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Thank god he is done in Anchorage as to ever being elected to office. He has more negative baggage than any of the candidates. The guy has one short fuse and I've experienced it in the past. Very, very reactive man if he doesn't like what you say about him (even though it was factual!)

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    7:00 AM Third paragraph - second sentence - should say VOTE FOR BERKOWITZ!

  7. I agree with Anon 6:15, the religious extremists will be going full throttle for her I imagine. This means Jim Minnery's group will be out in force. The Democrats and Progressives better get out and get others motivated to vote and to talk to others about this. She has spoken out against LBGT rights and woman's rights, so, it could be bad, very bad, if she wins.

  8. Anonymous8:03 AM

    To 5:10 ... the two things that I find most troubling about Dembowski are that she is anti-abortion, which to me means she is anti-women making choices, and she has said that like Mayor Sullivan, she would veto the ordinance passed by the Anchorage assembly to add the words 'gender preference' to the list of reasons a person should not be discriminated against in matters of housing and employment. Sorry, but I want a mayor who represents ALL of the citizens of a city, not just the ones who share her religious beliefs. Am glad you asked.

  9. Anonymous8:20 AM

    If there is more information on why she is a "lunatic", that needs to get out there. I heard rumors she destroyed a dental practice with proven false accusations against the owners. If such can be confirmed, the public needs this information to understand they are putting a loose cannon in office.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Amy comes across as being one nasty broad. I don't find one thing inviting about her - she's overweight, unattractive, religious, anti women's rights, anti pot and a Republican - what else could possibly go wrong with her being mayor of Anchorage?

      Cast your ballot for Ethan Berkowitz! He is the correct choice!

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Sorry, but her weight and her attractiveness or lack thereof have nothing to do with it. There are enough other negatives about her.

    3. Anonymous9:56 AM

      I just read a joint interview of the two: Berkowitz is well-educated, experienced, thoughtful, innovative.

      Dembowski is slightly educated, spouts Republican talking points and seems to have no original ideas.

    4. Anonymous10:15 AM

      9:36 AM Don't kid yourself - many vote on appearances. Look at how Sarah Palin was elected quitter governor of Alaska! It assuredly wasn't due to her smarts!

      Amy is not voter appealing physically or mentally! She does nothing more than spout the extreme right baloney!

  10. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Is Berkowitz Jewish and will anti-Semitism play a role?

    Okay, Berkowitz sure sounds Jewish, but there was Mr. Stein, who wasn't but Sarah claimed was, and that must have got her some votes.

    These right-wingers are like a nasty, flesh-eating virus, fueled by money and "religion," that's spreading across the country.

  11. Have all of the absentee and provisional ballots been counted? Halcro could still pull ahead.

  12. Anonymous9:57 AM

    So how much money has Sarah PAC given to Dembowski?

  13. Anonymous1:23 PM

    There is nothing to indicate that Dumboski is competent to administer Anchorage but that won't stop Anchorage from voting for her. Some of the most awful amoral people in town got their first million while "serving" on the city council. Anchorage loves assholes, especially greedy ones. People who consistently put Sullivan in that job will vote for anyone as long as they're RW.

  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Present time is April 9, 2015 and there is no advancing news?

  15. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Were the early and absentee votes already counted, or are they still outstanding?


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