Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wonkette has all kinds of fun with the fact that Bristol Palin is shacking up with the MOH recipient that her mommy picked out for her.

Here are a few outraged snippets courtesy of Wonkette:  

Well, shooty Murkin hero Meyer posted to his Instagramz that he and Palin are shacked up in Kentucky, even though they have not even had their sacred union blessed by any manner of Sky Daddy, not even the Sky Daddy that doesn’t hate gays, just kidding there’s no Sky Daddy that doesn’t hate gays! 

This is not the first time Bristol Palin, Ambassador for Abstinence to America’s Youth, has played house with a man who weren’t her husband. 

Like, there was this time, when she lived with the awful Gino (AWFUL) but Luntzed It Up and renamed it “trial marriage.” 

FYI, in 2010 — the year after Bristol made $260,000-plus to promote not-fucking — she sued No. One babydaddy Levi Johnston for $1750 per month in child support, and then seven months later got engaged to him for a second time, and then broke up with him again three weeks later, just as she was set to earn up to $350,000 for Dancing With The Stars. And then last year she sued him for child support again, claiming a zero income for 2013 and 2014 (Okay this is a mistake because those papers that Wonkette is referring to, only included Levi's income as he was the non-custodial parent.), even though in June 2013 she told ABC she worked at a dermatologist’s office, look, she said it RIGHT HERE. That was before going on to call her sister Willow — who had MOVED IN WITH HER (AGAIN) TO HELP WITH HER (BRISTOL’S) SON — “not much of a help.” Which is exactly the same thing Bristol said in the second link in this very post, because Willow did not finish roasting the chicken for Bristol’s date with Gino after Bristol told her THREE TIMES to leave and then bitched that she left. 

Gotta love Wonkette's take on all of this. And of course they are not at all wrong about the hypocrisy of an abstinence only spokesperson having shacked up with several different men, NONE of who it seems were not given open and easy access. (And for Wonkette's information there WAS a very brief time before their announced engagement when Bristol and Levi "shacked up.")

They also manage to encapsulate Bristol's volatile nature, and her scatter brained approach to stumbling through her life like a sailor on leave looking to catch a venereal disease.

The very things. by the way, that would seem to doom any quicky marriage. Even if it were NOT to a self described PTSD sufferer who had attempted to blow his own brains out with one the many, many guns that he keeps close at hand.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This post makes me wonder how the taken for granted Willow, the resident baby sitter for the Palin clan, can stand to remain silent concerning the secrets of her spoiled sister Bristol. Bristol--who always gets all the goodies from Mommie Dearest.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Those Palins have more secrets than the C.I.A. Where are all of the unreported babies? Bristol was pregnant in 2007, again in 2009, again in 2013, and again this year. How does she get away with 'hiding' her babies? I think that Tri-g was purchased to deflect Tripp's birth. Tripp was born in April, 2008. Bristol stuffed her bra for her appearance at the RNC 2008.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Willow is fine.

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Willow has just as many secrets to hide.

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Holy CRAP was she stuffed! It looked like they'd wrapped her in towels so as to avoid breast milk leakage.

    5. Anonymous10:33 AM

      I agree, Anonymous 9:59, with all you say. At the time of the 2008 convention I thought Bristol was pregnant with Tripp, but not anymore.

      At convention time I think Bristol was post-partum from Tripp, but definitely not pregnant. Tripp had already been born in the Spring...that's why he appears so much older than what Bristol states as his age.

      Wonder where Trig was obtained be used as Sarah's politcal prop and then not given the therapy and medical aids he needs and deserves.
      I'll bet Dr. CBJ knows where Trig came from, since she let Sarah use her regarding Sarah's fake pregnancy.

