Friday, April 10, 2015

Taking a cue from Florida, Wisconsin has now asked some state workers to refrain from talking about "Climate Change."

State Treasurer Matt Adamczyk.
Courtesy of Bloomberg: 

Discussing climate change is out of bounds for workers at a state agency in Wisconsin. So is any work related to climate change—even responding to e-mails about the topic. 

A vote on Tuesday by Wisconsin’s Board of Commissioners of Public Lands, a three-member panel overseeing an agency that benefits schools and communities in the state, enacted the staff ban on climate change. “It’s not a part of our sole mission, which is to make money for our beneficiaries,” said State Treasurer Matt Adamczyk, a Republican who sits on the board. “That’s what I want our employees working on. That’s it. Managing our trust funds.” 

Adamczyk raised his concern at a public meeting on Tuesday that the board’s executive director, Tia Nelson, had spent on-the-job time working on global warming. Nelson did indeed work on climate change a bit in 2007 and ’08—at the request of the governor. Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle, who stepped down in 2011, appointed Nelson as co-chair of a global warming task force. “It honestly never occurred to me that being asked by a sitting governor to serve on a citizen task force would be objectionable,” she said.

I guess it also did not occur to her that Republicans are not known for having a logical response to talk concerning climate change. But then how could she when she was influenced by a devout tree hugger.

Nelson is the daughter of Gaylord Nelson, the U.S. Senator from Wisconsin who established Earth Day in 1970. For 17 years before joining the public land agency, she ran the Nature Conservancy's climate change initiative.

As I am sure many of you remember Florida pulled this same crap as well.

So apparently in the minds of conservatives if everybody will just stop talking about Climate change, then it will simply stop being an issue.

After all it worked so well when Ronald Reagan used that approach with AIDS back in the 1980's.


  1. What an embarrassment to my once progressive state.

  2. A. J. Billings2:59 AM

    Gryphen that cartoon, is a lie, it's mean spirited, it's a bad stereotype of old fat white Teaparty types, and no fair mocking women like Michelle Bachmann and $arah Paylin.

    And how dare you mock, yes MOCK, the great icons of flyover land like Jesus, Kim Kardashian, the Pope, and Sean Hannity!

    They form the backbone of our country's belief system!

    You should be ashamed of yourself to post such a bad cartoon.

    On the other hand, it is 100% true, and very funny.

    Ok, I like your sense of humor!


  3. Anonymous4:25 AM

    This guy looks as though he has been to too many buffets. Why do the obeses, homely people always gravitate to the gop? Maybe to be among their own kind?

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Perhaps gluttony is readily available pleasure to mask reality.

  4. Anonymous4:32 AM

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Yes and don't talk about oil spills, dirty water, soil, air or the death of corral reefs, amazon forest. Things that humans need to survive, cure disease and continue to live. Yep. Takers, Fakers, Frauds, Liars, and repukkklicans do not want you to talk about that at all. The party from iccy hell

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I don't know what the problem is, after all, not talking about sex has totally eliminated unplanned pregnancies, so the method works.

  7. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I Believe we have already gone past the point of no return when it comes to the climate. Hang on were in for an extreme ride. I also think we will all be apologizing to our children and their children for our lack of action on this matter.

  8. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Because if we don't say "climate change" is doesn't exist, right?

    Good god, and this is coming from ADULTS? And not only adults, actual elected probably semi-educated adults? My mind is blown.

  9. Anonymous4:49 PM

    You can bet this will go all the way to the Supreme Court.

  10. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Reminds me of an old "Soap" episode. "If I close my eyes, no one else can see me", except it was funny then. The party of Ostriches when it comes to science has got to wake up and get a grip.

  11. physicsmom9:41 PM

    I think Adamczyk misspoke when he said “It’s not a part of our sole mission, which is to make money for our beneficiaries,” I'll fix it: It's not a part of our sole mission, which is to make money for our benefactors. And since when has a state or municipal land manager been taxed with making money? Presumably, they're selling off public land. Didn't WI make a deal right after Walker was elected to give land to his buddy's lumber company? What will they do when the land runs out? How will they make money for their "beneficiaries" then? And by the way, who the hell are these "beneficiaries"? This is totally nonsensical and these folks should be laughed out of office.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.