Saturday, April 11, 2015

The new reality in America.

Sad, but true.

Here's one more.


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Last year, while visiting NYC, 3 young men boarded a bus we were riding, and the boys began to hassle a girl their age, with cat calls and promises to follow her. I got my camera out just to take a photo of the fellows, particularly the feisty ring-leader, but my family made me stop, because they were afraid I'd cause the situation to escalate. I was mad at them for stopping me, because it was my way of protecting that girl by warning off the boys. I would've even spoken to the lads if I'd had a chance, but my family "sat on me".
    For years I've been a citizen "ambassador" at our big local music festival. Our task is to witness any interactions that seem "escalated", so that both the citizens and the police know we're watching them.
    It's not just cops we need to film. Transgressors of all stripe need to be aware that we are watching. We are our own best guardians.

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Poor cope

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Smile! youre on Candid camera! nothing like turning the tables on Big Brother.

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I really can't take this anymore.

    NEVER, do I see black cops shooting white people and having the scene splattered all over the media (and yet it happens all the time).

    It's ALWAYS the white cop(s) shooting blacks and OMFG, it's such a fucking travesty, isn't it?

    Worse, my son (who is white) is on his way to becoming a police officer (or in most people speech, "pigs") because he truly wants to help people. The police departments in this country are extremely selective in their hiring procedures, just in case you thought all ex-military vets are hired as police. Nope.

    And I all hear and see is this constant 'white cop' gone bad shit all day long..

    When YOU need help from a cop, call your local gays, anti-gun crowd, or better yet, your local crackheads to offer you a hand. Or maybe that Dakota Meyers dude, you know, the MOH guy whose gonna kick some ass - but will NEVER will be protecting yours. So good luck with that.

    Not ALL cops are bad so knock this shit off Mr. G. You, of all people, ought to know better, ffs.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      ''''NEVER, do I see black cops shooting white people and having the scene splattered all over the media (and yet it happens all the time).'''

      Prove it. Of course you can't because it is NOT TRUE what you said.

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      TO: Anonymous1:01 PM

      What you said is not true, and differs from the Justice Dept stats. Justice Dept stats have no stats of Black cops killing whites, you simply made that up. Too bad you had to make up a fib to justify your defense of white racist anti-Black killer cops.

    3. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Anonymous1:01 PM

      The police depts are obviously are NOT too selective in their hiring practices, otherwise we would not see so many racist abusive cops on the forces across the nation. And many times there are cover-ups when a a dirty cop is exposed.
      I know every cop is not bad, but the bad ones spoil the whole barrel, especially when people look the other way and defend them like you are doing. But there will always be people like you to defend these abuses of cops.

  5. Anita Winecooler5:05 PM

    I've done it myself, and I'll do it again. Some numbskull teen whipped out his handgun at the dog park, I got it on film and photo and took it to the cops. This wasn't too far from a playground and ball fields. Your right to show off doesn't trump the public's right to safety.

  6. Anonymous1:47 AM

    there's bad in every race. the whites seem to have to have cornered the market on an already racist mindset. not surprising given the countrie's history and the anti-obama campaign. then you put these people behind a badge with peer pressure and good old boys. people passing not so funny emails of blacks being abused and this is what we've ended up with is open season on an already oppressed people not to mentioned already economically depressed people putting heavy fines on them which realistically arent within their economic means to satisfy. hense we have the warrents and shootings. our prisons are full for failure to pay fines...its a sad situation. help a man Up and you'll help a man Out of Poverty.

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I think the age of filming cops started with the Rodney King beating by cops. if that guy had not filmed those cops beating Rodney, they would have gotten away with it and said he was resisting arrest, and/or tried to take one of their guns. Many cops have gotten away with beating and killing people. So, the age of the video recording is GREAT.

    The cops who shot Walter Scott in the back 5 times as he ran, would never have been arrested for murder had a citizen not recorded it. The cop lied and said Walter tried to take his taser.
    Thank you to the man who filmed it.

  8. Anonymous7:32 AM


  9. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I had cops beating on a kid near my business. customers started filming. customers were arrested for filming. said people are now sueing cops.


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