    6. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Sarah Palin conspired with Thomas Van Flein and Lowell Bud Paxson to acquire Trig for the 'Right To Life' meme. Paxson forced John McCain to select Sarah Palin as a running mate or he would expose McCain's 'closeness' with Paxson's lobbyist Vicki Iseman. That is why Trig has the names Van and Paxson included in his full name. Sarah Palin has no useful purpose for Trig, now that she has lost with McCain and will never run for anything again. Trig has been abandoned by Sarah while she whores herself out for publicity and money.

    7. 10:21

      That is NOT willow. Look at her breast.

    8. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Who is it?

    9. Anonymous1:01 PM

      That's Willow. She had "work" done as well. They ALL do...

    10. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Anonymous9:59 AM

      Those Palins have more secrets than the C.I.A. Where are all of the unreported babies?
      Yep. And when she publicly starts attacking Hillz it will come out. All of DC knows of her sexting, the pimping etc. The system is corrupt, the congress is corrupt lucky for her, but not for long. Hillary is here....

    11. @Anon 10:33 AM

      "I'll bet Dr. CBJ knows where Trig came from..."

      Yes, she does. At an interview with the Anchorage Daily News, the end of April, 2008, she said she delivered Trig. However, she did not say from whom. Since Sarah's S.O.A. insurance was used to pay for Trig's birth, one would have to assume it was Bristol who gave birth.

      If the following link will work, you should be able to tell who Trig's mother is by looking at Bristol's face:

    12. Anonymous4:17 PM

      I am ashamed that "That is NOT willow. Look at her breast" is what made me click the link.

      1) How is Willow funding this exotic tropical vacation when we know SarahPAC is desperately short of funds?

      2) Willow might have her own secrets, but has she ever had the funds to buy a house? She hasn't had a reality show. She isn't loaning Mommy Loudoutin shoes. And hasn't she been the only one to hold an actual job (and did Bristol ever finish "skin school"? We know Willow did complete "hair school.")? I would think Willow would resent the hell out of her sister.

      3) I am 41 and have D breasts. To my chagrin, they have started to sag with age. But Willow's sag worse than mine. If she has had work done, she should get a refund.

    13. Anonymous5:39 PM


      Who paid for that engagement ring?

    14. Is It Over Yet? Maybe Soon!7:59 PM

      4:17 She probably used Mommy's mileage plan with Alaska Airlines.

      Great flights and great prices from Anchorage to Cabo.

      As much as they charge, at a buck a mile on the Alaska Airlines credit card, they could be (should be!!) traveling the world for free.

      Or, they could donate some of those miles to a good Alaska cause.

      What do they use all those millions of miles for???

      Cabo is full of Alaskans so it's not exactly what you'd call "foreign" travel. Bit it is a big step up from Vegas.

    15. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Palindrome doctrine is "it's not who you know it's what you know" will bring tragedy she cannot just hasn't even started to hit her yet..

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Didn't the gossip rags start the term "trial marriage" back in the 70s? I seem to recall breathless headlines about two celebrities living together and the tabloids would call it a "trial marriage".

    Damn, I'm getting old.


  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Every time Santa says, "Ho, Ho, Ho", Bristol says, "you talking to me?"

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    TV show on unsolved mysteries needs to search for Bristol's missing babies.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      ?? where's the missing... ???

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      11:17 AM

      How did they make the photo go blank?

    3. Anonymous12:55 PM

      How come Bristol is fully dressed while Tripp is just wearing boxers with his mouth full of whipped cream?

    4. Anonymous1:19 PM

      How come she is teaching the kid to Huff whip cream?

    5. Anonymous1:21 PM

      That is weird. Sometimes the photo is blank

      Sometimes it is not

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Gryphen, I literally could NOT disagree with you more.

    Abstinence is one of those aspirational states like 'lighter-than-air bicycling" or "time traveling bakery products". (Hey, c'mon, who wouldn't want an actual Hostess Twinkie from the actual 60's???)

    No one is ever actually abstinent by choice. It's a state often conveyed upon us by congenital unsightliness, neglected dental hygiene or visible inflammations of the genitalian regions.

