Friday, April 10, 2015

Michele Bachmann and Dick Cheney agree that Barack Obama is the worst President in the history of the United States.

Does anybody else hear that ringing?
Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) denounced the proposed nuclear deal between the U.S. and Iran in a radio interview on Wednesday, calling it “literally the worst part” of President Barack Obama’s time in office. 

“This puts Iran in a position where they would have the firepower to be able to take out not only Israel, but they would have the firepower to use intercontinental ballistic missiles against the United States with nuclear-tipped warheads,” she told Florida Live host Dan Maduri. “This virtually guarantees, in my opinion, a World War III. I think that alone would qualify Barack Obama for being the worst president that the United States has ever had to endure.”

Now I would usually simply ignore this statement as it comes out of the red lined maw of a complete imbecile who is so ignorant that she loses over works her brains cells simply by trying to remember her own phone number.

However I read that she was not alone in her determination concerning the quality of President Obama's presidency. Dick Cheney was totally vibing on what she was saying.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Former Vice President Dick Cheney says President Barack Obama is the worst commander in chief the United States has ever had, in view of the recent Iranian nuclear agreement. 

Asked about the deal by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday, the former vice president said the Iranian regime is “one of the most radical” in history and that “Obama’s about to give them nuclear weapons.” 

“I vacillate between the various theories I’ve heard, but you know, if you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing,” Cheney said when asked whether he thought the president is naïve or something else. 

“I think his actions are constituted in my mind those of the worst president we’ve ever had,” he said.

You know there are days when I wonder if I could be any more proud of this President. 

I mean if both Michele Bachmann and Dick "Let's bomb the fuck out of Iraq" Cheney think he sucks, then you just know he is doing a FANTASTIC job!


  1. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Ah, Shelly is upset about pulling funding for the Pray Away the Gay group. Her (gay) husband Marcus has been collecting from the government for his clinic. All coming to a screeching halt, and Shelly is upset. Dickless Cheney wants more millions from Halliburton, another war would provide that. Why is his witchy, bitchy daughter always by his side?

  2. Anonymous4:42 AM

    These comments by Bachmann and Cheney are the kind that warrant the response: "Consider the source." Bachmann is a witless, currently unemployed right-wing politician; Cheney is a former vice president who cannot travel to much of the world because he is wanted for war crimes. Their opinions mean absolutely nothing to those of us who are rational and sentient.

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Once again, Beaglemom, you speak for me!

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      dickless and those responsible for Iraq were convicted in absentee of war crimes in malasia.

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Dickless Cheney has that snarl that is enough to turn anyone off. What a repulsive excuse for a man. Stated he had other priorities when he avoided the draft 6 times. Does not mind sending other people's family members to fight for Halliburton profits, though.

    1. Anonymous4:44 AM

      he has a snarl that'd sour milk.

  4. fromthediagonal6:07 AM

    I have said for years that every comment cheney utters should be prefixed by his "I had other priorities" statement.

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I swear to god, Cheney is the most evil looking man in the USA! He is so pissed off he'll go down in history as creating war, running the USA into massive debt and being VP with George Bush.

    Plus, he cannot stand the fact a black POTUS was elected twice and is liked and respected by the majority in our country. Hasn't he figured out that FACTS are FACTS?

    May he rot in Hell! His demised cannot come soon enough.

    As to Bachman - she is a 'has been' just like Sarah Palin - and very few throughout the country pay attention to either of those women!

  6. Randall7:03 AM

    Come on - you've gotta admit: Dick Cheney looks like a Batman villain, doesn't he? I mean, come ON...

    He sanctioned TORTURE of human beings and can't set foot outside of the country without being arrested and dragged to the World Court for war crimes!

    And Michele...
    I always looked forward to a "stupid-off" between Michele and Sarah Palin as contestants and we, the audience, having to take a drink everytime one of them something foolish.

    (Have to have a medic standing by in case of alcohol poisoning, however)

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM and Bush were the Worst we've had in recent times. and Michele is just another Wak job like the screech.

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Why aren't these two maniacs in prison?

  9. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Oh yes, 2 smelly rags come a calling. Dick and Bach. I proclaim.....dick and bach are the worst representatives of the USA man made piece of hemp paper in modern times. Yep. both crazies belong to the repukkklican party of ignorance and inflamed by our sista scarah and fed by the cock bros from takers and shakers of nuts. thank you. carry on

  10. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Oh, go blow another corndog Bachmann. Take it deep, like Marcus does.

  11. Cckids8:38 AM

    I read this earlier on this subject: "Cheney calling Pres.Obama the worst is like Mohammad Atta coming back from the dead to criticize Captain Sullenberger's landing skill." H/T to Balloon Juice.

    It is the most perfect response to the evil Darth Cheney's remarks that will ever be made.

  12. Well, as you pointed out, Bachmann couldn't read a menu without moving her lips and I doubt she's read anything about this treaty.

    Cheney is in the business of war. He profits off it. So anything smacking of peace, especially in the middle east where there is also oil, would stick in his craw.

    This is a consider the source issue. Had you not posted it here I wouldn't even have bothered to read it.

  13. Anonymous9:17 AM

    if she does I wont vote.

  14. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Ironic that Cheney says "who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries". That sums up the effect of the two wars he started. We had to turn our back on our allies to go into Iraq, and millions worldwide protested. We tortured, so now we have no moral high ground. After Iraq, terrorist numbers actually went up. I think Cheney may be projecting a little.

  15. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Oh for fuck's sake, DIE ALREADY DICK.
    I will be baking a cake to celebrate when you do.

  16. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Who listens to these 2 anyway? They are crazy as they come!

  17. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Nancy Reagan endorsed Hillary. Said it's time for a woman in the White House! per the Drudge Report, no less!!

  18. Anonymous12:30 PM

    If no other Democrat is running, I'll hold my nose while voting for her

  19. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Hey, they're bringing back the Wizzard of OZ, we got "If I only had a brain" AND "IF I only had a heart" in one post!! Hey, Shelly, have you seen Dick in action? Something sexy about a man with a rifle in his hand hunting, just don't talk to his lawyer before you go. And men being men, why not take a great shot like Sarah Palin with you, you know, so people don't talk.

  20. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Dick needs to take palin and bachman hunting. ;o)

  21. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I wish someone would figure out how to hack his bionic heart.

    I thought Michelle was under investigation for illegal campaigns funds.


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