Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sighting of Hillary Clinton's "Scooby Van" causes reporters to run after it like children chasing an ice cream truck.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

 MSNBC’s Clinton beat reporter Alex Seitz-Wald heroically remained in place and on camera Tuesday afternoon as the rest of the political press corps chased Hillary Clinton’s so-called Scooby Van upon its arrival at a roundtable meet and greet in Iowa. 

Seitz-Wald had just been answering anchor Thomas Roberts’ question about which entrance Clinton planned on using when her motorcade pulled up, causing about 50 or so reporters and camera crew members to chase it around the back — where Clinton had gone, according to Seitz-Wald, in hopes of avoiding the media.

Wow, that seems a little embarrassing.

I mean this is Hillary Clinton not the Beatles. 

I actually find it a little ironic that just yesterday SarahPAC released that video showing reporters following Palin's bizarre bus tour, and then today here is this footage of Hillary demonstrating what a real media frenzy looks like.


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Welcome to Loserville, Sarah. Even Dukota can't save you now.

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    As "Game Of Life" said yesterday, wait until S'error starts dressing up like her, hairdos like her, etc., as she did for Gabby Giffords, Elizabeth Warren, and Oprah video mimicry.

    She thinks it's boopsie cutesy. Now THAT is embarrassing.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:43 AM

      6:33am -- Just wait until Our Lady of Desperation gets out the Clairol, then tries to convince everybody that blonde is really "her natural color" and she's been dying her hair brunette since she was a kid...what a screaming hoot that would be!

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Cannot WAIT until Sarah pulls out a tailored pantsuit, with low black heels, a necklace of pearls or an appropriate booch. Maybe she'll foreswear her needless eyeglasses and use them only for reading, as Hillary does.
      The pantsuit can be in navy, gray, sometimes green, or in Hillary's signature color of a lovely autumnal orange or brown.
      Sarah, dash to the Good Will, or to whatever mall might be around Wasilla, and invest in some sober, business-like clothing.
      If you don't, the contrast between serious and intelligent Hillary, and you, will be glaringly obvious.

    3. Anonymous8:15 AM

      I don't think Palin is actually aware of what she is doing when she tries to dress like the people she hates. That's why it's so bizarre, beyond just dressing up like someone else.

    4. Anonymous8:21 AM


      "Our Lady of Desperation", oh my Dog!!! LMAO!

    5. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I agree 8:15, I think it is so instinctual to try to fit in that she really doesn't realize it. Our Lady of Desperation (excellent Love!) wants so much to be the It girl, she doesn't see the embarrassing things she does.
      This one might be the worst yet, dredging up her old glory days.

      It's quite ok with me though, the anguish she used to cause now is entertainment compared to the rest of the crazy world right now. Thank you, Sarah!


    6. I could see that brainless harpy trotting out her hip-hugger capris, giant rhinestone crotch buckle, stupid superman tee shirt and bondage hooker platform shoes, actually thinking that she would look more attractive than the confident, lovely, tasteful, and professional Secretary Clinton.

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Since she is chronically full of sh@t, Sarah will unveil her Poopy Van soon. She will travel to places like Beghazi.

  4. Anonymous7:40 AM

    ...To be more blunt about it: the aging, white, very conservative, revanchist, fearful voter for whom the primary season is not chiefly an exercise in choosing a credible nominee who might win in November, but a Parris Island-style ideological obstacle course on which each candidate must strain to outdo his competitors—the hate-on-immigrants wall climb, the gay-bashing rope climb, the death-to-the-moocher-class monkey bridge. This voter calls the shots, and after the candidates have run his gauntlet, it’s almost impossible for them to come out looking appealing to a majority of the general electorate.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Anonymous 7:40 nailed it, absolutely nailed it.

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I don't think it was ironic..I think as soon as whomever puts togged her pages got wind of Hillary in a mini-van, they rushed to the archives to find pictures of Sarah's stupid road trip. You know, 'cause Hillary is SO like Sarah in so many ways. And I'm sure today there will be an angry spittle-filled post about Hillary copying St. Sarah and trying to hide from the press. Oh, Sarah, America is so over you and your band of merry grifters, liars, and gun huggers.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      It is ironic because the paid ankle biters that run her so called channel have no idea how these knee jerky pissy 5th grade envy posts look.

      It is this type of tactic and execution that have put the fork in her legitimacy as anything more than a political circus sideshow!

      Please proceed.

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    ‘ISIS Hit List’ Targeting Law Enforcement Actually Made By Right-Wing Christians


  7. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Louis C.K. Tells Howard Stern He Apologized to Sarah Palin at SNL40

  8. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Alas, Seitz-Wald conceded to Jose Diaz-Balart Wednesday morning he “probably would have been chasing after her too if I hadn’t been on camera at the time.”

  9. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Conan, Kimmel, Letterman Take on Hillary’s Iowa Trip

  10. Ol' gumballs for brains must be a wonder to behold.

    Also, unlike chickenshit, lazy, stupid, cowardly Palin, Clinton put in the time, effort, and intelligence that is needed to put together a *real* presidential campaign, and then announced before setting off on her road trip.

    All Palin did was careen around the country mugging for cameras and elbowing her way into other people's events, all in an effort to con money out of people too stupid to realize that she had no intention of running.

    Her stupid little video is just pathetic and points up what a loser she is.

  11. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Ok... I have to ask... What is Former Secretary Clinton's van called the "Scooby" van? Some play on Secret Service?

  12. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Uh oh, Sarah "Catch Me if you Can" Palin is going to be jealous. Set up a bus tour to nowhere dingbat!

  13. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Alex Seitz-Wald, I have news for you. This is a road trip by van – not by a 54-foot bus. It's much more likely that Hillary was looking for the ladies' room than trying to evade the press.

    And gimme a break, media: stop psychoanalyzing Hillary's every breath, stop fly-specking every single thing she does and doesn't do, and stop judging and putting under a microscope every single molecule of her body (media: "oh, what hairdo does she sport today? What amount of make-up is she using? Is her pants' suit pressed, fashionable, and the right color? Is her jewelry excessive?" And ad infinitum).

    You never treat, and never have treated, male candidates this way. Stop the BS, NOW, with respect to how you dis and treat Hillary every. single. day. I repeat: stop making complete asses of yourselves.

    If you don't, the younger generation will continue to pull the plugs on their TV sets at an even faster pace than they are doing now. And like the younger generation (which is very astute at recognizing hypocrisy), we women, and all thinking men, can also see what you are doing from ten miles away.

  14. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hillary beats sarah again.

  15. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Damn, and I had my money on the guy in the blue shorts.

    Saw this while the show was on and couldn't help but laugh. She'll either enter the doors behind me OR go to the back entrance. I was kind of hoping she'd rappel down a helicopter, you know, just to give Grizzled Grammaw the vapors,


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