    Instead of rude mockery, we should be praiseful of this naughty young woman who has achieved celebrity and financial rewards simply by declaring her support for the concept of attempting to try to avoid the possibilities of engaging in the behaviors that might lead to the eventuality of participating, before the state of holy matrimony is committed to...

    Ok, I kinda lost my train of thought there, but I think you and your little libtard blog buddies will get the gist of what I was trying to say.


    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      This is a joke posting, right? Very funny.

      If not a joke, YOU know her?

    2. Anonymous9:57 AM


      Probably Beldar the Conehead, a satirist who now appears infrequently (he/she used to be a regular).

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      9:49 and 9:57

      Yes, Beldar written all over this. I love and have missed you, Beldar !

    4. Anonymous10:21 AM


      Dear Sir and/or Madam,
      There has never been any doubt as to Beldar's gender or regularity. Without going into great detail, I ask you to accept my assurance that I am in a unique position to know this information beyond any shadow of a doubt. Beldar J. Conehead may be a fictitious character - a nettlesome faux troll - created to befuddle the confused and confuse the befuddled, but he's unambiguously male. Some would go further to say he is heroic, courageous, selfless, exceptionally handsome, stunningly virile, wise, brilliant, an exemplary physical specimen and yet, beyond all else, remarkably humble. On these qualities and to the matter of Beldar's regularity, I am unable to comment as they exceed the bounds of modesty, good taste and current social norms.

      I hope this relieves you of the uncertainty that apparently has plagued you, through no fault of your own, up until this time.

      Good day.

    5. Anonymous10:35 AM

      I'll tell you when people will stop writing about Bristol. That would be when Bristol stops posting all of those I-want-to-look-like-Kim-Kardashian photos on her Instagram. We'll stop commenting about Bristol when she grows up and learns how to be a good parent to Tripp instead of using him as a prop. She brags that she spoiled him rotten. Her words, not mine. Bristol has to grow up and live her life in private. As long as she and Dakota define themselves as Public Figures, they will be written about and there will be comments. The day that their message boards go private and they just lead a private, quiet life, there won't be anything to write about. How do we know them? Because they put it all out there, chasing celebrity.

    6. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Oh Beldar, I am in love with you! (And guessing I could be your grandma)

    7. Anonymous11:35 AM


      Dear Granny,
      You may very well be old enough to be Beldar's grandmother considering that Beldar is more of an ephemeral state of mind than an actual physical being. But he's based on a real individual. Of that, I am certain.

      The best genealogical information we have at this time, however, is that the real proto-Beldar's grandmother is in her mid 130's. She is in pretty good shape for a woman born in the late 1800s but she is slowing down and no longer performs on the professional rodeo circuit as a barrel racer and brahma bull rider.

      She attributes her longevity to the consumption of a daily cigar and a small tumbler full of peppermint schnapps and lime juice before bedtime. That is all nonsense, of course. Since turning 100 in the mid 1980's she has been drinking the blood of young farm animals and consorting daily with a handsome young itinerant telephone uninstaller named Xavier. She often says, "if I can't die riding a rodeo bull, I want to die riding Xavier. Or his younger brother Conseulvo. Or both." Grams is a real pistol, ain't she?

      I hope that helps.

    8. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Its not beldar it a trolly! Leave Barstool aka "the Chin" aloooone! Whaaaaaa! She is living life vibrantly and Celibate.... like a monk I 'm telling you!!
      fuck off con-tard troll.
      "Ok, I kinda lost my train of thought there, but I think you and your little libtard blog buddies will get the gist of what I was trying to say."

    9. Beldar or ghost of Beldar - either way, good to have you back.

    10. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Oh Beldar then I'm only half the age of your Granny. How about a little date- someplace like, um, France?

    11. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Granny, did you say FRANCE???

      BELDAR IS FROM FRANCE!!! (actually Remulak, but don't tell anyone)

      A little date in springtime France would be awesome for Beldar and Granny... Some fine French wine, aromatic aged cheese, aromatic aged Beldar, a box of live crickets, crusty peasant bread, a bag of fresh fiberglass.... sigh.....

      tres romantique! Beldar willl meet you there! (He won't be hard to find: cough cough conehead cough....)

    12. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Not sure whether I want a date with Beldar or his grams.
      The funny part is, I'm not usually one to be ambivalent about my sexuality.

    13. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Speaking of France...what's with the split up between father and daughter...we getting

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    But we want to, she's shackin up.

  7. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Stop writing here, i don't know you!

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Umm, derkoter wrote about shackin up, you doofus.

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    It would be nice if Candies went after the hypocrite for fraud and breach of contract to recoup their money. It appears the tabloids aren't really interested in her latest engagement, maybe they figure they can always cover the next one.

    Looks like Ms. Duhkota could use a manssiere.

    I would love to be a fly on the wall when these two sit down and talk finances. Duh, what's an electric bill? Duhkota better start selling those t-shirts fast.

    If she really moves Tripp to KY, it would seem that Levi should get a reduction in child support payments since the standard of living is much lower.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Caring for Tripp.

      Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston reveal exclusively in the new Us Weekly that they are getting married.
      And, they tell Us Weekly, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been kept in the dark about their plans … until now.
      “We got engaged two weeks ago,” Bristol, 19, tells Us Weekly. “It felt right, even though we don’t have the approval of our parents.”

      Candies Foundation

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I personally believe the Candies gig was a money laundering operation to pay Bristol for faking her pregnancy at the RNC. I don't know anything that any long-time IM reader doesn't; this is just what I've speculated based on what we do know.

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Letter from Chinzilla to Mommy

      HI Y'all,
      Can you send some grape jelly from AK? The KY jelly is expensive, barely enough for one slice of bread and it don't taste like nothin'
      Tok to ya sun.
      Chinny Chin Chin

    4. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I personally believe the Candies gig was a money laundering operation to pay Bristol for faking her pregnancy at the RNC.
      I sure hope you are correct, I would hate to think she made that much money on a lie.

    5. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Money laundering...I hear Palin paid for McCain to pick her...because of baby...and now she is "stuck" with baby

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM you got it all wrong! He say's "celebating" not "celebrating" living together.... that means living together without doing the nasty.

    Of course he changed that little word after posting and being called out.

  11. Anonymous10:17 AM

    It ruins the fun of buying them shower gifts for a wedding if they are already into a trial marriage deal.

    Are they going to announce they were married that rush week end when Marina and friends partied with them in Vegas?

  12. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Bristol's sacred union is blessed by wine coolers.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      In a sacred tent!

  13. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Why has Track Menard disappeared? Is he in Rehab?

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I don't know what happened to Track. Some grim speculation. Disappearing is not a good sign. Willblow was going to help him with social media, but he never returned and now she is on a spectacular vacation.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Playing hockey in Minnesota.

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Track never ages!

      Family United

      Sarah Palin, problem solver

      collateral damage

    4. Anonymous1:30 PM

      12:30 PM
      Yeah, I'll never forget the image in "collateral damage".

      I understand that John McCain was forced into picking Sarah Palin. What I don't understand is why "war hero" McCain didn't take his trash out when he lost his campaign. I don't mean literally "take the trash out" but just mean let those on his staff tell the truth about her to the point she'd disappear. I'm still waiting for that to happen. My hopes now are pinned on "The Kid".

    5. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Track lost. Bristol is the straight shooter.

    6. Anonymous3:27 PM

      "Ohio" Dan Sullivan and Mike Hawker very literally took the trash out. July 3, 2009.


    7. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Check Let the Bodies Hit the Floor lots of dead man floating and car burning in good ol AlasKKKa

  14. Anonymous10:31 AM

    If two consenting adults want to shack up together, that's their business. In Bristol's case, there is a child involved, not to mention the father of the child. In one of her reality TV show episodes, Bristol kicked one of her trial daddy's out of the car, stranding him at a gas station. That's a wonderful thing for young Tripp (the kid with the f-bomb) to experience. Then, he will wonder if he has a fight with his mother if she'll kick him out the same way.

    Bristol posts comments about how Tripp is spoiled rotten. He was spoiled during the Wife Swap with Melissa and Joan Rivers, when Bristol claimed that he had to be bribed with popsicles. Now, she has graduated to that expensive kid-sized car, and Dakota is also in on spoiling Tripp. That is nothing to brag about. That's terrible parenting.

    There is also the added attraction of the MOH recipient who is always armed and dangerous, not to mention his untreated PTSD. If Tripp gets up in the middle of the night, he had better had a kid-sized bullet proof vest and protective helmet if he has to go to the toilet. The dog could get it, too.

    If two adults want to cohabit, go for it. But there has been little regard for the third person in that ready made family. He is pictured as Trig's BFF. There seems to be little regard for Levi's parental rights. Wow, does he need a good lawyer. Bristol was supposed to be selling abstinence. One of the most important reasons to be cautious about rushing into a sexual relationship is because of the consequences. She was too young to have a child, and she shows that she is still a kid herself, never having grown up past the high school stage of her life. It's too bad that Bristol and Tripp were supposed to prove that Sarah gave birth to Trig. It didn't prove anything except for Bristol having unprotected sex. Using kids as props is really child abuse.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      +10000. Except I last heard that Levi wanted a happy mother for his son and so was OK with Tripp traveling more with BP and MOH. That wouldn't be my position, but except for Levi, I would have no hope that any of the adults in Tripp's life will put Tripp's interests and feelings before their own. To say nothing of Trig's feelings.

    2. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Did Levi explain this?

    3. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Good Morning America interview...what was that Levi about "its Huge"???? I don't think that he was talking about his anatomy...

  15. Anonymous10:41 AM

    That adds up to $650,000 in unreported income for those two years - where the hell is the IRS ???

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Being a dumb a chump...

  16. Anonymous10:42 AM

    'that's just how we roll, haha'

  17. Anonymous10:45 AM


  18. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Bush twins work for NBC. Clinton's daughter worked for CNN was it? This is high class grifting. Palin teaches their kids red neck frontier grifting . When you look at it this way you really dont hate the a Palins anymore. But then again you have to hate their guts when they start preaching about abstinence and God..something they never really practice themselves.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Chelsea Clinton has an actual education and is able to provide value for her paycheck--something none of the Pay-me family can boast.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      I just checked. There's no question Chelsea is an extremely productive, intelligent person, and a class act. One didn't exactly have high hopes for the Bush twins, but they seem to have turned out okay (I credit Laura.) I just checked: Jenna has worked as a teacher's aid and a teacher for UNICEF, and is now a part-time reading coordinator at a charter school in Baltimore. She contributes a monthly news story about education for the Today show. Sure, it was all about her connections. But her contributions are a million miles away from the little whore down the street being paid to preach abstinence.

    3. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Both bush girls, Barb and Jenna ( both democrats BTW) have college degrees and personalities, as does Chelsea.

    4. Anonymous3:41 PM

      LOL, you can see the whole outline of her chin implant in that picture.

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I don't give a rat's ass about Bristol or Dakota or Tripp or even Mama Grizzly. The entertainment value vanished long ago, and now, pretending they are of any interest is beyond me. It's cheap thrills at best, and I'm beyond caring. I wonder if we really need to keep giving any of them attention, since, in my opinion, we detractors are all that's holding the Palin clan up. We can go on jeering, or we can look away. I think I'll look away..... cheers y'all.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      There's nothing that they'd like better than for us to look away and forget. It's my country too, and I'm all for holding their feet to the flame. They want a fight? They've got one!

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      I don't care either, especially about the offspring. But I do care about the fools who thought Palin could be VP and I'd dearly love to see them taken down when she's exposed.

    3. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I only come here to comment because I don't care.

    4. Anonymous12:44 PM

      I come here to make sure she hasn't evolved. As long as she remains stupid and full of arrogant bile and fucked up sexuality, she's not really a serious threat.

    5. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Sarah evolve?
      Why do I hear Buddy Holly?

    6. Anonymous7:58 PM

      The Kid can perform an exorcism since she has the anointing...but she don't want Palin tag along...she be a loner...

  20. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I remember seeing Bristol and little baby Tripp, along with her dad, Todd (how creepy was that?) when they were making the rounds on the morning shows promoting abstinence! It was surreal, and I can't believe that behind the scenes, after the so-called 'interviews' that the hosts weren't laughing about the ridiculousness of the whole charade!

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      That was when Tripp was so drugged that Matt Lauer made a remark. Tripp did not move for about 10 minutes. They went on to bribe him with Popsicles and who knows what. They use whatever they can to try and control the kid.

    2. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Tripp loves Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous, nitro, or NOS

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Love Bug

      Tripp is huge! Joey Junker speaks!
      Hahah Tripp has bigger triceps than I do!

      Palin parenting

      Tripp speaks.

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      11:46 AM:
      In canned whipping cream? I've done that myself, no different than squirting on a dish and then eating it.

    5. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Huffing is cool and harmless. Plus you can lose weight.

    6. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Yeah, whipped cream is whipped cream. Yummy.

      That is not all there is to it. Most peeps prefer to stay dumb.

      Bristol had access to a doctor's office where there is more than enough laughing gas and good harmless fun.

      Demi Moore got real skinny but she was also hospitalized from laughing gas.

    7. Anonymous4:13 PM

      freeze your mouth throat and lungs. then its Bye Bye.

    8. Anonymous11:27 AM

      huffing - you know the huffers has been thru the dairy section when theres no gas left in your whipping cream when you use it. its cheap high courtesy of your local grocerystore.

  21. Anonymous11:08 AM


    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      11:08 AM:
      Disgusting! Looks like they want some attention now that Hillary has thrown her hat into the Presidential race.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Read the comments, priceless.

      they don't call it the part of stupid for nothing!!!

    3. Anonymous8:15 PM

      unbelievable...seriously, they really posted that?

  22. SallyinMI11:17 AM

    When you mother buys your 'engagement ring' for you, when neither of these young people has a real job, when both of them are in loves with loaded guns and loaded heads, and there is a young child being pulled out of school (again) and away from his father and siblings, and when CPS never steps in, a sane person has to wonder how they get away with the crap they do. And no Bristol, I do not hate are not worth that much emotion from me..I do hate what you are doing to your child, and wonder when the first 'accidental' shots will be fired, and who will be hurt.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM


    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      No argument from me.

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I wonder how Bristol will spin the story when Tripp is eventually sent back to Levi in Alaska because Bristol (or Dakota) no longer wants him around?

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      1:23 PM

      He can always live with Trig and Track. If Willow takes pity on him he can travel with her when she is not taking pictures of hair.

    5. Anonymous5:03 PM

      IT's one of those pubic zinconium faux ones.

  23. Anonymous11:22 AM

    A Gun Totin' Bristol Palin is Living in Sin with Hubby-To-Be

    A social media post of a Daisy Duke clad Bristol in a field firing some sort of automatic rifle loud enough to warrant her wearing headphones is making the retweet circuit. . . . . This all begs the question: if her views on abstinence in 2009 led to her living in sin in 2015, can we expect her 2012 views on marriage equality to lead to a torrid lesbian affair in 2021? Only time will tell.'_bristol_palin_is_living_in_sin_with_hubby-to-be

  24. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Here is what I think is going to happen. If no tabloids or reality shows make an offer to pay for the weddin' and make lots of $$$$ for them both, then the whole thing will be called off. No reality show, no nuptuals. It would not last long anyway, since even Duhkota can not turn a whore into a housewife.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      You nailed it.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      There you go! Real Housewives of Bumfuck Kentucky! Brissy fits perfectly, cept for the Louboutins.

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      If this is all for a reality show, it will bomb just like the last ones. How many times does this tribe have to be told that no one is interested in them?

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Or mama grifter will film it for HER channel or the sportman's show, that's why all guns, guns & more guns in these crazies hands!
      And Koda is crazy, Bristol is Crazy they should not have guns any guns all guns none!!!

    5. Anonymous4:33 PM

      I think the whole thing is fake and being done for a reality show. I'm basing my opinion on the eyes of Bristol and Dakota, their expressions. Big grins but there's something off about their eyes. Fake. Phony.

      I could be wrong.

  25. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Willow posted. Her Instagram has pics of customers hair she has done. She is talented. Hopefully it's her ticket out.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Um, yah. If they make a playboy aimed at dwarfs

  26. Anonymous1:13 PM

    That could be hair that Willow actually did. Or it could be a situation like Bristol knew at the Alaska Dermatology Office of their dear friends, the Cusacks. Bristol could always go away and come back to pretend she was working.

    What kind of money is Willow earning?

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Any relation to actor John Cusack?

  27. Anonymous1:35 PM

    StandProudNow iizthatiiz • 3 hours ago

    Here's the email from SarahPAC.

    CHIP-IN to support SarahPAC and help support
    these young Senators fight the LIBERAL MEDIA’S

    SarahPAC is determined to CONTINUE OUR SUPPORT for strong conservative leaders like Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio after the recent announcement that they would run for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

    The liberal media has been rallying to support Hillary Clinton in a combined effort to keep the GOP from winning the White House. They are afraid that these young GOP candidates have the ability to reach a more new and diverse group of voters that will secure the Republican Party for years to come.

    The insiders bet against our candidates and the liberal media attacked them because they were too conservative. But with the support of the hard-working grassroots activists like yourself and SarahPAC these young GOP leaders fought and won races that the establishment thought they would lose.

    We need to continue our message of strong
    conservative values, if you CHIP-IN just $10 our message will be seen by over 3,000 people or if you CHIP-IN $25 our message can be seen by over




    Share ›

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      oh oh. support the three senators running? That means she's not, c4pers. So Sorry!

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      How fucking stupid do you have to be to give money to her - that is documented to going mostly to supporting her lifestyle - under the pretext of supporting a gaggle of unelectable members of the League of Extraordinarily Inadequate Gentlemen? Seriously! I would like an answer.

      Any stupid fans of that horrible woman visiting Gryphen's defunct blog who're willing to speak up and enlighten us? Why would anyone give her a nickel?

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      All you have to do is look at the FEC filings to see how much she gives to candidates for what she takes in.

  28. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Over at the Pee Place, they are all talking about Sarah planning a wedding a month away. Somebody offered some good advice for living with a vet with PTSD. Make sure he takes his meds every day. Does anyone want to guess whether Dakota takes medication or sought therapy for his PTSD? When he worked for the arms manufacturer, he tried to sue them. In the court documents, they described an injury to Dakota's head in the military, for which he did not seek the recommended therapy.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      He does not see a therapist nor take medications.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      He's said he has not ever seen anyone for his PTSD or drinking. If he's on meds, it's self-administered.

    3. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Where can you find out their gift registries?
      Is it too soon to think about the wedding gifts?

      What about the bridal showers? The one in Alaska was pitiful. Only cousin Lauren and Marina Lupas. Piper and Willow gave the shower. No sign of Sarah?

      The bridal shower will be much better in Kentucky. Nothing like a southern wedding.

      Has Bristol mentioned her dress or anything about all the exciting goings on around the plans?

      We can't wait to hear about your dress, Bristol. Enough with the guns. Be real and up to date with what is happening.

    4. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Will Dakota be this lucky?

    5. Anonymous2:48 PM

      There is no hope for Dakota. He has to do what he wants. He won't learn but he may survive.

    6. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Sarah knows nothing about planning a wedding- her shotgun union took place in secret and so did her son's.

    7. Anonymous3:24 PM

      2:48 PM, he'll do what he's told. They hit the jackpot for Brissy, a wuss with mommy issues.

    8. Anonymous4:03 PM

      As far as I'm concerned, MOH should be stripped from Koda! His fuc Micheal Moore sign with the signature Palin "Crosshairs" set a dangerous precedent! He needs to be on meds, well all of them do and all guns removed from their possession! The Chin, the old cougar, MOH all of 'em any of 'em take away the guns.

    9. Anonymous8:02 PM

      3:24, yes, talk about the perfect mark, dumb, young and naive.

  29. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I did a little googling on Nancy French. She's commented a few times on her blog (her own, not the one she writes for Bristol) that she doesn't approve of "shacking up" before marriage. Yet, there she is, pretending to be Bristol celebrating shacking up before marriage, to a man she barely knows.

    Way to go, Nancy, you hypocritical, lying hack.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Nancy French is a Fake Christian who will do what it takes for money.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I wish Nancy would address these questions. I would like to know how she sits in church on Sundays and isn't hit by a metaphorical lightning bolt. Then again, maybe she's a regular churchgoer the same way the Palins are.

    3. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Reminds me of "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner.

    4. Anonymous7:57 PM

      nancy french is a fake christian, hypocritical exploiter...if there's a God that bitch will rot in hell.

    5. Anonymous8:00 PM

      No comments allowed on her insipid page, she can't handle the truth about herself. Buybull thumping for profit opportunist is what she is.

  30. Anonymous2:17 PM

    O/T I just went to willow' s instagr, there's a phony pic of $sarah and President Obama like they're on DWTS, Willow said "Mom going to murda me, she has a small crush on Barry. Now IM you must excuse me while I break out my bottle of Tequila cause I can't unsee that picture

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      We knew it we knew it we knew it.

      Thanks Willow

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Is this true? Link, please!!!!!

  31. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Her long webbed fingers in that photo freak me out. She is the spawn of the Creature of the Dead Lagoon.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      She's double-jointed. The boys love that about her....

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM


  32. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I know for a fact that Bristol Palin had sexual intercourse with Levi Johnston in Anchorage in 2010 right after getting paid to say she wasn't and wouldn't.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Link please.


    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Sarah is this you?

  33. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Is that a ladies blouse he is wearing?

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      No, it's Bruce Jenner's.

  34. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Bristol has always been a piss poor roll model for her two younger female siblings.

    Is Willow also cohabitating with a man, is she promiscuous like her older roll model sister or it could be Willow is saving her goodies for marriage like her mother and Grandma Sally did?

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Stop hating. Bristol is an excellent Christian abstinence roll model for America and her sisters.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      She does do a pretty fair job of 'rolling' around but I doubt that qualifies her to be a 'role' model for anyone based on any criteria and particularly not 'christian morals'. Her vocabulary, mean mouthed spirit, drinking habits and suggestive clothing exempt her from that category, right off the bat.

      She's just another ordinary young woman in her age group testing the waters of sexuality and life but for some reason has come to think she is special. If one has to pay someone else to create a falsely positive image of oneself, it's more pathetic than special.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Rolling in the Kentucky hay model?

    4. Anonymous7:55 PM

      "role" model...

    5. Anonymous8:16 AM

      it is what it is. its that palin tries to make it into some storybook lie that we have reason to comment. in other words dont pretend to be something youre not and we have no reason to comment! Kentucky pig farmers wife? Cool!

  35. Anonymous4:35 PM

    the chin is the

  36. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Cant wait for their first aggressive make out session when The Duke knocks her chin clean off. Which gun will he go for when he see's that?! Cap gun, water gun, star Trek Phaser? Major pussymeyer.

  37. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Random. Little known fact: Alaska is the prime tissue donor source. Lots of men dying young with strong bones suitable for manufacturing into implantable devices.


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